< Luke 8 >

1 Kutu pacl tok Jesus el fufahsryesr in siti srisrik ac siti lulap in fahkak Pweng Wo ke Tokosrai lun God. Mwet singoul luo ah welul,
And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,
2 ac oayapa kutu mutan ma el tuh akkeyala liki kain in mas ac ngun fohkfok ma oan yorolos elos welul pac: Mary (su pangpang Magdalene), su ngun fohkfok itkosr lisyukla lukel;
And certain women, who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven demons,
3 Joanna, mutan kial Chuza, mwet kulansap fulat inkul sel Herod; ac Susanna — wi mutan pus pac saya su sang ma lalos sifacna in kasrel Jesus ac mwet tumal lutlut.
And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others, who ministered to him of their substance.
4 Mwet uh nuna fahsrna nu yurin Jesus liki acn nukewa; ac ke sie u na lulap fahsreni, Jesus el fahk pupulyuk se inge:
And when many people were gathered together, and had come to him out of every city, he spoke by a parable:
5 “Mwet se som in taknelik wheat. Ke el sisalik fita uh nu infohk uh, kutu fita uh putati nu sisken inkanek uh, yen mwet uh longya, ac won uh kangla.
A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.
6 Kutu putati nu in acn eoteot, ac ke srunak, sa na masla mweyen wangin kof ke fohk uh.
And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.
7 Kutu sin fita uh putati nu in acn ma oasr okan kokul we, wi na sacn uh kapak ac kupoiya.
And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.
8 Ac kutu putati nu in fohk wo — ma inge kapak ac oswe fahko wo, kais siofok ke ma soko.” Na Jesus el fahk ke pusra lulap, “Kowos in lohng ma inge fin oasr srewos!”
And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bore fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
9 Mwet tumal lutlut elos siyuk sin Jesus lah mea kalmen pupulyuk sac,
And his disciples asked him, saying, What doth this parable mean?
10 ac el topuk ac fahk, “Etauk ke ma lukma ke Tokosrai lun God uh itukot tari nu suwos, tusruktu nu sin mwet saya uh ma inge tuku in luman pupulyuk, elos in mau suk a tia liyauk, ac elos in lohng a tia kalem kac.”
And he said, To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.
11 “Pa inge kalmen pupulyuk sac: Fita inge pa kas lun God.
Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
12 Fita ma putati sisken inkanek uh pa mwet su lohng kas lun God, na Devil el tuku ac eisla kas inge liki insialos elos in mau tia lulalfongi ac moulla kac.
Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.
13 Fita ma putati nu in fohk eoteot uh pa mwet su lohng kas inge ac insewowo kac. Tusruktu kas uh tiana putati loal in elos. Elos lulalfongi na ke kitin pacl, a ke mwe sruhf uh sonolos, na elos ikori.
They on the rock are they, who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away.
14 Fita ma putati nu yen kokul uh oan we pa elos su lohg — a elya lalos, ac mwe kasrup ac mwe pwar lun moul se inge ekosla acn sin kas uh, na fahko uh tiana mwesrla.
And that which fell among thorns are they, who, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection.
15 Fita ma putati in fohk wo uh pa mwet su lohng kas uh, ac sang nu insielos ke nunak wo ac akosten. Ac elos sruokya ku nwe ke na isus fahko.
But that on the good ground are they, who in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.
16 “Wangin sie mwet ac akosak lam uh ac filiya ye sie ahlu ku ye sie bed, a el ac filiya fin sukan lam uh, tuh mwet in liye kalem uh ke elos ac utyak nu in lohm uh.
No man, when he hath lighted a lamp, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a lampstand, that they who enter in may see the light.
17 “Kutena ma su wikla ac fah liyeyuk lemtulauk sin mwet uh, ac kutena ma su lukmaiyuk, ac fah akkalemyeyuk.
For nothing is secret, that shall not become evident; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come to light.
18 “Ke ma inge, kowos lohng akoaruye, mweyen el su oasr ma yoro, ac fah itukyang pac kutu nu sel; a el su wangin ma yoro, ac fah itukla lukel, finne ma srisrik ma el nunku mu oasr yorol.”
Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whoever hath, to him shall be given; and whoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.
19 Nina kial Jesus ac tamulel lal elos tuku nu yorol, tusruktu ke sripen iktokeni lun mwet uh, elos tia ku in kalukyang nu yorol.
Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come near to him for the crowd.
20 Sie sin mwet uh fahk nu sel Jesus, “Nina kiom ac tamulel lom ah pa tu likinum uh, ac elos ke osun nu sum.”
And it was told to him by certain who said, Thy mother and thy brethren stand outside, desiring to see thee.
21 Jesus el fahk nu selos nukewa, “Nina kiuk ac mwet lik uh pa elos su lohng kas lun God ac akos.”
And he answered and said to them, My mother and my brethren are these who hear the word of God, and do it.
22 Sie len ah Jesus el sroang nu fin oak soko wi mwet tumal lutlut, ac el fahk nu selos, “Kut kalot nu lefahlo.” Na eltal oacla.
Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a boat with his disciples: and he said to them, Let us go over to the other side of the lake. And they launched forth.
23 Ke elos kalkalla in lulu uh, Jesus el motulla. Kitin pacl ah na eng na upa se tuhyak ac oak uh mutawauk in sessesla ke kof, ac elos nukewa arulana fosrngala.
But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy.
24 Mwet tumal lutlut elos som ac oaksalak Jesus ac fahk, “Leum, Leum! Kut ac misa pa’nge!” Jesus el tukakek ac kai eng upa sac ac noa uh, na eng uh mihsi ac noa uh tui, ac mihs na lulap se sikyak.
And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.
25 Na el fahk nu sin mwet tumal lutlut, “Pia lulalfongi lowos an?” A elos arulana fwefela ac sangeng, ac fahk nu sin sie sin sie, “Su mwet se inge? El sapsap nu sin eng uh ac noa uh, ac elos aksol!”
And he said to them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid marvelled, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.
26 Jesus ac mwet tumal lutlut elos kalla na som nu Gerasa, su oan lefahl laco in lulu uh tulanya acn Galilee.
And they arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is opposite Galilee.
27 Ke Jesus el srola nu finmes uh, el sun mwet se in acn sac su oasr ngun fohkfok pus in el. Ke lusen pacl na loes se mwet se inge tiana nuknuk, ac tia muta lohm sel, a el mutana inmasrlon kulyuk uh.
And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, who had demons a long time, and wore no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs.
28 Ke el liyalak Jesus, el wowoyak ac putati nu ke nial, ac fahk ke sie pusra lulap, “Jesus, Wen nutin God Fulatlana! Mea kom lungse sik an? Nga kwafe sum, nimet akkeokyeyu!”
When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? I beseech thee, torment me not.
29 El fahk ma inge mweyen Jesus el tuh sap ngun fohkfok sac in som lukel. Pacl na pus ngun fohkfok sac sruokilya, ac el nwe sruhu in presin ac paol ac nial kapiri na ke sein, a el ac wotyalik sein inge, ac ngun fohkfok sac ac kololla nu yen mwesis.
( For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For often it had caught him: and he was kept bound with chains and in fetters; and he broke the bands, and was driven by the demon into the wilderness.)
30 Jesus el siyuk sel, “Su inem an?” El fahk, “Inek pa ‘Legion’”— mweyen pus na ngun fohkfok ilyak tari nu in el.
And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many demons had entered into him.
31 Ngun fohkfok uh kwafe sel Jesus elan tia luselosla nu in luf loal wangin saflaiya. (Abyssos g12)
And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep. (Abyssos g12)
32 Tuh oasr un pig na lulap se muta in acn sac mongo pe eol uh. Ouinge ngun fohkfok uh kwafe tuh Jesus elan fuhlelosla elos in ilyak nu in pig uh, na el fuhlelosla.
And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they besought him that he would allow them to enter into them. And he permitted them.
33 Elos illa liki mwet sac nu in pig uh. Na un pig na fon sac riryak som liki mutun fulu sac ac atula nu in kof uh ac walomla.
Then the demons went out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked.
34 Mwet ma karingin un pig uh liye ma sikyak uh, na elos kasrusr som ac fahkelik pweng sac in siti uh ac yurin mwet orek ima uh.
When they that fed them saw what was done, they fled, and went and told it in the city and in the country.
35 Mwet uh som in liye ma sikyak inge, ac ke elos tuku nu yurin Jesus elos liyauk mwet se ma ngun fohkfok uh itukla lukel lah el muta ke nien Jesus — el nuknukyang ac tila wel; ac elos nukewa arulana sangeng.
Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the demons had departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.
36 Mwet ma liye ma inge elos fahkak ouiyen kwela lun mwet sac liki mas lal.
They also who saw it told them by what means he that was possessed by the demons was healed.
37 Na mwet nukewa in acn Gerasa siyuk Jesus elan som liki acn we, mweyen elos nukewa arulana sangeng. Ouinge Jesus el sroang nu fin oak uh in som.
Then the whole multitude of the country of the surrounding region of the Gadarenes besought him to depart from them; for they were seized with great fear: and he went into the boat, and returned back again.
38 Mwet se ma ngun fohkfok uh som lukel el kwafe nu sin Jesus ac fahk, “Nga ku in wi kom som?” A Jesus el fahk,
Now the man out of whom the demons had departed besought him that he might be with him: but Jesus sent him away, saying,
39 “Folokla nu in acn sum ac fahkak ma nukewa ma God El oru nu sum.” Na mwet sac fahsr sasla in siti sac, ac fahkak ke ma nukewa Jesus el oru nu sel.
Return to thy own house, and show what great things God hath done to thee. And he went away, and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done to him.
40 Ke Jesus el foloko mwet uh insewowo in paingul, mweyen elos nukewa muta soanel.
And it came to pass, that, when Jesus had returned, the people gladly received him: for they were all waiting for him.
41 Na mwet se pangpang Jairus el tuku — el sie mwet kol lun iwen lolngok we. El putati nu ke nien Jesus, ac kwafe sel elan som nu lohm sel ah,
And, behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at the feet of Jesus, and besought him that he would come into his house:
42 mweyen acn sefanna natul su yac singoul luo matwal, el mas ac apkuran in misa. Ke Jesus el welul som, u lulap sac ukwalla pac, oru elos arulana iktokeni.
For he had one daughter only, about twelve years of age, and she lay dying. But as he was going the people thronged him.
43 Oasr pac sie mutan wi un mwet sac fahsr su maskin musen srah ke yac singoul luo. El sisla mani lal nukewa nu sin mwet ono, tuh wanginna sie ku in akkeyalla.
And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, who had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed by any,
44 El fahsryak inmasrlon mwet uh nu tokol Jesus ac kahlye pulan nuknuk lal ah, ac kitin pacl ah na musen srah se lal ah tui.
Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stopped.
45 Na Jesus el fahk, “Su kahlyuwi uh?” Mwet nukewa fahk mu tia etu, na Peter el fahk, “Leum, mwet uh arulana raunikomla ac ikuskomyak.”
And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
46 A Jesus el fahk, “Oasr mwet se kahlyuwi, mweyen nga pula mu oasr ku luk som likiyu.”
And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that power hath gone out of me.
47 Mutan sac akilen lah eteyukyak ma el oru uh, ouinge el fahsryak rarrar ac putati nu ke nien Jesus. Ye mutun mwet nukewa el fahkak nu sel lah efu ku el kahlilya, ac fahk pac lah mas lal wanginla in pacl sacna.
And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared to him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.
48 Jesus el fahk nu sel, “Acn nutik, lulalfongi lom akkeyekomla. Som in misla.”
And he said to her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee well; go in peace.
49 Ke Jesus el srakna fahk ma inge, sie mwet supweyukme liki lohm sin mwet kol lun iwen lolngok sac ac fahk nu sel, “Jairus, acn nutum el misa. Nimet sifil aklokoalokye mwet luti sacn.”
While he was yet speaking, there cometh one from the house of the ruler of the synagogue, saying to him, Thy daughter is dead; trouble not the Master.
50 Tusruk Jesus el lohng sap soko ah, ac el fahk nu sel Jairus, “Nikmet fosrnga. Lulalfongi na, ac tulik sac ac fah sifil moul.”
But when Jesus heard it, he answered him, saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made well.
51 Ke Jesus el sun lohm sac, el tia lela kutena mwet in welul utyak sayal Peter, John, ac James, oayapa papa ac nina kien tulik sac.
And when he came into the house, he allowed no man to go in, except Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
52 Mwet in lohm sac nufon elos tung ac asor ke tulik sac. Ac Jesus el fahk, “Nimet kowos tung. Tulik se inge tia misa, el motul na!”
And all wept, and bewailed her: but he said, Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth.
53 Elos nukewa isrunul, mweyen elos etu lah tulik sac misa tari.
And they laughed at him, knowing that she was dead.
54 A Jesus el sruokya paol ac fahk ke pusra lulap, “Tulik se, tukakek!”
And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise.
55 Na el moulyak, ac in kitin pacl ah na el tukakek, ac Jesus el sap elos in sang kutu mongo nal.
And her spirit came again, and she arose immediately: and he commanded to give her something to eat.
56 Papa ac nina kial eltal arulana lut, tusruk Jesus el fahk eltal in tiana fahk nu sin kutena mwet ma sikyak uh.
And her parents were astonished: but he charged them that they should tell no man what was done.

< Luke 8 >