< Luke 19 >

1 Jesus el utyak nu Jericho, ac fahsr sasla we.
And he went into Jericho, and when he was going through it,
2 Oasr sie mwet kol lun mwet eisani tax in acn sac, inel pa Zacchaeus, su sie mwet na kasrup.
A man, named Zacchaeus, who was the chief tax-farmer, and a man of wealth,
3 El srike elan wi liye lah su Jesus, tusruk ke sripen el mwet na fototo se, oru el kofla liyalak Jesus mweyen mwet uh arulana pus.
Made an attempt to get a view of Jesus, and was not able to do so, because of the people, for he was a small man.
4 Na el kasrusr nu meet ac fanyak nu ulun sak sycamore soko elan ku in liyal Jesus ke el fahsryak in acn sac.
And he went quickly in front of them and got up into a tree to see him, for he was going that way.
5 Ke Jesus el sun acn sac, el ngetak ac fahk nu sel Zacchaeus, “Zacchaeus, sulaklak fani, mweyen misenge nga ac muta in lohm sum.”
And when Jesus came to the place, looking up, he said to him, Zacchaeus, be quick and come down, for I am coming to your house today.
6 Zacchaeus el sulaklak fani, ac el engan ma lulap in eisal Jesus nu in lohm sel.
And he came down quickly, and took him into his house with joy.
7 Mwet nukewa su liye ma inge elos mutawauk in torkaskas ac fahk, “Mwet se inge utyak ac muta in lohm sin sie mwet koluk!”
And when they saw it, they were all angry, saying, He has gone into the house of a sinner.
8 Zacchaeus el tuyak ac fahk nu sin Leum, “Leum, nga ke fahk nu sum lah nga ac sang tafu mwe kasrup luk nu sin mwet sukasrup, ac nga fin tuh kiapwela kutena mwet ke ma lalos, nga ac fah akfalye nu sel pacl akosr yohk liki ma nga eisla.”
And Zacchaeus, waiting before him, said to the Lord, See, Lord, half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken anything from anyone wrongly, I give him back four times as much.
9 Jesus el fahk nu sel, “Mwet nukewa lohm uh langoeyukla misenge, tuh mwet se inge el oayapa ma in fwilin tulik natul Abraham.
And Jesus said to him, Today salvation has come to this house, for even he is a son of Abraham.
10 Wen nutin Mwet el tuku in suk ac in molela mwet su tuhlac.”
For the Son of man came to make search for those who are wandering from the way, and to be their Saviour.
11 Ke mwet uh srakna lohng ma inge, Jesus el sifilpa fahkak nu selos sie pupulyuk. In pacl se inge el apkuran in sun acn Jerusalem, ac elos nunku mu Tokosrai lun God akuranna sikyak.
And while they were giving ear to these words, he made another story for them, because he was near Jerusalem, and because they were of the opinion that the kingdom of God was coming straight away.
12 Ouinge el fahk, “Oasr sie mwet leum su ako in som nu in sie acn loessula in tuh touyak el nu ke tokosra. Ac el akoo mu el ac sifil foloko nu yen sel tukun el walak uh.
So he said, A certain man of high birth went into a far-away country to get a kingdom for himself, and to come back.
13 Meet liki el som, el pangonma mwet kulansap singoul lal, ac sang nu sin kais sie selos ipin mani gold se, ac fahk nu selos, ‘Liye lah mea kowos ac ku in konauk in laesla ma inge ke nga ac som uh.’
And he sent for ten of his servants and gave them ten pounds and said to them, Do business with this till I come.
14 A mwet in facl sel arulana kwasel, na elos supwala kutu mwet utuk kas in som tokol ac fahk, ‘Kut tia lungse mwet se inge in tokosra lasr.’
But his people had no love for him, and sent representatives after him, saying, We will not have this man for our ruler.
15 “Mwet sac tokosrala, na el foloko. Na el sap mwet kulansap lal uh in tuku elan liye lah lupa su elos akyokyelik ke ipin mani el tuh sang nu selos ah.
And when he came back again, having got his kingdom, he gave orders for those servants to whom he had given the money to come to him, so that he might have an account of what business they had done.
16 Mwet se oemeet ah tuku ac fahk, ‘Leum luk, nga laesla ipin mani gold se ma kom tuh ase nu sik ah ke ipin gold singoul.’
And the first came before him, saying, Lord, your pound has made ten pounds.
17 Tokosra sac fahk, ‘Wo orekma lom. Kom sie mwet kulansap oaru! Ke sripen kom oaru ke ma srik, nga ac fah sot kom in leum fin siti singoul.’
And he said to him, You have done well, O good servant: because you have done well in a small thing you will have authority over ten towns.
18 Mwet se akluo ah tuku ac fahk, ‘Leum luk, nga laesla mani se kom tuh ase nu sik ah ke ipin gold limekosr.’
And another came, saying, Your pound has made five pounds.
19 Na tokosra sac fahk nu sin mwet sac, ‘Kom ac fah leum fin siti limekosr.’
And he said, You will be ruler over five towns.
20 Sie pac mwet kulansap uh tuku ac fahk, ‘Leum luk, pa inge ipin mani gold se lom ah. Nga liyaung na ac nokomla ke sie ipin nuknuk.
And another came, saying, Lord, here is your pound, which I put away in a cloth;
21 Nga sangeng sum mweyen kom sie mwet na upa. Kom eis ma su tia ma lom, ac kosrani ke ma kom tia taknelik.’
Because I was in fear of you, for you are a hard man: you take up what you have not put down, and get in grain where you have not put seed.
22 Na tokosra sac fahk nu sel, ‘Kom mwet kulansap koluk! Nga ac fah orekmakin kas lom sifacna in nununkekom! Kom etu lah nga mwet upa se, su eis ma su tia ma luk, ac kosrani ke ma nga tia taknelik.
He said to him, By the words of your mouth you will be judged, you bad servant. You had knowledge that I am a hard man, taking up what I have not put down and getting in grain where I have not put seed;
23 Ke ouingan uh, efu ku kom tia filiya mani luk an in bank, na ke nga foloko nga lukun eis wi kap kac?’
Why then did you not put my money in a bank, so that when I came I would get it back with interest?
24 Na tokosra sac fahk nu sin mwet ma tu insac uh, ‘Eisla ipin mani gold sacn lukel, ac sang nu sin mwet kulansap se ma ipin mani gold singoul oasr yoro an.’
And he said to the others who were near, Take the pound away from him, and give it to the man who has ten.
25 A elos fahk nu sel, ‘Leum, oasr tari ipin mani gold singoul yorol!’
And they say to him, Lord, he has ten pounds.
26 Ac el topuk, ‘Nga fahk nu suwos, kutena mwet su oasr ma lal, ac fah itukyang pac kutu ma yohk liki nu sel. A mwet su wangin ma lal, finne ma srisrik su oan sel ac fah itukla lukel.
And I say to you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
27 Inge, nu sin mwet lokoalok luk su tia lungse ngan tokosra lalos, usalosme ac onelosla nukewa ye mutuk!’”
And as for those who were against me, who would not have me for their ruler, let them come here, and be put to death before me.
28 Tukun Jesus el fahk ma inge, el fahsr meet lukelos in som nu Jerusalem.
And when he had said this, he went on in front of them, going up to Jerusalem.
29 Ke el apkuranyang nu Bethphage ac Bethany ke Fineol Olive, el supwala luo sin mwet tumal lutlut uh in som meet,
And it came about that when he got near Beth-phage and Bethany by the mountain which is named the Mountain of Olives, he sent two of the disciples,
30 ac el fahk nu seltal: “Komtal fahsrot nu in siti srisrik se meeto ingo. Ke komtal tufahna utyak nu we komtal ac liye soko donkey fusr kapir in acn sac su soenna oasr mwet muta fac. Tulalla ac usalu.
Saying, Go into the little town in front of you, and on going in you will see a young ass fixed with a cord, on which no man has ever been seated; let him loose and take him.
31 Fin oasr mwet siyuk lah efu komtal ku tulalla, komtal fahk mu, ‘Leum el enenal.’”
And if anyone says to you, Why are you taking him? say, The Lord has need of him.
32 Eltal som ac liye tuh ma nukewa oana ma Jesus el fahk nu seltal ah.
And those whom he sent went away, and it was as he said.
33 Ke pacl se eltal tulala donkey fusr soko ah, mwet ma natu ah siyuk seltal, ‘Efu ku komtal tulala?”
And when they were getting the young ass, the owners of it said to them, Why are you taking the young ass?
34 Ac eltal fahk, “Leum el enenal.”
And they said, The Lord has need of him.
35 Na eltal pwanla donkey fusr soko ah nu yurin Jesus. Elos filiya nuknuk lalos nu fac, ac kasrel Jesus elan sroang.
And they took him to Jesus, and they put their clothing on the ass, and Jesus got on to him.
36 Ke el som, mwet uh laknelik nuknuk lalos uh fin inkanek uh.
And while he went on his way they put their clothing down on the road in front of him.
37 Ke el tuku apkuran nu Jerusalem, ke acn se ma inkanek uh oatui ke Fineol Olive, sie u na lulap sin mwet tumal lutlut elos mutawauk in engan ac kaksakin God ke pusra lulap ke ma usnguk puspis ma elos wi liye.
And when he came near the foot of the Mountain of Olives, all the disciples with loud voices gave praise to God with joy, because of all the great works which they had seen;
38 Elos fahk, “God Elan akinsewowoye tokosra su tuku Inen Leum! Misla in kusrao, ac wolana nu sin God!”
Saying, A blessing on the King who comes in the name of the Lord; peace in heaven and glory in the highest.
39 Na kutu sin mwet Pharisee inmasrlon un mwet uh fahk nu sin Jesus, “Mwet Luti, fahk nu sin mwet tomom lutlut inge elos in misla!”
And some of the Pharisees among the people said to him, Master, make your disciples be quiet.
40 Ac Jesus el topuk, “Nga fahk nu suwos, elos fin misla, na eot uh ac fah mutawauk in wowoyak.”
And he said in answer, I say to you, if these men keep quiet, the very stones will be crying out.
41 El tuku apkuranyang nu ke siti uh, ac ke el liye, el tung kac,
And when he got near and saw the town, he was overcome with weeping for it,
42 ac fahk, “Saok kom in etu misenge ma ac ku in sot misla nu sum! A inge kom tia ku in liye!
Saying, If you, even you, had knowledge today, of the things which give peace! but you are not able to see them.
43 Pacl se ac fah tuku ke mwet lokoalok lom ac fah raunikomla ac kuhluskomla, ac kosrekomla ac putati nu fom liki acn nukewa.
For the time will come when your attackers will put a wall round you, and come all round you and keep you in on every side,
44 Elos ac fah arulana kunauskomla wi mwet nukewa su muta in pot fulat lom. Wangin sie eot ac fah oan yen se, mweyen kom tuh tia akilen pacl se God El tuku in tuh molikomla ah!”
And will make you level with the earth, and your children with you; and there will not be one stone resting on another in you, because you did not see that it was your day of mercy.
45 Na Jesus el som nu in Tempul ac mutawauk in lusak mwet kuka uh,
And he went into the Temple and put out those who were trading there,
46 ac el fahk nu selos, “Simla in Ma Simusla mu God El fahk, ‘Tempul luk ac fah sie lohm in pre,’ a kowos ekulla nu ke sie acn in wikla lun mwet pisrapasr!”
Saying to them, It has been said, My house is to be a house of prayer, but you have made it a hole of thieves.
47 Len nukewa Jesus el luti in Tempul. Un mwet tol fulat, ac mwet luti Ma Sap, ac mwet kol lun mwet uh elos kena unilya,
And every day he was teaching in the Temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the rulers of the people were attempting to put him to death;
48 tusruk elos koflana konauk lah elos ac oru fuka, mweyen mwet uh lungse lohng kas nukewa ke luti lal uh.
But they were not able to do anything, because the people all kept near him, being greatly interested in his words.

< Luke 19 >