< Luke 15 >

1 Sie len ah ke mwet eisani tax ac mwet koluk puspis saya fahsreni in lohng luti lun Jesus,
Now all the tax-gatherers and sinners continued to draw near him, and to listen to him.
2 mwet Pharisee ac mwet luti Ma Sap uh mutawauk in torkaskas ac fahk, “Mwet se inge eisani mwet koluk ac el welulos pac mongo!”
And the Pharisees and Scribes began to complain, saying, "He is welcoming sinners and eating with them!"
3 Ouinge Jesus el fahk pupulyuk se inge nu selos:
And he told them a parable.
4 “Fin sie suwos oasr sheep siofok natul, ac soko tuhlac, mea el ac oru? Ya el ac tia filiya ma eungoul eu inima an ac som suk ma soko ma tuhlac nwe ke na el konauk?
"Which one of you men, if he has a hundred sheep, and has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety and nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?
5 Ke el konalak el ac arulana engan, na el ac srakalak nu finpisal,
"And after he has found it, he lays it on his shoulder, rejoicing.
6 ac usal folokla nu yen sel ah. Na el ac pangoneni mwet kawuk lal ac mwet tulan lal ac fahk nu selos, ‘Fahsru wiyu engan, mweyen nga konauk sheep soko nutik ma tuhlac!’
"When he gets home he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’
7 Nga fahk nu suwos, in ouiya se pacna inge, ac fah oasr engan lulap inkusrao ke sie mwet koluk su auliyak, liki mwet suwoswos eungoul eu su nunku mu elos tia enenu in auliyak.
"I say to you that even so there shall be joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, more than over ninety and nine just persons who need no repentance.
8 “Ku sie mutan fin oasr ipin mani singoul lal, ac sie tuhlac, mea el ac oru? Ya el ac tia akosak lam uh, imonla lohm uh, ac moniyuk in suk nwe ke na el konauk?
"Or, again, suppose a woman has ten coins. If she loses one, does she not light a lamp and sweep the house, and search anxiously until she finds it?
9 Ke pacl se el konauk uh el ac pangoneni mwet kawuk lal ac mwet tulan lal ac fahk nu selos, ‘Fahsru wiyu engan, mweyen nga konauk ipin mani se luk ma tuhlac!’
"And when she has found it, she calls together her woman friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.’
10 Nga fahk nu suwos, in ouiya se na inge, yohk engan yurin lipufan lun God ke sie mwet koluk su auliyak.”
"Even so I tell you there is joy in the presence of the angels for God over one sinner who repents."
11 Ac Jesus el sifilpa fahk, “Oasr wen luo nutin sie mwet.
And he said. "There was a man who had two sons.
12 Wen se ma fusr ah fahk nu sin papa tumal, ‘Papa, ase nu sik inge ip luk ke mwe usru lom uh.’ Ouinge papa sac kitalik usru lal nu seltal.
"The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of your property which is coming to me.’ So he divided his means among them.
13 Tukun kutu len, wen se ma fusr ah el eisani ma lal nukewa ac som nu ke sie facl loessula, ac sununtei mani lal uh ke ma na wangin sripa.
"Not many days after that the younger son gathered everything together and took his journey into a distant country; and there he wasted his money on living unsavingly.
14 Tukun el sisla ma lal nukewa, na sie sracl lulap sikyak in facl sac, ac el muta in kwaco na lulap.
"After he had spent everything there came a terrible famine in the land, and he began to be in want.
15 Ke ma inge el som ac sukok orekma yurin sie mwet in facl sac, su supwalla nu inima lal in liyaung pig uh.
"So he went and hired to one of the citizens of that land, who sent him out into the fields to feed swine.
16 El kena akkihpye insial ke kulun bean nun pig uh, a wanginna mwet sang nu sel.
"And he was longing to be filled with the husks which the swine were eating, but no one gave him any.
17 Tok, el asmakla ac nunkauk in el mu, ‘Yolyak mwe mongo nun mwet orekma lun papa tumuk, a nga akuran misa ke masrinsral!
"When he came to himself he said. "‘How many of my father’s hired men have bread enough and to spare, while I am perishing of hunger!
18 Inge nga ac tuyak ac folokla nu yurin papa tumuk ac fahk nu sel, “Papa, nga orekma koluk lain God ac lain kom.
"‘I will rise and go to my father, and say to him. "Father, I have sinned against Heaven and in your sight,
19 Tia fal in sifil pangpang nga wen nutum. Oreyu oana sie sin mwet orekma lom.’”
"‘"I am no more worthy to be called your son; only make me like one of your hired men."‘
20 Ke ma inge, el tuyak ac folokla nu yurin papa tumal. “Ke el srakna fahsr loesla liki lohm sel uh, papa tumal ah liyalak ac arulana pakomutal, ac el kasrusr nu yurin wen natul, kafiselma inpaol ac ngok mutal.
"So he arose and went to his father; but while he was yet a great way off, his father saw him and was moved with compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.
21 Na wen sac fahk, ‘Papa, nga orekma koluk lain God ac lain kom. Tia fal in sifilpa pangpang nga wen nutum.’
"The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight and am no more worthy to be called your son.’
22 Tusruktu papa sac fahk nu sin mwet kulansap lal, ‘Sulaklak, use sie nuknuk na kato ac sang nokmulang. Sang pac sie ring nu ke paol, ac fahluk nu ke nial.
"‘Fetch the best robe, quick,’ said the father to his slaves, ‘and put it on him, and give him a ring on his finger, and shoes on his feet.
23 Na kowos som ac use cow fusr soko ma fact oemeet uh ac uniya, kut in orek kufwa ac engan.
"‘Bring that fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry,
24 Mwehen wen se nutik inge tuh misa, ac inge el sifil moul; el tuhlac, ac inge koneyukyak el.’ Ouinge kufwa ah mutawauk.
"‘for this son of mine was dead and is alive again - he was lost and is found.’
25 “In pacl se inge, wen se ma matu ah orekma oasr inimae. Ke el foloko ac apkuranyang nu ke lohm uh, el lohng pusren mwe on ac onsrosro.
"So they began to make merry. But his elder son was in the field, and as he drew near to the house he heard music and dancing,
26 Na el pangonma sie sin mwet kulansap uh ac siyuk sel, ‘Mea orek uh?’
"and he summoned one of the slaves, and began to inquire of him what all this meant.
27 Ac mwet kulansap sac fahk, ‘Tamulel se lom el foloko, ac papa tomom el uniya cow fusr soko ma fact oemeet uh, mweyen wen se natul ah painmoul foloko ac ku na.’
"‘Your brother is come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has him safe and sound.’
28 Wen se ma matu arulana kasrkusrak, ac tia lungse utyak nu in lohm ah. Ouinge papa tumal el tufoki ac kwafe elan utyak.
"But he was angry and would not go in; so his father came out, and attempted to plead with him; but he said to his father.
29 Tusruktu el topuk papa tumal ac fahk, ‘Liye, yac puspis nga orekma nu sum oana sie mwet foko, ac tiana seakos ma sap lom uh. Ac mea kom se nu sik? Ne nani soko, kom tia pac use nga in orek kufwa kac yurin mwet kawuk luk uh!
"‘All these years I have been slaving for you and never disobeyed a command of yours. Yet you never gave me even a kid so that I might make merry with my friends.
30 A wen se nutum inge el sununtei ma lom nukewa yurin mutan kosro su eis molin kosro lalos, ac ke el foloko kom uniya cow fusr soko ma fact oemeet uh nu sel!’
"‘But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your property with harlots, you have killed him the fatted calf.’
31 Papa sac fahk nu sel, ‘Wen nutik, kom muta yuruk pacl nukewa, ac ma luk nukewa ma lom.
"‘My dear son,’ answered his father, ‘you are always with me and all that is mine is yours.
32 A kut enenu na in orek kufwa ac engan, mweyen tamulel se lom inge el misa ac sifil moul. El tuhlac, ac inge sifil koneyukyak el.’”
"‘But it was fitting that we should make merry and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and is alive; he was lost and is found.’"

< Luke 15 >