< Genesis 40 >

1 Kutu pacl tok, sifen mwet okwok wain ac sifen mwet manman flao lun tokosra Egypt eltal aktoasryal tokosra.
Whanne these thingis weren doon so, it bifelde that twei geldyngis, the boteler and the baker `of the kyng of Egipt, synneden to her lord.
2 Tokosra el kasrkusrakak sin mwet kol luo inge
And Farao was wrooth ayens hem, for the toon was `souereyn to boteleris, the tother was `souereyn to bakeris.
3 ac fuhleltal uh in presin, in lohm sin captain lun mwet liyaung mwet kapir, yen se pacna ma Joseph el kapir we.
And he sente hem in to the prisoun of the prince of knyytis, in which also Joseph was boundun.
4 Eltal muta in kapir ke pacl na loeloes se, ac captain sac srisrngilya Joseph tuh elan kulansupwaltal.
And the keper of the prisoun bitook hem to Joseph, which also `mynystride to hem. Sumdel of tyme passide, and thei weren hooldun in kepyng, and bothe sien a dreem in o nyyt,
5 Sie fong ah, mwet okwok wain sac ac sifen mwet manman flao sac tukeni mweme in presin, ac mweme laltal tia oana sie kalmac.
bi couenable expownyng to hem.
6 Ke Joseph el tuku nu yoroltal ke lotu tok ah, el liye lah toasr ngetnget laltal.
And whanne Joseph hadde entrid to hem eerli, and hadde seyn hem sori,
7 El siyuk seltal, “Efu ku komtal luman toasr misenge?”
he axide hem, and seide, Whi is youre `face soriere to dai than it ys wont?
8 Eltal topuk, “Kais sie sesr mweme, ac wangin sie mwet ku in aketeya lah mea kalmen mweme inge.” Joseph el fahk, “God mukena pa ku in fahk nu sin mwet kalmen mweme uh. Fahkma nu sik mweme lomtal ingan.”
Whiche answeriden, We seiyen a dreem, and `noon is that expowneth to vs. And Joseph seide to hem, Whether expownyng is not of God? Telle ye to me what ye han seyn.
9 Ouinge mwet okwok wain sac fahk, “In mweme luk ah, oasr oa in grape soko ye mutuk,
The `souereyn of boteleris telde first his dreem; Y seiy that a vyne bifore me,
10 ac lah tolu kac. Na ke pacl se na sra kac uh srunak ah, ros kac farngelik, ac fahko kac uh mwesrla.
in which weren thre siouns, wexide litil and litil in to buriounnyngis, and that aftir flouris grapys wexiden ripe,
11 Ac nga sruok cup lun tokosra, na nga eis grape uh ac fuleya nu in cup sac ac sang nu sel.”
and the cuppe of Farao was in myn hond; therfor Y took the grapis, and presside out in to the cuppe which Y helde, and Y yaf drynk to Farao.
12 Joseph el fahk, “Pa inge kalmen mweme sacn: lah tolu an pa len tolu.
Joseph answerde, This is the expownyng of the dreem; thre siouns ben yit thre daies,
13 Tukun len tolu tokosra el ac tulekomla, nunak munas nu sum, ac folokonot orekma se lom meet ah. Kom ac fah sifilpa sang cup nimal, oana ke kom oru meet ke kom tuh liyaung wain nimal.
aftir whiche Farao schal haue mynde of thi seruyce, and he schal restore thee in to the firste degree, and thou schal yyue to hym the cuppe, bi thin office, as thou were wont to do bifore.
14 Tusruktu nga siyuk kom in esamyu ke pacl ma nukewa fahsr wo nu sum, ac nunak munas esam in sramsramkinyu nu sin tokosra, elan tuleyula liki kapir luk.
Oneli haue thou mynde on me, whanne it is wel to thee, and thou schalt do merci with me, that thou make suggestioun to Farao, that he lede me out of this prisoun;
15 Pwayeiya ah, pisreyukla nga liki facl sin mwet Hebrew, ac finne inge in acn Egypt, wanginna ma nga orala in pwanang ngan kapiri.”
for theefli Y am takun awei fro the lond of Ebrews, and here Y am sent innocent in to prisoun.
16 Ke sifen mwet manman flao sac liye lah aketeyuki mweme lun mwet okwok wain sac tuh wo, na el fahk nu sel Joseph, “Oasr pac mweme se luk. Nga mweme mu nga us fotoh in bread tolu fin sifuk.
The `maister of bakeris seiye that Joseph hadde expowned prudentli the dreem, and he seide, And Y seiy a dreem, that Y hadde thre panyeris of mele on myn heed,
17 In fotoh se oelucng ah, kain in flao manman puspis nun tokosra oan loac, ac won uh tuku kang.”
and Y gesside that Y bar in o panyere, that was heiyere, alle metis that ben maad bi craft of bakers, and that briddis eeten therof.
18 Joseph el topuk, “Pa inge kalmac: fotoh tolu an pa len tolu.
Joseph answerde, This is the expownyng of the dreem; thre panyeris ben yit thre daies,
19 Tukun len tolu tokosra el ac tulekomla, ac sang in pakpukla sifom! Na el ac srupusrak monum fin soko sak, ac won uh fah kang ikom.”
aftir whiche Farao schal take awei thin heed, and he schal hange thee in a cros, and briddis schulen todrawe thi fleischis.
20 Len tolu tok pa len in isusla lun tokosra, na el oru kufwa se nu sin mwet kacto lal nukewa. El ikasla mwet okwok wain lal ac sifen mwet manman flao lal liki presin, ac usaltalu nu ye mutun mwet kacto lal.
Fro thennus the thridde dai was the dai of birthe of Farao, which made a greet feeste to hise children, and hadde mynde among metis on the maistir `of boteleris, and on the prince of bakeris;
21 El folokonang orekma lun mwet okwok wain lal oana meet ah,
and he restoride the oon in to his place, that he schulde dresse cuppe to `the kyng,
22 a el uniya sifa se lun mwet manman flao lal. Ma inge sikyak oana ma Joseph el tuh fahk.
and he hangide `the tothir in a gebat, that the treuthe of `the expownere schulde be preued.
23 Tusruktu mwet okwok wain el tiana esamulak Joseph. El mulkunulla na pwaye.
And netheles whanne prosperitees bifelden, the `souereyn of boteleris foryat `his expownere.

< Genesis 40 >