< Ezra 1 >

1 In yac se meet ke Tokosra Cyrus lun Persia el mutawauk in tokosra fulat, LEUM GOD El oru tuh kas ma El tuh fahk nu sel mwet palu Jeremiah in akpwayeyuk. El aknunakyal Cyrus elan simusla sie ma sap ac supwalik tuh in ritiyuk akyokye yen nukewa in tokosrai lal:
Now in the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia, in order that the word of the Lord given by the mouth of Jeremiah might come true, the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia, was moved by the Lord, so that he made a public statement through all his kingdom, and put it in writing, saying,
2 “Pa inge sap soko lal Cyrus, Tokosra Fulat lun Persia. LEUM GOD lun Kusrao El orala tuh nga in leumi faclu nufon, ac El se nu sik in musai sie tempul nu sel in Jerusalem in acn Judah.
These are the words of Cyrus, king of Persia: The Lord God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he has made me responsible for building a house for him in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
3 Lela God Elan wi kowos nukewa su mwet lal. Kowos som nu Jerusalem ac sifil musaela Tempul lun LEUM GOD, su God lun Israel, aok God su mwet uh alu nu se in Jerusalem.
Whoever there is among you of his people, may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and take in hand the building of the house of the Lord, the God of Israel; he is the God who is in Jerusalem.
4 Kutena mwet lal su muta in sruoh fin enenu kasru nu ke folok, mwet tulan lalos in kasrelos ke silver, gold, mwe mongo ac nuknuk, kosro in utuk ma lalos, oayapa mwe lung tuh in mwe sang lalos in Tempul lun God in acn Jerusalem.”
And whoever there may be of the rest of Israel, living in any place, let the men of that place give him help with offerings of silver and gold and goods and beasts, in addition to the offering freely given for the house of God in Jerusalem.
5 Na sifen sou in sruf lun Judah ac sruf lun Benjamin, oayapa mwet tol ac mwet Levi, ac elos nukewa saya su God El purakak nunak lalos, elos akola in som ac sifil musaela Tempul lun LEUM GOD in Jerusalem.
Then the heads of families of Judah and Benjamin, with the priests and the Levites, got ready, even all those whose spirits were moved by God to go up and take in hand the building of the Lord's house in Jerusalem.
6 Mwet tulan lalos nukewa kasrelos ac sang ma puspis nu selos: ahlu silver, gold, mwe mongo ac nuknuk, kosro in utuk ma lalos, kutu pac ma saok, oayapa mwe sang nu ke Tempul.
And all their neighbours gave them help with offerings of vessels of silver and gold and goods and beasts and things of great value, in addition to what was freely offered.
7 Tokosra Fulat Cyrus el folokonang nu selos ahlu ac cup ma Tokosra Nebuchadnezzar el tuh usla liki Tempul in Jerusalem ac likiya in tempul lun god lal.
And Cyrus the king got out the vessels of the house of the Lord which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jerusalem and put in the house of his gods;
8 El sang ma inge nu sel Mithredath, mwet karingin mwe kasrup lun mwet Israel, na Mithredath el oakla ac simusla pisen kais sie ma, ac sang nu sel Sheshbazzar, governor lun Judah.
Even these Cyrus made Mithredath, the keeper of his wealth, get out, and he gave them, after numbering them, to Sheshbazzar, the ruler of Judah.
9 Pa inge koanon oaoa sac: ahlu gold mwe neinyuk mwe sang 30 ahlu silver mwe neinyuk mwe sang 1,000 ahlu saya 29
And this is the number of them: there were thirty gold plates, a thousand silver plates, twenty-nine knives,
10 ahlu gold srisrik 30 ahlu silver srisrik 410 ahlu saya 1,000
Thirty gold basins, four hundred and ten silver basins, and a thousand other vessels.
11 Ma inge nukewa toeni orala 5,400 ahlu gold ac silver ac kutu pac ma saya ma Sheshbazzar el us ke el ac mwet sruoh wial elos illa liki Babylon ac som nu Jerusalem.
There were five thousand, four hundred gold and silver vessels. All these were taken back by Sheshbazzar, when those who had been taken prisoner went up from Babylon to Jerusalem.

< Ezra 1 >