< Orekma 25 >

1 Len tolu tukun Festus el tuku nu in facl sac, el som Caesarea lac nu Jerusalem,
Therfor whanne Festus cam in to the prouynce, aftir the thridde dai he wente vp to Jerusalem fro Cesarie.
2 yen ma mwet tol fulat ac mwet kol lun mwet Jew elos tukakunul Paul nu sel. Elos kwafe sel Festus
And the princis of prestis, and the worthieste of the Jewis wenten to hym ayens Poul, and preieden hym,
3 elan welulos ke nunak lalos in usalu Paul nu Jerusalem, mweyen elos akoo in unilya inkanek uh ke el tuku uh.
and axiden grace ayens hym, that he schulde comaunde hym to be led to Jerusalem; and thei settiden aspies to sle hym in the weie.
4 A Festus el fahk, “Paul el kapir oasr Caesarea, ac nga ac folokla nu we ke pacl na sa.
But Festus answerde, that Poul schulde be kept in Cesarie; sotheli that he hym silf schulde procede more auisili. Therfor he seide, Thei that in you ben myyti,
5 Lela mwet kol lowos an in wiyu som nu Caesarea, ac srukak mwe alein lowos an we, fin oasr ma koluk el orala.”
come doun togidere; and if ony crime is in the man, accuse thei hym.
6 Festus el muta yorolos ke len oalkosr ku singoul, na el fah som nu Caesarea. Ke len se tok ah, el muta ke acn in nununku ac sap in utuku Paul.
And he dwellede among hem no more than eiyte ether ten daies, and cam doun to Cesarie; and the tother dai he sat for domesman, and comaundide Poul to be brouyt.
7 Ke Paul el utyak, mwet Jew ma tuku Jerusalem me elos tu raunella, ac tukakunul ke ma koluk na yohk puspis, a elos tia ku in akpwayei.
And whanne he was brouyt forth, Jewis stoden aboute hym, whiche camen doun fro Jerusalem, puttynge ayens hym many and greuouse causis, whiche thei miyten not preue.
8 Tusruktu Paul el sifacna loangel ac fahk, “Wangin ma koluk nga orala lain Ma Sap lun mwet Jew, ku lain Tempul, ku lain Tokosra Fulat lun mwet Rome.”
For Poul yeldide resoun in alle thingis, That nether ayens the lawe of Jewis, nether ayens the temple, nether ayens the emperoure, Y synnede ony thing.
9 Tusruktu Festus el lungse akinsewowoye mwet Jew uh, oru el siyuk sel Paul, “Ya kom lungse som nu Jerusalem in tuh nununkeyuk kom we ye mutuk, ke ma tukakinyuk kom kac inge?”
But Festus wolde do grace to the Jewis, and answeride to Poul, and seide, Wolt thou gon vp to Jerusalem, and there be demyd of these thingis bifore me?
10 Paul el fahk, “Inge nga tu ke acn in nununku lun Tokosra Fulat, yen se ma fal in nununkeyuk nga we. Wangin ma sufal nga orala nu sin mwet Jew uh, oana ke kom sifacna etu uh.
And Poul seide, At the domplace of the emperour Y stonde, where it bihoueth me to be demed. Y haue not noied the Jewis, as thou knowist wel.
11 Nga fin kunausla ma sap, ku orala kutena ma koluk su fal in anwuki nga kac, nga tia suk in kaingkunla ma inge. Tusruk, fin tia pwaye ma elos tukakinyu kac uh, wangin mwet ku in eisyuyang nu selos. Nga lungse sruhk ma inge nu ke nununku lun Tokosra Fulat.”
For if Y haue noyed, ether don ony thing worthi deth, Y forsake not to die; but if no thing of tho is, that thei accusen me, no man may yyue me to hem. Y appele to the emperour.
12 Na tukun Festus el lolngok yurin mwet kasru lal, el fahk, “Kom siyuk tari tuh kom in nununkeyuk sel Tokosra Fulat, ouinge ac fah supweyukla kom nwe yorol Tokosra Fulat.”
Thanne Festus spak with the counsel, and answerde, To the emperoure thou hast appelid, to the emperoure thou schalt go.
13 In kutu pacl tok, Tokosra Agrippa ac Bernice tuku nu Caesarea in tuh paingul Festus nu we.
And whanne summe daies weren passid, Agrippa kyng, and Beronyce camen doun to Cesarie, to welcome Festus.
14 Tukun eltal muta we ke kutu len, Festus el aketeya nu sin tokosra sac tukak ma orek lainul Paul. El fahk, “Mwet se oasr inge su Felix el tuh filiyana in presin ke el som.
And whanne thei dwelliden there many daies, Festus schewide to the king of Poul, and seide, A man is left boundun of Felix,
15 Ac ke nga tuh som nu Jerusalem, mwet tol fulat ac un mwet matu lun mwet Jew elos tukakunul nu sik ac siyuk ngan fahk mu oasr mwatal.
of which, whanne Y was at Jerusalem, princis of preestis and the eldre men of Jewis camen to me, and axiden dampnacioun ayens hym.
16 Tuh nga fahkang nu selos mu kut mwet Rome uh tia wi sang mwatan mwet tukakyak ke ma koluk nwe ke na el, ac mwet ma tukakunul uh, ngetani in nununku, elan ku in loangel sifacna ye mutun mwet lainul uh.
To whiche Y answeride, That it is not custom to Romayns, to dampne ony man, bifore that he that is accusid haue hise accuseris present, and take place of defending, to putte awei the crymes, that ben putte ayens hym.
17 Ke elos tuku nu yenu, nga tia sisla pacl, a ke len se na tok ah nga som nu ke nien nununku, ac sap in utuku mwet sac.
Therfor whanne thei camen togidere hidir, withouten ony delaye, in the dai suynge Y sat for domesman, and comaundide the man to be brouyt.
18 Mwet ma lainul uh elos tuyak, tusruktu elos tiana lainul ke kutena ma koluk ma nga nunku mu elos ac tukakunul kac uh.
And whanne hise accuseris stoden, thei seiden no cause, of whiche thingis Y hadde suspicioun of yuel.
19 Pwayena ma elos lainul kac uh pa akukuin na ke alu lalos uh, ac ke mwet se pangpang Jesus su misa tari, tuh Paul el fahk mu el moul.
But thei hadden ayens hym summe questiouns of her veyn worschiping, and of oon Jhesu deed, whom Poul affermyde to lyue.
20 Nga tuh tia ku in etu lah nga ac eis fuka mwe akpwayeye ma inge, pwanang nga tuh siyuk sel Paul lah el ac tia lungse som nu Jerusalem in orek lohngyuk se inge we ke ma tukakinyuk el kac uh.
And Y doutide of siche maner questioun, and seide, Whether he wolde go to Jerusalem, and ther be demyd of these thingis?
21 Tusruktu Paul el tuh sruhk lohngyuk kacl uh in nununkeyuk sel Tokosra Fulat, ac elan mutana ke acn se ac taranyuk el sin mwet liyaung presin. Na pa nga sap elan mutana in presin nwe ke na nga ku in supwalla nu yorol Tokosra Fulat.”
But for Poul appelide, that he schulde be kept to the knowing of the emperoure, Y comaundide him to be kept, til Y sende hym to the emperoure.
22 Agrippa el fahk nu sel Festus, “Nga ke sifacna lohng sramsram lun mwet se inge.” Na Festus el fahk, “Kom ac fah lohngol lutu.”
And Agrippa seide to Festus, Y my silf wolde here the man. And he seide, To morew thou schalt here hym.
23 Ke len tok ah Agrippa ac Bernice eltal tuku nu ke lohm in tukeni lulap, ac ke eltal utyak mwet uh akfulatyaltal ke kain in akfulat puspis. Mwet kol fulat lun un mwet mweun, oayapa leum lun siti uh wi pac tukeni sac. Na Festus el sap in utuku Paul.
And on the tother day, whanne Agrippa and Beronyce camen with greet desire, and entriden in to the auditorie, with tribunes and the principal men of the citee, whanne Festus bad, Poul was brouyt.
24 Festus el fahk, “Tokosra Agrippa, ac kowos nukewa su wi tukeni se inge! Kowos liye mwet se inge, su mwet Jew nukewa in acn Jerusalem, ac elos su muta yenu, elos use kas in lain puspis kacl nu yuruk. Elos wowoyak mu in tia lela elan moul.
And Festus seide, King Agrippa, and alle men that ben with vs, ye seen this man, of which al the multitude of Jewis preyede me at Jerusalem, and axide, and criede, that he schulde lyue no lenger.
25 Tuh nga tiana ku in konauk lah oasr ma koluk el orala ma fal in anwuki el kac. Ac ke el sifacna siyuk lohngyuk kacl uh in orek sel Tokosra Fulat, nga wotela tari nga in supwalla nu yorol.
But Y foond, that he hadde don no thing worthi of deth; and Y deme to sende hym to the emperoure, for he appelide this thing.
26 Tuh wanginna kas kalem kacl yuruk ma fal nga in sim fahk nu sin Tokosra Fulat. Pa inge sripa se oru nga usalu nu ye motowos — yokna nu sum, Tokosra Agrippa! — tuh ke tari lohngyuk kacl uh, na ac fah oasr ma nga ku in simis fahk kacl.
Of which man Y haue not certeyne, what thing Y schal write to the lord. For which thing Y brouyte hym to you, and moost to thee, thou king Agrippa, that whanne axing is maad, Y haue what Y schal write.
27 Mweyen wangin sripa nga in supwala sie mwet kapir, nga fin tia akkalemye ma lainyuk el kac uh.”
For it is seyn to me with out resoun, to sende a boundun man, and not to signifie the cause of hym.

< Orekma 25 >