< Luo Corinth 6 >

1 Kut, su wi God in oru orekma lal, kut kwafe suwos tuh kowos in tia pilesru kulang lun God su kowos eis tari.
But we helpynge monesten, that ye resseyuen not the grace of God in veyn.
2 Lohng ma God El fahk, “Ke sun pacl fal in fahkak kulang luk nu sum, Nga tuh porongekom; Ke len in molela tuku, Nga tuh kasrekom.” Kowos porongo! Pa inge pacl wo in eis kulang lun God; misenge pa len in eis molela!
For he seith, In tyme wel plesinge Y haue herd thee, and in the dai of heelthe Y haue helpid thee. Lo! now a tyme acceptable, lo! now a dai of heelthe.
3 Kut tia lungse kutena mwet in pangon mu oasr ma sutuu ke orekma lasr, ke ma inge kut srike in tia oru mwe tukulkul nu sin kutena mwet.
Yyue we to no man ony offencioun, that oure seruyce be not repreued;
4 A in ma nukewa kut oru, kut mongfisrasr in muteng ke mwe lokoalok, ma upa, ac mwe keok, tuh in kalem lah kut mwet kulansap lun God.
but in alle thingis yyue we vs silf as the mynystris of God, in myche pacience, in tribulaciouns,
5 Anwuk kut, kapiri kut, mwet uh wonak lain kut; akkemkatuyeyuk kut, ac wangin pacl in motul ku mongo.
in nedis, in angwischis, in betyngis, in prisouns, in dissensiouns with ynne, in trauels, in wakyngis, in fastyngis,
6 Kut sifacna fahkkutyak lah kut mwet kulansap lun God ke moul nasnas lasr, ke etauk, ke mongfisrasr, ke kulang — oayapa ke Ngun Mutal, ke lungse pwaye lasr,
in chastite, in kunnyng, in long abiding, in swetnesse, in the Hooli Goost,
7 ke fahkak lasr ke ma pwaye, ac ke ku lun God. Suwoswos pa mwe mweun lasr, in lain ma koluk ac in loangekut.
in charite not feined, in the word of treuthe, in the vertu of God; bi armeris of riytwisnesse on the riythalf and on the lefthalf;
8 Akfulatyeyuk ac oayapa aklusrongtenyeyuk kut; akkolukyeyuk ac kaksakinyuk pac kut. Orek kut oana mwet kikiap, sruk kut kaskas na pwaye;
bi glorie and vnnoblei; bi yuel fame and good fame; as disseyueris, and trewe men; as thei that ben vnknowun, and knowun;
9 oana kut in mwet nikinyuk, sruk mwet nukewa etekut; oana kut in mwet misa, a kut moul na, oana ke kowos liye. Finne kalyeiyuk kut, a kut tiana anwuki;
as men diynge, and lo! we lyuen; as chastisid, and not maad deed;
10 ne aksupwaryeyuk kut, a kut insewowo pacl nukewa; oana kut in sukasrup, sruk kut akkasrupye mwet puspis; oana in wangin ma lasr, a pwayeiya uh ma nukewa oasr yorosr.
as sorewful, euere more ioiynge; as hauynge nede, but makynge many men riche; as no thing hauynge, and weldynge alle thingis.
11 Mwet kawuk saok in Corinth! Kut fahk ma na pwaye nu suwos; kut fahkak nufon ma oan insiasr.
A! ye Corynthies, oure mouth is open to you, oure herte is alargid;
12 Tia kut pa kaliya insiasr nu suwos; a kowos pa kaliya insiowos nu sesr.
ye ben not angwischid in vs, but ye ben anguischid in youre inwardnessis.
13 Inge nga kaskas nu suwos oana kowos in ma na nutik: kowos in oayapa lungse kut ke insiowos nufon.
And Y seie as to sones, ye that han the same reward, be ye alargid.
14 Kowos in tia kupasryang nu sin mwet tia lulalfongi ke orekma lowos, mweyen tiana ku. Ma suwohs ac ma koluk ac akasrui fuka? Kalem ac lohsr ac tukeni fuka?
Nyle ye bere the yok with vnfeithful men. For what parting of riytwisnes with wickidnesse? or what felouschipe of liyt to derknessis?
15 Ya Christ ac Devil ku in insese ke kutena ma? Mea mwet lulalfongi se ac mwet selulalfongi se oana sie kac uh?
and what acording of Crist to Belial? or what part of a feithful with the vnfeithful?
16 Ya Tempul lun God ac ma sruloala lun mwet pegan ku in tukeni? Kut tempul lun God moul! In oana ke God El sifacna fahk, “Nga fah oru lohm sik yurin mwet luk Ac muta inmasrlolos; Nga fah God lalos, Ac elos fah mwet luk.”
and what consent to the temple of God with mawmetis? And ye ben the temple of the lyuynge God, as the Lord seith, For Y schal dwelle in hem, and Y schal walke among hem; and Y schal be God of hem, and thei schulen be a puple to me.
17 Ouinge Leum God El fahk, “Kowos fah tuyak ac som lukelos, Ac sifacna srikowosla lukelos. Tia kahlya kutena ma su fohkfok, Na nga fah insewowo in eis kowos.
For which thing go ye out of the myddil of hem, and be ye departid, seith the Lord, and touche ye not vnclene thing;
18 Nga ac fah papa tomowos, Ac kowos ac fah wen ac acn nutik, Leum God Kulana El fahk.”
and Y schal resseyue you, and schal be to you in to a fadir, and ye schulen be to me in to sones and douytris, seith the Lord almyyti.

< Luo Corinth 6 >