< Luo Chronicle 36 >

1 Mwet Judah elos sulella Joahaz wen natul Josiah, elan tokosra, ac mosrwella in Jerusalem.
Then the people of the land took Joachaz the son of Josias, and made him king instead of his father in Jerusalem.
2 Joahaz el yac longoul tolu ke el tokosrala lun Judah, ac el leum in Jerusalem ke malem tolu.
Joachaz was three and twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem.
3 Tokosra Neco lun Egypt el usalla nu in sruoh, ac sap acn Judah in moli paun tausin itkosr lumfoko ke silver, ac paun itngoul limekosr ke gold in mwe takma.
And the king of Egypt came to Jerusalem, and deposed him, and condemned the land in a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold.
4 El sraklalak Eliakim, tamulel lal Joahaz, elan tokosrala lun Judah, ac el ekulla inel nu ke Jehoiakim, na el usalla Joahaz nu Egypt.
And he made Eliakim his brother king in his stead, over Juda and Jerusalem: and he turned his name to Joakim: but he took Joachaz with him, and carried him away into Egypt.
5 Jehoiakim el yac longoul limekosr ke el tokosrala, ac el leum in Jerusalem ke yac singoul sie. El oru ma koluk lain LEUM GOD lal.
Joakim was five and twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and he did evil before the Lord his God.
6 Tokosra Nebuchadnezzar lun Babylonia el utyak ac mweuni acn Judah, ac sruokilya Jehoiakim, kaprilya ke sein ac usalla nu Babylonia.
Against him came up Nabuchodonosor king of the Chaldeans, and led him bound in chains into Babylon.
7 Nebuchadnezzar el usla kutu ma saok lun Tempul, ac filiya inkul fulat sel in Babylon.
And he carried also thither the vessels of the Lord, and put them in his temple.
8 Ma nukewa ma Jehoiakim el tuh oru, ke moul fohkfok lal ac ma koluk yohk el orala, simla ke [Sramsram Matu Ke Tokosra Lun Israel Ac Judah]. Jehoiachin wen natul, el aolulla in tokosra.
But the rest of the acts of Joakim, and his abominations, which he wrought, and the things that were found in him, are contained in the book of the kings of Juda and Israel. And Joachin his son reigned in his stead.
9 Jehoiachin el yac singoul oalkosr ke el tokosrala lun Judah, ac el leum in Jerusalem ke malem tolu ac len singoul. El wi pac oru ma koluk lain LEUM GOD.
Joachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem, and he did evil in the sight of the Lord.
10 Ke fahsr in safla pacl ohu, Tokosra Nebuchadnezzar el usalla Jehoiachin nu in sruoh in Babylonia, ac el usla pac ma saok lun Tempul. Nebuchadnezzar el oru tuh Zedekiah, tamulel lal Jehoiachin, elan tokosra lun Judah ac Jerusalem.
And at the return of the year, king Nabuchodonosor sent, and brought him to Babylon, carrying away at the same time the most precious vessels of the house of the Lord: and he made Sedecias his uncle king over Juda and Jerusalem.
11 Zedekiah el yac longoul sie ke el tokosrala lun Judah, ac el leum in Jerusalem ke yac singoul sie.
Sedecias was one and twenty years old when he began to reign: and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem.
12 El oru ma koluk lain LEUM GOD, ac tia pusisel in lohng ma mwet palu Jeremiah el fahkak ke kas lun LEUM GOD.
And he did evil in the eyes of the Lord his God, and did not reverence the face of Jeremias the prophet speaking to him from the mouth of the Lord.
13 Zedekiah el forla ac lainul Tokosra Nebuchadnezzar, su akkohsyel elan fulahk Inen LEUM GOD lah el ac pwayena nu sel. El likkekelana ac tiana auliyak ku forla nu sin LEUM GOD lun Israel.
He also revolted from king Nabuchodonosor, who had made him swear by God: and he hardened his neck and his heart, from returning to the Lord the God of Israel.
14 Sayen ma inge, mwet kol lun Judah, mwet tol, ac mwet uh elos fahsr ke ouiya koluk lun mutunfacl raunelosla, ac alu nu ke ma sruloala. Ouinge elos akfohkfokye Tempul su LEUM GOD El sifacna akmutalyela.
Moreover all the chief of the priests, and the people wickedly transgressed according to all the abominations of the Gentiles: and they defiled the house of the Lord, which he had sanctified to himself in Jerusalem.
15 LEUM GOD lun papa matu tumalos El supu mwet palu pacl puspis in sensenkakin mwet lal, mweyen El pakomutalos ac kena tuh elos in tia tuhlac, ac Tempul in tia musalla.
And the Lord the God of their fathers sent to them, by the hand of his messengers, rising early, and daily admonishing them: because he spared his people and his dwelling place.
16 Tusruktu, elos aksruksruki mwet su God El supu nu yorolos, ac pilesru kas lal, ac isrun mwet palu lal, nwe ke pacl se kasrkusrak lun LEUM GOD arulana upala lainulos, ac elos tia ku in kaingkunla.
But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused the prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, and there was no remedy.
17 Ouinge LEUM GOD El use tokosra lun Babylonia in mweunelos. Tokosra sac el uniya mwet fusr lun Judah, elos finne muta in Tempul. Wangin pakoten lal nu sin mwet uh — mwet fusr ku mwet matu, mukul ku mutan, mwet mas ku mwet ku. God El eisalosyang nukewa nu inpaol.
For he brought upon them the king of the Chaldeans, and he slew their young men with the sword in the house of his sanctuary, he had no compassion on young man, or maiden, old man or even him that stooped for age, but he delivered them all into his hands.
18 Tokosra Babylonia el wapi Tempul, ac iwen fil ma saok lun Tempul, ac mwe kasrup lun tokosra ac mwet pwapa lal, ac usla ma inge nukewa nu Babylon.
And all the vessels of the house of the Lord, great and small, and the treasures of the temple and of the king, and of the princes he carried away to Babylon.
19 El esukak Tempul ac siti uh, wi pac lohm nukewa sin tokosra ac mwe kasrup we, ac kunausya pot lun siti uh.
And the enemies set fire to the house of God, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem, burnt all the towers, and whatsoever was precious they destroyed.
20 El usla mwet nukewa ma tia misa ke mweun nu Babylonia, yen elos ac mwet kohs nu sel ac tulik natul we, nwe ke pacl se Tokosrai Persia tuyak.
Whosoever escaped the sword, was led into Babylon, and there served the king and his sons till the reign of the king of Persia.
21 Ouinge akpwayeyuk kas ma LEUM GOD El tuh fahk nu sel Jeremiah mwet palu, ke El fahk, “Acn uh ac fah musalla oan ke yac itngoul, in aolla Yac in Sabbath nukewa ma mwet uh tia akfulatye.”
That the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremias might be fulfilled, and the land might keep her sabbaths: for all the days of the desolation she kept a sabbath, till the seventy years were expired.
22 In yac se meet ma Cyrus lun Persia el Tokosra Fulat, kas lun LEUM GOD su tutafme sel Jeremiah mwet palu, akpwayeiyukla. God El aknunakyal Cyrus tuh elan supwalik sie ma simla, in tuh ritiyuk in tokosrai nukewa ma el leum fac, su fahk:
But in the first year of Cyrus king of the Persians, to fulfill the word of the Lord, which he had spoken by the mouth of Jeremias, the Lord stirred up the heart of Cyrus king of the Persians who commanded it to be proclaimed through all his kingdom, and by writing also, saying:
23 “Pa inge ma sap sel Cyrus, Tokosra Fulat lun Persia. LEUM GOD lun kusrao El oru tuh nga in leum fin faclu nufon, ac El srisrngiyuwi tuh nga in musai sie Tempul nu sel in Jerusalem in facl Judah. Inge, kowos nukewa su mwet lun God, kowos folokla nu we, ac lela tuh LEUM GOD lowos in wi kowos.”
Thus saith Cyrus king of the Persians: All the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord the God of heaven given to me, and he hath charged me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea: who is there among you of all his people? The Lord his God be with him, and let him go up.

< Luo Chronicle 36 >