< Sie Thessalonica 5 >

1 Mwet lulalfongi wiasr, nga tia enenu in sim nu suwos ke pacl ku len ma inge ac sikyak uh.
But, britheren, of tymes and momentis ye neden not that Y write to you.
2 Tuh kowos sifacna arulana etu lah Len lun Leum ac tuku oana sie mwet pisrapasr ke fong.
For ye silf witen diligentli, that the dai of the Lord schal come, as a theef in the niyt.
3 Ke pacl se mwet uh ac fahk, “Ma nukewa misla ac wona,” na in pacl sacna mwe keok lulap ac fah sonolos! Ac sikyak ke pacl na sa, oana mwaiok lun sie mutan su akola in isus, ac mwet uh tia ku in kaingkunla.
For whanne thei schulen seie pees is, and sikirnesse, thanne sudeyn deth schal come on hem, as sorewe to a womman that is with child, and thei schulen not scape.
4 A kowos, mwet saok wiasr, kowos tia muta in lohsr; ke ma inge kowos ac fah tia lut ke Len lun Leum ac tuku oana sie mwet pisrapasr.
But, britheren, ye ben not in derknessis, that the ilke dai as a theef catche you.
5 Kowos nukewa mwet lun kalem, su ma lun len. Kut tia ma lun fong ku lohsr.
For alle ye ben the sones of liyt, and sones of dai; we ben not of niyt, nether of derknessis.
6 Ke ma inge, lela kut in tia motul oana mwet ngia, a kut in ngetnget ac ngusrik na.
Therfor slepe we not as othere; but wake we, and be we sobre.
7 Mwet uh motul ke fong, ac elos oayapa sruhi ke fong.
For thei that slepen, slepen in the niyt, and thei that ben drunkun, ben drunkun in the niyt.
8 A kut ma lun len, ouinge kut in arulana ngusrik. Kut enenu in nokomang lulalfongi ac lungse in mwe loango iniwasr, ac finsrak lasr nu ke molela in loango sifasr.
But we that ben of the dai, ben sobre, clothid in the haburioun of feith and of charite, and in the helme of hope of heelthe.
9 Tuh God El tia sulekutla in keokkin kasrkusrak lal, a in eis molela ke Jesus Christ,
For God puttide not vs in to wraththe, but in to the purchasing of heelthe bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist, that was deed for vs;
10 su misa kacsr tuh kut in ku in tukeni moul yorol, kut finne misa ku moul ke el ac tuku.
that whether we waken, whether we slepen, we lyue togidere with him.
11 Ke ma inge kowos in akkeye sie sin sie ac kasru sie sin sie, oana ke kowos oru inge.
For which thing comforte ye togidere, and edefie ye ech other, as ye doon.
12 Mwet lulalfongi wiasr, kut kwafe suwos tuh kowos in akfulatyalos su orekma inmasrlowos, tuh elos inge pa kol kowos ac luti kowos ke moul in lulalfongi.
And, britheren, we preien you, that ye knowen hem that trauelen among you, and ben souereyns to you in the Lord, and techen you,
13 Kowos in arulana akfulatyalos ac lungse elos ke sripen orekma lalos. Kowos in moul in misla yurin sie sin sie.
that ye han hem more aboundantli in charyte; and for the werk of hem, haue ye pees with hem.
14 Mwet lulalfongi wiasr, kut kwafe suwos tuh kowos in kaelos su alsrangesr, ac akpulaikyalos su sangeng, kasrelos su munas, ac mongfisrasr nu sin mwet nukewa.
And, britheren, we preien you, repreue ye vnpesible men. Coumforte ye men of litil herte, resseyue ye sijke men, be ye pacient to alle men.
15 Liyaung tuh in wangin mwet folokin ma koluk ke ma koluk, a in pacl nukewa kowos in oru wo nu sin sie sin sie, ac oayapa nu sin mwet nukewa.
Se ye, that no man yelde yuel for yuel to ony man; but euere more sue ye that that is good, ech to othere and to alle men.
16 Kowos in engan pacl nukewa,
Euere more ioye ye; without ceessing preye ye;
17 pre pacl nukewa,
in alle thingis do ye thankyngis.
18 ac sang kulo in ma nukewa. Pa inge ma God El lungse kowos in oru ke moul in asruoki lowos in Christ Jesus.
For this is the wille of God in Crist Jhesu, in alle you.
19 Nik kowos kutongya Ngun Mutal;
Nyle ye quenche the spirit;
20 nikmet pilesru kas lun mwet su luti ke Inen God.
nyle ye dispise prophecies.
21 Kowos in arulana tuni ac srike ma nukewa; sruokya ma wo,
But preue ye alle thingis, and holde ye that thing that is good.
22 ac fahsr liki kutena ma koluk.
Absteyne you fro al yuel spice.
23 God, su ase misla nu sesr, Elan akmutalye kowos in ma nukewa, ac karinganang moul lowos — ngunuwos ac monuwos — tuh in wangin mwatuwos ke sikme lun Leum lasr Jesus Christ.
And God hym silf of pees make you hooli bi alle thingis, that youre spirit be kept hool, and soule, and bodi, without pleynt, in the comyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
24 El su pangon kowos El ac fah oru ma inge, mweyen El oaru.
God is trewe, that clepide you, which also schal do.
25 Mwet wiasr in lulalfongi, kowos in pre pac kacsr.
Britheren, preye ye for vs.
26 Paing pac mwet lulalfongi nukewa ke lungse pwaye.
Grete ye wel alle britheren in hooli cos.
27 Nga arulana kwafe suwos ke Inen Leum, kowos in riti leta se inge nu sin mwet lulalfongi nukewa.
Y coniure you bi the Lord, that this pistle be red to alle hooli britheren.
28 Lungkulang lun Leum lasr Jesus Christ in wi kowos.
The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with you. Amen.

< Sie Thessalonica 5 >