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1 슬프다 이 성이여 본래는 거민이 많더니 이제는 어찌 그리 적막히 앉았는고 본래는 열국 중에 크던 자가 이제는 과부 같고 본래는 열방중에 공주 되었던 자가 이제는 조공 드리는 자가 되었도다
Jerusalem was [once] full of people, but now it is deserted. [Once] it was honored by people all over the world, but now it is [grieving/abandoned] like [SIM] a widow. [Once] it was [honored like] [MET] a princess [is honored] among the nations, but now [we who live here] have become slaves.
2 밤새도록 애곡하니 눈물이 뺨에 흐름이여 사랑하던 자 중에 위로 하는 자가 없고 친구도 다 배반하여 원수가 되었도다
We [PRS] weep bitterly [all] night long, with tears flowing down our cheeks. Among [the people in] all [the nations] that loved Jerusalem there are none that comfort us [now]. All [the rulers of those nations that were previously] our allies have betrayed us, and they are all now enemies [of the people of Jerusalem].
3 유다는 환난과 많은 수고로 인하여 사로잡혀 갔도다 저가 열방에 거하여 평강을 얻지 못함이여 그 모든 핍박하는 자가 저를 쫓아 협착한 곳에 미쳤도다
[The people of] Judah have been (exiled/forced to go to other countries) and caused to suffer greatly as slaves. They live in [other] nations where they do not have peace/safety. Their enemies seized them, and there was no way for them to escape.
4 시온의 도로가 처량함이여 절기에 나아가는 사람이 없음이로다 모든 성문이 황적하며 제사장들이 탄식하며 처녀들이 근심하며 저도 곤고를 받았도다
The roads to Zion [Hill] are empty [PRS] because no one comes [here] to [celebrate] the sacred festivals. The city gates are deserted, and the priests groan. The young women [of Jerusalem] cry [because] they are suffering greatly.
5 저의 대적이 머리가 되고 저의 원수가 형통함은 저의 죄가 많으므로 여호와께서 곤고케 하셨음이라 어린 자녀들이 대적에게 사로잡혔도다
Our enemies have conquered the city, and [now] they prosper. Yahweh has punished [the people of] Jerusalem because of all the sins that they have committed. The children [of Jerusalem] have been captured and taken [to other countries].
6 처녀 시온의 모든 영광이 떠나감이여 저의 목백은 꼴을 찾지 못한 사슴이 쫓는 자 앞에서 힘없이 달림 같도다
Jerusalem was a beautiful city, but it is not beautiful now. The leaders [of the city] are like [SIM] deer that are starving because of being unable to find any grass [to eat]. They are very weak, with the result that they are unable to run from their enemies.
7 예루살렘이 환난과 군박을 당하는 날에 옛날의 모든 즐거움을 생각함이여 백성이 대적의 손에 빠지나 돕는 자가 없고 대적은 보고 그 황적함을 비웃도다
[The people of] Jerusalem are sad and scattered, and they think about the previous greatness of the city. [But now] our enemies have captured the city, and there is no one to help the people. Our enemies destroyed the city and laughed while they were doing that.
8 예루살렘이 크게 범죄하므로 불결한 자 같이 되니 전에 높이던 모든 자가 그 적신을 보고 업신여김이여 저가 탄식하며 물러가도다
[The people of] [PRS] Jerusalem have sinned very much; [it is as though] [MET] the city has become [like] a filthy [rag]. All those who [previously] honored the city [now] despise it, because they see that it has become very disgraced [MET]. Now [the people of] the city groan, and they cover their faces [because they are very ashamed].
9 저의 더러움이 그 치마에 있으나 결국을 생각지 아니함이여 그러므로 놀랍게 낮아져도 위로할 자가 없도다 여호와여, 원수가 스스로 큰 체하오니 나의 환난을 감찰하소서
The city has become filthy because of [PRS] the sins that the people have committed; they did not think about what could happen to the city. [Now] the city has been destroyed, and there is no one to comfort [the people]. [The people cry out saying], “Yahweh, look at how we are suffering because our enemies have defeated us!”
10 대적이 손을 펴서 보물을 빼앗았나이다 주께서 이미 이방인을 금하여 주의 공회에 들어오지 못하게 하셨사오나 저희가 성소에 들어간 것을 예루살렘이 보았나이다
Our enemies have taken away all our treasures, all the valuable things that we owned. We have seen [soldiers from other] nations, [men who do not worship Yahweh], enter our sacred temple, [the place] where foreigners/non-Israelis were (forbidden/not allowed) to enter.
11 그 모든 백성이 생명을 소성시키려고 보물로 식물들을 바꾸었더니 지금도 탄식하며 양식을 구하나이다 나는 비천하오니 여호와여, 나를 권고하옵소서
The people of the city groan while they search for food; they have given their treasures to get food [to eat] to remain alive. [They say], “Yahweh, look [at us], and see that we are despised!”
12 무릇 지나가는 자여 너희에게는 관계가 없는가 내게 임한 근심 같은 근심이 있는가, 볼지어다 여호와께서 진노하신 날에 나를 괴롭게 하신 것이로다
You people who pass by, you do not [RHQ] seem to care at all [about what has happened to us]. Look around and see that there are no other [RHQ] people who are suffering like we are. Yahweh has caused us to suffer because he was extremely angry [with us].
13 위에서부터 나의 골수에 불을 보내어 이기게 하시고 내 발 앞에 그물을 베푸사 나로 물러가게 하셨음이여 종일토록 고적하여 곤비케 하셨도다
[It is as though] he sent a fire from heaven [MTY] that burned in our bones; [it is as though] [MET] he has placed a trap for our feet, and has prevented us from walking any further. He has abandoned us; we are weak/miserable [every day], all day long.
14 내 죄악의 멍에를 그 손으로 묶고 얽어 내 목에 올리사 내 힘을 피곤케 하셨음이여 내가 당할 수 없는 자의 손에 주께서 나를 붙이셨도다
He caused the sins that we have committed to be [like] a heavy load for us to carry; [it is as though] [MET] he tied them around our necks. Previously we were strong, but he has caused us to become weak. He has allowed our enemies to capture us, and we were not able to do anything to resist them.
15 주께서 내 지경 안 모든 용사를 없는 것 같이 여기시고 성회를 모아 내 소년들을 부수심이여 처녀 유다를 술틀에 밟으셨도다
Yahweh looked at our mighty soldiers and laughed at them. He has summoned a great army to [come and] crush our young soldiers. [It is as though] [MET] Yahweh has trampled on [us] people of Judah like [SIM] [people trample] on grapes in a pit [to make wine].
16 이를 인하여 내가 우니 내 눈에 눈물이 물 같이 흐름이여, 나를 위로하여 내 영을 소성시킬 자가 멀리 떠났음이로다 원수들이 이기매 내 자녀들이 외롭도다
I weep because of [all] those things; my eyes are filled with tears. There is no one to comfort me; those who could encourage me are far away. Our enemies have conquered [us], so our children have nothing good to (hope for/expect to happen).
17 시온이 두손을 폈으나 위로할 자가 없도다 여호와께서 야곱의 사면에 있는 자를 명하여 야곱의 대적이 되게 하셨으니 예루살렘은 저희 가운데 불결한 자 같도다
[We people of] [PRS] Jerusalem reach out our hands [to get help], but there is no one to comfort us. Yahweh has decided concerning [us descendants of] Jacob that the people in nearby nations will become our enemies; so they consider that Jerusalem has become [like] [MET] a filthy rag.
18 여호와는 의로우시도다 내가 여호와의 명령을 거역하였도다 너희 모든 백성들아 내 말을 듣고 내 근심을 볼지어다 나의 처녀와 소년들이 사로잡혀 갔도다
But what Yahweh has done [to us] is fair, because we have rebelled against obeying the commands that he gave [us]. You people everywhere, listen [to us]; [look and] see that we are suffering [greatly]. We had [many] sons and daughters, but they have been captured and forced to go to distant countries.
19 내가 내 사랑하는 자를 불렀으나 저희가 나를 속였으며 나의 제사장들과 장로들은 소성시킬 식물을 구하다가 성중에서 기절하였도다
We pleaded with our allies [to help us], but they [all] refused. Our priests and our leaders have died [from hunger] in the city while they were searching for food [to eat] to remain alive.
20 여호와여, 돌아보옵소서 내가 환난 중에서 마음이 괴롭고 마음이 번뇌하오니 나의 패역이 심히 큼이니이다 밖으로는 칼의 살륙이 있고 집에는 사망 같은 것이 있나이다
Yahweh, see that we are suffering very much. [It is as though] our inner beings are tormented. We are sad [SYN] because we have rebelled [against you]. Our enemies kill people in the streets with their swords; people are dying [because they have no food to eat].
21 저희가 나의 탄식을 들었으나 나를 위로하는 자가 없고 나의 모든 원수가 나의 재앙을 들었으나 주께서 이렇게 행하심을 기뻐하나이다 주께서 반포하신 날을 이르게 하시리니 저희가 나와 같이 되겠나이다
People have heard us while we groaned, but no one [came to] comfort us. [Yahweh, ] you caused us to experience this [disaster], and our enemies are happy to see what you have done [to us]. But cause it soon to be the time that you have promised, when our enemies will suffer like we have suffered!
22 저희 모든 악을 주 앞에 나타내시고 나의 모든 죄악을 인하여 내게 행하신 것같이 저희에게 행하옵소서! 나의 탄식이 많고 나의 마음이 곤비하니이다
[Yahweh, ] see all the evil things that they have done and punish them! [Punish them] like you have punished us for all the sins that we committed! [We say this to you] because we suffer and groan very much, and we (faint/are very sad).

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