< Bharumi 3 >

1 Kabhele ndo faida jhelekhu jhaajhe najhu Myahudi? Ni faida jha tohara ndo kiki?
WHAT then is the superiority of the Jew? or what is the advantage of circumcision?
2 Kinofu nesu kwa khila njela. Awali jha ghoha, Bhayahudi bhakabisibhu bhufunuo kuhoma kwa K'yara.
Much in every view: the principal one indeed is, that the oracles of God were entrusted to them.
3 Lakini, jhijhabhuli jhikajhiajhi baada jha Bhayahudi bhajhelepi ni imani? Je, kubela kuamini kwa bhene kwibetakubheka bhuaminifu bhwa K'yara kujha batili?
For what if some were unbelievers? shall their unbelief render the faithfulness of God ineffectual?
4 La hasha. Badala jhiake, lekayi K'yara abhonekayi kujha ghwa bhukweli, hata kama khila munu n'desi. Kama kyajhalembibhu, “Jha kujha ubhwesiajhi haki mu malobhi gha jhobhi, na ubhwesiajhi kutobhesya pa ghwijhingila mu hukumu.”
God forbid: but let God be true, though every man were a liar; as it is written, “That thou mayest be acknowledged just in thy sayings, and overcome when thou art judged.”
5 Ikajhiajhi bhubhibhi bhwa jhoto bhwibhonekana haki jha K'yara, tujobhayi kiki? K'yara dhalimu lepi pachomesya ghadhabu jha muene, je ajhe naha? Nilongela kufwalila mantiki gha kibinadamu.
But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is not God unrighteous in inflicting wrath? (I speak humanly).
6 La hasha! Ni khelekhu K'yara ibetakubhuhukumu ulimwengu?
God forbid: for how then shall God judge the world?
7 Lakini ikajhiajhi bhukweli jha K'yara kup'etela udesi bhwa nene jhihomesya sifa simehele kwa ndabha jha muene kwa ndabha jhakiki nakona ni hukumulibhwa b'ojho nijhe ni dhambi?
For if the truth of God by my lying hath more abundantly contributed to his glory; why am I notwithstanding judged as a sinner?
8 Kwa ndajhakiki tusijobhi, kama kyatudetibhu ni kama bhamana kyabhikatuthibitisya kujha twijobha, “Tubhombayi bhuovu, ili manofu ghahidayi”? Hukumu panani pa bhene jha bhukweli.
And why not admit, (as we are falsely reported of; and as some affirm we say, ) That we should do evil things, that good may come? whose condemnation is just.
9 Ndo niani? Twikitetela twebhene? Lepi nesu. Kwa ndabha tete tayari tumanyili kubhatuhumu Bhayahudi ni Bhayunani bhoha pamonga, jha kujha bhajhele pasi pa dhambi.
What then? have we pre-eminence? Not at all: for we have before proved that both the Jews and Greeks are all under sin;
10 Ejhe ndo kama kyajhilembibhu: “Ajhelepi jhaajhe ni haki, hata mmonga.
as it is written, “There is not a just person, no not one:
11 Ajhelepi munu jhaijhelebhwa. Ajhelepi munu ambajhe akandonda K'yara.
there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
12 Bhoha bhasanuikhi. Bhoha kwa pamonga bhajhelepi ni mana. Ajhelepi jha ibhomba manofu, la, hata mmonga.
All are turned aside together, they are become worthless; there is none that doeth good, there is not even one.
13 Mikoromelu ghya bhene ndo lip'omba lyalijhele bhuwasi. Lumilu lwa bhene lukofili. Sumu jha liyoka ijhele mu milomo ghya bhene.
Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have spoken craftily; the poison of asps is under their lips:
14 Finywa fya bhene bhimemili laana ni bhuchungu.
whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
15 Magolo gha bhene ghajhe ni lubhelu kujhitisya damu.
their feet are swift to shed blood:
16 Bhuharibifu ni malombosi ghajhele mu mu njela sya bhene.
destruction and misery are in their ways.
17 Bhanu abha bhajhimanyilepi njela jha amani.
And they have not known the way of peace:
18 Ijhelepi hofu jha K'yara pamihu pa bhene.”
there is not the fear of God before their eyes.”
19 Henu tumanyili kujha kyokyoha sheria kyajhijobha, jhijobha ni bhala bhabhajhele pasi jha sheria. Ejhe ili kwamba khila n'singu bhudendibhwajhi, ni naha khila kwamba ulimwengu bhuoha bhubhwesiajhi kubhwajibika kwa K'yara.
Now we know that whatsoever things the law saith, it speaks to those who are under the law: that every mouth might be sealed up, and all the world become criminal before God.
20 Ejhe kwa ndabha lijhelepi mb'ele bhwawibeta kubhalangibhwa haki kwa matendo gha sheria palongolo pa mihu gha muene. Kwa kujha kup'etela sheria bhwihida bhufahamu bhwa dhambi.
Wherefore by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified before God: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
21 Lakini henu bila sheria, haki jha K'yara jhimanyikene. Jhashuhudibhu kwa sheria ni manabii,
But now distinct from the law the righteousness of God is manifest, receiving testimony from the law and the prophets;
22 ejhu ndo haki jha K'yara kup'etela imani kwa Yesu Kristu kwa bhala bhoha bhabhikiera. Ndabha jhijhelepi bhutofauti.
the righteousness of God indeed by faith in Jesus Christ unto all and upon all that believe: for there is no difference:
23 Kwa kujha bhoha bhabhombili dhambi, ni kup'ong'okibhwa ni bhutukufu bhwa K'yara.
for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
24 Bhabhalangibhu haki jhaitolo kwa neema jha muene kwandabha jha ukombozi bhwabhujhele mu Kristu Yesu.
justified freely by his grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus:
25 Kwa ndabha K'yara andetili Kristu Yesu ajhelayi bhupatanisho kwa njela jha imani mu damu jha muene. Ambosili Kristu kama bhushahidi bhwa haki jha muene, kwa ndabha jha kusilekesela dhambi syasip'etili
whom God hath proposed as the propitiatory sacrifice through faith in his blood, in demonstration of his justice for the remission of past sins, through the patience of God;
26 mu bhuvumilivu bhwa muene. Agha ghoha ghahomili ili kulasya haki jha muene wakati obho bhwa henu. Ejhe jhajhele ili abhwesiajhi kwithibitisya muene kujha haki, ni kulasya kujha ikambalangila haki munu jhejhioha kwa ndabha jha imani kwa Yesu.
for a demonstration of his justice at this present time: that he might be just, though justifying him who is of the faith of Jesus.
27 Kujha ndaku kwitufya? kutangibhu. Kwa misingi jhelekhu? Misingi ghya matendo? Lepi, lakini kwa misingi gha imani.
Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what law? of works? No: but by the law of faith.
28 Nahu twihitimisya kujha munu ibhalangibhwa haki kwa imani bila matendo gha sheria.
We conclude therefore that by faith a man is justified, without works of law.
29 Au K'yara ndo K'yara ghwa Bhayahudi tu? Je muene K'yara ghwa bhanu lepi bha mataifa kabhele? Ena, ghwa mataifa kabhele.
Is he the God of the Jews only, and is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, verily, of the Gentiles also:
30 Ikajhia bhukweli K'yara ndo mmonga ibetakubhabhalangila haki bhabhajhele bha tohara kwa imani, na bhabhabeli kutahiribhwa kwa njela jha imani.
since it is one God who will justify the circumcision by faith, and the uncircumcision through faith.
31 Je tete tukajhibatilisya sheria kwa imani? La hasha! kinyume kya aghu tukajhithibitisya sheria.
Do we then abolish the law through faith? God forbid: but on the contrary, we give the law stability.

< Bharumi 3 >