< Luka 9 >

1 Akabhakuta bhala kumi ni bhabhele pamonga, akabhapela uwezo bhwa mamlaka juu jha mapepo ghoha ni kuponyesya bhatamu.
Jesus called the twelve disciples together. He gave them power and authority over all demons, and the ability to heal diseases.
2 Akabhalaghisya bhalotayi kuhubiri ufalme bhwa K'yara ni kunyesya bhatamu.
Then he sent them out to proclaim God's kingdom and to heal the sick.
3 Akabhajobhela, “Msitolikyoha kwandabha jha safari jha jhomu wala ndonga, wala mkoba, wala n'kate, wala hela wala musitoli kanzu sibhele.
“Take nothing with you for the journey,” he told them. “No staff, no bag, no bread, no money, not even any extra clothes.
4 Nyumba jhejhioha jhamwibeta kujhingila, mutamayi omu mpaka pa mwibeta kubhoka mahali apu.
Whatever house you enter, stay there, and when you leave, leave from there.
5 Na kwa bhala bhabhita kubhapokela, pamwibeta kubhoka pa mji obhu, mkikung'undayi malifu mu magolo gha jhomu kwa ushuhuda just jha bhene”.
If people refuse to accept you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave town as a warning against them.”
6 Bhakabhoka kup'etela mu fijiji, kutangasya habari sinofu ni kuponyesya bhanu khila mahali.
They left and went around the villages, announcing the good news and healing everywhere they went.
7 Henu Herode, mtawala, ap'eliki ghoha ghaghatokeleghe ataabiki nesu, kwandabha jhajobhekene ni baadhi kujha Yohana mbatizaji afufuiki kuh'omela kwa bhafu,
Herod the tetrarch had heard about all that was happening, and he was very puzzled. Some were saying that John had been raised from the dead;
8 ni baadhi kujha Eliya amalikuhida, ni kwa bhangi kwamba mmonga ghwa manabii bha muandi afufuiki kabhele kuh'omela bhafu kabhele.
others that Elijah had appeared; still others that one of the ancient prophets had come back to life.
9 Herode akajobha, “nanchinjili Yohana, lakini ojho niani jha nip'eleka habari sya muene? Ni Herode alondili njela jha kumbona Yesu.
Herod said, “There's no question I beheaded John. So who is this man? I'm hearing all these things about him.” And he tried to find a way to meet Jesus.
10 Wakati bhakherebhuiki bhala bhabhatumibhu, bhakan'jobhela khila khenu kya bhakhetili. Akabhatola pamonga ni muene, akalota muene mu mji bhwa bhwikutibhwa Bethsaida.
When the apostles returned they reported to Jesus what they had done. Then he left with them and went to a town called Bethsaida.
11 Lakini makutano bhakap'eleka kuhusu e'le bhakan'kesya, na abhakaribisi, ni kulongela nakhu kuhusu ufalme bhwa K'yara, na abhaponyisi bhele bhabhalondeghe uponyaji.
However, the crowds found out where he was going and followed him there. He welcomed them and explained the kingdom of God to them, and healed those who needed healing.
12 Ligono likajhanda kumalika ni bhala kumi ni bhabhele bhakalota kwa muene ni kujobha, “Bhatawanyayi makutano kwamba bhalotayi mu fijiji fya karibu ni mijini bhakakesiajhi mapumziko ni kyakulya, kwandabha tujhele lieneo lya kunyika.”
Late in the day, the twelve disciples came to him and said, “You should send the crowd away now so they can go to the villages and farms nearby and find a place to stay and food to eat—there's nothing here where we are.”
13 Lakini akabhajobhela, “Muenga mubhap'elayi khenu kya kulya.” Bhakajobha “Tujhelepi nafu zaidi jha fipandi fihanu fya mikate ni somba sibhele isipokujha ngatulotili ni kuhemela kyakulya kwandabha jha likusanyiku e'le lya bhanu.”
“You give them something to eat!” said Jesus. “All we have here are five loaves and two fish—unless you want us to go and buy food for everyone,” they said.
14 Kwajhele ni bhagosi kama elfu tano pala. Akabhajobhela bhanafunzi bha muene. “Bhatamikayi pasi mu makundi gha bhanu kama hamsini kwa khila likundi.
There were about five thousand men present. “Sit them down in groups of about fifty,” he told his disciples.
15 Kwa hiyo bhakakheta mebhu ni bhanu bhakatama pasi.
The disciples did so, and everybody sat down.
16 Akatola mikate mihanu ni somba sibhele ni kulanga kunani, akafibariki ni kufimetula mu fipandi akabhapela bhanafunzi bha muene ili bhafibhekayi palongolo pa makutano.
Jesus picked up the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he blessed the food and broke it into pieces. He kept on giving the food to the disciples to share with the people.
17 Bhoha bhalili na bhashibili, ni fipandi fya fyakulya fya fyabakili fyaholibhu ni kumemesya fikapu kumi ni fibhele.
Everybody ate until they were full, and then twelve baskets of leftovers were collected.
18 Nijhiene jhajhele kwamba, bho isoka muene, bhanafunzi bha muene bhajhele pamonga ni muene, na abhakotili akajobha, “Bhanu bhijobha nene ne niani?”
At another time, when Jesus was praying in private with just his disciples with him, he asked them, “All these crowds of people—who do they say I am?”
19 Bhakajibu, bhakajobha, “Yohana mbatizaji, lakini bhangi bhijobha Eliya, ni bhamana bhijobha mmonga ghwa manabii bha nyakati sya muandi afufuiki kabhele.”
“Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and still others say one of the ancient prophets risen from the dead,” they replied.
20 Akabhajobhela, “Lakini muenga mwijobha nene ne niani?” Ajibili Petro akajobha, “Kristu kuhomela kwa K'yara.”
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” “God's Messiah,” Peter replied.
21 Lakini kwa kubhaonya, Yesu akabhajhelekesya kutokun'jobhela jhejhioha just jha e'le,
Jesus gave them strict orders not to tell anybody about this.
22 Akajobha kwamba mwana ghwa Adamu lazima atesekajhi kwa mambo ghamehele ni kubelibhwa ni bhaseya ni makuhani bhabhaha ni bhaandishi na ibetakukhomibhwa, ni ligono lya tatu ibeta kufufuka.
“The Son of man must experience terrible sufferings,” he said. “He will be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the religious teachers. He will be killed, but on the third day he will rise again.”
23 Akabhajobhela bhoha, “kama munu jhejhioha ilonda kunikesya, lazima akibelayi muene, atolayi n'salaba ghwa muene khila ligono na anikesiajhi.
“If any one of you wants to follow me, you must deny yourself, pick up your cross daily, and follow me,” Jesus told all of them.
24 Jhejhioha jhaijaribu kughaokola maisha gha muene ibeta kughajhasya, lakini jhejhioha jha ibeta kughajhasya maisha gha muene, kwa faida jha nene, ibeta kughaokola.
“For if you want to save your life, you will lose it; and if you lose your life for my sake, you will save it.
25 Je kibetakumfaidila kiki mwanadamu, kama aukabhili ulimwengu bhuoha, lakini akajhasya au kukabha hasara jha nafsi jha muene?
What do you benefit by gaining the whole world if you end up lost or destroyed?
26 Jhejhioha jha ibeta kunibhonela soni nene ni malobhi gha Joni, kwa muene mwana ghwa Adamu ibetakumbonela soni pa ibeta kujha mu utukufu bhwa muene, ni utukufu bhwa Dadi. ni malaika bhatakatifu.
If you are ashamed of me and my message, the Son of man will be ashamed of you when he comes in his glory, and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels.
27 Lakini nikabhajobhela ukweli, kuna baadhi jha jhomu jhamujhemili apa, bhibeta lepi kubhonja umati mpaka bhaubhonayi ufalme bhwa K'yara.”
I tell you the truth, some standing here won't taste death until they see the kingdom of God.”
28 Jhatokili yapata magono nane baada ya Yesu kujobha malobhi agha kwamba ibeta kubhatola pamonga nabhu Petro, Yohana ni, Yakobo, bhakakuela pa kid'onda kus'oka.
About eight days later, after he had told them this, Jesus took Peter, John, and James with him and went up a mountain to pray.
29 Bho ajhe mu maombi, muonekanu bha usobhwa muene bhwabadiliki, ni maguanda gha muene ghajhele mabhalafu ni ngekun'gara.
While he was praying, his face changed in appearance, and his clothing became a dazzling white.
30 Na langayi, bhajhele bhagosi bhabhele bhilongela naku! Bhajhele Musa ni Eliya,
Two men appeared in brilliant glory. They were Moses and Elijah, and they began to talk with Jesus.
31 bhabhonekene mu utukufu. bhalongelili kuhusu kubhoka kwa muene, lijambo ambalyo akaribili kulitimisya Yerusalemu.
They spoke about his death, which would soon happen in Jerusalem.
32 Henu Petro ni bhala bhabhajhe pamonga nakhu, bhajhele mu lugono. Lakini bho bhajhumuiki bhabhubhuene utukufu bhwa muene ni bhagosi bhabhele bhabhajhemili pamonga nakhu.
Peter and the others were asleep. When they woke up they saw Jesus in his glory, and the two men standing next to him.
33 Jhatokili kujha bho bhibhoka kwa Yesu, Petro akan'jobhela, “Bwana ni kinofu kwa tete kutema apa ni jhilondeka tutengenesiajhi makazi gha bhanu bhadatu. Tutengenesiajhi kimonga kwa ndabha jha bhebhe, khenge kwa ndabha jha Musa ni kimonga kwa ndabha jha Eliya.” Ajhelibhu lepi kyaalongeleghe.
As the two men were about to leave, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it's great to be here. Let's make some shelters: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He really didn't know what he was saying.
34 Bhoijobha aghu, likahida libhengu ni kubhagupika; na bhatilili bho bhabhuene bhasyongokibhu ni libhengu.
While he was speaking a cloud came and spread over them. They were terrified as they entered the cloud.
35 Sauti jhikahoma mu libhengu jhikajobha, “Ojho ndo mwanabhangu mteule. Munip'elekisiajhi muene.”
A voice spoke from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, the Chosen One. Listen to him!”
36 Sauti bho jhigudeme, Yesu ajhemuene. Bhatemili kinunu, jhejhioha miongoni mwa bhaghabhwene.
When the voice finished speaking, Jesus was there alone. They kept this to themselves, and didn't tell anyone at that time what they'd seen.
37 Ligono lya lyafuatili baada jha kuhoma kukid'onda likusanyiku libhaha lya bhanu lyabhonene naku.
The next day, when they had come down the mountain, a huge crowd was waiting to meet Jesus.
38 Langayi, bhagosi kuhoma kulikusanyiku alelili kwa sauti, akajobha, “Mwalimu nikus'oka undangayi mwana bhangu kwa kujha ndo mwanabhangu ghwa pekee.
A man in the crowd called out, “Teacher, please look at my son. He's my only child.
39 Wilola roho bhachafu bhan'kamuili, ni mara ipiga makelele, na kabhele ghikambomba achanganyikibhwayi ni kupita povu mu ndomo. Ni ghene ghipita kwa shida, jhikan'sabababishila maumivu makali.
A spirit possesses him and he screams immediately. It sends him into convulsions and makes him foam at the mouth. It hardly ever leaves him alone and it causes him a lot of pain.
40 Nabhasiili bhanafunzi bha jhobhi kujhikemela jhibhokayi. lakini bhabhwesilepi.”
I begged your disciples to drive it out, but they couldn't.”
41 Yesu akajibu akajobha, “Enyi kizazi kya kibela kuameni na kyakipotuiki, mpaka ndali nibetakujha namu ni kutolana namu? Ndetayi mwanabhu apa.”
“What an unbelieving and corrupt people you are! How long do I have to remain here with you, and put up with you?” said Jesus. “Bring your son here.”
42 N'songolo jhaahideghe, roho chafu jhikembinisya pasi ni kun'hugusya kwa fujo. Lakini Yesu ajhikemili jhela roho chafu, amponyisi n'gosi, ni kunkabisya kwa dadi munu.
Even as the boy came over, the demon sent him into convulsions, throwing him to the ground. But Jesus intervened, rebuking the evil spirit and healing the boy, and then gave him back to his father.
43 Bhoha bhasyangesibhu ni ubhaa bhwa K'yara. Lakini bho bhakastaajabu bhoha kwa mambo ghoha ghaghabhombiki, akajobha kwa bhanafunzi bha muene,
Everyone was amazed at this demonstration of God's power. However, even though everyone was amazed by all he did, Jesus warned his disciples,
44 “Malobhi ghabhatamayi mu mbolokhoto sya muenga, kwa kujha mwana ghwa Adamu ibeta kupisibhwa mumabhoko mwa bhanadamu.”
“Listen carefully to what I'm telling you: the Son of man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men.”
45 Lakini bhajhelibhu lepi maana jha malobhi aghu, na ghalighibhu pamihu pa bhene, ili bhasihidi kulijhelebhwa. Bhatilili kun'kota Yesu kuhusu lilobhi e'lu.
But they didn't understand what this meant. Its meaning was hidden from them so they didn't realize its implications, and they were afraid to ask him about it.
46 Kisha mgogoro bhwajhandili bhwazukili miongoni mwa bhene juu jha niani ngaajhe mbaha.
Then an argument started among the disciples about which of them was the greatest.
47 Lakini Yesu bho amanyili kyabhajhele bhikihoji mu mioyo ghya bhene, bhan'tolili muana n'debe ni kumbeka lubhafu kwa muene,
But Jesus, knowing what they were arguing about, picked up and placed a small child next to him.
48 na akajobha “Kama munu jhejhioha ampokili mwana n'debe kama ojho kwa lihina lya nene, ibeta kujha anipokili nene, na jhejhioha jhaibeta kunipokela nene ibeta kujha ampokili jha anitumili, kwa kujha jheajhe n'debe kati jha muenga mwebhoha ndo mbaha”
Then he said to them, “Anyone who accepts this little child in my name accepts me, and anyone who accepts me accepts the one who sent me. Whoever is least among you all is the greatest.”
49 Yohana akajibu akajobha, “Bwana, twambwene munu ibhenga pepo kwa lihina lya bhebhe na twambesili, kwandabha igenda lepi ni tete.”
John spoke up, saying, “Master, we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him because he wasn't one of us.”
50 Lakini Yesu akabhajobhela, “Musimbesi, kwa kujha ghaabelikujha kinyume ni muenga”
“Don't stop him,” Jesus replied. “Anyone who isn't against you is for you.”
51 atokili kwamba, kulengana ni magono kyaghakaribileghe gha magono gha muene gha kulota kumbinguni, kwa bhuimara ajhelekisi uso bhwa muene Yerusalemu.
As the time approached for him to ascend to heaven, Jesus was determined to go to Jerusalem.
52 Akatume bhajumbe palongolo pa muene, na bhene bhakalota ni kujhingila mu kijiji kya bhasamaria ili bhantayarishilayi mahali.
He sent messengers on ahead to a Samaritan village to get things ready for him.
53 Lakini bhanu oku bhampokili lepi, kwandabha ajhele ajhele kisi usobhwa muene Yerusalemu.
But the people would not welcome him because he was determined to press on to Jerusalem.
54 Bhanafunzi bha muene Yakobo ni Yohana bhobhali bhwene e'le, bhakajobha, “Bwana ghwilonda tuamuruajhi muoto uselelayi pasi kuhoma kumbinguni ubhatekatesiajhi?”
When James and John saw this, they asked Jesus, “Master, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to burn them up?”
55 Lakini abhageukili abhakemili.
But Jesus turned, and reprimanded them.
56 Kisha bhakalota kijiji khenge.
Then they proceeded to another village.
57 Bhobhilota mu njela jha bhene, munu mmonga akabhajobhela, “Nibeta kukesya popoha pa wilota.”
While they were walking, one man told Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go!”
58 Yesu akabhajobhela, “Mbweha bhajhe ni malende, fidege fya kuanga fijhe ni fiswisi, lakini mwana ghwa Adamu ajhelepi ni pakugoneka mutu ghwa muene.”
Jesus told the man, “Foxes have their dens, and wild birds have their nests, but the Son of man doesn't even have a place to rest his head.”
59 Ndipo akan'jobhela munu j'hongi, “Nikhesiajhi.” Lakini muene akajobha, “Bwana, niruhusiajhi hoti nikan'syelayi dadi jhangu,”
He told another man, “Follow me.” But the man replied, “Master, first let me go home and bury my father.”
60 Lakini muene akan'jobhela, “Bhalekayi bhafu bhasyelenayi bhene, lakini bhebhe lotayi ukautangasiajhi ufalme bhwa K'yara khila mahali.”
“Let the dead bury their own dead,” Jesus replied. “You go and proclaim God's kingdom.”
61 Pia munu jhongi akajobha. “Nibetakukesya, Bwana, lakini niruhusiajhi hoti nikabhalaghayi bhabhajhele mu nyumba jha nene.”
Another man said, “Lord, I will follow you! But first let me go home and say goodbye to my family.”
62 Lakini Yesu akan'jobhela, ajhelepi munu, jhaisopa kibhoko kya muene kulima ni kulanga kunyuma jhaibeta kulondeka KU ufalme bhwa K'yara.”
But Jesus told him, “Nobody once they've started plowing and then looks back is fit for God's kingdom.”

< Luka 9 >