< Wagalatia 4 >

1 Nijobha ndabha ya maadamu mrithi ndo muana hata kujobhela mmiliki wa mali syoa.
NOW I affirm, that as long as the heir is an infant, he differeth nothing from a servant, though he be master of all;
2 Badala yaki, ayele pasi pabhaangalizi ni bhazamini hadi mmagono ghaabhekibhu ni Dadi wa muene.
but is under tutors and trustees until the time fixed by his father.
3 Kabhele ni tete, patayele take bhana, twa kamulibhu mu utumwa wa kanuni sa kuanza sa ulimwengu.
So we also, when we were infants, were in bondage under the first elementary principles of the world:
4 Magono sahihi paghasikai, K'yara an'tumili mwanamunu, yaahogolikai kwa mwanadala, yaahogolikai pasi pa sheria.
but when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son born of a woman, born under the law,
5 Aketili naa kwa kubhakombola bhala bhabhayele pasi ni sheria, ili ndabha tuyopai hali ya kuya katya bhana.
that he might redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
6 Kwa ndabha muenga ni bhana, K'yara an'tumili Roho wa mwanamunu mugati mwa miteema ya yhoto, Roho yaikuta, “Abba, Dadi”
But because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father!
7 Kwa ndabha eye bhebhe n'tumwa nee bali muana. Katya muana, kabhele bhebhe wandisi kup'etela K'yara.
Therefore thou art no more a slave, but a son, and if a son, an heir also of God through Christ.
8 Hata kabla, wakati hamkumjua Mungu, mlikuwa watumwa kwa wale ambao kwa asili si miungu kabisa.
But at that time when ye knew not God, ye served those who by nature are not gods.
9 Lakini henu ya ndabha mu mmanyili K'yara, au ndabha maimanyikana kwa K'yara, kwa ndaya kiki mwikelebhuka kabhele mu kanuni sinofu lepi sya kwanza na siyelepi vai usamani bhuobhola? Ko mwilonda kabhele kuya bhatumwa?
But now after having known God, or rather being known of God, how turn ye back again to those weak and beggarly elements, to which again a second time ye desire to be in bondage?
10 Mwikamula kiuangalifu magono maalumu, mandamano gha miezi majira ni kaghatila kwajia ya yhomo.
Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
11 Nitila ya ndabha kwa namuna fulani nijitaabishi mebhwa.
I am afraid for you, lest haply I have bestowed on you labour in vain.
12 Nikabhasii, bhalongo, muyela katya kaniyele, kwa ndabha kabhele niyele Katya kamyele. Mwanikosili hee.
Be as I am, for I also am as ye are, brethren―this is my request to you: ye have not injured me in the least.
13 Ndabha mmanyili yakuwa yayele ugonjwa wa mbhele ni ndabha na hubilili injili kwa muenga yaiyele awamu ya kuanza.
Ye know that with infirmity of flesh I preached to you the gospel at the first.
14 Kup'etelahali ya mumbhele yabhabhekili mmajalibu, mwanizalewe lepi hata kunibela. Badala yaki mwanipokili katya malaika wa K'yara, yabhonekene kujo ndo na Yesu Kristu na yhoni.
And my temptation, which was in my flesh, ye despised not, nor rejected with disgust; but as an angel of God ye received me, even as Christ Jesus himself.
15 Kwa ele, iyele ndaku henu furaha ya yhomo? kwa ndabha nishuhudila kwa yhomo kuwa, Ikabhwesekanai, mmbhosyai mihu gha yhomo ni kunipela nene.
What then was your blessedness, for I bear witness to you that, if it were possible, ye would have plucked out your eyes, and given them to me.
16 Henu, ko niyele adui wa yhomo kwa ndabha na bhajobhili ukueli?
Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?
17 akabhalonda kishauku, kabhele so kwa bhuema. bhilonda kubhatenganisya muenga ni nene ili mmbhafuatayi.
They affect zeal for you, not honourably; but they wish to exclude us, that you may be zealously attached to them.
18 Ni vyema kuya daima nishauku sa siyele ni mana, ni si magono ghani ya pamonga ni muenga.
It is good indeed to be zealously affected in a good cause always, and not only when I am present with you.
19 Bhanabhangu bhadebe, nilwaala uchungu kwajia ya yhomo kabhele mpaka Kristu abhombekai mugati mwa yhomo.
My little children of whom I travail in birth again, until Christ be formed in you,
20 Nikaganili kuya pamonga ni muenga pala henu ni kugeusya sauti iyangu, kwa ndabha niyele ni mashaka ni muenga.
I wish I could be with you now, and change my address; for I am in doubt about you.
21 Mnijobhelai, muenga ya mwitamani kuya pasi musheria, mwip'eleka lepi sheria kayijobha?
Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?
22 Kwa ndabha iyandikibhu kuwa Abrahamu ayele ni bhana bhakigosi bhabhele, mmonga kwa mwanadala n'tumwa ni yhongi kwa mwanadala huru.
For it is written that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondwoman, and the other by a free.
23 Hata naha ghwa n'tumwa ahogoliki kwa mb'hele tu, bali j'hola ghwa n'dala huru ahogoliki kwa ahadi.
Now the son of the bond-maid was born after the flesh, but that by the free woman was by promise.
24 Mambo agha ghibhuesya kujobhibhwa kwa mfuano, kwa ndabha bhanadala abha bhifuanana mmaagano mabhele. Mojawapo ndo kuhomela mukid'oonda Kya Sinai. Bhihogola bhana bha bhayele bhatumwa. Oyho ndo Hajiri.
Which things are allegorical; for these are the two covenants, the one from mount Sinai, gendering unto bondage, which is represented by Agar.
25 Henu Hajiri ndo kid'onda Sinai wauyele Uarabuni wawisananishiwa ni Yerusalemu ya henu, kwa ndabha ndo n'tumwa nibhana munu bhaki.
For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds with Jerusalem that now is, and is in bondage with her children.
26 Bali Yerusalemu yaiyele panani na ni huru, na eye ndo mabhu was yhoto.
But the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all.
27 Kwa ndabha iyandikibhu, “Muhobholelai, bhebhe mwanadala yawiho gola lepi, bhebhe yawihogola lepi, pazai sauti ni kupiga njoghoyo kwa muhobholelai, bhebhe yya uyelepi ni uzoefu wa kuhogola. Kwa mana bhingi ndo bheyele bhana ya ihogola lepi, kuzidi ya bhala bha bha yhola ya ayele ni n'gosi.”
For it is written, “Rejoice, thou barren who bearest not, cry out and shout for joy, thou that travailest not, for more are the children of her that was desolate, than of her which had an husband.”
28 Henu ndongho, Katya Isaka, muenga bhana bha ahadi.
So we, brethren, as Isaac, are the children of the promise.
29 Kwa magono ghala munu yaahogolikai mujibu was mbhele an'tesyai munu ya ahogoliki mujibu wa roho ni henu ndo mebhwa.
But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so is it now.
30 Mayandiku ghijobhaa naa? “Umbhosyai mwanadala wakitumwa pamonga ni bhana munu bha kigosi. “Kwa ndabha bhana bha mabhu n'tumwa. Bila lisi lepi pamonga ni bhana bhana mwanadala huru.”
But what saith the scripture? “Cast out the bond-woman and her son for the son of the bond-maid shall in no wise inherit with the son of the free woman.”
31 Kwa ele, ndhongo, tete so bhana bha mwanadala n'tumwa, bali ni bha mwanadala huru.
So then, brethren, we are not the children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

< Wagalatia 4 >