< Matendo ya Mitume 7 >

1 Kuhani mbaha akajobha. “Mambo agha gha bhukweli”?
THEN said the high-priest, Are these things so?
2 Stefano akajobha, “Bhalongo bhangu ni badadi jhangu munip'elekesiajhi nene: K'yara ghwa bhutukufu an'tokili dadi jhitu Abrahamu bhwakati ajhele Mesopotamia kabla hja, kutama Harani;
He replied, Men, brethren, and fathers, hear me: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran,
3 akan'jobhela, bhokayi katika nchi jha jhobhi ni bhanu bha jhobhi na ulotayi, mu nchi jha nibetakulasya'.
and said to him, Go forth out of thy country, and from among thy relations, and come hither to a land which I will shew thee.
4 Kisha akabhoka mu nchi jha ukaldayo akatama Harani, kuhomela apu, Baada jha dadi munu kufwa, K'yara akandeta mu nchi ejhe, jhabhitama henu.
Then he went out from the country of the Chaldeans, and, dwelt in Charran: and from thence, after his father was dead, God removed him as a sojourner into this very country, in which we now dwell.
5 Ampelilepi kyokyoha kama urithi bwa muene, pajhelepi hata ni sehemu jha kubheka ligolo. Lakini Abrahamu ahaidibhu hata kabla jha kukabhe muana kujhanibetakupelibhwa nchi kama miliki jha muene ni uzao bhwa muene
Yet he gave him no inheritance in it, not so much as the print of his foot: yet he promised to give it for a possession to him and to his seed after him, when he had no son.
6 K'yara ajobhi naku naha, jha kujha bhazao bha muene nghabhatamili mu nchi jha kubhuhesya ni bhenyeji bha okhubhibeta kubhabhomba bhatumwa bha bhene ni kubhabhomba fibaya kwa muda ghwa miaka mianne.
Then spake God to him thus, That his seed should sojourn in a foreign land: and that they should enslave it, and grievously afflict it, four hundred years.
7 Ni K'yara akajobha nibetakulihukumu taifa ambalyo libeta kubhabhomba mateka, ni baada jha apu bhibhita kuhoma ni kuniabudu pa sehemu ejhe.
And the nation by which they shall be enslaved will I judge, said God: and after these things they shall come out, and shall worship me in this place.
8 Na ampelili Abrahamu Agano lya tohara. Ivyo Abrahamu akajha ghwa ISaka akan'tahiri ligono lya nane; Isaka akajha dadi ghwa Yakobo ni Yakobo akajha dadi ghwa bhakhoko bhitu kumi ni bhabhele.
And he gave him the covenant of circumcision: and so he begat Isaac, and circumcised him on the eighth day; and Isaac Jacob, and Jacob the twelve patriarchs.
9 Bhakoko bhitu bhakambonela bhwifu Yusufu bhakan'hemesya katika nchi jh a Misri, ni K'yara ajhele pamonga ni muene,
And the patriarchs, envious, sold Joseph into Egypt: yet God was with him,
10 ni kumwokola katika malombosi gha muene, ni kumpela fadhili ni hekima mbele jha Farao mfalme ghwa Misri. Farao akambeka kujha mtawala juu jha Misri ni juu jha nyumba jha muene jhioha.
and delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favour and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt; and he appointed him governor over Egypt and all his house.
11 Basi kwajhele ni njala mbaha ni malombosi mingi mu nchi jha Misri ni kanani, ni bhadidi jhitu bhakabhilepi kyakulya.
Then came a famine upon all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great distress: and our fathers found no provisions.
12 Lakini Yakobo bho apeliki kujha ni nafakaMisri, abhalaghisi bha dadi jhitu kwa mara jha kwanza.
But when Jacob heard that there were provisions in Egypt, he sent our fathers, the first time.
13 Katika safari jha pili Yusufu akakilasya kwa bhalongo munu, familia jha Yusufu jhikamanyikana kwa Farao.
And the second time Joseph was made known unto his brethren; and Joseph’s family was made known unto Pharaoh.
14 Yusufu abhalaghisi bhalongomunu kulota kun'jobhela Yakobo dadi jabhi ahidayi Misri, pamonga ni ndongo munu, jumla jha bhanu bhoha sabini na tano.
Then sent Joseph, and invited his father Jacob to come to him, and all his kindred, consisting of seventy-five persons.
15 Hivyo Yakobo aselili Misri; kisha afuili pamonga ni bhadadi jhitu.
So Jacob went down into Egypt, and died, himself, and our fathers,
16 Bhakatolibhwa hata Shekemu bhakasyelibhwa mulikaburi ambalyo Abrahamu alihemili kwa fipandi fya hela kuhoma kwa bhana bha Hamori okhu Shekemu.
and they removed him to Sychem, and laid him in the sepulchre which Abraham had bought, at a price paid in silver, of the sons of Emmor, the father of Shechem.
17 Bhwakati bhwa jhela ahidi ambayo K'yara aahidi Abrahamu bho bhukaribili, bhanu bho bhajhongesiki oku Misri,
But as the time of the promise which God had with an oath confirmed unto Abraham drew nigh, the people increased and multiplied in Egypt,
18 Bhwakati obhu ajhinuiki mfalme jhongi Misri, mfalme jhaa manyilepi kuhusu Yusufu.
until another king arose, who knew not Joseph.
19 Mfalme jhongi ojho akabhakofya bhanu bhitu ni kubhabhomba mabhibhi bha dadi jhitu, ni kubhatagha bhana bhabhi bhadebe ili bhasiishi.
This man, forming crafty designs against our nation, grievously treated our fathers, so as to cause them to expose their children, in order to exterminate the race.
20 Katika kipindi khela Musa ahogoliki ajhele nnofu mbele jha K'yara alalibhu miesi midatu mu nyumba jha dadi munu.
At which time Moses was born, and was endued with singular beauty from God, who was brought up three months in the house of his father:
21 Bhwakati ataghibhu, binti ghwa Farao antolili akandela kama mwana munu.
and when he was exposed, Pharaoh’s daughter took him home, and brought him up for herself, as a son.
22 Musa amanyisibhu mafundisu ghoha gha kimisri; ajhele ni nghofu mu malobhi ni matendo.
And Moses was educated in all the wisdom of Egypt, and was mighty in words and actions.
23 Lakini baada jha kutimisya miaka arobaini, jhikanhidila mu muoyo bhwa muene kubhagendela bhalongo munu, bhana bha Israeli.
But when he had completed his fortieth year, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel.
24 Bhoambwene mwisraeli ibhombibhwa mabhibhi, Musa an'telili ni kulepesya kisasi kwa jhaamboneleghe kwa kun'tobha Mmsri.
And seeing one of them treated injuriously, he defended him, and executed vengeance for him who had suffered the outrage, smiting the Egyptian.
25 Afikineghe kujha bhalongo munu bhibeta kumanya kujha K'yara akabhaokola kwa mabhoko gha muene lakini bhamanyilepi.
For he thought that his brethren would understand that God by his hand would give them deliverance: but they understood not.
26 Ligono lya lafwatili akalota kwa baadhi jha bhaisraeli bhahakomaneghe; akajaribu kubhapatenisya; akajobha Mabwana, muenga ndongo, mbona mwikoselana jhmu kwa jhomu?
And the following day he shewed himself to them as they were fighting, and urged them to peace, saying, My friends, ye are brethren; wherefore do ye ill treat one another?
27 Lakini jhaankosili jirani ghwa muene akansukumila patali ni kujobha, 'Niani akubhombili kujha mtawala ni mhukumu ghwa tete?
Then he who did his neighbour wrong thrust him from him, saying, Who appointed thee a ruler and a judge over us?
28 Bhebhe wilonda kunikoma kama kyaghwan'komili Mmisri golo”?
Wilt thou kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian yesterday?
29 Musa ajumbili baada jha kupeleka nahu; akajha n'hesya mu nchi jha Midiani ambapo akajha dadi ghwa bhana bhabhele.
Then fled Moses at this saying, and was a sojourner in the land of Midian, where he begat two sons.
30 Baada jha miaka arobaini kup'eta, malaika akan'tokela mu jangwa lya kidonda sinai, katika mb'ele ghwa muoto mukichaka.
And when forty years were completed, there appeared to him in the desert of mount Sinai the angel of the Lord, in a flame of fire in a bush.
31 Bwakati Musa abubhwene muoto, ashangele ni kustajabila khela kya akibhwene, na bhoajeribu kukihegelela ili kukilanga sauti jha Bwana ikan'hidila ni kujobha,
But when Moses saw it, he marvelled at the sight: and as he was drawing nearer to observe it, a voice from the Lord came to him,
32 “Nene ne K'yara ghwa bha dadi waku, K'yara ghwa Abrahamu, ni ghwa Isaka, ni ghwa Yakobo; Musa atetenuki na athubulepi kulanga.
“I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Then Moses trembling, dared not to look farther.
33 Bwana akan'jobhela, “Fulayi filatu fya jhibhi, sehemu pa ujhemili ndo mahali patakatifu.
Then the Lord said unto him, “Loose the sandal from thy feet: for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
34 Nighabhuene mateso gha bhanu bhangu bhabhajhele Misri; Nip'eleliki kuluala kwa bhene, nani niselili ili nibhaokolayi; Henu hidayi, nibeta kulaghisya bhebhe Misri.'
Attentive I have beheld the evil treatment of my people in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and I am come down to deliver them. And now come hither, I will send thee into Egypt.”
35 Ojhi Musa jha bhambelili, wakati bhijobha, Niani akubhekili kujha mtawala ni mwamuzi ghwa tete? Ajhele ndo K'yara andaghisi kujha mtawala ni n'kombozi K'yara andaghisi kwa kibhoko kya malaika ambajhe an'tokili Musa mu kichaka.
This very Moses whom they had rejected, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and redeemer by the hand of the angel who appeared to him in the bush.
36 Musa abhalonguisi kuhomela Misri baada jha kubhomba miujiza ni ishara kuimisri ni kubahari jha Shamu, ni kulijangwa kwa kipindi kya miaka arobaini.
He brought them forth, after performing miracles and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years.
37 Ndo Musa ojho jhaabhajobhili bhanu bha Israeli kujha, K'yara ibetakubhajhinubila nabii kuhomele miongonni mwa bhalongo bhinu, nabii kama nene.
This is the Moses who said unto the children of Israel, “A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up for you from among your brethren, as myself; him shall ye hear.”
38 Ojho ndo munu ambajhe ajhele ku n'kutano ku lijangwa ni malaika ambajhe alongi nakhu pa kidonda Sinai. Ojho ndo munu apokili lilobhi lyalijhe hai ni kutupela tete.
This is he, who was with the church in the wilderness with the angel who spake to him in the mount Sinai, and with our fathers: who received the oracles of life to give unto us:
39 Ojho ndo munu ambajhe bhadadijhitu bhabeli kuntii; bhan'sukumili patali ni mu mioyo ghyabho bhageukili Misri.
to whom our fathers would not be obedient, but thrust him from them, and turned back in their hearts unto Egypt,
40 Mu kipindi e'ku bhan'jobhili Haruni.'tutengeneselayi miungu ghyaghibetakutulongosya. Musa ojho, jhaatulongosiaghe kuhomela nchi jha Misri, tumanyilepi kyakin'kolili.'
saying to Aaron, Make us gods who shall go before us: for this Moses, who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what hath happened to him.
41 Hiyo bhatengenisi liloli kwa magono aghu ni kupisya sadaka kwa sanamu ejhu na bhahobheleli kwa ndabha jha mbombo jhe mabhoko gha bhene.
And they made a calf in those days, and brought a sacrifice for the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.
42 Lakini K'yara abhageuzili ni kubhapela bhaabudu ajhi litondo lya kunani, kama kya jhilembibhu mu kitabu kya manabii, je, munihomesili nene sadaka sya bhanyama bha mubhachijhili ku jangwa kwa muda bhwa miaka arobaini nyumba jha Israeli?
Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, Have ye offered me slain beasts and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
43 Mujhedekili hema jha kubhonanila jha Moleki ni litondo lya K'yara refani, ni picha jha muteng'enisi ni kubhaabudu bhene: ne nibetakubhapeleka patali zaidi jha Babeli.
Yet have ye taken up the tabernacle of Moloc, and the star of your god Remphan, those figures which ye made to pay adoration to them: and I will transport you beyond Babylon.
44 Bhadadi jhitu bha jhe ni hema lya kubhonanila jha bhushuhuda jangwani kama K'yara kyaamuili bhoilongela ni Musa, kwamba ngaaiteng'enisi kwa mfano bhwa bhola bhwaabhuene.
The tabernacle of the testimony was with our fathers in the wilderness, as he that spake to Moses commanded, that he should make it according to the model which he had seen.
45 E'le ndo lihema ambalyobha dadi jhitu, kwa bhwakati ghwa bhene bhaletibhu mu nchi ni Joshua. Ejhhe jhatokili bhwakati bho bhajhingili kumiliki taifa ambalyo K'yara abhabhengili kabla jha uwepo ghwa bha dadi jhitu. Ejhe jha jhele naha mpaka magono gha Daudi,
Which also our fathers having received, brought in with Joshua into the place possessed by the Gentiles, whom God drove out from before the presence of our fathers, unto the days of David;
46 ambajhe akabhaili kibanda makao kwa k'yara ghwa Yakobo
who found favour before God, and sought to procure an habitation for the God of Jacob.
47 Lakini Sulemani an'jengili nyumba jha K'yara.
But Solomon built an house for him.
48 Hata naha jhe ajhe kunani itama lepi munyumba sya sijengebhu kwa mabhoko; ejhe kama nabii kya ajobhili,
Though the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as the prophet saith,
49 Mbingu ndo kiti kyangu kya enzi, ni dunia ndo sehemu jha kubheka magolo gha jhoni. Nyumba jha aina jheleku mwibetakujenga? ijobha Bwana; jhjhendaku sehemu jha nene jha kup'omoseka?
“Heaven is my throne, and earth the footstool for my feet: what kind of house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what place is there for my repose?
50 Siyo kibhoko kya nene kya kibhombili agha ghoha?
hath not my hand made all these things?”
51 Enye bhanu bha mujhe ni singu sikatafu mwam'belikuiribhwa mioyoni mb'olokolo, khila mara mukampinga Roho mtakatifu; mwibhombil.
Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and in ears, ye do always oppose yourselves against the Holy Ghost: as your fathers, so are ye.
52 Ni nabii jholeku katika manabii ambajhe bhadadi jhinu bhan'tesilipi? Bhabhakhomili manabii bhoha bhabhetokili kabla jha ujio bhwa mmonga mwenye haki,' ni henu mmalikujha mwebhasaliti ni bhauajhi bha muene kabhole,
Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they killed those who before published the tidings of the coming of that Righteous Person; of whom ye have now been the betrayers and murderers:
53 enyi bhanu jha mwapokili sheria jhela jha laghisibhu ni malaika lakini mwajhikamuili lepi.”
who have received the law through arrangements of angels, yet have not observed it.
54 Kisha bhajumbe bha baraza bhobhap'eliki mambo agha, bhanyanyibhu mioyo ghya bhene, bhakan'syaghila minu Stefano.
Now when they heard these things, they were cut through their hearts as with a saw, and gnashed upon him with their teeth.
55 Lakini muene bho amemili Roho mtakatifu, alolili kumbinguni kwa makini ni kubhubhona utukufu bhwa K'yara; ni kumbona Yesu ajhemili kibhoko kya kuume kya K'yara.
But he being full of the Holy Ghost, and looking up stedfastly to heaven, saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God;
56 Stefano akajobha, “Langayi nijhibhwene mbingu sifungwiki, ni Mwana gha Adamu ajhemili kibhoko kya kuume kya K'yara.”
and he said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.
57 Lakini bhajmbe bhe baraza bhapigili kelele kwa sauti mbaha, bhakaziba mb'olokoto sya bhene, bhakan'jumbilila kwa pamonga,
Then they screamed out with a great cry, and stopped their ears, and rushed all together upon him,
58 Bhakan'tagha kwibhala mu masi ni kun'tobha ni maganga; ni mashahidi bhakafula nghobho sya bhene kwibhala ni kubheka pasi karibu ni magolo gha n'songolo jhaakutibhweghe Sauli.
and dragging him out of the city, stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man, named Saul.
59 Bhwakati bhakan'tobha magangaa Stefano, ajhendelili kunkuta Bwana ni kujobha, “Bwana Yesu pokelayi roho jhangu,”.
And they stoned Stephen, in the act of prayer, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!
60 Akapiga magoti ni kukuta kwa sauti mbaha, “Bwana, usibhabhalangili dhambi ejhe.” Bho ajobhi aghu akatili roho.
Then falling on his knees, he cried with a loud voice, Lord, impute not to them this sin! And thus speaking, fell asleep.

< Matendo ya Mitume 7 >