< Matendo ya Mitume 20 >

1 Baada jha ghasia kumalika, Paulo akabhakuta bhanafunzi ni kubhapela muoyo. Kisha kubhalagha ni kubhoka kulota Makedonia.
THEN after the tumult was quieted, Paul called to him the disciples, and taking his leave, departed to go into Macedonia.
2 Ni muene bho apetili mikoa ejhu na akajha akabhapela muoyo bhaamini, akajhingila Uyunani.
And passing through those parts, and having exhorted them with much discourse, he went into Greece.
3 Baada jha muene kujha pala kwa muda ghwa miesi midatu njama syaundibhu dhidi jha muene ni bhayahudi bho bhapeliki ikaribila kubhoka ku njela jha bahari kulotela Shamu, hivyo jhandondiki kukerebhuka kupetela Makedonia.
And after three months stay, as the Jews were lying in wait for him, when he was just embarking for Syria, he determined to return through Macedonia.
4 Bhaandamene naku hadi Asia bhajhele Sopatro, mwana ghwa Pirho kuhoma Berea; Aristariko ni Sekundo, bhoha kuhoma bhaamini bha Bhathesalonike; Gayo ghwa Derbe; Timotheo; Tikiko ni Trofimo kuhoma Asia.
And there accompanied him as far as Asia, Sopater a Berean; and of the Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Secundus; and Gaius of Derbe, and Timothy; and Tychicus and Trophimus, Asiatics.
5 Lakini bhanu abha bhamalikulongolela na bhatulendeleghe kula Troa.
These going before tarried for us at Troas.
6 Kwa njela jha bahari kuhoma Filipi baada jha magono gha mikate ghyaghisopibhu lepi chachu, ni mu magono mahanu twabhafikili okhu Troa. Twatamili okhu kwa magono saba.
And we sailed from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and came to them to Troas after five days; where we stayed seven days.
7 Hata ligono lya kuanza lya juma, bho tubhonganiki pamonga ili kuumetula n'kate, Paulo alongelili ni bhaumini. Akajha apangili kubhoka ligono lya kilabhu lyake, Efyo akajhendelela kulongela hadi kiru kya manane.
And on the first day of the week, when the disciples were assembled to break bread, Paul preached unto them (ready to depart on the morrow), and extended his discourse until midnight.
8 Kwajhele ni taa simehele mu kichumba kya panani ambapo twajhele tubhonganiki pamonga.
Now there were many lamps in the upper room, where they were assembled.
9 Mu ridirisha ajhele atamili n'songolo mmonga lihina lya muene Utiko, ambajhe uelemibhu ni lugono. Hata Paulo bho ihutubila kwa muda mrefu, n'songolo ojho, ajhele amalikugona, akabina pasi kuhoma ghorofa jha tatu na aholibhu bho amalikufwa.
And a certain youth named Eutytchus, who sat in the window, fell into a profound sleep: as Paul discoursed much longer than usual, quite overpowered with sleep, he fell down from a third story, and was taken up dead.
10 Lakini Paulo akaselela pasi akinyosi muene panani pa muene, akan'kumbatila. Kisha akajobha, “Msikati tamaa kwandabha ujhe hai.”
But Paul came down, and fell upon him, and taking him in his arms, said, Trouble not yourselves, for his life is yet in him.
11 Kisha akakwela kabhele ghorofani na akaumetula n'kate akalya. Baada jha kulongela nabhu kwa muda mrefu hadi lubhuliku, akabhoka.
And when he had gone up, and broken bread, and eaten, and conversed a long time, even to the break of day, he then departed.
12 Bhakandeta n'songolo jhola ajhe muomi bhafarijiki sana.
And they brought the lad alive, and were comforted exceedingly.
13 Twebhene twalongolili palongolo jha Paulo kwa meli ni kulota Aso, ambapo tete tulondeghe kun'tola Paulo okhu. Ekhe ndo muene kyaalondeghe kubhomba, kwandabha apangi kubhomba kulota kupetela pandema.
Then we going before to the ship, sailed for Assos, intending there to take in Paul: for so he had ordered, meaning himself to walk thither.
14 Bhoatufikili okhu Aso, twampaki mu meli tukalota Mitilene.
And when he met us at Assos, we took him up, and came to Mytelene.
15 Kisha tete tukatweka kuhoma okhu na ligono lya bhubhele twafikili lubhafu lwa bhubhele bhwa kisiwa kya Kio. Ligono lyalyafwatili twafikili kisiwa kya Samo, ni kilabhu jhiake twafikili mji bhwa Mileto.
And sailing from thence, on the following day we advanced over against Chios; and the next day we touched at Samos, and staying at Trogyllium, the day following we came to Miletus.
16 Kwandabha Paulo aamuili kusafiri kup'etela Efeso, ili kwamba asitumili muda bhwobhwoha mu Asia; kwandabha ajhe ni hangara jha kubhwahi Yerusalemu kwandabha jha sikukuu jha Pentekoste, kama ngajhibhwesekene muene kubhomba naha.
For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, that he might not spend the time in Asia: for he hastened on, if it was possible for him, to be at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost.
17 Kuhoma Mileto akalaghisya bhanu hadi Efeso ni kubhakuta bhaseya bhakanisa.
So he sent to Ephesus from Miletus, and called the presbyters of the church to attend him.
18 Bho bhafikili kwa muene akabhajobhela, muenga mwebhene mmanyili kuhoma ligono lya kuanza bho nikanyi apaAsia, jinsi kyanijhe kwa muenga muda bhuoha.
And when they were come unto him, he said unto them, Ye know, from the very first day in which I entered into Asia, how I have been among you at every season,
19 Nintumikili Bwana kwa unyenyekevu bhoha ni kwa mahosi, ni mateso ghaghanikabhili nene kwa hila sya bhayahudi.
serving the Lord with all humility, and with many tears and trials, which have befallen me through the lying in wait of the Jews:
20 Mmanyilijinsi ambafyo nakizuililepi kutangasya kwa muenga khenu kyokyoha ambakyo kyajhele muhimu, na jinsi nene kyanibhemenyisi waziwazi na kabhele kulota nyumba kwa nyumba.
and that I have suppressed nothing which could conduce to your profiting; not desisting from preaching to you, and teaching you in public, and from house to house,
21 Mumanyili jinsi nene kyanikajhendelili kubhaonya bhayahudi ni bhayunani juu jha toba kwa K'yara ni imani kwa Bwana bhitu Yesu.
repeatedly urging both on Jews and Greeks repentance towards God, and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ.
22 Na henu, mulangayi, nene, nikantii Roho mtakatifu kulotela Yerusalemu, nisighamanyi mambo ambagho ghibetakunitokela nene okhu,
And now behold I am going, bound by the Spirit, unto Jerusalem, not knowing what things shall there befal me:
23 ila kwa kujha Roho mtakatifu ikanishuhudila nene mu khila mji na ijobha kujha minyororo ni malombosi ndo fikanilendela.
only this, that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying, that bonds and tribulation await thee.
24 Lakini nene nafikiriri lepi kujha maisha ghangu ndo kwa njela jhojhioha jha thamani kwa nene, ili nibhwesiajhi kumala mwendo bhwangu ni huduma jhenipokili kuhoma kwa Bwana Yesu, kushuhudila injili jha neema jha K'yara.
Yet I make no account of any suffering, nor regard my life as of any value to myself, farther than as I may finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord, to testify fully the Gospel of the grace of God.
25 Ni henu, langayi, nimanyili kujha bhoha, miongoni mwa bhala bhanitolili kubhahubiri Ufalme, mwibetalepi kunibhona pamihu kabhele.
And now behold, I know that ye shall see my face no more, even ye all, among whom I have gone in and out preaching the kingdom of God.
26 Kwa hiyo nikabhashuhudila lelu ejhe, kujha nijhelepi ni hatia ni damu jha munu jhejhioha jhola.
Wherefore I appeal to you this day as witnesses that I am pure from the blood of all men.
27 Kwandabha nakizuili lepi kubhatangasila mapenzi ghoha gha K'yara.
For I have concealed nothing, so as not repeatedly to declare to you the whole counsel of God.
28 Kwa hiyo mujhelayi mwebhaangalifu juu jha jhomu mwibhene, ni juu jha likundi lyoha ambalyo Roho mtakatifu abhabhekili muenga kujha bhaangalizi. Mujhelayi bhaangalifu kulilolela likusanyiku lya Bwana ambalyo alihemili kwa damu jha muene.
Take heed therefore to yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you bishops, to feed as shepherds the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood.
29 Nimanyili kujha baada jha kubhoka kwa nene mbwa mwitu bhakali bhibheta kujhingila kwa muenga, na bhasilihurumili likundi.
For this I know, that after my departure there will come among you grievous wolves, not sparing the flock:
30 Nimanyili kwamba hata miongoni mwa jhomu mwebhene baadhi jha bhanu bhibeta kuhida ni kujobha mambo manofulepi, ili kubhafuta bhanafunzi bhabhakesiajhi bhene.
Yea, from among yourselves shall men arise, speaking perverting doctrines, to draw away disciples after them.
31 Henu, mujhelayi mihu. Mukhombokayi kujha kwa miaka midatu nalekilepi kubhafundisha kila mmonga bhinu kwa mahosi kiru ni pamusi.
Therefore watch, remembering that for three years, by night and by day, I have never ceased with tears to admonish every individual.
32 Ni henu nene nikabhakabisi kwa K'yara, ni kwa lilobhi lya neema jha muene, ambalyo libhwesya kubhajenga ni kubhapela urithi pamonga nabhu bhoha bhabhabhekibhu bhakfu kwa K'yara.
And now, brethren, I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to finish the superstructure, and to give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
33 Natamanilepi hela, dhahabu, au maguanda.
The silver, or gold, or apparel of no man have I coveted:
34 Mmanyili mwebhene kujha mabhoko agha inipelili mahitaji ghangu nejhoni ni mahitaji gha bhala bhabhajhe pamonga nani.
but ye yourselves know that these hands have by labour furnished necessaries for my own wants, and for those who were with me.
35 Mu mambo agha nabhapelili mfano bhwa jinsi kyajhilondeka kubhasaidila bhanyonge kwa kubhomba mbombo, na jinsi kyamwilondeka kukhomboka malobhi gha Bwana Yesu, malobhi ambagho muene ajobhili: “Heri kupisya kuliko kupokela.”
In all things I have set you the example, that so labouring hard ye ought to help the infirm, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, because he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
36 Baada jha kujobha namna ejhe, apigili magoti akas'oka pamonga nabhu.
And when he had spoken these things, he fell on his knees, and prayed with them all.
37 Bhoha bhakalela sana ni kumbinila Paulo mu n'singu ni kumbusu.
And all of them shed floods of tears, and fell upon Paul’s neck, and kissed him again and again,
38 Bhahuzuniki zaidi jha ghoha kwandabha jha khela ambakyo ajobhili, kwamba kamwe bhibetalepi kubhubhona uso bhwa muene kabhele. Kisha bhakan'sindikila Merikebuni.
most peculiarly afflicted at that word which he had spoken, that they should see his face no more: and they accompanied him unto the ship.

< Matendo ya Mitume 20 >