< 1 Wakorintho 7 >

1 Kuhusu mambo ghamnyandikili: Kuyele wakati ambapu ni kinofu ngosi akolokugona ni ndala munu.
NOW with regard to those things concerning which ye have written unto me, it were good for a man not to touch a woman.
2 Lakini kwa ndabha ya majaribu mingi gha zinaa khila ngosi ayelai ni ndala wa muene, na khila ndala ayelai ni ngosi munu.
But because of the whoredoms, let every man have his own wife, and every wife her own husband.
3 Ngosi ipasika kumpela ndala haki ya muene ya ndobho, ni khela khela ndala ni muene kwa ngosi munu.
Let the husband render to the wife due benevolence, and in like manner also the wife to the husband.
4 Si ndala yayele ni mamlaka juu ya mbhelhe wa muene, ni ngosi. Khela khela, ngosi ni muene ayelepi ni mamlaka juu ya mbhele wa muene, bali ndala ayenaku.
The wife hath not power over her own body, but the husband: in like manner also the husband has not power over his own body, but the wife.
5 Mkolokuyimana pamwigona pamonga, isipokwa mkubalianaa kwa muda maalum. Mketai naha ili kukabha muda wa maombi. Kisha mwibhuesya kukhelhebhukilana kabhele pamonga, ili kwamba Shetani akolokuhida kubhajaribu kwa kukosa kiasi.
Defraud not one another, except it may be by consent occasionally, that ye may have more leisure for fasting and prayer; and come together again, lest Satan tempt you through your incontinence.
6 Lakini nijobha agha mambo kwa hiari na si kama amri.
But in this I speak my opinion only, not authoritatively.
7 Nitamani kila mmonga ngayele kama nene kaniyele. Lakini khila mmonga ayele ni karama ya muene kuhoma kwa K'yara. Oyo ayele ni karama eye, ni yhola karama yhela.
For I would that all men were even as myself: but every man hath his peculiar gift from God, one of this sort, and another of that.
8 Kwa bhabelili kugegekibhwa ni bhajane niobha kwamba, ni kinofu kwa bhene kama bhabakili bila kugegekibhwa, kama kaniyele nene.
I say then to the unmarried and the widows, that it is becoming them if they abide as I am.
9 Lakini kama mwibhuesyalepi kwizuila, bhipasibhwa kugegekibhwa kwa ndabha heri kwa bhene kugegekibhwa kuliko kuyaka tamaa.
But if they have not the gift of continence, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.
10 henu kwa bhala bhabhagegekibhu nikabhaphela amri, nelepi bali ni Bwana. “Ndala akolokutengana ni ngosi munu.”
But to the married not I command, but the Lord, That the wife be not separated from the husband:
11 Lakini kama kajitenga kuhoma kwa ngosi munu, abakilai mewa bila kugegekibhwa au vinginevyo apatanai ni ngosi munu. Ni “Ngosi akolokumphela talaka ndala munu.”
and even if she should be separated, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
12 Lakini bhakili, nijobha - nene, si Bwana -kwamba kama ndongo yeywoha yhola ayele ni ndala yaiaminilepi na iridhika kuishi ni muene, ipasibhwa lepi kundeka.
But to the others I speak, not the Lord, If any brother hath a wife unbelieving, yet she chuseth to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
13 Kama ndala ayele ni ngosi yakamwamini lepi natiai iridhika kuishi ni muene, akolokundeka.
And the wife which hath a husband not a believer, and he chuses to dwell with her, let her not put him away.
14 Kwa ngosi yabelili kuamini itasika kwa ndabha ya imani ya ndala munu. Ni ndala yabelili kuamini itakasika kwa ndabha ya ngosi munu yaiamini. Viginevyo Bwana bhuinyu ngabhayelepi safi, lakini kwa kueli bhatakasiki.
For the husband that believeth not is sanctified by the wife, and the wife who believeth not is sanctified by the husband: else indeed your children were unclean, but now are they holy.
15 Lakini mwenzi yaiaminilepi kabhokai na alotai. Kwa namna eyu, mhaja au ndhombho bhifungibhwalepi ni fiapo fya bhene. K'yara atukutili kwa amani.
But if the unbelieving person depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in these cases, but God hath called us unto peace.
16 Wimanyala bhuli kama ndala, huenda ilota kumwokola ngosibhu? Au wimanya bhuli kama ngosi, huenda ilotakumwola ndalabhu?
For how knowest thou, O wife, but thou shalt save thy husband? and how knowest thou, O husband, but thou shalt save thy wife?
17 Khila mmonga tu aishi maisha kama Bwana akibhagabhili, khila mmonga kama K'yara akibhakutili bhene. Obho ni mwongozo wa nene kwa makanisa ghoha.
Nevertheless as God has bestowed the gift on every man as the Lord hath called every man, so let him walk, and so I give command in all the churches.
18 Ayele yataharibhu pakutibhu kuamini? Akolokujaribu kubhoka alama ya tohara ya muene.
Is any man called being circumcised? let him not affect uncircumcision. Is any man called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised.
19 Ayele yeywoha yhola yakutibhu mu imani ataharibhulepi wala yabelili kutahiribhwa kuyelepi matatizo. Kakujele ni matatizo ni kutii amri sa K'yara.
Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the observance of the commandments of God.
20 Khila mmonga abakilai mu wito kayele pakutibhu ni K'yara kuamini.
Let every one abide in the calling in which he is called.
21 Wayele mtumwa wakati K'yara pakukutili? Ukolokujali kuhusu eyu. Lakini kama wibhuesya kuya huru, fuanyai naha.
Art thou called being a slave? let it give thee no concern; but if thou canst also obtain thy freedom, rather make use of it.
22 Kwa mmonga yaikutibhwa ni Bwana kama mtumwa ni munu huru mu Bwana. Kama khela, yayele huru pakutibhu kuamini ni mtumwa wa Kristu.
For he that is called in the Lord, being a slave, is the Lord’s freed man: in like manner also, he that is called, being a free man, is the servant of Christ.
23 Mmali kugholibhwa kwa thamani, henu mkolokuya bhatumwa bhanadamu.
Have you been redeemed with a price? become not the slaves of men.
24 Mhaja ni ndhombho bhangu, mu maisha ghoghoha khila mmonga watete twakutibhwai kuamini, tubakilai khela.
Let every one, brethren, in the vocation wherein he is called, therein abide with God.
25 Henu, bhala bhoa ambabho bhabhabelili kugega kamwe, nujihe ni amri kuhoma kwa Bwana. Lakini nikabhaphela maoni ghangu kama nikiyele kwa huruma sa Bwana, sasiaminika
Now concerning virgins, I have no commandment of the Lord; but I offer my opinion, as having obtained mercy from the Lord to be faithful.
26 Henu nifikirila naha kwa ndabha ya usumbufu, ni kinofu ngosi abakilai kama kayele.
I think then that this is becoming, considering our present straits, that it is proper for a man to be thus.
27 Ufungibhu kwa ndala ni kiapo kya ndobho? Kolokulonda uhuru kuhoma henu. Uyele huru kuhoma kwa ndala au ugegekibhu lepi? Ukolokulonda ndala.
Art thou bound to a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
28 Lakini kama ugegeli ufanyili lepi dhambi Na kama ndala agegekibhu lepi agegekibhu, afanyililepi hambi. Bado bhala bhigegana bhikabha masumbufu gha aina mbalimbali. Ninene nilonda nibhaepusyai aghu.
But if thou shouldst marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned; though such will have tribulation in the flesh; but I spare you.
29 Lakini nikabhabhoka naha, mhaja ni ndhombho bhangu mudani ufupi. Tangu henu ni kuyendelela, bhla bhabhayele ni bhadala bhaishyai kama bhayehenabhu.
Now this I say, brethren, that the time is short. The conclusion is, that even they who have wives, should be as though they had not;
30 Bhoa bhabhayele ni huzuni bhakifuanyai kama bhayele bhayelepi ni huzuni, ni bhoa bhabhinuna khenu kyokyokhela, kama bhamiliki hee kyokyokhela.
and they who weep as though they wept not; and they who rejoice as though they rejoiced not; and they that purchase as though they possessed not;
31 Na bhoa bhabhishughulika ni ulimwengu, bhayelai kama bhashughuliki lepi nabhu. Kwa ndabha mitindo ya dunia yifikira muishu bhwaki.
and they who use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away.
32 Nilonda muyelai huru kwa masumbufu ghoa, ngosi yabelili kugega akajihusisha ni henu fafikamhusu Bwana, namna ya kumpendesya muene.
But I would have you to be free from anxiety. He who is unmarried is anxious for the things of the Lord, how he shall please the Lord:
33 Lakini ngosi yagegili kajihusisha ni mambo gha dunia, namna ya kumpendesya mdalamunu,
but he who is married is anxious about the things of the world, how he shall please his wife.
34 agawanyiki ndala yabelili kugegekibhwa au bikira kajihusisha ni fhenu kuhusu Bwana, namna ya kujitenga katika mbhelhe ni mu roho. Lakini ndala yagegekibhu kajihusisha ni fhenu dunia, namna ya kumfurahisya ngosi munu.
A wife and a virgin hath different pursuits: the unmarried woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit; but the married woman is anxious about the things of the world, how she shall please her husband.
35 Nijobha naha kwa faia ya yhomo mwayhomo, na mbhekalepi nteghu kwayhomo. Nijobha naha kwa khela ni haki, ili kwamba mwibhuesya kwibheka wakfu kwa Bwana bila kikwazo kyokyokhela.
Now I say this for your own advantage, and not that I should lay a snare in your way, but as what is seemly, and that you may wait on the Lord without distraction.
36 Lakini kama munu ifikirila ibhuesyalepi kuntendela kwa heshima mwana wali bha muene, kwa ndabha ya hisia sa muene sejele ni nghofho sana, lekai ageganai ni muene kama kaganili. Siyo dhambi.
But if a person supposes it would be unseemly for a virgin of his if she should pass the flower of her age in celibacy, and that duty directs it should be so, let him do as he is inclined, he doth not sin: let such marry.
37 Lakini kama afuanyili maamuzi ghakutokugega, na kuyelepi haja ya lazima, na kama ibhuesya kutawala hamu ya muene ilokufuanya kinofu kama agegilepi.
But he that is stedfast in his heart, not having any necessity, but retaineth power over his own inclination, and hath determined this in his heart that he will preserve his own virgin state, doeth well.
38 Henu, ambayi akangega mwanamwali wa muene ifuanya kinofu, na yeywoha yhola ambayi ichagula kutokugega ilokufuanya kinofu zaidi.
Wherefore though he who giveth in marriage doeth well, yet he who avoids a matrimonial connection, doeth better.
39 Ndala afungibhu ni ngosi munu wakati ayele hai. Lakini kama ndala kafwai, ayele huru kugegekibhwa ni yuywoha yhola yaaganili, lakini katika Bwana tu.
The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth: but if her husband be dead, she is free to be married to whomsoever she will, but only in the Lord.
40 Nakhona mu maamuzi ghayhoni ilotakuya ni furaha zaidi kama kaiishi kayele. Na nifikirila kuya ninene kabhele niyele ni Roho wa K'yara.
But she is more blessed if she abide as she is, in my opinion: and I think I have the spirit of God.

< 1 Wakorintho 7 >