< Lukha 6 >

1 Pwu lino ikhahumila kwu sabato u Yisu alikugenda pagati pa kyalo kya finu na vanyasyule va mwene valinkuyava isocho cha finu, vakhasegeya na mavokho ga vene vakhalya ifinu.
One Sabbath Jesus was passing through the grainfields, and His disciples began to pick the heads of grain, rub them in their hands, and eat them.
2 Avange ava Mafarisai vakhata, “Khekhi mvomba ikhinu khikho salweli khi lulagilo ikhigono kya sabati?”
But some of the Pharisees asked, “Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”
3 Uyisu, akhavanda, akhata, “Sangele mwembe ikyu Ndaveti avombile vwu aliminjala, umwene na vagosi uvwuvali paninie nu mwene?
Jesus replied, “Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?
4 Akhaluta munyumba ya Nguluve, akhatola imikhata imivalache ni iginge ukhyulya, ni iginge ukhuvatolela avanu avuale navo nu khulyu, gigyo gikhele gyu va Makuhani ukhulya.”
He entered the house of God, took the consecrated bread and gave it to his companions, and ate what is lawful only for the priests to eat.”
5 Pwu akhata, “Umwana va Adamu vi mbaha va sabato.”
Then Jesus declared, “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”
6 Ikhahumila isabato iyinge akhaluta kwu tembile nu khuva manyisya avanu ukwa. Alepwo umunu uvi ikhivokho kya mwene ikyandyo khika posiche.
On another Sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and was teaching, and a man was there whose right hand was withered.
7 Avamanyisi na va Mafarisai valikundola vunonu ukhulola ingave ayi kumponia umunu ilichova lya sabato, vayivone inyila ya khusi takho ukhuvomba imbivi.
Looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, the scribes and Pharisees were watching Him closely to see if He would heal on the Sabbath.
8 Alumanyile khi khekhi ikyo visaga pwu akhata khwo mnu uvikhifula ikhivokho, “Sisimokha, ima apa pagati pa munu nu munu.”Pwa umunu uyo akhasisimokha nu kwima bahapo.
But Jesus knew their thoughts and said to the man with the withered hand, “Get up and stand among us.” So he got up and stood there.
9 UYisu akhachova kuvene, “Nikhuvavucha umwe, lweli ukhuvomba inonu kya apange ukhuvomba imbivi ukhupokha uwaomi au ukhunanga ikhigono kya sabato?” Akhavalola voni nu khumbula umunu,
Then Jesus said to them, “I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?”
10 “Golosya ikhivokha kyako akhagaha evwu, ni khivokho kya mwene khikhapona.
And after looking around at all of them, He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He did so, and it was restored.
11 Vakhadiga ne ilyoyo valikwichofya nja vavo vagahe ndakhekhi khwa Yisu.
But the scribes and Pharisees were filled with rage and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus.
12 Ikhahumila isikhu kho icho alotile khwu khyamba khukhisaya. ikilo yoni alikundova Unguluve.
In those days Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and He spent the night in prayer to God.
13 Vuvukila akhavilanga avasyule va mwene ku mwene, na mbili avange akhavilanga, “Mitume.”
When daylight came, He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom He also designated as apostles:
14 Amatewa ga va mitume gu aga Simoni(uvi alikhumwilanga Peteli) nu Andeleya ikhikolo kya mwene, u Yakobo, u Yohana, u Filipo, Bartolomayo,
Simon, whom He named Peter, and his brother Andrew; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew;
15 Mathayo, Tomaso nu Yahobo mwana va Alfayo, Simoni, uvivali kumwilanga Zelote,
Matthew and Thomas; James son of Alphaeus and Simon called the Zealot;
16 Yuta mwana va Yakobo nu Yuda Iskariote, uviale insongelehani.
Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.
17 UYisu akhikha paninie na vene ukhuhuma khu khyamba nu khwima paluvindi ikhipuga ikhivaha kya vakongi va mwene vale ukho, paninie ni khipuga ikhivaha kya vanu ukhuhuma khuvuyahudi na khuyerusalemu na khulukanji mu Tiro na khu Sidoni.
Then Jesus came down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of His disciples was there, along with a great number of people from all over Judea, Jerusalem, and the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon.
18 Vakhicha khupulehecha nu kunia uvutamu vwa vene. Avanu uvu valikugatachiwa ne mipepo imivivi vakhevaponia.
They had come to hear Him and to be healed of their diseases, and those troubled by unclean spirits were healed.
19 Umunu na munu pakhipuga ikyo alikhugela khwu mwabasya, ukwa kuva amakha ga khuponia mgati nmwene, akhavaponia voni.
The entire crowd was trying to touch Him, because power was coming from Him and healing them all.
20 Pwu akhalola avakongi va mwene, nu khuta, “Msayiwe umwe mwimvile vagachu, ulwakhuva uludeva lwa Nguluve lwinyo.
Looking up at His disciples, Jesus said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
21 Msayiwe umwe mwemvile ne njala lino, ulwakhuva ya mwihekha.
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
22 Msayiwe umwe mwi avanu yavi khuvakalila nu khuvatenga, umwe ukhuta mlivavuvu, kwu nongwa ya mwana va Ndaveli.
Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil because of the Son of Man.
23 Hovokhanga isikhu iyo nu khuchumba chumba, ulwakhuva lweli ya mwiva nu luhombo luvaha khu khyanya, ulwakhuva avadade va veve vavavombile evo avanyamalago.
Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For their fathers treated the prophets in the same way.
24 Lwinyo umwe mwemvile vatayili! Uhwakhuva mpatile ulucheso lwanyo.
But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.
25 Lwinyo umwe mwemwigwite lino! Ulwakhuva ya mwivona njala kuvolongolo. Lwenyo mwe mwiheka lino! Ulwakhuva ya mkuta nu khulila khuvolongolo.
Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.
26 Lwinyo umwe, mwiyaakhave mginiwa na vanu voni! Ulwakhuva udada va vene vavavombile avamanyalago va vodesi vulavula.
Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for their fathers treated the false prophets in the same way.
27 Nichova khuliomwe mwemkhumlihicha, vaganage uvumsoline nu khuvomba inonu khuvala avavikhuvakalalila.
But to those of you who will listen, I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
28 Vasayage vala avavikhuvakotola umwenu khuvadonela vala avavikhuvavonela.
bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
29 Khumwene uvi ikhakhota uvuchuga vumo, impendulile nu wa vili. Ingave umunu ipokha ilijoho lyakho ulekhe ummbecha ni kanju.
If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone takes your cloak, do not withhold your tunic as well.
30 Umpichaga uvidova. Ingave umunu ipokha ikhinu khyakho, ulekha ukhudova akhukilivolile.
Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not demand it back.
31 Nduvumwinogwa avanu vavavombele, nayumwe vavombele vole vole.
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
32 Mngavagane avanu uvumvaganile umwe uhwa lwokhelo lukhikhulyumwe? Ulwakhuva navavatula nongwa vikhuvagana vala avava ganile.
If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them.
33 Ingave mkhuvavombela inonu kala uvavikhuvavombela inonu umwe, vule vule luhombo lukhi khu lyumwe? Ulwakhuva navatula nongwa vigaha vule vule.
If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same.
34 Ingave vukhumwachimela umunu ekhenu uvivukhihuvila khukilivola, vue vule luhombo lukhi khuhomwe? Navavatula nongwa, vikhihuvila ukhupila khikhikyo khange.
And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full.
35 Pwu vaganage uvumlingofyo nu khuvavombela inonu. Vachimelage mlekhe uvudwachi khunongwa ya khukilivola, nu luhombo lwinyo lwiva luvaha. Mwiva vana va pakhianya, tu ulwakhuva yumweni vinonu khu vanu uvuvachila nu lusano na vavivi.
But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.
36 Mvichage ni khisa, nduvu eDada vinyo vwalimkhisa.
Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
37 Mlekhe ukhuhiga, nayumwe sayamhegiwa. Mlekhe ukhukotola, na yumwesaya mkotoliwa. Syiekhilaga avange, nayumwe msekhiliwa.
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
38 Vapichage avange, nayumwe mwipata. Ikhigelo kya vudekhe dekhe - uvusindile, nu khukihina nu khududekha - khidudekha mmafugamilo ginyo, ulwakhuva khugelelo kyokyoni ikyo mgelela ikhupima, ikhigelelo khikhikyo ya khimbekha ukhuva gelela umwe.”
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”
39 Pwu akhavavula ikhihwani. “Akhata Umunu uvi abofwile ikhundongocha umunu uyunge uvia abofwile? Ingave avombile evwo, pwu voni vakhale vikhwingila mliguli, je savakhale vikhwingela?
Jesus also told them a parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?
40 Uva syule sakhave mmbaha ukhuhutilila umanyisi va mwene, pwu umunu angamanyisiwe vononu iva imanyisi va mwene.
A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.
41 Ikhekhi wilola ikhibanji ikhiligati mliho lya lukolohwo, ni libonti ililigati mliho lyakho sawilola?
Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?
42 Vukhwima ndapi ukhumbula uheko lolwo, lukholo hecha ikhibanji ikhigati mliho lyakho,'nayuve sawilola ibiboriti ililindiho lyako yuve? Ulidesi uve! Tala hecha iliboriti mndiho lyakho yuve, pwu wilola vononu ukhuhecha ikhibanji mndiho lya lukololwo.
How can you say, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while you yourself fail to see the beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
43 Ulwakhuva gusikhuli umbikhi unonu ugu gwihola isekhe imbivi, khange gusikhuli umbikhe umbivi ugwihola isekhe inonu.
No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.
44 Ulwakhuva umbikhe gumanyikhikha msekhe cha gwene. Ulwakhuva avanu savitungula isekhe khuhuma khumidodi, khange savitungula isabibu ukhuhuma khumichongoma.
For each tree is known by its own fruit. Indeed, figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor grapes from brambles.
45 Umunu unonu mukhibana kya mwene ikhinonu ikya numbula ya mwene ihumya agavile amanonu, nu munu umbivi mkhibana kya mwene ikhivivi ikya numbula ya mwene ihumya amavivi. Ulwakhuva undomo gwa mwene khova gala ugugadigile munumbula ya mwene.
The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
46 Khekhi mkhunyilanga, 'Ikolodeva, koludeva, 'wu samvomba igumichava?
Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I say?
47 Umunu uvikwicha khulivne nu khupulikha amamenyu gango nu khuvombela imbombo ni khuvavonesya umwanavelile.
I will show you what he is like who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them:
48 Ihwanana nu munu mnyumba ya mwene uvinyava pasi ficho, nu khujenga uhvutu lwa nyumba ya pakyanya pa lunalawe ulukapu. Vugikhwikha amapolomokho ga magasi agakhatova inyumba, sayili khutikhisekho ulwakhuva yi yikhache ngiwe vunonu.
He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid his foundation on the rock. When the flood came, the torrent crashed against that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
49 Uvi ipulikha ilimenyu lyango salikhuli dwadwa ikhihwani kya pene vi munu uviachengile inyumba pakyanya palufumbe upwu lusipali uhwutu, ulugasiti vuhikhwicha na makha inyumba yagwile fivi ficho.
But the one who hears My words and does not act on them is like a man who built his house on ground without a foundation. The torrent crashed against that house, and immediately it fell—and great was its destruction!”

< Lukha 6 >