< Avakholosai 2 >

1 Ulwakhuva nienogwa muluomanye vuowa niekhahangayiekhagha khuombombo nchienyo, khuovoni vavo valiekhuo Laodikia na khuovoni vavo savambwene pamiho palyuone pha mbieli.
But Y wole that ye wite, what bisynesse Y haue for you, and for hem that ben at Laodice, and whiche euere saien not my face in fleisch,
2 Nievomba ewo ukhuta ienumbula nchavene nchiehovokhe ukwincha ienumbula nchavene nchiehovokhe ukwinch pwuo phanienie khuo luoghano luohala, ukhulumanya inchakhuovuotitu ienchalweli iencha Nguluve, uvie vie Klisiti.
that her hertis ben coumfortid, and thei ben tauyt in charite, in to alle the richessis of the plente of the vndurstondyng, in to the knowyng of mysterie of God, the fadir of Jhesu Crist,
3 Uvie Khuomwene kyoni eikyuoma eikya luhala nie kya vumanyi fifihiwe.
in whom alle the tresouris of wisdom and of science ben hid.
4 Nienchova ewo ukhuta alavasyovagha umunu khuo mamenyu aghakhuvasonga.
For this thing Y seie, that no man disseyue you in heiythe of wordis.
5 Hange sanielie pwuopanienie nuomwe khiembieli, nielie puopanienie numwe khiemasagho, nihovoka ukhuta eimighendele gyienyo minonu, na makha aghalwiedhikho lyienyo mwa Klisti.
For thouy Y be absent in bodi, bi spirit Y am with you, ioiynge and seynge youre ordre and the sadnesse of youre bileue that is in Crist.
6 Nduvu mumwuophieliele uo Klisti Untwa, mughendaghe mumwene.
Therfor as ye han takun Jhesu Crist oure Lord,
7 Mwieyiebataghe muo mwene, ulwakhuva muvekhiewe ukhuova na makha muondwie diekho, nduvuomumanyile, muolutielielaghe ukhuosana.
walke ye in hym, and be ye rootid and bieldid aboue in hym, and confermyd in the bileue, as ye han lerud, aboundinge in hym in doynge of thankyngis.
8 Pwu mulolaghe ukhuta umunu alavatolagha uluhala khuo mamenyu aghakhuvasyova ghagho vuophieliele khuovanu, ukhuokhongana nie ndaghielo iencha nkhielunga, nchincho sanchiloncha khwa Klisti.
Se ye that no man disseyue you bi filosofie and veyn fallace, aftir the tradicioun of men, aftir the elementis of the world, and not aftir Crist.
9 Ulwakhuva khumwene vutwa uvueluolufu woni uwa Nguluve khie mbielu.
For in hym dwellith bodilich al the fulnesse of the Godhed.
10 Nayuomwe mukweilaniele khuomwene yuoywa vei intwe gwa vutwa woni uwa vuololeli.
And ye ben fillid in hym, that is heed of al principat and power.
11 Khuo mwene mukheghetiwe ukhuokheghetiwa khuokhwa saghakheghite amavokho ukhuofula uombiele ugwa nyama, ukhuokheghetiwa nuo Klisti.
In whom also ye ben circumcidid in circumcisioun not maad with hoond, in dispoyling of the bodi of fleisch, but in circumcisioun of Crist;
12 Ulwakhuva mwasieliwe pwupaninie nuo mwene vumuokwonchiwa. Pwu mukhanchukha khulweidiekho khuomakha agha Nguluve, uveianchusinche khuovuofwe.
and ye ben biried togidere with hym in baptim, in whom also ye han rise ayen bi feith of the worching of God, that reiside hym fro deth.
13 Umwe upwuomukhafwiele khuo nongwa ncheinyo vusamukheghetiwe eimiveile gyienyo, akhavaviekha ukhuva muolievuomu luninie nuo mwene, pwuo akhatusyiekhiela imbivi nchetuo nchoni.
And whanne ye weren deed in giltis, and in the prepucie of youre fleisch, he quikenyde togidere you with hym;
14 Pwu akhahencha eikhalata yiela yieyo yasimbiwe yieliekhuotuohiegha uvuhieghi uwa mwene, yale nuvutavangwa khuolyuofwe akhahencha ukhuta yieve yiesipali khavieli akhayiefwela pakhiedamihani.
foryyuynge to you alle giltis, doynge awei that writing of decre that was ayens vs, that was contrarie to vs; and he took awei that fro the myddil, pitchinge it on the cros;
15 Akhahencha amakha nuovuololeli akhanchieveka pavuovalafu nu khuova nchaluhekhela oululutieliele pha khiedhamihani kya mwene.
and he spuylide principatis and poweris, and ledde out tristili, opynli ouercomynge hem in hym silf.
16 Umunu atavahieghagha uomwe pakhulya apange pakhunywa, hange ulwakhuva luohekhelo apange umwenchi vuogwiehuoma, apange palienchuva eilivalanche.
Therfor no man iuge you in mete, or in drink, or in part of feeste dai, or of neomenye,
17 Imbombo inchi kheipepenchela kya mbombo iechiekwiencha uombieli vie Kliisti.
or of sabatis, whiche ben schadewe of thingis to comynge; for the bodi is of Crist.
18 Umunu alavapokhagha eikyumukhaviele vuomusana khuolughano ulwa mwene vuvule nukwiesaya khuvasuhwa. Umunu uovyaliewo pwuo iekwingheila muombombo ienchanchie wene nuokhuovasonga mumasagho gha mwene aghakhiembielie.
No man disseyue you, willynge to teche in mekenesse, and religioun of aungelis, tho thingis whiche he hath not seyn, walkinge veynli, bolnyd with wit of his fleisch,
19 Sikhuogwiebata uontwe, ghuogwa uombiele gwoni iefielungheilo fya yene na mancheghe viluonghiwe nuo kwiebatana pwuo panienie; hanghe pwuo fiekhuola ukhuokhuola ukwiehoma khwa Nguluve.
and not holdynge the heed, of which al the bodi, bi boondis and ioynyngis togidere vndur mynystrid and maad, wexith in to encreessing of God.
20 Engave mwafiwiele luonienie nuo Klisti mukhanchielekha iendhaghelo ienchatalile ienchankhieluongha, Pwui kheikhi mukhieviekha mundagheilo, ndavavo vietama mukhielungha:
For if ye ben deed with Crist fro the elementis of this world, what yit as men lyuynge to the world demen ye?
21 “Muliebatagha, hanghe mulavonjagha, hanghe mulabasyagha”?
That ye touche not, nether taaste,
22 Inchoni iencho nchienangheikhagha vuonchivombeliewa munyghankhongaghe iendagheilo nuluomanyisyo ulwavanu.
nether trete with hoondis tho thingis, whiche alle ben in to deth bi the ilke vss, aftir the comaundementis and the techingis of men;
23 Imbombo iencho pwuo nchievonekho ukhuta nchaluhala khunchila eiyakwisaya iyomwieveikhiela yuomwe, nukhuosana muokhuololela umbiele ugwavukhali. Hange sanchienoghiele kheinu ukhuosiga khuvuonogwe uwa mbiele.
whiche han a resoun of wisdom in veyn religioun and mekenesse, and not to spare the bodi, not in ony onour to the fulfillyng of the fleisch.

< Avakholosai 2 >