< Avakholosai 2 >

1 Ulwakhuva nienogwa muluomanye vuowa niekhahangayiekhagha khuombombo nchienyo, khuovoni vavo valiekhuo Laodikia na khuovoni vavo savambwene pamiho palyuone pha mbieli.
I want you to know how great is my concern for you and those in Laodicea, even all who have not met me personally,
2 Nievomba ewo ukhuta ienumbula nchavene nchiehovokhe ukwincha ienumbula nchavene nchiehovokhe ukwinch pwuo phanienie khuo luoghano luohala, ukhulumanya inchakhuovuotitu ienchalweli iencha Nguluve, uvie vie Klisiti.
that their hearts may be encouraged, being united in love and into a great wealth of confident understanding, into a real knowledge of the mystery of the God and Father and of the Christ,
3 Uvie Khuomwene kyoni eikyuoma eikya luhala nie kya vumanyi fifihiwe.
in whom all the treasures of the wisdom and the knowledge are hidden.
4 Nienchova ewo ukhuta alavasyovagha umunu khuo mamenyu aghakhuvasonga.
Now I say this so that no one may deceive you with specious arguments.
5 Hange sanielie pwuopanienie nuomwe khiembieli, nielie puopanienie numwe khiemasagho, nihovoka ukhuta eimighendele gyienyo minonu, na makha aghalwiedhikho lyienyo mwa Klisti.
For although in fact I am physically absent, yet my spirit is with you, rejoicing as I observe your orderliness and the firmness of your faith in Christ.
6 Nduvu mumwuophieliele uo Klisti Untwa, mughendaghe mumwene.
So then, keep on walking in the Christ, Jesus the Sovereign, just as you received Him,
7 Mwieyiebataghe muo mwene, ulwakhuva muvekhiewe ukhuova na makha muondwie diekho, nduvuomumanyile, muolutielielaghe ukhuosana.
having been rooted and being built up in Him and being established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.
8 Pwu mulolaghe ukhuta umunu alavatolagha uluhala khuo mamenyu aghakhuvasyova ghagho vuophieliele khuovanu, ukhuokhongana nie ndaghielo iencha nkhielunga, nchincho sanchiloncha khwa Klisti.
Be careful that no one captures you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ.
9 Ulwakhuva khumwene vutwa uvueluolufu woni uwa Nguluve khie mbielu.
Because all the Fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him in bodily form,
10 Nayuomwe mukweilaniele khuomwene yuoywa vei intwe gwa vutwa woni uwa vuololeli.
and you are complete in Him who is the head over all rule and authority.
11 Khuo mwene mukheghetiwe ukhuokheghetiwa khuokhwa saghakheghite amavokho ukhuofula uombiele ugwa nyama, ukhuokheghetiwa nuo Klisti.
In Him you were also ‘circumcised’ by the putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh, not with a circumcision done by hands but with the circumcision of the Christ,
12 Ulwakhuva mwasieliwe pwupaninie nuo mwene vumuokwonchiwa. Pwu mukhanchukha khulweidiekho khuomakha agha Nguluve, uveianchusinche khuovuofwe.
having been buried with Him in the baptism. In Him you were also raised together through your faith in the productive power of the God who raised Him from among the dead.
13 Umwe upwuomukhafwiele khuo nongwa ncheinyo vusamukheghetiwe eimiveile gyienyo, akhavaviekha ukhuva muolievuomu luninie nuo mwene, pwuo akhatusyiekhiela imbivi nchetuo nchoni.
Yes you, though being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh—He has made you alive together with Him; having forgiven us all our trespasses;
14 Pwu akhahencha eikhalata yiela yieyo yasimbiwe yieliekhuotuohiegha uvuhieghi uwa mwene, yale nuvutavangwa khuolyuofwe akhahencha ukhuta yieve yiesipali khavieli akhayiefwela pakhiedamihani.
having wiped out the written record about us that was against us (based on the ordinances), indeed He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross;
15 Akhahencha amakha nuovuololeli akhanchieveka pavuovalafu nu khuova nchaluhekhela oululutieliele pha khiedhamihani kya mwene.
having stripped the principalities and the authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, having triumphed over them by it [the cross].
16 Umunu atavahieghagha uomwe pakhulya apange pakhunywa, hange ulwakhuva luohekhelo apange umwenchi vuogwiehuoma, apange palienchuva eilivalanche.
So do not let anyone judge you about food or drink, or with respect to a feast day or a new moon or Sabbaths,
17 Imbombo inchi kheipepenchela kya mbombo iechiekwiencha uombieli vie Kliisti.
which things are but a shadow of those to come, while the body is Christ's.
18 Umunu alavapokhagha eikyumukhaviele vuomusana khuolughano ulwa mwene vuvule nukwiesaya khuvasuhwa. Umunu uovyaliewo pwuo iekwingheila muombombo ienchanchie wene nuokhuovasonga mumasagho gha mwene aghakhiembielie.
Nor let anyone disqualify you, taking pleasure in a subservience and devotion to the angels, ‘taking possession’ of things that he has not seen, being puffed up by his carnal mind to no useful purpose,
19 Sikhuogwiebata uontwe, ghuogwa uombiele gwoni iefielungheilo fya yene na mancheghe viluonghiwe nuo kwiebatana pwuo panienie; hanghe pwuo fiekhuola ukhuokhuola ukwiehoma khwa Nguluve.
and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, supported and held together by its joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.
20 Engave mwafiwiele luonienie nuo Klisti mukhanchielekha iendhaghelo ienchatalile ienchankhieluongha, Pwui kheikhi mukhieviekha mundagheilo, ndavavo vietama mukhielungha:
Now then, since you died with Christ away from the basic principles of the world, why, as though still living in it, are you subjecting yourselves to regulations
21 “Muliebatagha, hanghe mulavonjagha, hanghe mulabasyagha”?
—Don't handle! Don't taste! Don't touch!—
22 Inchoni iencho nchienangheikhagha vuonchivombeliewa munyghankhongaghe iendagheilo nuluomanyisyo ulwavanu.
(all of which result in corruption through overuse) according to the commands and teachings of men?
23 Imbombo iencho pwuo nchievonekho ukhuta nchaluhala khunchila eiyakwisaya iyomwieveikhiela yuomwe, nukhuosana muokhuololela umbiele ugwavukhali. Hange sanchienoghiele kheinu ukhuosiga khuvuonogwe uwa mbiele.
Such things do indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and subservience and asceticism, but are not of any value against the indulgence of the flesh.

< Avakholosai 2 >