< Abhafilipi 4 >

1 Klwejo bhendwa bhani, bhanu nikenele, abho muli ekondelelwa na likusho lyani; mwimelegulu musimbagiliye ku Mukama, emwe abhasani bhani abhendwa.
So stand firm in the Lord, my dear friends who mean so much to me, who make me so happy! To me you are my crowning achievement! I truly love you and long to see you!
2 Enikusabhwa awe Eudia, nawe ona Sitinke enikusabhwa, musubhye obhungwani bhwo omulembe agati yemwe, kulwokubha kubhubhili bhweme bhona mwagwatene no Omukama.
Euodia and Syntyche—I urge you to resolve your differences with each other and agree in the Lord.
3 Chimali enibhasabhwa emwe abhakosi bhejasu, mubhasakile abhagasi bhanu kwokubha chakolele nabho okulasha Iinjili yo Omukama chili na Kelementi amwi na abhakosi bhandi abho Omukama, bhanu amasina gebhwe gandikilwe muchitabho cho obhuanga.
In fact, my faithful fellow-worker, let me ask you to help these women, for they worked together with me to spread the good news—as well as Clement and my other co-workers, whose names are recorded in the book of life.
4 Mukondelelwe muli ku Mukama nsiku jona, enaika Lindi ati mukondelelwe.
Always be happy in the Lord—I repeat, Be happy!
5 Abhanu bhona bhabhumenye obhufula bhwemwe. Omukama ali ayeyi.
Everyone should know about your kindness. The Lord will soon be here.
6 Musige kwinyasha ku musango gwona gwana. Mukolega amagambo gemwe kwa injila ya lisabhwa, okulembeleja no okusima. Obhukene bhweme gamenyekane okusoka ku Nyamuanga.
Don't worry about anything, but take everything to God in prayer, explaining your requests to him and thanking him for all he does.
7 Mbe omulembe gwo Omukama gunu guli ingulu okukila obhumenyi bhwona, ogulinda emyoyo no obhwiganilisha bhweme kwo obhusakisi bhwa Yesu Kristo.
Then the peace that comes from God, which is better than we can ever imagine, will protect your thoughts and attitudes in Christ Jesus.
8 Mbe kubhutelo, bhendwa bhani mwiganilishega muno amagambo gona agechimali, agechibhalo, agobhulengelesi, obhwichumi, elyenda, na ganu agaleta emisango ejobhwana, agobhwengeso, na ganu agendwa okukusibhwa.
Lastly, whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, beautiful, commendable, whatever is truly good and deserves to be praised, think about these kinds of things.
9 Mukole amagambo ganu mweyigiye, ganu mwalamiye, ganu mwonguwe na ganu mwalolele kwanye agamukanwa na agebhikolwa na Lata weswe owo omulembe alibha amwi nemwe.
Put into practice what you learned and received from me, what you saw me doing and heard me say. Then the God of peace will be with you.
10 Nili nobhukondelelwa bhwafu muno ingulu yemwe ku Mukama kulwokubha emwe mwelesishe lindi obwiganilisha bhwo okunsakila. Nichimali kubhwambilo, mwaliga nimwenda okunkumanya kubhukene bhwani nawe mutabhwene omwanya gwo okunsakila.
I'm so happy in the Lord that you've at last thought about me again—realizing that you were concerned about me before but you couldn't do anything about it.
11 Nitakwaika kutyo koleleki nibhone echinu kulwo obhukene bwani. Okubha neigiye okwiyungwa ku mbala jona.
I'm not talking about my own needs, because I've already learned to be satisfied in whatever situation I find myself.
12 Enimenya okwikala mukatungu ko okubhulwa nolwo akatungu kanu ousanga nili na bhyafu. Kumbala jona jinu, niigiye imbisike eyokulya akatungu ko omwiguto na akatungu ka injala, yaani okubha n bhyafu no okubhulwa.
I'm used to having nothing, and I've experienced having plenty too. In every possible situation I've learned the secret of dealing with having plenty and going hungry, of being rich and of living in poverty:
13 Enitula okukola ganu ko okusakilwa
I can do anything through him who makes me strong!
14 Nolwo jitali kutyo, mwakolele kisi okugwatana nanye munyako jani.
Even so it was good of you to share with me during my troubles.
15 Emwe Abhafilipi omumenya ati kubhwambilo bhwa Iinjili nejile nasoka Makedonia, litaliwo Likanisa linu lyansakiye ku magambo go okusosha no okulamila tali emwela mwenyele.
You Philippians remember that right at the beginning of sharing the good news, when I left Macedonia, that yours was the only church that helped me financially.
16 Nolwo ao naliga nili Tesasiloniki, emwe mwantumie omusaada kwiya ngendo nyafu ingulu yobhukene bhwani.
Even when I was in Thessalonica you helped me out not once but twice.
17 Nitali na nsonga ati enilonda obhusakisi. Tali enaika kutyo koleleki mubhone amatwasho ganu gali ne echibhalo kwimwe.
Not that I'm looking for a donation—I'm looking for your “account” to increase in “profit.”
18 Nalamiye ebhinu bhyona, olyanu nijusibhwe ebhinu bhyafu. Nilamiye ebhinu bhyemwe okusoka ku Epafuradito. Ni bhinu bhyakisi ebhilangila lwa amafuta ago obhulange, ganu agendibhwa ne ebhinu bhyona ebhyo ni chiyanwa chinu echikondelesha Nyamuanga.
For I have everything, more than I need! I'm thankful to receive from Epaphroditus the things you sent. They're like a sweet-smelling sacrifice that pleases God and that he approves of.
19 Mbe kulwejo, Nyamuanga wani alija okubhejusha ebhinu kubhukene bhwemwe kwibhona lya likusho lyaye ku Yesu Kristo.
My God will fill you with everything you need in accordance with his glorious wealth in Christ Jesus!
20 Mbe olyanu ku Nyamuanga na Lata weswe libheo likusho akajanende na akajanende. Amina. (aiōn g165)
Glory be to God the Father, forever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
21 Obhukesha bhwani bhukinge kubhuli mwikilisha unu ali Kukristo Yesu. Abhendwa bhanu nilinabho anu abhabhakesha.
Greet every fellow-believer in Christ Jesus. The Christian brothers and sisters with me send their greetings.
22 Na abhekilisha bhanu bhali anu abhabhakesha, muno muno abhainda ya Kaisari.
All the believers send you greetings, especially those from Caesar's palace.
23 Mbe olyanu omulembe gwo Omukama weswe Yesu Kristo gubhe amwi ne emwoyo gwemwe.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

< Abhafilipi 4 >