< Yoana 7 >

1 Abha yemisango ejo Yesu nalibhata mu Galilaya, kwo kubha atendele okugenda mu Bhyaudi would kubha Abhayaudi bhaliga nibhakola obwenge bho kumwita.
After this, Jesus spent his time going from place to place in Galilee. He did not want to do so in Judea because the Jews were out to kill him.
2 Woli amalya ga Bhayaudi, amalya ge bhiuna, galiga yei.
But as it was almost time for the Jewish festival of the Tabernacles,
3 Niwo abhamula bhabho nibhamubwila ati, “Soka anu ugende Uyaudi, koleleki ebheigisibwa bhao kutyo kutyo bhalole ebhikolwo bhinu oukola.
his brothers told him, “You ought to leave and go to Judea so your followers will be able to see what miracles you can do.
4 Atalio unu kakola lyona lyona mu mbisike kenu omwene nenda okubhulika abwelu. Alabha ukakola emisango jinu, wiyeleshe omwene ku chalo.”
No one who wants to be famous keeps what they do hidden. If you can do such miracles, then show yourself to the world!”
5 Nolwo abhamula bhabho ona bhatamwikilisishe.
For even his own brothers really didn't believe in him.
6 Niwo Yesu nabhabwila ati, “Omwanya gwani guchali kwiya, nawe omwanya gwemwe bhuli mwanya nogumalila.
Jesus told them, “This is not my time to go, not yet; but you can go whenever you want, for any time's the right time for you.
7 Echalo chitakutula kubhiililwa emwe, nawe echibhiililwa enye kwo kubha obhubhambasi ubha ebhikolwa byae ni bhibhibhi.
The world has no reason to hate you, but it does hate me, because I make it clear that its ways are evil.
8 Mulinye mugende ku malya; anye nitakujayo kumalya linu ni kwokubha omwanya gwani guchali kukumisibwa.”
You go on to the festival. I'm not going to this festival because this is not the right time for me, not yet.”
9 Ejile amala okwaika emisango ejo kubhene, asigaye Galilaya.
After saying this he stayed behind in Galilee.
10 Nolwo kutyo, abhamula bhabho bhejile bhagenda ku malya, niwo nomwene nagenda, atali kwo bwelu nawe mwibhete.
After his brothers left to go to the festival, Jesus also went, but not openly—he stayed out of sight.
11 Abhayaudi bhaliga nibhamulonda kumalya no kwaika ati, “Alyaki?”
Now at the festival the Jewish leaders were searching for him and kept on asking, “Where is he?”
12 Nikubhao amasimulo mafu mu bhise ingulu yaye. Abhangi nibhaika ati, “Ni munu wa kisi.” Abhangi nibhaika ati, “Uli, kabhebheya ebhise.”.
Many people in the crowds were complaining about him. Some said, “He's a good man,” while others argued, “No! He deceives people.”
13 Nolwo kutyo atalio unu amwaikile bwelu ingulu yaye kwo kubhaya Abhayaudi.
But no one dared to speak openly about him because they were afraid of what the Jewish leaders would do to them.
14 Omwanya gwa malya gwejile gwakinga agati, Yesu nalinya nagenda mwiyekalu namba okwiigisha.
When the festival was halfway through Jesus went to the Temple and began to teach.
15 Abhayaudi bhaliga nibhatang'ang'ala no kwaika ati,”Omunu unu amenye emisango myafu? atasomele kata.”
The Jewish leaders were very surprised, and asked, “How does this man have so much learning when he hasn't been educated?”
16 Yesu nabhasubya nabhabwila ati, “Ameigisho gani gatali gani, nawe gaye unu antumile.
Jesus answered, “My teaching is not from me but from the one who sent me.
17 Alabha wona wona kenda okukola obwenji bwae alimenya okwiigisha jinu alabha jasokele ku Nyamanga, alabha enaika okusoka kwanye ela.
Anyone who chooses to follow what God wants will know if my teaching comes from God or if I'm only speaking for myself.
18 Bhuli unu kaika okusoka kumwene kayenja likusho lyae, nawe bhuli unu kayenja likusho lyae unu antumile, omunu ununi we chimali, na munda yaye atalimo bhutalengelesi.
Those who speak for themselves want to glorify themselves, but someone who glorifies the one who sent him is truthful and not deceitful.
19 Musa atabhayaye emwe ebhilagilo? Nawe atalio nolwo umwi mwimwe unu kagwata ebhilagilo. Kubhaki omwenda okunyita?
Moses gave you the law, didn't he? Yet none of you keeps the law! Why are you trying to kill me?”
20 Ebhise nibhamubya ati, “Uli no musambwa. Niga unu kayenja okukwita?”
“You're demon-possessed!” the crowd replied. “No one's trying to kill you!”
21 Yesu nasubya nabhabwila ati, “Nakola omulimu gumwi, nemwe bhona nimulugula.
“I did one miracle and you're all shocked by it,” Jesus replied.
22 Musa abhayaye okutenda (tali ati eisoka ku Musa, nawe iliya eisoka ku bhalata), na ku sabhato omutenda omunu.
“However, because Moses told you to circumcise—not that it really came from Moses, but from your forefathers before him—you perform circumcision on the Sabbath.
23 Alabha omunu akalamila okutendwa kulusiku lya isabhato koleleki ebhilangilo bya Musa byitanyamuka, kubhaki omumbiililwa anye kwo kubhaki nakolele omunu kubha muanga kata ku sabhato?
If you circumcise on the Sabbath to make sure that the law of Moses isn't broken, why are you angry with me for healing someone on the Sabbath?
24 Musige okulamula okwinganyisha nolususo, nawe mulamule mulengele.
Don't judge by appearances; decide what is right!”
25 Abhandi yebwe okusoka Yerusalemu nibhaika ati, “Atali unu oyoabhayenja okumwita?
Then some of those from Jerusalem began wondering, “Isn't this the one they're trying to kill?
26 Na lola, kaikila abwelu abwelu, na bhatakumubwila chona chona ingulu yae. Itakutula kubha ati abhakulu abhamenya echimalikubha unu ni Kristo, Eitula okubha?
But see how openly he's speaking, and they're saying nothing to him. Do you think the authorities believe he's the Messiah?
27 Echimenya unu omunu asokele aki. Kristo alibhaja, nolwo kutyo atalio unu alimenya aki kasoka.”
But that's not possible because we know where he comes from. When the Messiah comes, nobody will know where he's from.”
28 Yesu aliga naikila ingulu muyekalu, neigisha naika ati, “Emwe bhona mumenyele enye no mumenya enu enisoka. Nitejile kubwani, nawe unu antumile ni we chimali, na mutakumumenya omwene.
While he was teaching in the Temple, Jesus called out in a loud voice, “So you think you know me and where I'm from? However, I did not come for my own sake. The one who sent me is true. You don't know him,
29 Enimumenya omwene kwo kubha nisokele kwaye na antumile.”
but I know him, for I come from him, and he sent me.”
30 Bhaliga nibhayenja okumsita, nawe atalio nolwo umwi enamusishe okubhoko kwaye ingulu kwo kubha omwanya gwae gwaliga guchali kwiya.
So they tried to arrest him, but no one laid a hand on him because his time had not yet come.
31 Nolwo kutyo abhafu mu bhise nibhamwikilisha. Nibhaika ati, “Kristo alibhaja, alikola ebhibhalikisho byafu okukila bhinu akolele omunu unu?”
However, many of the crowd did put their trust in him. “When the Messiah appears, will he do more miraculous signs than this man has done?” they said.
32 Abhafarisayo nibhongwa ebhise mbetong'anila emisango jinu ejimwimako Yesu, na bhakulu bha bhagabhisi na Bhafarisayo nibhatuma abhasilikale koleleki bhamugwate.
When the Pharisees heard the crowd whispering this about him, they and the chief priests sent guards to arrest Jesus.
33 Niwo Yesu naika ati, “Guchali omwanya mutoto nili amwi emwe, na enigenda ku mwene unu antumile.
Then Jesus told the people, “I'll be with you just a little longer, but then I'll return to the one who sent me.
34 Mulinyenja nawe mutalimbona; nenu enigenda mutakutula kuja.”
You'll search for me but you won't find me; and you can't come where I'm going.”
35 Kulwejo Abhayaudi nibhaikana abheigisibhwa kwa bhene, “Omunu unu kenda kujaaki ati chitakutula okumulola? Kenda kuja kubhanu bhanyalambukele agati ya Wayunani no kubheigisha Abhayunani?
The Jews said to each other, “Where could he be going that we couldn't find him? Is he planning to go to those scattered among the foreigners, and teach the foreigners?
36 Nimusangoki gunu kaika, 'Mulinyenja nawe mutalimbona; eyo enigenda mutakutula kujayo'?”
What does he mean by saying, ‘You'll search for me but you won't find me; and you can't come where I'm going’?”
37 Woli olusiku lwo bhutelo, olusiku olukulu lwa malya, Yesu emeleguyu naikila ingulu, naika ati, “Alabha wona wona unu ketwa obhulilo, aje kwanye anywe.
On the last and most important day of the festival, Jesus stood up and shouted out in a loud voice, “If you're thirsty, come to me and drink.
38 Unu kanyikilisha anye, lwa kutyo jandikilwe, okusoka munda yani jiliulula emisima ja manji go bhuanga.”
If you trust in me, you will have streams of life-giving water flowing out from within you, as Scripture says.”
39 Nawe aikile nigwo Mwoyo unu abhene bhalimwikilisha no kumulamila; Mwoyo aliga achali kusosibwa kwo kubha Yesu aliga achali kukusibwa.
He was referring to the Spirit that those who trusted in him would later receive. The Spirit hadn't been given yet because Jesus hadn't yet been glorified.
40 Mbe abha mu bhise, bhejile bhongwa emisango jinu, nibhaika ati, “Nichimali unu ni mulagi.”
When they heard these words, some of the people said, “This man is definitely the Prophet!”
41 Abhandi nibhaika ati, “ni Kristo.” Nawe abhandi nibhaika ati, “niki, Kristo katula okusoka Galilaya?
Others said, “He is the Messiah!” Still others said, “How can the Messiah come from Galilee?
42 Amaandiko gatakwikaga ati Kristo kasoka mu lwibhulo lwa Daudi no kusoka Bethlehemu, mu musi gunu Daudi aligamo?
Doesn't Scripture say that the Messiah comes from David's lineage, and from David's home town of Bethlehem?”
43 Kutyo, aliya nikubhao okwauna agati ye bhise kulwae.
So the crowd had a strong difference of opinion about him.
44 Abhandi agati yebhe nibhenda okumugwata, nawe atalio unu amuteeko amabhoko ingulu yae.
Some wanted to arrest him, but nobody laid a hand on him.
45 Niwo bhaliya abhasilikale nibhasubha ku bhakulu bha bhagabhisi na Abhafarisayo, nabho nibhamubwila ati, “Kubhaki mutamuleta?”
Then the guards returned to the chief priests and the Pharisees who asked them, “Why didn't you bring him in?”
46 Abhasilikale nibhamubya ati, Atalio omunu unu alaikile lwoyo.”
“Nobody ever spoke like this man does,” the guards replied.
47 Niwo Abhafarisayo nibhamubya ati, “Nemwe ona abhabhabhebheya?
“Have you been fooled too?” the Pharisees asked them.
48 Alio wona wona agati ya bhakulu unu amwikilisishe, amwi yona yona wa Bhafarisayo?
“Has a single one of the rulers or Pharisees believed in him? No!
49 Nawe bhanu ebhise bhatakumenya ebhilagilo-bheimilwe.”
But this crowd that knows nothing about teachings of the law—they're damned anyway!”
50 Nikodemo nabhabwila ati (unu amwijileko Yesu kala, niwe umwi wa Bhafarisayo),
Nicodemus, who had previously gone to meet Jesus, was one of them and asked them,
51 Mbe ebhilagilo byeswe ebhilamula omunu bhachali kumungwa kwamba no kumenya chinu kakola?”
“Does our law condemn a man without a hearing and without finding out what he actually did?”
52 Nibhasubya nibhamubwila ati, “Nawe ona wasokele Galilaya? Yenja na ulole ati atalio mulagi unu asokele Galilaya.”
“So you're a Galilean as well, are you?” they replied. “Check the Scriptures and you'll discover that no prophet comes from Galilee!”
53 Mbe bhuli munu agendele mu musi gwae.
Then they all went home,

< Yoana 7 >