< Yoana 12 >

1 Olusiku lwa katanu na imwi ichali ipasaka, Yesu agendele Bethania, anualiga Lazaro, unu asuluye okusoka mu bhafuye.
Then Jesus, six days before the passover came into Bethany, where Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead, was,
2 Mbe nibhamutekelayo ebyilo bya kegolo eyo na Martha nakeleketa, omwanya ogwo Lazaro aliga ali umwi ku bhaliya bheyanjile kubyilo amwi na Yesu.
Then they made a supper for Him there: and Martha was serving; and Lazarus was one of those sitting at the table with Him.
3 Mbe Mariamu nagega ratli ya malange ago gakonjelwe kwa nardo inkonde eyobhulambu muno, namubhambaga Yesu ebhigele, na mukubhula ebhigele kwa jifwili jaye; inyumba yona niijula obhulange bha mafuta.
Then Mary taking a pound of myrrh of spikenard, estimated very valuable, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odor of the myrrh.
4 Yuda Iskariote, umwi wa bhaliya abheigisibwa bhaye, unu aliga nenda okumulomela inuku Yesu, naika ati,
Then Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, the one about to betray Him, says:
5 “Kubhaki amafuta ganu gatakakanibwe kwa dinali magana gasatu ni bhabhana abhataka?
Why was not this myrrh sold for three hundred denaria, and given to the poor?
6 Nawe aikile kutyo atali kubhafyila echigongo abhataka, kwokubha aliga mwifi: niwe omugumya wa isagwa gwa impilya aliga nagegamoga ebyo bhatulamoga okubha byaye wenyele.
And He spoke this, not because there was a care to him for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the purse, and was carrying those things cast in.
7 Yesu anaika ati,”Mumusige atuleo echo alinacho kulwejo okulusi lwo kusikwa lwani.
Then Jesus said, Let her alone; she hath reserved this unto the day of my burial;
8 Omutaka mulinabho siku jona; nawe mutakubha nanye siku jona.”
for you have the poor always with you; but you have not me always.
9 Mbe echise chinene cha Bhayaudi bhamenyele ati Yesu aliyo, nibhaja, atali kulwa, Yesu ela nawe bhamulole na Lazaro unu Yesu asuluye okusoka mu bhafuye.
then a great multitude of the Jews came not only on account of Jesus, but that they might see Lazarus, whom He raised from the dead; because he was there.
10 Nawe abhakulu bha bhagabhisi nibhakola imbisike okumwita Lazaro;
But the chief priest passed an edict that they would also slay Lazarus;
11 Kubha kubwaye bhafu Abhayaudi nibhagenda jebwe nibhamwikilisha Yesu.
because through him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus.
12 Olusiku lwa kabhili echise chinene bhaliga bhejile kumalwa. bhejile bhongwa ati Yesu kaja Yerusalemu,
On the following day a great multitude having come to the feast, hearing that Jesus comes into Jerusalem,
13 Bhagegele amatabhi gamakinda no kusoka anja nokugenda okumulamila nibhabhuma chikelele,”Hosana! ana libhando unu kaja kwa lisina lya Lata bhugenyi, Omukama wa Israeli.”
They took the branches of the palm-trees, and went out to meet Him, and continued to cry out, Hosanna: blessed is He that cometh, in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel.
14 Yesu nabhona omwana wa isikili nakalinyako lwa kutyo jandikilwe,
And Jesus, having found a young donkey, sat upon him, as has been written,
15 “Utobhaya, muyala wa Sayuni; lola, Omukama wao kaja, alinyile omwana wa isikili
Fear not, daughter of Zion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting upon the colt of a donkey.
16 Abheigisibwa bhaye bhatasombokewe emisango ja kubwambilo; Nawe Yesu nakusibwa, niwo nibhechuka okubha emisango jinu andikiwe ati bhakola emisango jinu kumwene.
But His disciples at first did not understand these things: but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written in reference to Him, and they did them to Him.
17 Mbe liijo lya bhanu abhobhaliga aamwi na Yesu omwanya nibhamubhilkila Lazaro okusoka mufwa, nibhamubhambalila ku bhandi.
Then the multitude being with Him witnessed that He called Lazarus out of the sepulcher, and raised him from the dead.
18 Okubha liijo lya bhanu bhagendele okumulamila kwo kubha bhonguwe ati akolele echibhalikilsho echo.
Therefore the multitude also went to meet Him, because they heard that He had wrought this miracle.
19 Abhafalisayo nibhaikana abhene kwa bhene, Lola, woli mutakutula kukola lyona; lola isi yagenda mumwene.”
Then the Pharisees said to one another, You see, that you are prevailing as to nothing: behold, the world has gone away after Him.
20 Woli bhalio Abhayunani bhaliga amwi mwa bhaliya abhobhagendaga okulamya kumalya.
And there was certain Greeks of those having come up that they might worship at the feast:
21 Bhanu nibhamulubha Filipo, unu asokaga Bethsaida ya Galilaya, nibhamusabwa nibhaika ati,” Lata bhugenyi, ewse echenda okumulola Yesu;
then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and requested him, saying, Sir, we wish to see Jesus.
22 Filipo nagenda namubwila ati Andrea; Andrea na Filipo nibhagenda nibhamubwila Yesu.
Philip comes and tells Andrew: Andrew and Philip go, and speak to Jesus.
23 Yesu nabhasubya naika ati,”Omwanya gwakinga kulwejo omwana wa Adamu akusibwe.
And Jesus responds to them, saying, The hour has come, that the Son of man may be glorified.
24 Ni chimali, chimali, nabhabwila ati, injuma ya ingano ikalema okugwa ku si nifwa, eiyanja awo yenyele; nawe ikafwa, eibhula amatwasho mafu.
Truly, truly, I say unto you, Unless the grain of wheat having fallen into the ground may die, it remains alone; but if it may die, it produces much fruit.
25 Unu kenda obhuanga bwaye alibhubhusha; nawe unu katamaganwa obhuanga bwaye mu si munu alibhuonya nolwo obhuanga bwa kajanende. (aiōnios g166)
The one loving his soul shall lose it; but the one that hateth his soul in this world will preserve it unto eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
26 Omunu woona akankolela anye, nandubhe; anye nili eyo omukosi wani labhaga. Omunu woone alankolela, Lata alimuyana echibhalo.
If any one may minister unto me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall my minister be: if any one may minister unto me, the Father will honor him.
27 Wolyanu omwoyo gwani gwasulumbala: anye enaikaki?'Lata, nuukishe omwanya gunu'? Nawe kulwejo nikingila mumwanya gunu.
Now my soul is troubled; and what do I say? Father, save me from this hour. But on this account I came to this hour.
28 Lata, ulikushe lisina lyao.”Mbe lilaka nilija okusoka mulwile niyaika ati,”Nalikusha anye enilikusha lindi.”
Father, glorify thy name. Then a voice came from heaven, I have indeed glorified thee, and will glorify thee again.
29 Mbe ebhise byaliga bhimeleguyu yeyi nage nibhogwa nibhaika ati, kugwajuma. Abhandi nibhaika ati,”Malaika aika nage.”
Then the multitudes standing, hearing, said, That it was thunder; others said, An angel has spoken to Him.
30 Yesu nasubya naika ati,”Lilaka linu litejile kulwanye nawe ni kubwemwe.
Jesus responded and said, This voice was not on account of me, but on account of you.
31 Wolyanu okulamula kwa isi inu ilio: Wolyanu omukulu wa isi inu kesibwa anja.
Now is the judgment of this world: now the prince of this world shall be cast out.
32 Anye nakayanikwa ingulu ya isi, ndifutila bhona kwanye.”
And if I may be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men towards me.
33 Aikile kutyo nolesha okufwa kunu kajokufwa.
And He spoke this, signifying by what death He was about to die.
34 Elikofyanya nibhamusubya ati,”eswe chonguwe mubhilagilo ati Kristo kabhalio kajanende. Kawe owaikaki,' Omwana wa Adamu ayanikwe ingulu'? Onu omwana wo munu niga?” (aiōn g165)
Then the multitude responded to Him; We have heard from the law that Christ abideth forever; and how do You say, That it behooveth the Son of man to be lifted up? who is this Son of man? (aiōn g165)
35 Mbe Yesu nabhabwila ati, “Obwelu bhuchalio amwi nemwe mwanya mutoto Nimulibhate muchali no bwelu, echisute chisige okubhagwatila. Oyo kalibhatila muchisute atakumenya enukaja.
Then Jesus said to them, Yet a little while the light is with you. Walk about as you have the light, in order that the darkness may not overtake you: and he that walketh about in darkness does not know where he is going.
36 Woli muchali no bwelu, mwikilishe obwelu mubhe bhana bho bwelu.”Yesu ejile amala okwaika nagenda jae niibhisa bhasiga kumulola.
While you have the light, believe in the light, in order that you may be the sons of light. And Jesus spoke these things, and having gone out was hidden from them.
37 Yesu akolele ebhibhalikisho byafu imbele yebwe, bhatamwikilisishe.
And He having done so many miracles in their presence, they were not believing on Him,
38 Gukumila omusango gwo mulagi Isaya, aikile ati Lata bhugenyi niga ekilisishe emisango jebwe? No kubhoko kwa Lata bhugenyi kwa sululiwe ga?”
in order that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke, Lord, who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
39 Nikwo bhatekilisishe, kubha Isaya aikile lindi,
Wherefore were they not able to believe, because Isaiah again said,
40 “Abhaofushe ameso, nakola emitima jebwe bhasige kulola kwa meso gebwe no kumenyegesha ne mitima jebwe nibhekilisha anye nikebheulisha
He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; in order that they may not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and turn, and I shall heal them.
41 Isaya aikile ati emisango jinu kwokubha alolele likusho la Yesu naika emisango jaye.
Isaiah said these things, because he saw His glory; and spoke concerning Him.
42 Nawe, nolwo mubhakulu bhafu bhamwikilisishe Yesu; Nawe kwokubha Abhafarisayo bhatekilisishe bhataja kuilisibwa na sinagogi.
Nevertheless indeed many of the rulers also believed on Him; but they were not confessing Him on account of the Pharisees, in order that they might not be put out of the synagogues:
43 Bhendaga echibhalo cha bhanu kukila echibhalo cha Nyamuanga.
for they loved the glory of the people more than the glory of God.
44 Yesu naikila ingulu naika ati,”Unu kanyikilisha naye, atakwikilisha anye tali unu antumile anye,
But Jesus cried out and said; The one believing on me, believes not on me, but on Him that sent me,
45 Unu kandola anye kamulola unu antumile.
and the one seeing me, sees the one that sent me.
46 Anye nejile kubha bwelu bwa isi bhuli munu unu kanyikilisha anye atakwikala muchisute.
I have come a light into the world, in order that every one believing on me may not abide in darkness.
47 Akabha omunu woona atakugwata emisango jani nawe atakujigwata, anye nitakumulamila; okubha nitejile okulamula isi nawe nikishe isi.
And if any one may hear my words, and not keep them, I do not judge him: for I came not that I may judge the world, but that I may save the world.
48 Unu kalema anye atakwikilisha emisango jani, unu kamulamula: Omusango gunu naika nigwo gulimulamula ku lusiku lwo bhutelo.
He that rejects me, and receiving not my words, has one judging him: the word which I have spoken, it will judge him in the last day.
49 Okubha anye nitaikile kwo mutima gwani Nawe ni Lata unu antumile, nawe omwene andagiliye jinu ndaika na jinu ndaika.
Because I have not spoken of Myself; but the Father Himself having sent me, gave me commandment, what I shall speak, and what I shall say.
50 Anye nimenyele echilagilo chaye ni bhuanga bwa kajanende nawe jinu enaika anye, lwa kutyo Lata ambwiliye, nikwo enaika kwebwe.” (aiōnios g166)
And I know that His commandment is eternal life. Now whatsoever thing I say, as the Father has spoken unto me, so I say. (aiōnios g166)

< Yoana 12 >