< Yoana 11 >

1 Mbe munu umwi lisina lyaye Lazaro aliga alwaye. Asokele Bethania, mu musi gunu Mariamu no muyala wejabho Martha.
Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, of the village of Mary and her sister, Martha.
2 Aliga ni Mariamu uliya oyo abhambagile Lata bhugenyi Marhamu namukubhula ebhigele byaye kwa jifwili jaye, unu omundulume waye Lazaro aliga alwaye.
It was that Mary who had anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.
3 Mbe abhasubhati bhanu nibhasila obhulagile ku Yesu nibhaika ati,” Latabhugenyi, lola uliya umwendele alwaye.
The sisters therefore sent to him, saying, “Lord, behold, he for whom you have great affection is sick.”
4 Yesu ajile ogwa naika ati, Obhulwaye bhunu bhutali bwa kumwita, nawe, kulwalikusho lya Nyamuanga, omwana wa Nyamuanga abhone okukusibwa kubwo bhulwaye.”
But when Jesus heard it, he said, “This sickness is not to death, but for the glory of God, that God’s Son may be glorified by it.”
5 Yesu amwendele Martha no muyala wejabho na Lazaro.
Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.
6 Ajile ongwa ati Lazaro ni mulwaye. Yesu nosayo siku ebhili anu aliga.
When therefore he heard that he was sick, he stayed two days in the place where he was.
7 Nuwo kulinu nabwila abheigisibwa bhaye ati,” chisubheyo Uyahudi lindi.”
Then after this he said to the disciples, “Let’s go into Judea again.”
8 Abheigisibwa nibhamubwila ati,”Rabi, Wayahudi bhaliga nibhayenja okukulasa amabhui ko wenda okusubheyo lindi.
The disciples asked him, “Rabbi, the Jews were just trying to stone you. Are you going there again?”
9 Yesu nasubya ati, “jisaa ja mu musi jitali ekumina na kabhili? Omunu akalibhata mu mwisi atakutula okwikujulaoku okubha kalola obwelu bwa mu mwisi.
Jesus answered, “Aren’t there twelve hours of daylight? If a man walks in the day, he doesn’t stumble, because he sees the light of this world.
10 Nolwo kutyo akabha nalibhata mungeta kekujula okubha obwelu bhutalimo mukatungilwe kaye.”
But if a man walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light isn’t in him.”
11 Yesu naika ati emisango jinu, nabhabwila ati,”Omusani weswe Lazaro aongeye, nawe enigenda koleleki nibhone okumulafya okusoka mu ntilo.”
He said these things, and after that, he said to them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going so that I may awake him out of sleep.”
12 Nuwo abheigisibwa bhaye nibhamubwila ati, Lata bhugenyi, alabha aongeye, kaja okulafya.
The disciples therefore said, “Lord, if he has fallen asleep, he will recover.”
13 Omwanya gunu Yesu aikile ku kufwa kwa Lazaro, nawe abhene nibheganilisha ati kaika ingulu wo kuongela kwa ntilo.
Now Jesus had spoken of his death, but they thought that he spoke of taking rest in sleep.
14 Nuwo Yesu naika nabho bwelu bwlu,”Lazaro afuye.
So Jesus said to them plainly then, “Lazarus is dead.
15 Ninalikondelelwa kulwemwe, ati natabheyeo celiya koleleki mubhone okwikwilisha. Chigende mumwene.”
I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe. Nevertheless, let’s go to him.”
16 Mbe Tomaso, oyo katogwa amalongo, nabhabwila abheigisibwa bhejabho ati neswe chigende chifwe amwi na Yesu.”
Thomas therefore, who is called Didymus, said to his fellow disciples, “Let’s also go, that we may die with him.”
17 Omwanya Yesu ejile, asangile Lazaro abheye mufwa siku ena.
So when Jesus came, he found that he had been in the tomb four days already.
18 Bethania yaliga yei na Yerusalemu sitandio makumi gana netanu kutyo.
Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, about fifteen stadia away.
19 Abhafu agati ya Bhayaudi bhejile ku Martha na Mariamu okubhasilisha kulwo mundulume webwe.
Many of the Jews had joined the women around Martha and Mary, to console them concerning their brother.
20 Nuwo Martha ejileongwa ati Yesu kaja, nagenda okumulamila, nawe Mariamu nasigala eyanjile munyumba.
Then when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, but Mary stayed in the house.
21 Mbe Martha namubwila yesu ati,”Lata bhugenyi, wakabheye olio omundulume wani atakafuye.
Therefore Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you would have been here, my brother wouldn’t have died.
22 Nolwo woli, nimenyele okubha jone ulasabwa okusoka Kunyamuanga, kakuyana.”
Even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.”
23 Yesu namubwila ati, omundulume wao kasuluka lindi.”
Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”
24 Martha namubwila ati, nimenyele ati, alisukila kubhusoko bwo lusiku lwo bhutelo.”
Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”
25 Yesu namubwila ati,” Anye nibhusuko no bhuanga unu kekilisha akabheye afuye nolwo kutyo anobhuanga;
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will still live, even if he dies.
26 Noyo kekala no kunyikilisha anye atakufwa. We kilisha linu?” (aiōn g165)
Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (aiōn g165)
27 Namubwila ati,'Nikwo, Lata Bhugenyi nekilisha awe ni Kristo, omwana wa Nyamuanga, unu kaja musi.”
She said to him, “Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the Christ, God’s Son, he who comes into the world.”
28 Ejille amala okwaika linu nagenda jaye nabhilikila. omuyala wejabho Mariamu mwitebhe. Naika ati omwiigisha alyanu kakubhilikila.
When she had said this, she went away and called Mary, her sister, secretly, saying, “The Teacher is here and is calling you.”
29 Mariamu ejile ongwa emukile bhangu, nagenda ku Yesu.
When she heard this, she arose quickly and went to him.
30 Yesu aliga achali kukinga mu musi, nawe aliga achali anu Martha.
Now Jesus had not yet come into the village, but was in the place where Martha met him.
31 Mbe Abhayahudi bhaliga na Mariamu mu nyumba na bhaliya abhasilisya, bhejile bhamulola nemelegulu bhangu no kusoka anja, nibhamulubha; nibhetogela ati kagenda kufwa ajokulila eyo.
Then the Jews who were with her in the house and were consoling her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up quickly and went out, followed her, saying, “She is going to the tomb to weep there.”
32 Mbe mariamu ejile akinga aliya Yesu namulola, agwa asi kubhigele byeye namubwila ati,”Lata bhugenyi, wakabheye ulio omundulume wani atakafuye.”
Therefore when Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying to him, “Lord, if you would have been here, my brother wouldn’t have died.”
33 Yesu ejilia akamulola nalila, na Abhayahudi nibhaja amwi nage bhaliga nibhalila nalumwa mu mwoyo no kusulumbala;
When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews weeping who came with her, he groaned in the spirit and was troubled,
34 Naika ati,” Mwamuteye aki? nibhamubwila ati, Lata bhugenyi, ija ulole.”
and said, “Where have you laid him?” They told him, “Lord, come and see.”
35 Yesu nalila.
Jesus wept.
36 Mbe Abhayahudi nibhaika ati,” Lola kwoko aliga amwendele Lazaro!”
The Jews therefore said, “See how much affection he had for him!”
37 Nawe abhafu agati yebwe nibhaika ati,” Atali unu omunu oyo eguye ameso ga uliya oyo aliga muofu, akatulile okuingilila omunu unu atafwa?”
Some of them said, “Couldn’t this man, who opened the eyes of him who was blind, have also kept this man from dying?”
38 Mbe yesu, nalumwa mumutima gwaye lindi, nagenda kufwa Woli yaliga nsenga, na libhui liteyweko ingulu yaye.
Jesus therefore, again groaning in himself, came to the tomb. Now it was a cave, and a stone lay against it.
39 Yesu naika ati,” Mulisoshewo libhui.”Martha omuyala wejabho na Lazaro, unu afuye, namubwila Yesu ati,”Lata bhugenyi ku mwanya gunu, omubhili gwabholele, kwo kubha afuye siku ena.”
Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to him, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.”
40 Yesu namubwila ati,”Anye nitakubwiliye ati, ukekilisha, oulola likusho lya Nyamuanga?
Jesus said to her, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believed, you would see God’s glory?”
41 Kulwejo nasoshao libhui. Yesu nenamusha ameso gaye ingulu anaika ati,”Lata enikusima okubha wanyuguwe.
So they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you listened to me.
42 Nimenyele ati ounyungwa kusiku, nawe kulwa likofyanya linu lisingiye koleleki naike jinu, bhabhone okwikilisha ati awe wantumele.”
I know that you always listen to me, but because of the multitude standing around I said this, that they may believe that you sent me.”
43 Ejile amala okwika kutyo, nalila kwo bhulaka bhenene,”Lazaro, soka anja!”
When he had said this, he cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”
44 Omufuye nasoka anja abhoyelwe amabhoko na magulu kwo mwenda gwo kusikilwa no bhusu bwaye bhubhoyelwe nechitambala.” Yesu nabhabwila ati,”Nimumusulumule musige agende.”
He who was dead came out, bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Free him, and let him go.”
45 Mbe Abhayahudi bhafu bhejile ku Mariamu no kumulola Yesu echoakolele, nibhamwilisha;
Therefore many of the Jews who came to Mary and saw what Jesus did believed in him.
46 Nawe abhandi yebwe bhagendele ku Mafalisayo nibhamubwila emisango ejoakolele Yesu.
But some of them went away to the Pharisees and told them the things which Jesus had done.
47 Niwo abhakulu bha bhagabhisi na bhafalisayo nibhekumanya amwi muchilaji nibhaika ati,”chikole kutiki? omunu unu kakola ebhibhalikisho bhafu.
The chief priests therefore and the Pharisees gathered a council, and said, “What are we doing? For this man does many signs.
48 Alabha chikamusiga kutyo wenyele, bhone abhamwilisha; Abhalumi bhalija okugega byona isi yeswe na liyanga lyeswe.”
If we leave him alone like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”
49 Nolwo kutyo, omunu umwi mu bhona, Kayafa, aliga mugabhisi Omukulu mumwaka ogwo, nabhabwila ati, “Mutakumenya chonachona chimali.
But a certain one of them, Caiaphas, being high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all,
50 Mutakwiganilisha ati kubheile kwemwe ati omunu umwi kwiile okufwa kulwa bhanu kukila liyanga lyona no kubhulao.”
nor do you consider that it is advantageous for us that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish.”
51 Ganu atagaikile kwokubha omwene aliga mugabhisi omukulu omwaka guliya, nalagila ati Yesu kafwa kulwa liyanga;
Now he didn’t say this of himself, but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation,
52 Neswe kulwa liyanga Yesu abhone okubhakumanya abhana bha Nyamuanga bhanu bhanyalambukile kulakula.
and not for the nation only, but that he might also gather together into one the children of God who are scattered abroad.
53 Kulwejo okusoka kulusiku olwo nokugendelela nibhalwaja okumwita Yesu.
So from that day forward they took counsel that they might put him to death.
54 Yesu atalibhatile lindi bwelu bwelu agati ya Bhayaudi, nawe nasokayo nagenda ku chalo chiliyei na ibhala mu mu si ngutogwa Efraimu. Hao eyanjile na bheigisibwa.
Jesus therefore walked no more openly amongst the Jews, but departed from there into the country near the wilderness, to a city called Ephraim. He stayed there with his disciples.
55 Nawe Ipasaka ya Bhayaudi yaliga ayei nabhafu, nibhalinya okugenda Yerusalemu anja yo mu si ichali okubha ipasaka koleleki bhabhone okwiyesha abhene.
Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand. Many went up from the country to Jerusalem before the Passover, to purify themselves.
56 Bhaliga nibhamuyenja Yesu, nibhaikana bhuli umwi awobhaliga bhemeleguyu muyekalu, “Omwiganilisha kutiki? Ati atakuja ku malya?”
Then they sought for Jesus and spoke with one another as they stood in the temple, “What do you think—that he isn’t coming to the feast at all?”
57 Omwanya gunu abhakulu bha bhagabhisi na bhafarisayo bhaliga bhasosishe obhulamusi ati alabha umwi akamenya Yesu anu ali, aiki koleleki bhabhone okumugwata.
Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had commanded that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it, that they might seize him.

< Yoana 11 >