< Abhaebrania 9 >

1 Woli lilagano lyo kwamba lyaliga lili no lubhaju lwo kulamya anu kunsi no bhutinge kuchalo anu.
Then indeed the first tabernacle also, had ordinances of service, and a sanctuary for this world.
2 Kulwokubha munda ya liyema aliga lulimo olusika lwilabhilwe, olusika lwa anja, kabhilikilwaga lwelu. Mulubhaju lunu bhaliga bhilio ingango ya itala, imeja ne mikate jobhwonyesho.
For the first tabernacle was made; in which there were candlesticks, and the table, and shew-bread; which is called, Holy.
3 Na inyuma ya lipajiya lya kabhili lwaliga lulimo olusika lundi, kabhilikilwaga lwelu muno.
And after the second veil, was the tabernacle called Holy of holies;
4 Yaliga galimo amajabhau ga ijaabhu kwo kututilamo obhuvumba. Nalindi yaliga lilimo lisandikwa lya lilagano, linu lyaliga lyumbakilwa kwa jijaabhu jenyele. Munda yalyo yaliga jilimo libhakuli lya jijaabhu linu lyaliga lilimo imanna, insimbo ya Haruni inu yamelele amanyansi, na jimbao ja mabhuyi ejamalagano.
having the golden altar, and the ark of the covenant overladen on all sides with gold, in which was the golden pot having the manna, and the rod of Aaron which budded, and the tables of the covenant;
5 Ingulu ya lisandikwa lya malagano amasusano ga maserafi agalikushyo galiga gafundikiye na mabhabha imbele ye chitebhe che chigongo, echo kwa woli chitakutula kucholesha kwo bhugaji woli.
and above this was the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat; concerning which things it is not pertinent to speak specifically.
6 Byejile bhyawa ebhinu bhinu okukumisibhwa, Abhagabhisi bhengilaga mulusika lwa anja olwa liyema okukola obhufulubhendi bhwebhwe.
And these having been thus adjusted, the priests come continually into the first tabernacle, performing the services:
7 Nawe omugabhisi omukulu engilaga mulusika lwa kabhili omwenela lugendo lumwi bhuli mwaka, na atasigaga okusosha echogo ingulu yae omwene, na kubhibhibhi bhya bhanu bhinu bhakolaga bhutamenya.
and into the second comes the high priest alone once a year, not without blood, which he offers for himself, and the errors of the people;
8 Mwoyo Mwelu kaikati, injila yo lubhaju olwelu muno ichali kusululwa kulwokubha liyema lyo kwamba lichemeleguyu.
the Holy Spirit showing this, the way of the holies has not yet been made manifest, the first tabernacle yet standing:
9 Chinu nicholeshocho mwanya gunu woli. Bhyona ebhiyanwa ne bhyogo bhinu ebhisosibhwa woli bhitakutula kukumisha omwoyo gwa unu kalamya.
which is a figure unto the present time, in which gifts and sacrifices are offered, not being able to make the worshiper perfect, as to his conscience;
10 Nibhilyo ne bhinywebhwa bhyenene bhigwatanyibhwe no kulamya kwo kwiyosha. Byona bhinu bhyaliga bhili bhwisombolo bho mubhili bhinu bhyaliga bhilabhilwe okukinga okuja echilagilo echiyaya inu ilitulwa kulubhaju lwayo.
consisting only in meats and drinks, and divers baptisms, ordinances of the flesh, abiding until the time of restitution.
11 Kristo ejile kuti mugabhisi mukulu we misango jo bhwana jinu jijile. okulabhila obhukulu no bhulengelesi bhwa liyema likulu linu litakolelwe na mabhoko ga bhanu, unu atali we chalo chinu chamogelwe.
But Christ being a high priest of good things to come, through a greater and a more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this world;
12 Yaliga lutali lwa lwamba lwa mbusi na bhinyala, tali kwa insagama yae omwene ati Kristo engiye olubhaju olwelu lugendo lumwi kubhuli munu no kuchikumisisha okuchungulwa kweswe kajanende. (aiōnios g166)
neither through the blood of goats and bullocks, but through his own blood, came once into the holies, having found eternal redemption. (aiōnios g166)
13 Labha kwo lwamba lwa jimbusi no lwajindume no kumijibhwa kwa lifu lye bhinyala kubhanu bhalibhajabhi mbasololwa ku Nyamuanga nibhakolwa emibhili jebhwe kubha jakisi,
For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctifies unto the purification of the flesh;
14 Angu gatakukila muno insagama ya Kristo unu okulabhila Mwoyo gwa kajanende esosishe omwene ku Nyamuanga, okwosha emitima jeswe okusoka mubhikolwa bhyeswe ebhifuye okumukolela Nyamuanga unu alamile? (aiōnios g166)
how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered up himself without spot to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God? (aiōnios g166)
15 Kulwainsonga eyo, Kristo nimutumwa wa lilagano liyaya. Inu niyoinsonga ati olufu nilubhasiga agali bhona bhanu bhali bhalilagano lyo kwamba okusoka muntambala ye ebhibhibhi bhyebhwe, koleleki bhona bhanu bhabhilikiwe na Nyamuanga bhabhone okulamila omulago gwo kulya omwandu gwebhwe ogwakajanende. (aiōnios g166)
And on this account he is mediator of the new covenant, since there being death, unto the redemption of the transgressions unto the first covenant, those having been called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance. (aiōnios g166)
16 Labha lilio lilagano linu elilama, nibhusibhusi likumisibhwe nolufulwo munu alikolele.
For where there is a covenant, it is necessary to bear the death of the covenanter;
17 Kulwokubha lilagano elibha na managa olubhaju lunu olusokana no lufu, kulwokubha litana managa omwanya gunu unu alikolele alimo omwoyo.
for a covenant is valid in case of the dead: since it has no force while the covenanter lives.
18 Kulwejo nolo lilagano lyo kwamba lyatulilweo lutabhao nsagama.
Neither was the first covenant therefore dedicated without blood.
19 Omwanya gunu Musa asosishe amalagililo ge bhilagilo kubhanu bhona, agegele olwamba lwa jing'a na jimbusi, amwi na manji, echitambala chimutuku, na isopo, nokubhamijila ligombo elyene na bhanu bhona.
For every commandment having been spoken by Moses to all the people according to law, having taken the blood of bullocks and goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, he sprinkled both the book itself and all the people,
20 Neya naikati, “Inu ninsagama ya indagano inu Nyamuanga abhayana echilagilo kwimwe”.
saying, This is the blood of the covenant which God established unto you.
21 Kumwanya ogwo ogwo ela, amijile olwamba ingulu ya liyema ne bhinu bhyona bhinu bhyakolaga emilimu je chigabhisi.
And he likewise also sprinkled the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the ministry, with blood.
22 Nokulubhana nebhilagilo, bhuli chinu echosibhwa kwa insagama. Insagama ikalema okwitika gutalio kwiswalililwa.
And according to the law, almost all things are purified by blood; and without the shedding of blood there is no remission.
23 Kulwejo jaliga jili bhusi bhusi ebhinu bhya mulwile bhyosibhwe ne bhyogo bhya jintanyi. Nolo kutyo, ebhinu bhya mulwile ebhyene bhyaliga bhiilwe okwosisibhwa kwe chogo chinu chilichakisi muno.
Therefore it is necessary that the pattern of the things in these heavens be purified; and the heavenly things themselves with greater sacrifices than these.
24 Kulwokubha Kristo atengiye olubhaju lwo bhwelu muno kanu kakolelwe na mabhoko, inu ili chinu echene. Tali omwene engiye mulwile, olubhaju lunu woli ali imbele yo bhusu bhwa Nyamuanga ingulu yeswe.
For Christ did not come into the sanctuaries made with hands, the pattern of the true; but into heaven itself, now to be made manifest unto the face of God in our behalf:
25 Atengiye eyo ingulu yo kwisosha chiyanwa ingulu yae kamfu kamfu, lwakutyo kakola omugabhisi omukulu, unu kengila olubhaju olwelu muno omwaka kwo mwaka amwi na insagama yo oundi,
neither in order that he may frequently offer up himself, as the high priest goes into the holies once a year with the blood of another;
26 labha eyo chimali yaliga chilichimali, jakabhee jilibhusi bhusi kumwene okunyansibhwa kwiya kamfu kamfu okwambila obhwambilo bhwe chalo. Nawe woli nilugendo lumwi okukinga kubhutelo bhwe miyaka jinu esuluye okusoshao ebhibhibhi kwe chogo chae omwene. (aiōn g165)
since it behooved him frequently to suffer from the foundation of the world: but now in the end of the ages he has been made manifest unto the removal of sin through the sacrifice of himself. (aiōn g165)
27 Lwakutyo jili ati bhuli munu kafwa lumwi, naikamala niija indamu,
And inasmuch as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this is the judgment:
28 nikwokutyo jili Kristo ona asosibhwe lumwi okusoshao ebhibhibhi bhyabhamfu, alisubha lindi lwa kabhili, atali kwo kufulubhendela ebhibhibhi, tali kwo kuchungula bhanu bhamulindiliye.
so also Christ, having once been offered up to bear away the sins of many, will appear the second time apart from sin unto salvation to those expecting him.

< Abhaebrania 9 >