< Ebhikolwa bhya Jintumwa 28 >

1 Jejile chakingibhwa kisi, niwo nichimenya ati lisinga elibhilikilwa Malta.
When we were safe ashore, we discovered that we were on the island of Malta.
2 Abhanu abhenengo abhende aliya atali ati bhachilamie kwo bhwila bhunu bhwiile, nawe bhakongesishe omulilo no kuchifogesha bhona, kunsonga ya ing'ubha na imbheyo inu yaliga nigendelela.
The people there were very kind—they started a fire and called all of us over so we could warm up from the rain and the cold.
3 Mbe nawe Paulo anu aliga nakumanya liganda lya jing'wi no kulita mu mulilo, injoka noto eya isumu nisoka mung'wi jilya kwa insonga ya libhila-bhila lilya, na nimwisingilila kukubhoko kwae.
Paul collected a bundle of firewood and threw it on the fire. But a poisonous snake was driven out of the bundle because of the heat and bit him, fastening itself on his hand.
4 Abhanu abhenengo bha alia bhejile bhalola intyanyi yenenele okusoka ku kubhoko kwae, abhanu nibhaika abhene kwa bhene, “Omunu unu Ni chimali Ni mwiti Nolwo kutyo( akila) mu nyanja, nawe echimali chitamusiga kubha muanga.”
When the people there saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, “This man must be a murderer. Even though he escaped death from the sea, Justice won't let him live.”
5 Mbe nawe mwenene nailasa mu mulilo intyanyi eyo Nolwo omwene atabhwene mauta gonna gona.
However, Paul shook the snake off into the fire, and suffered no ill-effects.
6 Abhene bhaliga nibhalindilila ati kafwimba kwo muswija amwi bhwangu kajokugwa no kufwa. Mbe nawe bhejile bhamulola kwo mwanya mulela na mbhalola ati gutalio musango gunu gutali gwe chimile ku mwene, nibhaindula ameganilisho gebhwe no kwaika ati aliga ali mungu.
They were expecting him to swell up, or suddenly fall down dead. But after waiting a long time, they saw that nothing bad had happened to him so they changed their minds and decided he must be a god.
7 Mbe ayei na libhala lilya bhwaliga bhulio obhusi bhunu gwaliga guli mugabho gwo omukulu wa lisinga, omunu oyo aliga natogwa Pablio. Achifogesishe no kuchifogesha kwa naku esatu.
Nearby were lands that belonged to Publius, the chief official of the island. He welcomed us and looked after us for three days very hospitably.
8 Jabhonekene ati esemwene Pablio agwatilwe omuswija no bhulwae bho kuchugula. Nawe Paulo ejile amujako, nasabhwa, no mutelako amabhoko gae, no kumwiulisha.
Now Publius' father was sick, lying in bed suffering from fever and dysentery. Paul went in to see him, and prayed for him, placed his hands on him, and healed him.
9 Wejile jabhonekana jinu, abhanu abhandi kwi singa lilya bhanu bhaliga nibhasibhwa nibhagenda na nibheulisibhwa.
After this happened, everyone else who was sick on the island came and was healed.
10 Abhanu nibhachiyana echibhalo kwe chibhalo chafu. Anu chaliga nichenda okugenda mulugendo, bhachiyanile bhinu chaliga chikenele.
They presented us with many gifts, and when we had to sail they provided everything we needed for the voyage.
11 Wejile gatulao mesi gasatu, chagendele mu lugendo lwa mu meli eya Iskanda inu yaliga yabhumilwe na imbeyo ao mwisiga, inu abhatangasha bhae bhaliga bhali Bhaili bhabhili abha malongo.
After a three month stay we set sail aboard a ship from Alexandria having a figurehead of the Heavenly Twins that had spent the winter at the island.
12 Wejile chakinga mu musi ogwa Sirakusa, chenyanjile alia naku esatu.
We stopped at Syracuse, and spent three days there.
13 Okusokelelao nichigenda nichikinga mu musi ogwa Regio. Nichimalao lunaku lumwi omuyaga gwo mulimbe nigubhonekana ao nao, Wejile jatulao naku ebhili nichikinga mu musi ogwa Putoli.
From there we sailed on to Rhegium. The following day a south wind blew, and on the second day we arrived at the port of Puteoli,
14 Eyo nichibhasanga abhaili abhandi na nibhachifogesha okwinyanja nabho kwa naku musanju. Munjila inu nichija Rumi.
where we discovered some believers. They asked us to stay with them for a week. So we came to Rome.
15 Okusoka eyo abhaili bhalya, bhejile bhongwa emisango jeswe ati, Bhejile okuchilamila eyo mwigulilo elya Apias na jinyumba esatu jinu ejilisha. Paulo ejile abhalola abhaili bhalya namusima Nyamuanga namba okubha no bhubhasi.
When some of the believers from Rome heard we had arrived they came to meet us at the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns. When Paul saw them, he was thankful to God and much encouraged.
16 Chejile chengila mu Roma, Paulo ekilisibhe okwikala enyele-la amwi no musilikale unu amulindaga.
When we entered Rome, Paul was permitted to stay under house arrest with a soldier to guard him.
17 Mbe Jejile jatulao naku esatu Paulo abhabhilikie abhalume bhalya bhanu bhaliga bhatangasha agati ya abhayaudi. Bhejile bhejila amwi, aikile kubhene ati, “Bhaili, amwi nejo ati nichali kukola chikayo chona chona ku bhanu bhanu amwi ninkola obhutasikane no bwitondi bhwa bhalata bheswe bhanu bhachitangatie, nasosibhweo kuti mubhwoya unu asokele Yerusalemu kukinga mu mabhoko ga bharumi.
Three days later Paul invited the Jewish leaders there to come to see him. When they were all together he told them, “Brothers, even though I had not done anything wrong against the people or the customs of our forefathers, I was arrested in Jerusalem and handed over to the Roman authorities.
18 Bhejile bhamala okumbusilisha, nibhakena okunsiga kutyoela, kunsonga yaliga italio nsonga kwanye anye inu yaliga inyiile indamu yo lufu.
After they had interrogated me they wanted to release me because I had done nothing that warranted execution.
19 Mbe nawe abhayaudi bhalya bhejile bhaika kenu bhatasikene ku bhwendi bhwebhwe, kwanyiile okugendelela na ikesi kukinga ku Kaisari, Nolwo kutyo jaliga jili ati enileta amasitaka ingulu ya liyanga lyani.
But the Jewish leaders opposed this, so I was forced to appeal to Caesar—not that I had any accusations against my own people.
20 Kunsonga yo kugendelela na ikesi yani, kwibhyo, nasabhile nibhalole no kwaika nabho. Niyo insonga ya chilya chinu Israel Ali no bhubhasi nacho, nibhoyelwe kwo kubhoywa kunu.
That's why I asked to see you, and talk to you, because it is on account of the hope of Israel that I am chained up like this.”
21 Okumala Nibhamubhwila ati, “Chichaliga kulamila inyalubha okusoka Yudea kwo kulubhana nawe, nolwo atalio muili unu ejile no kusosha emisango amwi kwaika musango gwona gwona guli mibhibhi okulubhana nawe.
“We have not received any letters from Judea about you, and none of our people have come here with reports against you or to speak badly of you,” they told him.
22 Mbe nawe echenda okungwa okusoka kwawe owiganilishaki okulubhana na liijo linu elya bhanu bhanu, Kulwo kubha eimenyekana kwiswe ati elyaika bhutasikane na bhuli ebhala.”
“But we do want to hear from you what you believe—especially regarding this sect, which we know is condemned everywhere.”
23 Anu bhaliga bhauye olunaku ingulu ya, bhanu bhafu kukilao nibhamulubha kwi bhala elyo aliga ekae. Aikile omusango gulya ku bhene no kubhambalila okulubhana no bhukama bhwa Nyamuanga. Alegejishe okubhakongya-kongya okulubhana naYesu, ku njila jona ebhili okusoka mu bhilagilo bha Musa no okusoka ku bhalagi, okwambila katondo kukinga kegolo.
They made an appointment to meet with him. On that day many people came to where he was staying. From morning till night Paul was explaining to them, telling them about the kingdom of God. He tried to convince them about Jesus using the writings of the law of Moses and the prophets.
24 Abhandi bhebhwe nibhakongibhwa okulubhana ne misango jilya jinu jaikilwe, mu mwanya abhandi bhatamwikilisishe.
Some accepted what Paul said, but some refused to believe.
25 Wejile bhasingwa okungwana abhene kwa bhene, bhasokeleo Wejile Paulo agwaika omusango gunu gumwi, “Mwoyo Mwelu aikile kisi kwo kulabha ku Isaya omulagi ku bhalata bhemwe.
They couldn't agree among themselves, and they left after Paul told them this: “The Holy Spirit said it well through Isaiah the prophet to your forefathers,
26 Aikile, 'Nugende ku bhanu bhanu waike, “Kwa matwi gemwe omungwa, Mbe nawe mutakusombokelwao chinu; Na kwa meso gemwe omulola Mbe nawe mutakumenya.
‘Go to these people and tell them: Even though you hear, you won't ever understand, and even though you see, you won't ever comprehend.
27 Kulwo kubha emyoyo ja abhanu bhanu jalengae, amatwi gebhwe agongwa kwa jinyako, gafundikiywe ameso gebhwe; koleleki ati bhasige Okulola kwa meso gebhwe, no kungwa kwa matwi gebhwe, no kusombokelwa kwe mioyo jebhwe, no kuinduka lindi, nanye nakabheulisishe.'”
For the minds of these people have become calloused and hard, their ears cannot hear, their eyes are shut, in case they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and understand with their minds, and might come back to me and I would heal them.’
28 Kulwejo, kubheile okumenya ati omwelulo gunu ogwa Nyamuanga gusililwe ku bhanu bha maanga, na abhajokungwa.” (komelesha: olugobho lunu
Consequently you should know that this salvation that comes from God has been sent to the foreigners and they will listen.”
29 Mu mwanya gunu ejile aika emisango jinu, abhayaudi bhasokeleo, bhali na mabhushanyo manene agati yebhwe, “Gutalimo mu nyandiko je kisi eja kala).
30 Paulo enyanjile mu nyumba yae inu aliga alimo kwa mwanya gwa myaka jone ebhili, na abhafogesishe bhona bhanu bhajaga ewae.
For two full years Paul stayed there in the house he rented, welcoming everyone who came to see him.
31 Aliga nasimula obhukama bha Nyamuanga no kwiigisha emisango ja Latabhugenyi Yesu Kristo kwo bhubhasi bhona. Atalio unu amuganyishe.
He spoke of the kingdom of God, and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ very boldly. No one prevented him.

< Ebhikolwa bhya Jintumwa 28 >