< 1 Timotheo 1 >

1 Paulo, intumwa ya Kristo Yesu, okulubhana ne chilagilo cha Nyamuanga no Mukisha weswe Yesu Kristo unu ali bhubhasi bhweswe,
Paul, the apostle of Jesus according to the commandment of God our Saviour, and Jesus Christ our hope;
2 ku Timotheo omwana wani we chimali mu likilisha: Echigongo, echisa no mulembe ebhyo bhisokele ku Nyamuanga Lata na Kristo Yesu Omukama weswe.
to Timothy, my beloved son in the faith. Grace, mercy, peace, from God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
3 Lwa kutyo nakwilembelesishe anu nasokeleo ningenda Makedonia, usigale Efeso koleleki utule okubhaganya abhanu bhalebhe bhasige okwiigisha ameigisho ganu gatasikene.
As I exhorted you to remain in Ephesus, I going into Macedonia, in order that you may command certain ones not to teach heterodoxy,
4 Ka lindi bhasige okutegelesha jingani no bhwitondo bhwa jinganda jinu jitana bhutelo. Ganu agaletelela obhuyakani bhwanfu nibhalema okugendelesha obhwitondo bhwa Nyamuanga obhwe likilisha.
nor to give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which present questions, rather than the economy of God which is in faith:
5 Mbe nawe injuno yo bhulagiliye bhunu ni kwenda kunu kusokele mu mwoyo gwe kisi, na meganilisho go bhwana mu likilisha lye chimali.
but the end of the commandment is divine love out of a clean heart and a good conscience and faith free from hypocrisy:
6 Abhanu bhalebhe bhabhulilwe echimali nibhasiga ameigisho ganu no kuindukila amagambo ge chimumu.
from which certain ones having deflected have gone out into empty talking,
7 Abhenda okubha bheigisha bhe bhilagilo, mbe nawe bhatakumenya chinu abhaika nolwo chinu abhakomelesha.
wishing to be teachers of the law, not knowing either what they are saying, or concerning what things they do affirm.
8 Mbe nawe chimenyele ati echilagilo ni cha kisi omunu akachilubha mu bhwe kisi.
But we know that the law is good, if any one may use it lawfully;
9 Chimenyele ati, echilagilo chitateyweo kulwo munu wo bhulengelesi, mbe nawe kulwa bhanu abhanyamula ebhilagilo na bhakai, abhanu bhanu bhatali bhalengelesi na bhabhibhi, bhanu bhatana Nyamuanga na abhajabhi. Itulilweo kulwa bheti bha bhesemwene na bha nyilamwene, abheti,
knowing this, that the law is not made for the righteous, but for the unrighteous and disorderly, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and the profane, for patricides, matricides and homocides,
10 kulwa bhashani, kulwa bhalomesi, kulwa abhanu bhanu abhagega abhanu nibhabhakola kubha bhagaya, kulwa bhalimi, kulwa bhabhambasi bho lulimi, na wona wona unu atasikene no bhulagilie bhwo bhulengelesi.
for fornicators, for Sodomites, for kidnapers, for liars, for perjurers, and if any thing else is opposed to healthy teaching;
11 Obhulagilie bhunu obhusoka mu injili inu ina likusho lya Nyamuanga unu ana mabhando ganu niikanyibhwe.
according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, with which I am intrusted.
12 Enimusima Yesu Kristo Omukama weswe. Anteemo amanaga, kulwo kubha ambalile anye kubha mulengelesi, nantula mu bhukosi.
I give thanks to Jesus Christ our Lord, the one having filled me up with dynamite, because he considered me faithful, having put me in the ministry;
13 Naliga nili munu wo kugaya, kunyasha no mulwani. Mbe nawe nabhwene echigongo kulwo kubha nakolele kulwo bhumumu bhwo kulema okwikilisha.
being antecedently a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and an insulter: but I obtained mercy, because I did it in unbelief being ignorant;
14 Mbe nawe echigongo cha Nyamuanga weswe chijuye elikilisha no kwenda kunu kuli mu Kristo Yesu.
but the grace of our Lord with faith and the divine love which is in Christ Jesus superabounded.
15 Obhubhambasi bhunu ni bhwo kwikilisibhwa na bhwiile okulamilwa na bhone, ati Kristo Yesu ejile mu chalo okukisha abhabhibhi. Anye ndi mubhibhi kukila bhone.
It is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief:
16 Mbe nawe kulwe misango ejo anye nabhwene echisa koleleki mwanye Kristo Yesu eleshe okwigumilisha kwone. Akolele kutiyo abhe chijejekanyo mu bhone bhanu bhali mwiikanya omwene kulwo bhuanga bhwa kajanende. (aiōnios g166)
but on this account I obtained mercy, in order that Jesus Christ might in me the chief show forth all longsuffering, for an example of those about to believe on him unto eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
17 Mbe woli ku Mukama unu atana bhutelo, unu atakufwa, unu atakubhonekana, Nyamuanga enyere, chibhe chibhalo na likusho kajanende na kajanende. Amina. (aiōn g165)
But to the King of the ages, the incorruptible, invisible, only God, be honor and glory unto the ages of the ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
18 Lilagililo linu enilitula imbele yao Timotheo, omwana wani. Enikola kutyo kwo kulubhilila obhulagi bhunu bhwasosibhwe ku bhwambilo kwawe, koleleki ubhe mubhulemo bhwe kisi.
This charge I commit unto you, O child Timothy, according to the prophecies that went before on you, that you may war a beautiful warfare in the same;
19 Kola kutyo ubhe ne likilisha na meganilisho ge kisi. Bhalio abhanu bhanu bhalemele ganu nibhasingalisha elikilisha.
having faith and a good conscience; which some having cast away have made shipwreck concerning the faith;
20 Lwa Himeneyo na Alekizanda bhanu nimuyaye Shetani koleleki bheigisibhwe bhasiga kugaya.
of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

< 1 Timotheo 1 >