< 1 Abhakorintho 5 >

1 Chunguhye jinkuma ati agati yemwe munobhusiani, obhusiani bhunu bhutaliyo nolo Mubhanyamaanga. Chimenyesibhwe ati oumwi mwimwe kamama na mke semwene.
I hear reports that sexual immorality is happening among you, immorality that even the foreigners don't practice. A man is living with his father's wife!
2 Nemwe omwikuya! Emwe mutakujubha? Unu akolele kutyo jimwingene okusoka agati yemwe.
You are so proud of yourselves! Shouldn't you have wept with sadness, and excluded the man who did this?
3 Nolo kutyo nitali agati yemwe chimubhili nawe nili amwi nemwe chinyamwoyo, namalile kumulamula unu akolele kutyo, kuti aliga ndiwo.
Even though I'm not physically present there, I am there in spirit and just as if I were there I've already made my judgment of the one who has done this.
4 Mkabhonana amwi mwisina lya Latabhugenyi weswe Yesu, no mwoyo gwani guliwao lwa managa ga Latabhugenyi weswe Yesu,
When you meet together in the name of the Lord Jesus I'll be there with you in spirit and with the power of our Lord Jesus.
5 namalile kumutula omunu unu ku shetani koleleki omubhili gwae gunyamulwe, koleleki omwoyo gwae gubhone okuchungulwa mulusiku lwa Latabhugenyi.
Hand over this man to Satan so his sinful nature may be destroyed and he himself be saved on the day of the Lord.
6 Okwikusha kwemwe tikwakisi. Mutakumenya ati echifwimbya chitali echinyamula echilengo chona?
You shouldn't be proud about this. Don't you know that it only takes a little yeast to make the whole batch of dough rise?
7 Mwiyoshe emwe abhene echifwibhya cha kala, koleleki mubhone kubha chilengo chiyaya, koleleki mubhe mukate gunu gutana chifwibhya. Kulwokubha, Kristo, Mwana Kondoo weswe owaipasaka amalile kubhagwa.
Get rid of this old yeast so that you can be a new batch of dough to make bread without yeast. Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed.
8 Kulwejo chikole olunaku lukulu lunu lutali na chifwibhya chakala, echifwibhya chajintugwa jimbibhi no bhunyamuke. Nawe chikole olumula no mukate gunu gutana chifwibhya kwo bhulengelesi ne chimali.
So let us celebrate this festival, not with old yeast or the yeast of evil and wickedness, but with the bread made without yeast, the bread of sincerity and truth.
9 Nandikile munyalubha yani ati mutasasikana na bhalomesi.
In my previous letter I wrote that you should not associate with immoral people.
10 Ntana nsonga ati abhalomesi abhechalo chinu, nolo abhaligisi nolo abhasakusi nolo bhanu abhalamya ebhisusano kwokwikala kula nabho, kulwejo jakabheile musoke kunsi kunu.
I wasn't referring to the immoral people of this world, those who are greedy and cheat others, or those who worship idols, otherwise you'd have to leave this world!
11 Nawe woli enibhandikila olema okusasikana na wona wona unu katogwa mulawasu nolo muyala wasu mu Kristo, nawe nalama mubhusiyani nolo ali munu muligisi, nolo musakusi, nolo unu kalamya amasusano, nolo omufumi nolo omutamiji. Mutalya nage omunu wa intugwa eyo.
What I meant when I wrote was that you shouldn't associate with anyone who is called a Christian who is immoral or greedy or worships idols; or who is abusive or a drunkard or who cheats others. Don't even share a meal with anyone like that!
12 Kulwejo enifulubhenda atiki okubhalamula bhanu bhalianja ya Ikanisa? Nemwe, emwe mutabhalamuye bhanu bhali munda ya ikanisa?
It's not my place to judge those outside the church. But shouldn't you judge those who are inside the church?
13 Nawe Nyamuanga kabhalamula bhanu bhali anja. “Mumusoshemo omunu omubhibhi agati yemwe”
God judges those that are outside the church. “Expel the wicked from among you.”

< 1 Abhakorintho 5 >