< Zosua 10 >

1 Hanki Jerusalemi kini ne' Adonizedekima antahiama, Josuama Jeriko kumate'ma hu'neaza huno Ai rankuma'ene ana kumate kini ne'ene, ha'ma hu agatereno zamahe hanama nehuno kumazmima eri havizama hu'nea ke'ne, Gibioni vahe'mo'zama Israeli naga'enema mago zamarimpa hu'za manisaza zamofo ke'ma huvempama hu'naza kema nentahino'a,
Now it came to pass, when Adonizedek king of Jerusalem had heard how Joshua had taken Ai, and had utterly destroyed it; as he had done to Jericho and its king, so he had done to Ai and its king; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them;
2 agrane vahe'amozanena ana zankura tusi'a zamagogogu hu'naze. Na'ankure Gibioni kumamo'a mago'a kumara agatereno agi me'nea rankumakino, Ai rankuma'enena rugaterene. Hagi ana rankumapina hanavenentake sondia veneneraminke mani'naze.
That they feared greatly, because Gibeon was a great city, as one of the royal cities, and because it was greater than Ai, and all its men were mighty.
3 E'ina hu'negu Jerusalemi kini ne Adonizedekia 4'a rankumate kini vahetega kea atrezamante'ne. Ana vahera Hebroni kini ne' Hohamuma, Piramu kini ne' Jarmutima, Jafia kini ne' Lakisima, Debiri kini ne' Eklonima huno kea atre'zamante'ne.
Therefore Adonizedek king of Jerusalem sent to Hoham king of Hebron, and to Piram king of Jarmuth, and to Japhia king of Lachish, and to Debir king of Eglon, saying,
4 Ana kini nagakura amanage hu'ne, tamagra etma eme naza hinketa Gibioni nagara hara huzmantaneno. Na'ankure zamagra Josuane Israeli vahe'enena huvempa hu'za hara osu'za, mago zamarimpa hu'za manisnaza naneke huhagerafi'naze.
Come up to me, and help me, that we may smite Gibeon: for it hath made peace with Joshua and with the children of Israel.
5 Hanki 5fu'a Amori kini vahe'ma eme eri atruma hu'nazana, Jerusalemi kini neki, Hebroni kini neki, Jarmuti kini ne'ki, Lakisine Ekloni kini netre'ne hu'za sondia vahe'zamia eri tru hu'za seli nona ome ki'za avazagigagi'za manine'za, Gibioni vahera hara huzmante'naze.
Therefore the five kings of the Amorites, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon, gathered themselves together, and went up, they and all their hosts, and encamped before Gibeon, and made war against it.
6 Anante Gibioni vahe'mo'za Israeli vahe'ma Gilgalima kuma eme ante'za mani'nare Josuantega kea atrente'za amanage hu'naze, eri'za vahekamota kamefira huoraminka ame hunka emrerinka tagu'vazinka taza huo. Na'ankure Amori kini vahetamima agonamofo asoparegama nemaniza kini vahe'mo'za eri tru hu'za ha' eme hurante'za nehaze.
And the men of Gibeon sent to Joshua to the camp at Gilgal, saying, Do not forsake thy servants; come up to us quickly, and save us, and help us: for all the kings of the Amorites that dwell in the mountains are gathered together against us.
7 Hanki Josua'ma ananke'ma nentahino'a, sondia vahe'ane knare'ma hu'za ha'ma nehaza vahera maka zamavareno Gilgalia atreno Gibioni vahe'mokizmia zamaza hunaku marerino vu'ne.
So Joshua went up from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour.
8 Hanki Ra Anumzamo'a Josuana amanage huno asami'ne, Kagra korora zamagrikura osuo. Na'ankure zamagrira ko kagri kazampi zamavare ante'nogu, mago ne'mo'e huno kagrira hara hu kagateoregahie.
And the LORD said to Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thy hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee.
9 Anante Josua'ene ana maka sondia vahe'mo'za ana kenageke vu'za Amori vahe'ma eritru hu'zama mani'nafi antri hazaza hu'za ame hu'za hara ome huzmante'naze.
Joshua therefore came to them suddenly, and went up from Gilgal all night.
10 Ana'ma hazageno'a Ra Anumzamo Israeli naga'mokizmi zamavufi Amori vahera zamazeri neginagi hige'za, rama'a vahe Gibioni kumatera zamahete'za, mago'a vahera zamarotago hu'za Bet-horonima mareneri'za karanka zamaheme vu'za Azekane, Makeda kumate'ene uhanati'naze.
And the LORD destroyed them before Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and to Makkedah.
11 Hanki Israeli vahe'mokizmi zamagoro'ma hu'za Amori vahe'mo'za Bet-horoniti'ma fre'za Azekama urami'nea kantega nevazageno, Ra Anumzamo'a tusinasi ko'mopa ko atregeno havegna huno herafiramino, Amori vahera zamahe fri'ne. Hagi Israeli vahe'mo'zama bainati kazinteti'ma zamahe fri'nazama'a ruzamagatereno haveretira zamahe fri'ne.
And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the descent to Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon them to Azekah, and they died: they were more who died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
12 Hagi Ra Anumzamo'ma Israeli vahe'ma zamaza hige'za, Amori vahe'ma ha'ma hu zamagateraza knazupa Josua'a Israeli vahe'mokizmi zamufi Ra Anumzamofona amanage huno asami'ne, zagemoka uoraminka Gibioni megeno, ikamoka Azaloni agupofi megahane.
Then spoke Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 Higeno zagemo'a anante megeno, ikamo'enena ohanatine. Ana hu'nege'za Israeli naga'mo'za ha' vahezamia hara huzmagatere'naze. Ana zupa zagemo'a uofreno anuntumpi me'nege'za hara hu'naze. Hagi ana'ma hu'naza zamofo agenkea Jashariema nehaza avontafepi krente'naze. (Jasahariema hu'neana fatgo vahe'mokizmi avontafere hu'ne.)
And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
14 Korapa knareti'ma eno meninte'ma ehanati'neana, Ra Anumzamo'a nunamuna antahizamino e'inahukna zana erifore osu'neankna kna efore hu'neankino, henkanena anara osugahie. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a magoke ne'mofo ke antahimino Israeli vahetega anteno Agra hara hu'ne.
And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened to the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.
15 Hagi ha'ma huvagarete'za Josua'ene ana maka Israeli sondia vahe'mo'za Gilgalima kuma'ma eme ante'za mani'narega ete vu'naze.
And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to the camp at Gilgal.
16 Anama hutazageno'a 5fu'a kini vahe'mo'za koro fre'za vu'za Makida kuma tavaonte mago havegampi ome fraki'naze.
But these five kings fled, and hid themselves in a cave at Makkedah.
17 Hanki mago'a vahe'mo'za ana 5fu'a kini vahe'ma Makida havegampi fra'maki'nazana kete'za, Josuana eme asamizageno,
And it was told Joshua, saying, The five kings are found hid in a cave at Makkedah.
18 Josua'a sondia vahera zamasamino, ranra haverami atufetma ana havegana renkanineretma, mago'a sondia vahera huzmantenke'za anante kva hu'za maniho.
And Joshua said, Roll great stones upon the mouth of the cave, and set men by it to keep them:
19 Ana'ma nehutma tamagra manigasa osutma, ha' vahetamia zamefi zamarotgo hutma kuma'zmifina uofre'nesagetama hara ome huzmanteho. Na'ankure Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamo ana vahetamina ko tamazampi zamavarente'ne.
And stay you not, but pursue your enemies, and smite the rear of them; permit them not to enter into their cities: for the LORD your God hath delivered them into your hand.
20 Hanki Josua'ene Israeli ha' vahe'zamia zamarotgo hu'za zamahe hana hu'za kantega vazage'za, osi'a naga'mo'za koro fre'za rankuma zamimofo vihufi ufre'naze.
And it came to pass, when Joshua and the children of Israel had finished slaying them with a very great slaughter, till they were consumed, that the rest who remained of them entered into fortified cities.
21 Ana'ma hute'za ana maka Israeli sondia vahe'mo'za zamavufarera hazenkea e'ori, Makida kuma'ma omente'zama mani'nare Josua'a mani'nege'za ete e'naze. Ana'ma hazage'za magore hu'za Kenani mopare vahe'mo'za Israeli vahetega mago kea huozmante'naze.
And all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel.
22 Anante Josua'a amanage hu'ne, Havegama renkanimare'naza haveramina eri atretma ana 5fu'a kini vahera havegampintira zamavareta nagrite eho.
Then said Joshua, Open the mouth of the cave, and bring those five kings to me out of the cave.
23 Hanki kema hia ke amagente'za ana kini vahera havegampintira ome zamavaremegi atre'za zamavare'zama e'nazana, Jerusalemi kinigi Hebroni kinigi, Jarmuti kinigi, Lakisi kinigi, Ekloni kini neki hu'za zamavare'za Josuante e'naze.
And they did so, and brought those five kings to him out of the cave, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon.
24 Ana kini vahera zamavare'za etageno, Josua'a maka Israeli vahera kehu tru huteno, sondia vahete kva vahe'ma agranema ha'ma ome hu'naza vahe'mokizmia amanage huno zamasami'ne, amare etma tamaganuti ama kini vahe'mokizmi zamanankena rentroko hiho, hige'za Josuankea amage ante'za ana hu'naze.
And it came to pass, when they brought out those kings to Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said to the captains of the men of war who went with him, Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings. And they came near, and put their feet upon the necks of them.
25 Hanki Josua'a Israeli vahe'mokizmia amanage huno zamasami'ne, Tamagra korora huge, antahintahi hakarea osiho. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a amama hiaza huno maka ha' vahetamima ha'ma huzmante'nazana anahu zanke hugahie.
And Joshua said to them, Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage: for thus shall the LORD do to all your enemies against whom ye fight.
26 Anage huteno Josua'a ana kini vahera zamahe friteno, 5fu'a zafare zamufga hantintegeno me'negeno vuno kinaga zagea ufre'ne.
And afterward Joshua smote them, and slew them, and hanged them on five trees: and they were hanging upon the trees until the evening.
27 Hagi zagema ufregeno'a Josua'a huzmantege'za ana vahe zamavufaga zafaretira erifenka atre'za, ko'ma fra'makiza mani'naza havegampi ome zamatrete'za ana havegantera ranra havenuti renkani razageno meno eno, ama knarera ehanatine.
And it came to pass at the time of the setting of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down from the trees, and cast them into the cave in which they had been hid, and laid great stones upon the cave’s mouth, which remain until this very day.
28 Hagi ana zupage Josua'a Makida rankumara hara hu zamagtereno kini ne'zamine ana maka vahera kazinteti zamahe fri vagare'ne. Ana kumapina mago'zane huno otreno ana maka'zana eri haviza nehuno, mago vahera atregeno omani'ne. Hagi Jeriko kini ne'ma hunte'neaza huno, Makida kumate kini nera ana zanke hunte'ne.
And that day Joshua took Makkedah, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and its king he utterly destroyed, them, and all the souls that were in it; he let none remain: and he did to the king of Makkedah as he did to the king of Jericho.
29 Hanki Makida rankumama ha'ma huzamagaterete'za, Josua'ene sondia naga'mo'za Makida atre'za vu'za Libna kumate vahera hara ome huzmante'naze.
Then Joshua passed from Makkedah, and all Israel with him, to Libnah, and fought against Libnah:
30 Hanki Ra Anumzamo anahukna huno Israeli vahera zamaza hige'za, Libna kini ne'ene ana maka vahe'anena kazinteti zamahe vagare'naze. Ana kumapina Josua'a mago'zane huno otreno, ana maka'zana eri haviza nehuno mago vahere huno atregeno omani'ne. Hagi Jeriko kini ne'ma hunte'neaza huno, Libna kini nera ana zanke hunte'ne.
And the LORD delivered it also, and its king, into the hand of Israel; and he smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were in it; he let none remain in it; but did to its king as he did to the king of Jericho.
31 Ana'ma hute'za, Josua'ene Israeli sondia naga'mo'za Libna kumara atre'za vu'za, Lakisi kumara ome avazagigagi'za mani'ne'za hara huzmante'naze.
And Joshua passed from Libnah, and all Israel with him, to Lachish, and encamped against it, and fought against it:
32 Hanki Ra Anumzamo Israeli vahe'mokizmia zamaza huno hara higeno, nampa 2 knarera Josua'a Lakisi vahera hara hu zamagaterege'za, ana maka vahera Libna kumate vahe'ma hu'nazaza hu'za bainati kazinteti zamahe fri vagare'naze.
And the LORD delivered Lachish into the hand of Israel, who took it on the second day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were in it, according to all that he had done to Libnah.
33 Anante Gezeri kini ne' Horamua Lakisi vahetami hara huzmaza hu'naku mrerino egeno, Josua'a ana kini ne'ene naga'anena hara nehuno, mago vahere huno ozmantre'neanki zamahe fri vagare'naze.
Then Horam king of Gezer came up to help Lachish; and Joshua smote him and his people, until he had left him none remaining.
34 Ana'ma huteno'a Josua'a miko Israeli vahe'ene Lakisia atre'za Ekloni vu'za, kafo ome ante'za mani'ne'za avazagi kagiza hara huzmante'naze.
And from Lachish Joshua passed to Eglon, and all Israel with him; and they encamped against it, and fought against it:
35 Ana zupage Ekloni kumara hara hu zamagtere'za eri vaganere'za, maka zantamina eri haviza nehazageno, Josua'a Lakisi kumapi vahe'ma hu'neaza huno maka vahera kazinteti zamahe fri vagare'ne.
And they took it on that day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were in it he utterly destroyed that day, according to all that he had done to Lachish.
36 Ana'ma huteno'a Josua'a miko Israeli vahe'ene Ekloni kumara atre'za Hebroni vu'za hara ome huzmante'naze.
And Joshua went up from Eglon, and all Israel with him, to Hebron; and they fought against it:
37 Ana kumara omeneri'za ana kumate kini ne'ene maka vahera kazinknonu zamahe fri vaganere'za, ana kuma tavaonte'ma nemaniza vahe'ene kuma'zminena, Ekloni kumate vahe'ma hu'nazaza hu'za bainati kazinknonteti maka zamahe fri vagare'naze.
And they took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and its king, and all its cities and all the souls that were in them; he left none remaining, according to all that he had done to Eglon; but destroyed it utterly, and all the souls that were in it.
38 Ana'ma hute'za Josua'ene miko Israeli vahe'mo'za ete rukrahe hu'za vu'za Debiri kumate vahera ha' ome huzmante'naze.
And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to Debir; and fought against it:
39 Ana'ma huteno Josua'a ana kumate kini ne'ene, ana kumapi vahetamina zamahe fri vaganereno, tavaozmire'ma me'nea kumatamina Hebroni kumate vahe'ene Libna kumate vahe'ene, kini vahetaminte'ma hu'neaza huno Debiri kumate vahera magore huno ozamatreno bainati kazinteti zamahe fri vagare'ne.
And he took it, and its king, and all its cities; and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed all the souls that were in them; he left none remaining: as he had done to Hebron, so he did to Debir, and to its king; as he had done also to Libnah, and to its king.
40 Ana higeno Josua'a ana mopafima me'nea rankuma'tamina hara hu zamagaterevaga nereno, agonaregama me'nea kumatamine, kini zamine, Nigevi kazigama me'nea kumatamine, kini zamine, zage fre kaziga me'nea agonaramimofo agiafi me'nea kumatamine kini zamine, Jodani agupofima nemaniza vahe'ene kini zamia, Ra Anumzama Israeli vahe'mokizmi Anumzamo'ma huo huno'ma hunte'nea kante anteno, Josua'a magore huno ozamatreno, ana maka zamahe fri vagare'ne.
So Joshua smote all the country of the hills, and of the south, and of the vale, and of the springs, and all their kings: he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded.
41 Hagi Josua'ma ha'ma hu zamagatere vagamare'neana, sauti kaziga Kedes Baneati agafa huno marerino, hageri ankena tavaonte Gaza eteno, noti kaziga ana maka Goseni mopa'a eri vagareno vuno Gibioni rankumate anagamu uhanati'ne.
And Joshua smote them from Kadeshbarnea even to Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even to Gibeon.
42 Higeno ana mopafima nemaniza kini vahe'ene mopa'zaminena, Israeli vahe'mokizmi Ra Anumzamo zamaza huno hara huzmantegeno, Josua'a ana knafinke hara huno zamazeri atre vagare'ne.
And all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel.
43 Ana'ma hute'za Josua'ene Israeli sondia vahe'mo'za atre'za Gilgalima kuma'ma eme ante'zama mani'narega ete vu'naze.
And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to the camp in Gilgal.

< Zosua 10 >