< Zeremaia 25 >

1 Hagi Josaia nemofo Jehoiakimi'ma Juda vahe kinima manino egeno nampa 4ma hia kafufina, Nebukatnesa'a Babiloni vahe kinia ese kafu kinia mani'ne. E'i ana knafi Ra Anumzamo'a maka Juda vahekura ama nanekea Jeremaia'na nasami'ne.
This is the word that came to Jeremiah about all the people of Judah. It came in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah. That was the first year of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.
2 Ana hige'na kasnampa ne' Jeremaiana maka Juda vahe'ene maka Jerusalemi kumapima nemaniza vahera zamasami'na,
Jeremiah the prophet proclaimed this to all the people of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
3 Amoni nemofo Josaia'ma Juda vahe kinima manino egeno 13nima hia kafureti'ma, eno meni amare ehanatigeno'a ana makara 23'a kafu hu'ne. E'i ana kna'afina Ra Anumzamo'a nanekea nasamige'na tamasami vava hu'na e'noanagi, tamagra ana nanekea ontahi'naze.
He said, “For twenty-three years, from the thirteenth year of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah until this day, Yahweh's words have been coming to me and I have spoken to you again and again, but you have not listened.
4 Ra Anumzamo'a eri'za vahe'a maka kasnampa vahe'aramina huzmantege'za knane knanena e'za nanekea eme tamasami'naze. Hianagi antahi amne nehuta, ana nanekerera tamagesa anteta ontahi'naze.
Yahweh sent out all his servants the prophets to you again and again, but you have not listened or paid any attention.
5 Hagi ana kasnampa vahe'mo'za hu'za, tamagra havi kante'ma nevaza zane, havi avu'ava zama nehaza zana atreho. Tamagra e'ina'ma hanuta, Ra Anumzamo'ma tamafahe'ine tamagri'enema tami'nea mopafina mani vava huta vugahaze hu'za tamasami'naze.
These prophets said, 'Let each man turn from his wicked way and the corruption of his practices and return to the land that Yahweh gave in ancient times to your ancestors and to you, as a permanent gift.
6 Hagi tamagra ru anumzaramintera eri'zama'a eri nenteta monora huonteho. Ana nehuta ana anumzantamimofo amema'a tamazantetira avako huta tro hunteta nazeri narimpa oheho. Hagi tamagra anama osnage'na tamazeri havizana osugahue.
So do not walk after other gods to worship them or bow down to them, and do not provoke him with the work of your hands so that he does you harm.'
7 Hianagi Nagri nanekea ontahi'naze. E'ina nehuta tamazanteti'ma havi anumza ramimofo amema'ama tro'ma haza zamo, Nagrira nazeri narimpa neheta, hazenke zana avreta tamagra'a tamavatera e'naze.
But you have not listened to me—this is Yahweh's declaration—so you have provoked me with the work of your hands to do harm to you.
8 Hagi Monafi sondia vahe'mofo Ra Anumzamo'a huno, Tamagra Nagri nanekea antahita amagera onte'nazagu,
So Yahweh of hosts says this, 'Because you did not listen to my words,
9 antahiho! Nagra noti kazigama me'nea mopafima nemaniza vahe'ene eri'za vaheni'a Babiloni kini ne' Nebukatnesanena huzmantenuge'za e'za maka amama mani'naza mopamofo agu'afima nemaniza vahera hara huneramante'za, tamagri tavaonte'ma nemaniza vahe'enena hara huzamantegahaze. Ana hanage'na ama mopa eri havizantfa hanuge'za vahe'mo'za nege'za antari nehu'za kiza zokago ke hugahaze. Ana hanigeno mopamo'a haviza huno mevava huno vugahie.
see, I am about to send out a command to gather all the peoples of the north—this is Yahweh's declaration—with Nebuchadnezzar my servant, king of Babylon, and bring them against this land and its inhabitants, and against all the nations around you. For I will set them apart for destruction. I will turn them into a horror, an object for hissing, and an unending desolation.
10 Ana nehu'na musenkasema nehaza agasasazane a'ma ovasimi avasimima nehutama nehaza krafagene witima refuzafupe havemofo ageru'ene lampe tavimofo masanena tamagripintira eri atrenugeno omanegahie.
I will put an end to the sound of joy and sound of gladness, the sound of the groom and the sound of the bride, the sound of the millstones and the light of the lamp.
11 Ana hina ama mopafina mago vahera omanitfa hanigeno kama koka megahie. Hagi Israeli vahe'ene zamagri tavaonte'ma nemaniza vahemo'zanena 70'a kafufi Babiloni kini nemofo eri'za vahera umanigahaze.
Then all of this land will become a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon for seventy years.
12 Hagi anante 70'a kafuma evutesige'na Babiloni kini ne'ene kegavama hu'nea mopafi vahe'enena kumi'ma hunaza zantera Nagra kna zami'na zamazeri haviza nehu'na mopazmia eri haviza hanugeno haviza huvava huno meno vugahie.
Then it will happen when seventy years have been completed, that I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation, the land of the Chaldeans—this is Yahweh's declaration—for their iniquity and make it an unending desolation.
13 Hagi maka ama mopafima me'nea kumatamimpima fore huterema hania zanku'ma, Jeremaia'ma maka kasnampa kema asamugeno ama avontafepima krente'nea zantamimo'a maka fore hugahie.
Then I will carry out against that land all the words that I had spoken, and everything written in this book that Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations.
14 Hagi Babiloni vahe'mo'zama hu'naza zamavu'zmava zantera Nagra nona huzamantegahue. Ana hanuge'za ru moparegati hankave kini vahe'mo'zane ru moparegati vahe'mo'zanena e'za Babiloni vahera eme zamavare'za kina ome huzamante nesage'za kazokazo eri'za erigahaze.
For also many other nations and great kings will make slaves out of these nations. I will repay them for their deeds and the works of their hands.'”
15 Hagi Ra Anumzana Israeli vahe Anumzamo'a amanage huno nasami'ne. Narimpa ahe'zamofo waini timoma avite'nea kapua nazampintira erinka, hugante'nua mopafi vahete vuge'za maka ana mopafi vahe'mo'za neho.
For Yahweh, God of Israel, said this to me, “Take this cup of the wine of fury from my hand and make all the nations to which I am sending you drink it.
16 Hagi ana waini tima ne'za neginagima nehu'za traka hu'za umasete emasete hugahaze. Na'ankure Nagra ha' vahe'zami huzmantenuge'za e'za eme hara huzmantesage'za anara hugahaze.
For they will drink and then stagger about and rant madly before the sword that I am sending out among them.”
17 Hagi anagema hutege'na ana kapua Ra Anumzamofo azampintira erite'na, maka Ra Anumzamo'ma ome zamio huno'ma hunantea moparamimpi vahete vu'na ana waini tina ome zamuge'za ana maka vahe'mo'za ne'naze.
So I took the cup from Yahweh's hand, and I made all the nations to which Yahweh had sent me drink it:
18 Hagi ese'ma agafa hu'noana Jerusalemi kuma'ene Juda mopafima me'nea kumatamimpi vu'na kini vahe'ene eri'za vahe'zamine ome zamuge'za ana kapufinti waini tina ne'naze. Ana'ma hazageno'a kumazmimo'a havizantfa huno me'nege'za, vahe'mo'za antri nehu'za kiza zokago ke hunezmante'za, vahe'ma sifnama huzmante'nakura e'ima hazaza huta sifnafi maniho hu'za nehaze. E'i ana zamo'a meninena meno eno ama knarera ehanati'ne.
Jerusalem, the cities of Judah and her kings and officials—to turn them into ruins and something terrifying, and into an object for hissing and cursing, as they are at this present day.
19 Hagi anantetira Isipi vu'na, kini ne' Ferone mika eri'za vahe'ane, kamani eri'za vahe'ene mika vahe'enena ome zamuge'za ana waini tina ne'naze.
Other nations also had to drink it: Pharaoh king of Egypt and his servants; his officials and all his people;
20 Ana nehu'na ru moparega vahe'ma Isipi mopafima enemaniza vahe'enena zamuge'za ne'naze. Anantetira maka Uzi mopafima nemaniza kini vahe ome zamuge'za ne'naze. Hagi Filistia vahe kinia 4'a kumate'ma mani'nazana, Askelonima, Gazama, Ekronine osi'a naga'ma ofri'ma mani'naza Asdoti naga'mokizimi kini vahe'ene ome zamuge'za ana waini tina ne'naze.
all people of mixed heritage and all the kings of the land of Uz; all the kings of the land of Philistia—Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod;
21 Hagi Idomu vahe'ene Moapu vahe'ene Amoni vahe'enena ana waini tina ome zamuge'za nenage'na,
Edom and Moab and the people of Ammon.
22 maka Tairi kini vahe'ene maka Saidoni kini vahe'ene hagerimofo kantu kaziga ankenaregama nemaniza vahetaminena ome zamuge'za nenage'na,
The kings of Tyre and Sidon, the kings of the coasts on the other side of the sea,
23 anantetira vu'na Dedani kini vahe'ene Tema kini vahe'ene Buzi vahe'ene afete'ma umani emanima hu'neza zamagi zamazokama neharaza vahe'mokizmi ome zami'noe.
Dedan, Tema, and Buz with all the ones who cut the hair on the sides of their heads, they also had to drink it.
24 Hagi maka Arabia kini vahe'ene ru moparegati vahe'ma hagege kokampima enemaniza vahe'mokizmi kini vahe'enena ome zamuge'za nenazage'na,
All the kings of Arabia and all the kings of people of mixed heritage who live in the wilderness;
25 anantetira maka Zimri kini vahe'ma Elamu kini vahe'ma, Midia kini vahe'ene ome nezami'na,
all the kings of Zimri, all the kings of Elam, and all the kings of the Medes;
26 anantetira vu'na maka noti kaziga mopafima nemaniza kini vahera, afete mani'nazo tvaonte mani'nazo, maka zami vaganere'na, maka ama mopamofo agofetu'ma mani'naza kini vahera zami vagaregahue. Ana hutesanugeno ome vagaretega Babiloni kini ne'mo ana waini tina negahie.
all the kings of the north, the ones close by and the ones far away—everyone with his brother and all the kingdoms of the world that are on the surface of the earth, all of them had to drink the cup from Yahweh's hand. Finally, the king of Babylon will also drink from that cup.
27 Hagi Jeremaiaga amanage hunka ome zamasamio. Monafi sondia vahe'mofo Ra Anumzana Israeli vahe Anumzamo'a huno, ama ana waini tina neta neginagi nehuta, amuranetita traka huta umase emase nehuta ete mago'enena oraotiho. Na'ankure Nagra ha' vahera huzmanta'nena e'za, hara eme huramante'za tamazeri haviza hugahaze.
Yahweh said to me, “Now you must say to them, 'Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel, says this: Drink and become drunk, then vomit, fall down, and do not rise before the sword that I am sending among you.'
28 Hianagi ana waini tima zamagra kazampinti'ma eri'za onesagenka, kagra amanage hunka zamasamio. Monafi sondia vahe'mofo Ra Anumzamo'a huno, Otreta neho huno hu'ne hunka huo.
Then it will happen that if they refuse to take the cup from your hand to drink, you will say to them, 'Yahweh of hosts says this: You must certainly drink it.
29 Hagi keho! Jerusalemi kumaku'ma hu'na Nagri nagima mesiema hu'na hu'noa kuma esera eri haviza hute'na, ana maka vahera zamazeri haviza hugahuanki tatresigeta amne manigahune huta tamagesa ontahiho. Nagra Ra Anumzana hankavenentake Anumzamo'na huanki'na, ha' vahe huzmantenuge'za ama mopafina vano nehu'za maka vahera hara huzamante'za vano hugahaze.
For see, I am about to bring disaster on the city that is called by my name, and should you yourselves be free from punishment? You will not be free, for I am calling a sword against all the inhabitants of the land!—this is the declaration of Yahweh of hosts.'
30 Hagi Jeremaiaga zamazeri havizama hanua kasnampa nanekea maka amanage hunka zamasamio. Ra Anumzamo'a ruotage'ma hu'nea kuma'afintira ranke huno mopa'amofona ke'za tinemisigeno ageru'amo'a ra agasasa rugahie. Grepi rgama zamagareti'ma regatati'ma nehu'za, kezama netizankna huno ranke huno ama mopafima nemaniza vahera zamazeri haviza hugahie.
You must prophesy all these words against them, and say to them, 'Yahweh will roar from the heights and he will shout with his voice from his holy dwelling, and he will roar mightily against his fold; and he will shout, like those who tread the grapes against all those who live on the earth.
31 Hagi ana kezankemo'a, mika mopa atuparega vuno eno hanige'za antahigahaze. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a miko ama mopafi vahera keaga huzmanteno zamazeri haviza nehuno, kefo avu'ava'ma nehaza vahera tamatresige'za bainati kazinknonteti zamahe frigahaze. Ra Anumzamo ama ana nanekea hu'ne.
The sound of battle will resound to the ends of the earth, for Yahweh brings charges against the nations, and he brings judgment on all flesh, and the wicked ones he will put to the sword—this is Yahweh's declaration.'
32 Hagi Monafi sondia vahe'mofo Ra Anumzamo'a huno, Antahiho, ama ana knazamo'a mago kaziga mopareti agafa huteno, miko kokantega vuno eno huvagaregahie. Hagi ana nehiankino ama mopamofo atumparegati mago ununko agafa huno eankna nehie.
Yahweh of hosts says this, 'See, disaster is going out from nation to nation, and a great storm is beginning from the farthest parts of the earth.
33 Hagi ana knafina Ra Anumzamo'ma zamahe frisia vahe'mokizmi zamavufagamo'a ama mopamofo agofetura maka kaziga amne zankna hugahie. Ana hina mago vahemo'e huno ana vahekura zavira neteno erise ozamantegahie. Anama frisaza vahe zamavufagamo'a kasrino rifagna hugahie.
Then those killed by Yahweh will on that day extend from one end of the earth to the other; they will not be mourned, gathered, or buried. They will be like dung on the ground.
34 Hagi sipisipi afute kva vahe'mota tusi tamasunku nehuta zavira ateho. Sipisipi afu nagamokizmi rankva vahe'mota tamagri'ma tamahe nefrino tamare tufetresia knamo'a hago eanki, kugusopafi maseta rukrahe krahe hiho. Na'ankure knare mopa kavomo'ma evuramino rutako'ma nehiaza huta havizantfa hugahaze.
Wail, shepherds, and shout for help! Roll about in the dust, you leaders of the flock, for the days of your slaughter have come; you will be scattered when you fall like fine pottery.
35 Hagi sipisipi afute kva vahe'motane, sipisipi afumokizmi rankva vahe'motanema tamagareta ome frakisaza kuma'ene, fre'naza kantaminena omanetfa hugahie.
There is no refuge for the shepherds, there will be no escape for the leaders of the flock.
36 Hagi sipisipi afute kva vahemo'zane, sipisipi afumokizmi rankva vahemo'zanena rankrafa hu'za zavira netazanki antahiho. Na'ankure sipisipi afu'mo'zama trazama nenaza mopa Ra Anumzamo'a eri haviza nehige'za anara nehaze.
Hear the cries of the shepherds and the wails of the leaders of the flock, for Yahweh is destroying their pastures.
37 Hagi Ra Anumzamofo arimpa ahe'zamo hanigeno, sipisipi afu'mo'zama trazama nene'za mani fruma nehaza mopamo'a haviza huno ka'ma koka megahie.
So the peaceful pastures will be devastated because of Yahweh's fierce anger.
38 Hagi laionimo fraki kuma'a atreno eaza huno Ra Anumzamo'a ne-e. Na'ankure Agra tusi arimpa ahezmanteno ha' vahe huzmantesanige'za e'za Juda vahera ha' eme huzmantegahaze. Ana hanageno mopa zamimo'a haviza huno ka'ma koka megahie.
Like a young lion, he has left his den, for their land will become a horror because of the oppressor's anger, because of his angry wrath.'”

< Zeremaia 25 >