< 1 Samue 20 >

1 Hagi Devitia Rama kaziga Naioti kumatetira freno Jonataninte eno, amanage huno Jonatanina eme antahige'ne. Nagra na'a hu'noe, nahavizana nehu'na, nankumi negafana hunte'nogeno, nagrira nahe frinakura nehake?
And David fled from Naioth in Ramah, and came and said before Jonathan, What have I done? what is mine iniquity? and what is my sin before your father, that he seeks my life?
2 Hagi Jonatani'a kenona hunteno, Nenfa'a osizano ra zana magore huno nagritera eri frara nokiankino, kahe ofrigahie. Hagi na'a hanigeno nenfa'a kagri'ma kahe nanekea eri frara kigahie? A'o anara osugahie!
And he said unto him, God forbid; you shall not die: behold, my father will do nothing either great or small, but that he will show it me: and why should my father hide this thing from me? it is not so.
3 Hianagi Deviti'a hanave huvempage huno, Kagrama nagri'ma kavesinenantana zana negafa'a keno antahino hu'neno, agra nenamofo Jonatanina ama ana kema asaminugeno'a arimpamo'a knarera osugahie huno antahi'ne. Hianagi tamage huno kasefa huno mani'nea Ra Anumzamofo avufine kagri kavufinena huvempage huankino, nagrira ame huno nahe frigahie.
And David swore moreover, and said, Your father certainly knows that I have found grace in your eyes; and he says, Let not Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved: but truly as the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, there is but a step between me and death.
4 Higeno Jonatani'a Devitina asamino, Nazano hunanto hunka hanana zana, amane hugantegahue.
Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatsoever your soul desires, I will even do it for you.
5 Hagi Deviti'a Jonatanina asamino, Antahio, okina kasefa ika eme antegeno ne'zama nenaza knagi, nagra kini ne' ene ne'zana nosinagi natrege'na trampi ufraki'na mani'nanenkeno 3'a zagegnamo'a nagatereno evino.
And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king at food: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even.
6 Hagi negafa'ma onagesuno'ma kantahigena kagra amanage hunka asamio, Devitina naga'amo'zma Betlehemu kumate atru hu'za kafugu kafugu'ma nehazaza hu'za kresramama vanarega anantega vugahue huno eme tutu huno nantahigege'na huntogeno vu'ne hunka asamio.
If your father at all miss me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city: for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.
7 Hagi anagema hanankeno'ma knarere'ma hanigenka, eri'za vahekamona knare hu'na manigahue hunka antahio. Hianagi ananke'ma asami'nankeno arimpama ahe'na, eri'za vahekamo'na nahe frigahie hunka antahio.
If he say thus, It is well; your servant shall have peace: but if he be very angry, then be sure that evil is determined by him.
8 Hagi kagra eri'za vahekamo'na knare kavukva hunante'nane. Na'ankure kagra Ra Anumzamofo avufi eri'za vaheka'amo'na so'ema huta manisu'a huvempagea hunante'nane. Hagi kagra navrenka negafantera ovunka, nagrama mago havizama hu'nenugenka, kagraka'a nahe frio.
Therefore you shall deal kindly with your servant; for you have brought your servant into a covenant of the LORD with you: notwithstanding, if there be in me iniquity, slay me yourself; for why should you bring me to your father?
9 Higeno Jonatani'a huno, i'o anara osugahue. Nenfa'ma kahekema hanige'na ame' hu'na kasamigahue.
And Jonathan said, Far be it from you: for if I knew certainly that evil were determined by my father to come upon you, then would not I tell it you?
10 Anante Deviti'a Jonatanina asamino, Ana nanekema negafama asami'nankeno arimpama ahenantenia nanekea iza erino ome nasamigahie?
Then said David to Jonathan, Who shall tell me? or what if your father answer you roughly?
11 Anagema higeno'a Jonatania Devitinkura huno, Egeta hoza agupofi magoka va'mneno, huno Jonatani'a higeke, magoka vu'na'e.
And Jonathan said unto David, Come, and let us go out into the field. And they went out both of them into the field.
12 Anante Jonatani'a anage huno Devitina asami'ne, Ra Anumzana Israeli vahe Anumzamofo avufi huvempage huankino, tare knama evanige'na, nenfa'ma kahekema hania nanekea antahigahoanki'na, arimpa fruma hugante'nia kea eme kasamigahue.
And Jonathan said unto David, O LORD God of Israel, when I have sounded my father about tomorrow any time, or the third day, and, behold, if there be good toward David, and I then send not unto you, and show it you;
13 Hianagi nenfa'ma kahenaku'ma hanige'na, eme okasami'nugenka frenka kagu'ma ovazisankeno'a, Ra Anumzamo'a nagrira nona hunanteno nahe frigahie. Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a nenfa'enema nemaniaza huno kagri'enena manigahie.
The LORD do so and much more to Jonathan: but if it please my father to do you evil, then I will show it you, and send you away, that you may go in peace: and the LORD be with you, as he has been with my father.
14 Hagi kagrima Ra Anumzamo'ma knarema hugantenigenka maninka vanunka, nagrira knare hunantenka nahe ofriho.
And you shall not only while yet I live show me the kindness of the LORD, that I die not:
15 Hagi Devitiga ha' vahekamofoma ama mopafinti'ma Ra Anumzamo'ma zamahe vagamaresigenka, nagri nagara knare kavukva huzmantenka vuo.
But also you shall not cut off your kindness from my house for ever: no, not when the LORD has cut off the enemies of David every one from the face of the earth.
16 Anante Jonatani'a Devitinkura amanage hu'ne, kagrane amama huvempa kema hu'a nanekea kagrane nagakanena tamagera okaniho. Hagi nagri'ma navesiana ha' vaheka'a Ra Anumzamo'a Agra'a hara huzmantesie.
So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, Let the LORD even require it at the hand of David's enemies.
17 Hagi Jonatani'a mago'ane tragoteke manisa'a huvempage Devitina hunte'ne. Na'ankure Jonatani'a agra'agu'ma ave'nesiaza huno Devitina tusiza huno avesi ante'negu anara hu'ne.
And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved his own soul.
18 Anante Jonatani'a Devitina asamino, Okina kasefa ikante'ma musenkase hu'za ne'za nenaza knagino, ana musenkasema hanafina kagri tramo'a amane megahie.
Then Jonathan said to David, Tomorrow is the new moon: and you shall be missed, because your seat will be empty.
19 Hagi nampa 3 knazupa kinaga, ko'ma frakinkama mani'nana have kevuma me'nerega ame hunka umanio.
And when you have stayed three days, then you shall go down quickly, and come to the place where you did hide yourself when the business was in hand, and shall remain by the stone Ezel.
20 Hagi nagra 3'a kevea mafe'ante'na ana haverega ahetregahue.
And I will shoot three arrows on the side thereof, as though I shot at a mark.
21 Hagi mago eri'za rise'ma hunte'na kamakaziga keveme'neanki ome hakenka erinka eno hu'na huntesogenka, amne egahane. Na'ankure tamage huno Ra Anumzana mani'negu mago kazeri haviza hu'zana kagritera forera osugahie.
And, behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of you, take them; then come you: for there is peace to you, and no hurt; as the LORD lives.
22 Hianagi ana riseku'ma hu'na kevea kame kaziga me'neanki ome erio hanugenka, e'i ame hunka atrenka vuogu hugahue. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo omenka vuo huno hugantegahie.
But if I say thus unto the young man, Behold, the arrows are beyond you; go your way: for the LORD has sent you away.
23 Hagi kagrane nagranema huvempa kema hu'noa zamofona Ra Anumzamo'a agrake keno antahino hu'negu kagra ana kemofona amage'anto.
And as concerning the matter which you and I have spoken of, behold, the LORD be between you and me for ever.
24 Hagi Deviti'a anantega frakino mani'negeno, kini ne'mo'a kasefa ikante'ma musenkase hu'za ne'zama nenaza knarera ne'zama nenaza tratera emani'ne.
So David hid himself in the field: and when the new moon was come, the king sat him down to eat food.
25 Hagi kini ne'mo'a ne'za nenaku ko'ma nehiaza huno nomofo asarega amagena renteno rutragoteno emanigeno, mago kaziga Jonatani mani'geno, mago kaziga Abna mani'neanagi Devitima nemania trara amne me'ne.
And the king sat upon his seat, as at other times, even upon a seat by the wall: and Jonathan arose, and Abner sat by Saul's side, and David's place was empty.
26 Hagi Soli'a ana zupa nanekea osu'ne. Na'ankure agrama agesama antahiana Deviti'a mago'aza huno agra'a azeri pehana hu'neno ome'ne huno antahine.
Nevertheless Saul spoke not any thing that day: for he thought, Something has befallen him, he is not clean; surely he is not clean.
27 Hianagi nampa 2 kna zupanena Deviti'ma nemania tramo'a amne me'ne. Ana higeno Soli'a nemofo Jonatanina asamino, Devitima nemania tramo'a amne me'neana na'agafare Jesi nemofo Deviti'a okine meninena ne'za ne'tratera ome'ne?
And it came to pass on the next day, which was the second day of the month, that David's place was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Wherefore comes not the son of Jesse to food, neither yesterday, nor to day?
28 Higeno Jonatani'a kenona huno, Deviti'a Betlehemu vunaku tutu huno nantahigeno,
And Jonathan answered Saul, David earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethlehem:
29 natrege'na va'neno, na'ankure naga'nimo'za rankumapi kresramana nevazageno, nafuhe'za ke hazanki'na ame hu'na vugahue. Hagi navesi nante'nunka hunantege'na nafuhei'na ome zamage'nue hige'na, huntogeno vu'ne. E'i ana agafare ama tratera omani'ne.
And he said, Let me go, I pray you; for our family has a sacrifice in the city; and my brother, he has commanded me to be there: and now, if I have found favour in your eyes, let me get away, I pray you, and see my brethren. Therefore he comes not unto the king's table.
30 Hagi Soli'a Jonatanina tusi arimpa ahenenteno anage hu'ne, Kagra keontahi savri a'mofo mofavre mani'nananki, Devitima kagri noma erino kinima manino kazeri kagaze nehuno, negrerama agazema eri amisia zankura ontahinka Devitina aza hu'nano?
Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, You son of the perverse rebellious woman, do not I know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own confusion, and unto the confusion of your mother's nakedness?
31 Na'ankure Jesi nemofo'ma ofri'noma mani'nenigenka, tamagerafa hunka kinia omanigahane. Hagi mago'a vahe huzmantege'za vu'za ome avre'za esnage'na ahe fri'neno.
For as long as the son of Jesse lives upon the ground, you shall not be established, nor your kingdom. Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die.
32 Hianagi Jonatani'a huno, Naza agra havizana hu'ne? Nagafare agra frigahie?
And Jonathan answered Saul his father, and said unto him, Wherefore shall he be slain? what has he done?
33 Anagema higeno'a Soli'a Jonatanina ahe frinaku karugru kevereti re'neanagi, mani'ganegeno hantga hu'ne. E'inama higeno'a tamage nenfa'a Devitina ahe frigahie huno Jonatani'a antahi'ne.
And Saul cast a javelin at him to strike him: whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined of his father to slay David.
34 Hagi Jonatani'a nefana tusi arimpa ahenenteno ese ikamofona nampa 2 knarera, ne'zana oneno otino atreno vu'ne. Na'ankure nefa'ma Deviti agima eri havizama hiazanku anara hu'ne.
So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger, and did eat no food the second day of the month: for he was grieved for David, because his father had done him shame.
35 Hagi anante nanterana Jonatani'a mago eri'za rise nevreno Deviti'ene keaga ome hunaku kema hunte'nate hoza agupofi vu'ne.
And it came to pass in the morning, that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed with David, and a little lad with him.
36 Hagi ana eri'za risera asmino, Kagarirenka vunka kevema ahetrenua kevea ome hakenka erio, higeno ana rise'mo'a agareno nevigeno Jonatani'a kevea ana risera ahe agatereno ogamanu'a avuga ahe'ne.
And he said unto his lad, Run, find out now the arrows which I shoot. And as the lad ran, he shot an arrow beyond him.
37 Hagi ana eri'za rise'mo'ma kevema ome akasinaku anante'ma vigeno'a, Jonatani'a ke'zatimino, Kevemo'a ogamu'a me'neanki,
And when the lad was come to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot, Jonathan cried after the lad, and said, Is not the arrow beyond you?
38 omaninka ame hunka vuo! Hagi Jonatani eri'za rise'mo'a ana kevea ome erino ete rukrahe huno kva'amofontega e'ne.
And Jonathan cried after the lad, Make speed, haste, stay not. And Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows, and came to his master.
39 Hagi e'i ana mikozama hiazamofo agafa'a ana eri'za risemo'a antahi amara osu'neanki, Jonatanike Devitike zanagrake antahi'na'e.
But the lad knew not any thing: only Jonathan and David knew the matter.
40 Hagi Jonatani'a ati'ane keve'anena ana eri'za risemofo nemino, erinka kumatega vuo.
And Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad, and said unto him, Go, carry them to the city.
41 Higeno ana eri'za rise'ma vutegeno'a, Deviti'a have kevumofo amefima fraki'nefintira atiramino eno Jonatanina agafi eme arena reno, 3'a zupa kepri hu'ne. Hagi zanagra onuki, anuki huke zanagi ohene ahene nehu'ne, taregamokea zavi ate'na'e. Hianagi Deviti'a tusiza huno zavira ate'ne.
And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.
42 Hagi Jonatani'a amanage huno Devitina asmi'ne, Karimpa frune vuo. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamofo avure huvempage hu'noankita ronema huno'azana, Ra Anumzamo amu'nontifina mani'neno maka knafima kagripinti'ma fore'ma hania vahe'ene nagripinti'ma fore'ma hania vahera keno antahino hanie. Hutegeno Deviti'a nevigeno, Jonatani'a ete kumatega vu'ne.
And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD, saying, The LORD be between me and you, and between my seed and your seed for ever. And he arose and departed: and Jonathan went into the city.

< 1 Samue 20 >