< コリント人への手紙第一 10 >

1 そこで、兄弟たち。私はあなたがたにぜひ次のことを知ってもらいたいのです。私たちの先祖はみな、雲の下におり、みな海を通って行きました。
My fellow believers, I want to remind you about our(exc) [Jewish] ancestors. They were all under the cloud [by which God miraculously led them and protected them when they left Egypt with Moses]. All those ancestors crossed the [Red] Sea [after God miraculously made the water separate so that they could walk through it].
2 そしてみな、雲と海とで、モーセにつくバプテスマを受け、
God caused all of them to begin to live under the authority of [MTY] Moses [when they walked] under that cloud and [walked through the Red] Sea.
3 みな同じ御霊の食べ物を食べ、
All [those ancestors of ours ate the same food that God] miraculously [provided].
4 みな同じ御霊の飲み物を飲みました。というのは、彼らについて来た御霊の岩から飲んだからです。その岩とはキリストです。
They all drank water that [God] miraculously [provided]. That is, they all drank water that God miraculously made come out of the rock. That rock was [a symbol of] [MET] Christ, who went with them. [So we conclude that God helped all of those people in many ways].
5 にもかかわらず、彼らの大部分は神のみこころにかなわず、荒野で滅ぼされました。
However, [we also conclude that] God was angry [LIT] with most of those people [because they sinned against him. He caused almost all of them to die, and as] a result their bodies were scattered in the desert.
6 これらのことが起こったのは、私たちへの戒めのためです。それは、彼らがむさぼったように私たちが悪をむさぼることのないためです。
Those things [that happened long ago] became examples to teach us [the following things]: We should not desire to [do] evil things as those people desired to do.
7 あなたがたは、彼らの中のある人たちにならって、偶像崇拝者となってはいけません。聖書には、「民が、すわっては飲み食いし、立っては踊った。」と書いてあります。
We should not worship idols as many of those people did. [Remember that Moses] wrote, “The people sat down. They ate and drank [to honor the golden calf that they had just made]. Then they got up to dance [immorally].”
8 また、私たちは、彼らのある人たちが姦淫をしたのにならって姦淫をすることはないようにしましょう。彼らは姦淫のゆえに一日に二万三千人死にました。
We should not have sexual relations with someone to whom we are not married, as many of them did. As a result, God [punished them by] causing 23,000 people to die in [only] one day.
9 私たちは、さらに、彼らの中のある人たちが主を試みたのにならって主を試みることはないようにしましょう。彼らは蛇に滅ぼされました。
We should not try to see how much we can sin without the Lord punishing us. Some of them did that, and as a result they died because [poisonous] snakes [bit them].
10 また、彼らの中のある人たちがつぶやいたのにならってつぶやいてはいけません。彼らは滅ぼす者に滅ぼされました。
We should not complain [about what God does]. Some of them did that, and as a result an angel destroyed them. [So God will certainly punish us if we sin like they did].
11 これらのことが彼らに起こったのは、戒めのためであり、それが書かれたのは、世の終わりに臨んでいる私たちへの教訓とするためです。 (aiōn g165)
All those things [that happened to our ancestors long ago] are examples for us. [Moses] wrote those things to warn us [who are living at this time which is near the end]. We are the people for whom God has done [the things that he decided to do in] the previous periods of time. (aiōn g165)
12 ですから、立っていると思う者は、倒れないように気をつけなさい。
So [I say this to] all those who confidently [think that they will always] steadfastly continue to [believe what God said and will never disobey what he commanded]: Be careful that you [(sg)] do not sin [when you are tempted].
13 あなたがたの会った試練はみな人の知らないようなものではありません。神は真実な方ですから、あなたがたを耐えることのできないような試練に会わせるようなことはなさいません。むしろ、耐えることのできるように、試練とともに、脱出の道も備えてくださいます。
[Remember that] your desires to sin are the same desires that other people have. But when you are tempted to sin, you can trust God [to help you]. He will not permit you to be tempted {anything to tempt you} more than you are able to resist. Instead, when you are tempted {things tempt you}, he will also provide a way [for you] to endure it [without sinning].
14 ですから、私の愛する者たちよ。偶像礼拝を避けなさい。
So, [I say to] you people whom I love, [avoid] worshipping idols [just like you would] run away from [anything that is dangerous].
15 私は賢い人たちに話すように話します。ですから私の言うことを判断してください。
It is to people who [think that they] are wise that I write. So, you, as wise people, judge whether what I am writing [is true].
16 私たちが祝福する祝福の杯は、キリストの血にあずかることではありませんか。私たちの裂くパンは、キリストのからだにあずかることではありませんか。
[During the Lord’s Supper, after we ask God to] bless (the [wine]/the [juice]) [in the] cup, we give thanks for it [and drink it]. By doing that, we certainly are [RHQ] sharing in what Christ [did for us when] his blood [flowed from his body when he died. During the Lord’s Supper, when we break] the bread [and eat it], we are certainly sharing in [MTY] what Christ [did for us when] his body [suffered for us on the cross]. [RHQ]
17 パンは一つですから、私たちは、多数であっても、一つのからだです。それは、みなの者がともに一つのパンを食べるからです。
Because it is one loaf of bread that we [break and eat during the Lord’s Supper, it symbolizes that] we who are many are one group, because we all eat from the one loaf.
18 肉によるイスラエルのことを考えてみなさい。供え物を食べる者は、祭壇にあずかるではありませんか。
Consider [what happens when] the Israeli people [eat the food that the priests] sacrifice on the altar [outside the Temple]. They participate in [what the priests do at] [MTY] the altar. [RHQ] [Similarly, if you eat food that non-believers have offered to an idol in a temple, you are participating in their worship of the idol there].
19 私は何を言おうとしているのでしょう。偶像の神にささげた肉に、何か意味があるとか、偶像の神に真実な意味があるとか、言おうとしているのでしょうか。
By saying that, [I] do not mean that offering food to an idol makes it anything [more than just ordinary food [RHQ].] I do not mean that an idol is anything [more than just an idol].
20 いや、彼らのささげる物は、神にではなくて悪霊にささげられている、と言っているのです。私は、あなたがたに悪霊と交わる者になってもらいたくありません。
No! Instead, I mean that what people sacrifice [to idols], they are sacrificing to demons, not to God. So, [if you eat food that has been sacrificed to idols, you are participating in worshipping the demons that the idols represent]. And I do not want you to participate in worshipping demons!
21 あなたがたが主の杯を飲んだうえ、さらに悪霊の杯を飲むことは、できないことです。主の食卓にあずかったうえ、さらに悪霊の食卓にあずかることはできないことです。
When you drink the [grape juice/wine in] [MTY] the cup [at the Lord’s Supper], you cannot participate in the [blessings that] the Lord [Jesus] brought to us and at the same time drink the [wine in the] [MTY] cup that people offer to demons! When you eat at the Lord’s table, you cannot participate in the blessings the Lord provided [MTY] when he died for us and at the same time participate in the things that represent demons [by eating food that has been sacrificed to idols]
22 それとも、私たちは主のねたみを引き起こそうとするのですか。まさか、私たちが主よりも強いことはないでしょう。
[If you participate in honoring demons in that way], you will certainly make the Lord very angry [RHQ]! (Remember that you are certainly not stronger than he is./Do you think that you are stronger than he is?) [RHQ] [Certainly not, so you will not escape his punishing you if you honor demons in that way!]
23 すべてのことは、してもよいのです。しかし、すべてのことが有益とはかぎりません。すべてのことは、してもよいのです。しかし、すべてのことが徳を高めるとはかぎりません。
[Some people say], “[God] permits [believers to do] anything.” But [I say that] not everything that people do benefits [those who do it! Yes, some people say], “God permits [believers to do] all things.” But not everything that people do helps them to become [spiritually] mature.
24 だれでも、自分の利益を求めないで、他人の利益を心がけなさい。
No one should try to benefit [only] himself. Instead, each person should try to benefit other people [spiritually].
25 市場に売っている肉は、良心の問題として調べ上げることはしないで、どれでも食べなさい。
[This is what you should do]: Eat any [food] that is sold {that people sell} in the market. Do not ask questions [to find out if that food has been offered] {[someone offered that food]} [to idols, just] because you think it would be wrong [to eat such food].
26 地とそれに満ちているものは、主のものだからです。
[Remember that the Psalmist wrote], “Everything on the earth belongs to [the] Lord [God because he created it!]” [So, food that has been offered to idols belongs to the Lord, not to the idols, and you may eat it].
27 もし、あなたがたが信仰のない者に招待されて、行きたいと思うときは、良心の問題として調べ上げることはしないで、自分の前に置かれる物はどれでも食べなさい。
If a non-believer invites you to a meal, go if you want to, and eat any food that is set {that [he] sets} before you. Do not ask [whether it was offered to idols, just] because you think that it would be wrong [to eat such food].
28 しかし、もしだれかが、「これは偶像にささげた肉です。」とあなたがたに言うなら、そう知らせた人のために、また良心のために、食べてはいけません。
But if someone says to you, “This is food that was sacrificed [to an idol],” do not eat it, for the sake of the person who told that to you, and also because someone there may think that it is wrong [to eat such food].
29 私が良心と言うのは、あなたの良心ではなく、ほかの人の良心です。私の自由が、他の人の良心によってさばかれるわけがあるでしょうか。
I do not mean that you [should be concerned about whether it is all right to eat such food]. What I mean is that you should be concerned about others who may think that it is wrong to eat such food. Since I know that I (am free/have the right) [to eat such food without God punishing me], no one should [RHQ] say that what I am doing is wrong just because he himself thinks that it is wrong.
30 もし、私が神に感謝をささげて食べるなら、私が感謝する物のために、そしられるわけがあるでしょうか。
If I thank [God] for the food when I eat [food that has been offered to an idol], no one should criticize me for eating food for which I have thanked God [RHQ]!
31 こういうわけで、あなたがたは、食べるにも、飲むにも、何をするにも、ただ神の栄光を現わすためにしなさい。
So [I say to you in conclusion], when you eat [food], or drink [something], or do anything else, do everything in order that [people will] praise God.
32 ユダヤ人にも、ギリシヤ人にも、神の教会にも、つまずきを与えないようにしなさい。
Do not do anything that would hinder Jews or Greeks [from becoming believers], and do not do things that would encourage members of God’s congregations to sin.
33 私も、人々が救われるために、自分の利益を求めず、多くの人の利益を求め、どんなことでも、みなの人を喜ばせているのですから。
[Do as I do]. I try to please everyone in every way. I do this by not seeking to benefit myself. Instead, I try to benefit many others, in order that they may be saved {that [God] may save them} [from the guilt of their sins].

< コリント人への手紙第一 10 >