< マルコの福音書 11 >

1 第一項 イエズスエルサレムにて歓迎せられ給ふ 一行橄欖山の下にて、エルザレムとペッファゼとベタニアとに近づける時、イエズス二人の弟子を遣はし給ふとて、
When they had almost reached Jerusalem, as far as Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent on two of his disciples.
2 之に曰ひけるは、向の邑に往け、然て其處に入らば、直に未人の乗らざる小驢馬の繋がれたるに遭はん、其を解きて牽來れ。
“Go to the village facing you,” he said; “and, as soon as you get there, you will find a foal tethered, which no one has ever ridden; untie it, and bring it.
3 若人ありて、何を為すかと云はば、主之を要す、と云へ、然らば直に其を此處に遣はさん、と。
And, if any one says to you ‘Why are you doing that?’, say ‘The Master wants it, and will be sure to send it back here at once.’”
4 弟子等往きて、門前の辻に小驢馬の外に繋がれたるに遇ひて、之を解きけるに、
The two disciples went, and, finding a foal tethered outside a door in the street, they untied it.
5 其處に立てる人々の中に、汝等小驢馬を解きて何とかする、と云ふ者ありければ、
Some of the by-standers said to them: “What are you doing, untying the foal?”
6 弟子等イエズスの命じ給ひし如く云ひしに、人々之を容せり。
And the two disciples answered as Jesus had told them; and they allowed them to go.
7 斯て小驢馬をイエズスの許に牽來り、己が衣服を其上に被けしかば、イエズス之に乗り給へり。
Then they brought the foal to Jesus, and, when they had laid their cloaks on it, he seated himself upon it.
8 多くの人己が衣服を道に鋪き、或人々は樹より枝を伐落して道に鋪きたりしが、
Many of the people spread their cloaks on the road, while some strewed boughs which they had cut from the fields;
9 先に立ち後に從ふ人々呼はりて、ホザンナ、
and those who led the way, as well as those who followed, kept shouting: “‘God save him! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’
10 主の名によりて來れる者は祝せられ給へ、我等の父ダヴィドの來る國は祝せられよ、最高き處にホザンナ、と云ひ居たり。
Blessed is the coming Kingdom of our father David! ‘God save him from on high!’”
11 第二項 イエズス審判権を示し給ふ イエズスエルザレムに入り、[神]殿に至りて徧く見廻し給ひしに、時既に夕暮なりしかば、十二人と共にベタニアに出で給へり。
Jesus entered Jerusalem, and went into the Temple Courts; and, after looking round at everything, as it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve.
12 翌日一同ベタニアを出づる時、イエズス飢ゑ給ひしが、
The next day, after they had left Bethany, Jesus became hungry;
13 遥に葉ある無花果樹を見て、是に何をか見出だす事もやと、其處に至り給ひしに、葉の外に何をも見出だし給はざりき。其は無花果の期にあらざればなり。
and, noticing a fig-tree at a distance in leaf, he went to it to see if by any chance he could find something on it; but, on coming up to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs.
14 イエズス是に言ひて、今より後何時までも汝の實を食ふ人あらざれ、と曰ひしを弟子等聞きたりき。 (aiōn g165)
So, addressing the tree, he exclaimed: “May no man ever again eat of your fruit!” And his disciples heard what he said. (aiōn g165)
15 一同エルザレムに至り、イエズス神[殿]に入り給ひて、殿内に売買する人々を逐出し始め、兩替屋の案と鴿売る人々の榻とを倒し給ひ、
They came to Jerusalem. Jesus went into the Temple Courts, and began to drive out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of the pigeon-dealers,
16 器を携へて[神]殿を通る事を何人にも許し給はず、
and would not allow any one to carry anything across the Temple Courts.
17 彼等に教へて曰ひけるは、録して「我家は萬民に祈の家と稱へられん」とあるにあらずや、然るに汝等之を強盗の巣窟と為せり、と。
Then he began to teach. “Does not Scripture say,” he asked, “‘My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.’”
18 司祭長律法學士等之を聞き、如何にしてかイエズスを亡ぼさんと相謀り居たり、其は群衆挙りて其教を感嘆するによりて、彼を怖れたればなり。
Now the Chief Priests and the Teachers of the Law heard this and began to look for some way of putting Jesus to death; for they were afraid of him, since all the people were greatly impressed by his teaching.
19 夕暮にはイエズス市より出で給ひしが、
As soon as evening fell, Jesus and his disciples went out of the city.
20 朝弟子等通りかかりて、彼無花果樹の根より枯れたるを見しかば、
As they passed by early in the morning, they noticed that the fig-tree was withered up from the very roots.
21 ペトロ思出して、ラビ看給へ、詛ひ給ひし無花果樹枯れたり、と云ひしに、
Then Peter recollected what had occurred. “Look, Rabbi,” he exclaimed, “the fig-tree which you doomed is withered up!”
22 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、神を信仰せよ、
“Have faith in God!” replied Jesus.
23 我誠に汝等に告ぐ、誰にてもあれ此山に向ひ、汝抜けて海に投ぜよと云ひて、其心に逡巡がず、我が云ふ所は何にても成るべしと信ぜば、其事必成らん。
“I tell you that if any one should say to this hill ‘Be lifted up and hurled into the sea!’, without ever a doubt in his mind, but in the faith that what he says will be done, he would find that it would be.
24 故に我汝等に告ぐ、汝等何事をも祈りて求むれば悉く得べしと信ぜよ、然らば其事必汝等に成らん。
And therefore I say to you ‘Have faith that whatever you ask for in prayer is already granted you, and you will find that it will be.’
25 又祈らんとて立つ時、人に對して恨あらば之を宥せ、是天に在す汝等の父も汝等の罪を赦し給はん為なり。
‘And, whenever you stand up to pray, forgive any grievance that you have against any one, that your Father who is in Heaven also may forgive you your offences.”
26 汝等若宥さずば、天に在す汝等の父も汝等の罪を赦し給はじ、と。
27 一同再エルザレムに至りしが、イエズス[神]殿の内を歩み給ふ時、司祭長、律法學士、長老等近づきて、
They came to Jerusalem again. While Jesus was walking about in the Temple Courts, the Chief Priests, the Teachers of the Law, and the Councillors came up to him.
28 云ひけるは、汝何の権を以て是等の事を為すぞ、又是等の事を為すべく、誰か、此権を汝に授けしぞ。
“What authority have you to do these things?” they said. “Who gave you the authority to do them?”
29 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、我も一言汝等に問はん、我に答へよ、然らば、我何の権を以て是等の事を為すかを告げん。
“I will put one question to you,” said Jesus. “Answer me that, and then I will tell you what authority I have to act as I do.
30 ヨハネの洗禮は天よりせしか、人よりせしか、我に答へよ、と。
It is about John’s baptism. Was it of divine or human origin? Answer me that.”
31 彼等心に慮りけるは、天よりと云はんか、然らば何ぞ彼を信ぜざりしと云はれん、
They began arguing together; “If we say ‘divine,’ he will say ‘Why then did not you believe him?’
32 人よりと云はんか、人民に憚る所ありと。其は皆ヨハネを眞に預言者と認めたればなり。
Yet can we say ‘human’?” — They were afraid of the people, for everyone regarded John as undoubtedly a Prophet.
33 斯てイエズスに答へて、我等之を知らず、と云ひしかば、イエズス答へて、我も何の権を以て此事等を為すかを汝等に告げず、と曰へり。
So their answer to Jesus was — “We do not know.” “Then I,” replied Jesus, “refuse to tell you what authority I have to do these things.”

< マルコの福音書 11 >