< ルカの福音書 5 >

1 然て群衆神の御言を聞かんとて押迫りければ、イエズスゲネザレトの湖の辺に立ち給へるに、
AND it was while the assembly gathered upon him to hear the word of Aloha, he stood upon the bank of the sea of Genesar;
2 二艘の船の岸に繋れるを見給へり。漁師は既に下りて、網を洗ひ居りしが、
and he saw two vessels standing by the sea-side, and the fishermen who had gone up from them, and were washing their nets.
3 イエズス、シモンの船なる一艘に乗り、請ひて少しく岸を離れしめ、坐して船中より群衆に教へ居給ひき。
And one of them was of Shemun Kipha; and Jeshu ascended, sat in it, and directed that they should take it a little from the land into the waters; and he sat, and taught the multitudes from the vessel.
4 語終へ給ひて、シモンに向ひ、沖に乗出し網を下して漁れ、と曰ひしかば、
And when he was silent from his discourses, he said to Shemun, Lead into the deep, and cast forth your nets for a draught.
5 シモン答へて云ひけるは、師よ、我等終夜働きて何をも獲ざりき、然れど仰せによりて我は網を下さん、とて、
Shemun answered and said to him, Rabi, the whole night we have laboured and nothing have we taken; but at thy word I throw the net.
6 其如く為したるに、取籠めたる魚甚だ多く、網将に裂けんとしければ、
And when they had this done, they enclosed great multitudes of fishes, and their net brake.
7 來り扶けしめんとて、他の船なる仲間を麾きしかば、彼等來りて二艘の船に魚を満載し、殆沈まんばかりになれり。
And they signed to their companions, who were in another vessel, to come and help them. And when they had come, they filled those two vessels, so that they were nigh to be swallowed up.
8 シモン、ペトロ之を見て、イエズスの足下に平伏し、主よ、我は罪人なれば、我より遠ざかり給へ、と云へり。
But when Shemun Kipha saw, he fell before the feet of Jeshu and said to him, I pray from thee, my Lord, remove thee from me, for I am a man a sinner.
9 其は、彼も共に居る者も皆、漁りたる魚の夥しきに驚きたればなり。
For amazement had seized him, and all who were with him, on account of the draught of fishes which they had taken.
10 シモンの友なる、ゼベデオの子ヤコボとヨハネとも亦其中に在りき。斯てイエズス、シモンに向ひ、懼るること勿れ、汝今より人を生捕る者とならん、と曰ひしかば、
Even so also Jacub and Juchanon, sons of Zabdai, who were partners of Shemun. But Jeshu said, Fear not, from henceforth the sons of men shalt thou catch unto life.
11 彼等船を岸に寄せ、一切を措きてイエズスに從へり。
And they brought the vessels to land, and forsook every thing, and went after him.
12 イエズス或町に居給へる時、全身に癩を病める人ありて、イエズスを見るよ、平伏して願ひ、主よ、思召ならば我を潔くすることを得給ふ、と云ひしに、
AND when Jeshu was in one of the cities, there came a certain man who was wholly filled with leprosy; he saw Jeshu, and fell upon his face, and prayed of him, and said to him, My Lord, if thou art willing, thou canst make me clean.
13 イエズス、手を伸べて之に触れ給ひ、我意なり潔くなれ、と曰ふや、癩直に其身を去れり。
And Jeshu extended his hand, touched him, and said to him, I am willing; be clean. And in an instant his leprosy went from him.
14 イエズス之を誰にも語らざるよう誡めて、然て、[曰ひけるは]但往きて己を司祭に見せ、潔くなりたる為に、彼等への證據として、モイゼの命ぜし如く献物を為せ、と。
And he commanded him, Tell no man, but go show thyself to the priests, and offer the oblation for thy cleansing, as Musha ordained for their testimony.
15 然るにイエズスの名聲益広がりて、群衆夥しく是に聞き、且病を醫されんとて、集ひ來りければ、
And the fame concerning him went forth the more, and much people were gathered together to hear him and to be healed from their diseases.
16 荒野に避けて祈り居給へり。
And he passed away into the desert, and prayed.
17 一日イエズス坐して教へ給ひけるに、ガリレア、ユデアの凡ての村落、及びエルザレムより來りしファリザイ人、律法學士等も坐し居たりしが、主の能力人を醫す為に現れつつありき。
And it was on one of the days, while Jeshu was teaching, (certain) Pharishee and doctors of the law were sitting. And they had come from all the villages of Galila and of Jehud, and from Urishlem: and the power of the Lord was (there) to heal them.
18 折しも人々、癱瘋を病める人を床にて舁來り、内に入れてイエズスの御前に置んと力むれども、
And some brought on a couch a certain man a paralytic; and they sought to enter, that they might set him before him.
19 群衆の為に入るべき路を得ず、屋上に昇り瓦を剥ぎて、其人を床の儘、イエズスの御前に眞中に吊下せり。
And when they found not how to bring him in because of the multitude of people, they ascended to the house-top, and sent him with his couch from the roof into the midst before Jeshu.
20 イエズス、彼等の信仰を見て。人よ、汝の罪赦さる、と曰ひしかば、
And when Jeshu saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, Man, forgiven to thee are thy sins.
21 律法學士ファリザイ人等考始めて、云ひけるは、此冒涜の言を出すは誰ぞ。神獨りの外、誰か罪を赦すことを得んや、と。
And the Sophree and Pharishee began to reason and to say, Who is this who speaketh blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but Aloha only?
22 イエズス彼等の思ふ所を知り、答へて曰ひけるは、汝等心に何を考ふるぞ。
But Jeshu knew their reasoning, and said to them, What reason you in your hearts?
23 汝の罪赦さると云ふと、起きて歩めと云ふと、孰か易き。
Which is easier, to say, Forgiven to thee are thy sins; or to say, Arise, walk?
24 然て人の子地に於て罪を赦すの権ある事を汝等に知らしめん、とて癱瘋の人に向ひ、我汝に命ず、起きよ、床を取りて己が家に歸れ、と曰ひしかば、
But that you may know that authority hath the Son of man in the earth to forgive sins, -he saith to the paralytic, -To thee I say, Arise, take up thy couch, and go to thine house.
25 其人直に彼等の前に起上り、己が臥居たりし床を取りて、神に光榮を歸しつつ、家に歸りしが。
And immediately he arose before them, and took up his couch, and went to his house, glorifying Aloha.
26 人皆驚入りて、神に光榮を歸し奉り、又懼れ畏みて、我等今日眞に不思議なる事を見たり、と云ひ居たり。
And amazement held every man; and they glorified Aloha, and were filled with fear, saying, We have seen today wonders.
27 其後イエズス出でて、レヴィと名くる税吏が収税署に坐せるを見て、我に從へ、と曰ひしかば、
After these things Jeshu went forth, and saw a tribute-taker, whose name was Levi, sitting at the house of tribute. And he said to him, Come after me:
28 彼一切を措き、起ちて從へり。
and he left every thing, and arose, and went after him.
29 斯てレヴィ自宅に於てイエズスの為に大なる饗筵を設けしに、税吏など夥しく彼等と席を同じうしければ、
And Levi made in his house a great feast; and there was a large company of tribute-takers, and of others that reclined with them.
30 ファリザイ人及び其徒なる律法學士等呟きて、イエズスの弟子等に向ひ、汝等は何故に税吏罪人と飲食を共にするぞ、と云ひけるに、
And the Sophree and Pharishee murmured, saying to his disciples, Why with tribute-takers and sinners eat you and drink?
31 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、醫者を要するは、壮健なる人に非ずして病める人なり、
Jeshu answered and said to them, The whole do not require the physician, but they who are grievously ill.
32 我が來りしは義人を招ぶ為に非ず、罪人を招びて改心せしめん為なり、と。
I am not come to call the just, but the sinners, to repentance.
33 彼等イエズスに云ひけるは、ヨハネの弟子等は數次断食し又祈祷し、ファリザイ人のも亦然するに、汝の者等は何故に飲食するぞ、と。
But they say to him, Why do the disciples of Juchanon constantly fast, and pray also as the Pharishee, but thine eat and drink?
34 イエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、汝等豈新郎の朋友をして、其新郎と共に居る間に断食せしむるを得んや。
But he said to them, How can you make the sons of the chamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them?
35 然れど新郎彼等より奪はるる日來るべく、其日には断食すべし、と。
But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken up from them: then shall they fast in those days.
36 イエズス又彼等に喩を語り給ひけるは、新しき衣服を裂取りて、古き衣服に補ぐ人はあらず、若然する時は、新しき物を破り、且新しき衣服より取れる布片は古き物に似合はず。
He spake to them a parable: No man cutteth a piece from a new material, and fasteneth it upon an old garment; lest he rend the new, without completing the old with the piece that is new.
37 又新しき酒を古き皮嚢に盛る人はあらず、若然せば、新しき酒は古き皮嚢を裂き、且流出でて皮嚢も亦廃らん。
And no man poureth new wine into old bottles; lest the new wine burst forth, and the wine be shed, and the bottles perish.
38 新しき酒は新しき皮嚢に盛るべく、然てこそ兩ながら保つなれ。
But they pour new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
39 又古き酒を飲みながら直に新しき酒を望む人はあらず、誰も古きを善しと云へばなり、と。
And no man, drinking old wine, immediately asketh new: for he saith, The old is softer.

< ルカの福音書 5 >