< ルカの福音書 4 >

1 イエズス、聖霊に満ちてヨルダン[河]より歸り、聖霊によりて荒野に導かれ、
But Jesus, full of [the] Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness
2 四十日の間[留りて]惡魔に試みられ居給ひしが、此間何をも食し給はず、日數満ちて飢ゑ給へり。
forty days, tempted of the devil; and in those days he did not eat anything, and when they were finished he hungered.
3 惡魔イエズスに向ひ、汝若神の子ならば、此石に命じて麪とならしめよ、と云ひしかば、
And the devil said to him, If thou be Son of God, speak to this stone, that it become bread.
4 イエズス答へ給ひけるは、録して「人の活くるは、麪のみに由らず、又神の凡ての言に由る」とあり、と。
And Jesus answered unto him saying, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
5 惡魔之を高き山に携へ行き、寸時に世界の國々を示して、
And [the devil], leading him up into a high mountain, shewed him all the kingdoms of the habitable world in a moment of time.
6 云ひけるは、我此所有権力と國々の榮華とを汝に與へん。蓋是等のもの我に任せられて、我は我が好む者に之を與ふ。
And the devil said to him, I will give thee all this power, and their glory; for it is given up to me, and to whomsoever I will I give it.
7 故に汝若我前に禮拝せば、是等悉く汝の有と成るべし。
If therefore thou wilt do homage before me, all [of it] shall be thine.
8 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、録して「汝の神たる主を拝し、是にのみ事へよ」とあり、と。
And Jesus answering him said, It is written, Thou shalt do homage to [the] Lord thy God, and him alone shalt thou serve.
9 惡魔又イエズスをエルサレムに携へ、[神]殿の頂に立たせて云ひけるは、汝若神の子ならば、此處より身を投げよ、
And he led him to Jerusalem, and set him on the edge of the temple, and said to him, If thou be Son of God, cast thyself down hence;
10 其は録して「神其使等に命じて、汝を守らせ給ひ、
for it is written, He shall give charge to his angels concerning thee to keep thee;
11 汝の足の石に突當らざる様、彼等手にて汝を支へん」とあればなり。
and on [their] hands shall they bear thee, lest in any wise thou strike thy foot against a stone.
12 イエズス答へ給ひけるは、録して「汝の神たる主を試むべからず」とあり、と。
And Jesus answering said to him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt [the] Lord thy God.
13 凡ての試終りて、惡魔一時イエズスを離れたり。
And the devil, having completed every temptation, departed from him for a time.
14 第一款 十二使徒選定以前の事實 第二項 イエズスガリレアに布教し給ふ イエズス[聖]霊の能力によりてガリレアに歸り給ひしに、其名聲全地方に広まり、
And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee; and a rumour went out into the whole surrounding country about him;
15 所々の會堂にて教へ給ひ、凡ての人に崇められ給ひつつありき。
and he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
16 然て曾て育てられ給ひしナザレトの地に至り、安息日に當りて例の如く會堂に入り、読まんとて立ち給ひしに、
And he came to Nazareth, where he was brought up; and he entered, according to his custom, into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 預言者イザヤの書を付され、之を開きて次の如く録されたる處に見當り給へり。
And [the] book of the prophet Esaias was given to him; and having unrolled the book he found the place where it was written,
18 「主の霊我上に在せば、我に注油して遣はし給ひ、貧者に福音を宣べしめ、心の砕けたるたる人を醫さしめ、
[The] Spirit of [the] Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach glad tidings to [the] poor; he has sent me to preach to captives deliverance, and to [the] blind sight, to send forth [the] crushed delivered,
19 虜には免を、瞽者には見ゆる事を告げしめ、壓へられたる人を解きて自由ならしめ、主の喜ばしき年及報の日を告げしめ給ふ」と。
to preach [the] acceptable year of [the] Lord.
20 イエズス書を巻きて役員に還し、然て坐し給ひしかば、堂内の人皆之に注目し居たり。
And having rolled up the book, when he had delivered it up to the attendant, he sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon him.
21 イエズス先彼等に向ひて、此書は今日汝等の耳に成就せり、と説出し給ひしかば、
And he began to say to them, To-day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.
22 人皆彼を證明し、其口より出づる麗しき言に驚きて、是ヨゼフの子に非ずや、と云ひければ、
And all bore witness to him, and wondered at the words of grace which were coming out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this the son of Joseph?
23 イエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、汝等必ず我に、醫者自らを醫せとの諺を引きて、汝がカファルナウムにて為せりと我等の聞ける程の事を、己が故郷なる此處にも為せ、と云はん、と。
And he said to them, Ye will surely say to me this parable, Physician, heal thyself; whatsoever we have heard has taken place in Capernaum do here also in thine own country.
24 又曰ひけるは、我誠に汝等に告ぐ、預言者にして、其故郷に歓迎せらるる者はあらず。
And he said, Verily I say to you, that no prophet is acceptable in his [own] country.
25 我誠に汝等に告ぐ、エリアの時、三年六箇月の間、天閉ぢて全地上に大飢饉ありしに、イスラエルの中に多くの寡婦ありしかど、
But of a truth I say to you, There were many widows in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up for three years and six months, so that a great famine came upon all the land,
26 エリアは其中の一人にも遣はされず、唯シドンのサレプタの一人の寡婦にのみ遣はされたり、
and to none of them was Elias sent but to Sarepta of Sidonia, to a woman [that was] a widow.
27 又預言者エリゼオの時、イスラエルの中に多くの癩病者ありしかど、シリア人ナアマンの外は、其中一人も潔くせられざりき、と。
And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed but Naaman the Syrian.
28 堂内の人々之を聞きて、皆怒に堪へず、
And they were all filled with rage in the synagogue, hearing these things;
29 起ちてイエズスを町より逐出し、其町の立てる山の断崖に連行き、投落さんとせしかども、
and rising up they cast him forth out of the city, and led him up to the brow of the mountain upon which their city was built, so that they might throw him down the precipice;
30 イエズスは彼等の中を通りて歩み居給へり。
but he, passing through the midst of them, went his way,
31 斯てガリレアの町なるカファルナウムに下り、安息日毎に教へ給ひけるに、
and descended to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbaths.
32 其語り給ふ所権威を帯びたるにより、人々其教に驚き居たり。
And they were astonished at his doctrine, for his word was with authority.
33 茲に會堂の内に汚鬼に憑かれたる人ありて、聲高く叫びて云ひけるは、
And there was in the synagogue a man having a spirit of an unclean demon, and he cried with a loud voice,
34 ナザレトのイエズスよ、我等を措け、我等と汝と何の関係かあらん。我等を亡さんとて來り給へるか。我汝の誰なるかを知れり、即神の聖なる者なり、と。
saying, Eh! what have we to do with thee, Jesus, Nazarene? hast thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy [One] of God.
35 イエズス之を責めて、黙せよ、此人より出でよ、と曰ひしかば、惡鬼其人を中央に投倒し、少しも害を加へずして彼より出でたり。
And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out from him. And the demon, having thrown him down into the midst, came out from him without doing him any injury.
36 是に於て人々大に驚き怖れ、是は何事ぞ、彼権威と能力とを以て汚鬼等に命じ給へば、即ち出づるよ、と語合ひ、
And astonishment came upon all, and they spoke to one another, saying, What word [is] this? for with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out.
37 イエズスの名聲、彼地方到處に広まり行きたり。
And a rumour went out into every place of the country round concerning him.
38 イエズス會堂を立出でて、シモンの家に入り給ひしに、シモンの姑重き熱を煩ひ居りしを、
And rising up out of the synagogue, he entered into the house of Simon. But Simon's mother-in-law was suffering under a bad fever; and they asked him for her.
39 人々彼の為に願ひければ、イエズス其傍に立ちて熱に命じ給ふや、熱去りて、彼直に起きて彼等に給仕したり。
And standing over her, he rebuked the fever, and it left her; and forthwith standing up she served them.
40 日没りて後、種々の患者を有てる人々、皆之をイエズスの許に連來りければ、一々按手して之を醫し居給へり。
And when the sun went down, all, as many as had persons sick with divers diseases, brought them to him, and having laid his hands on every one of them, he healed them;
41 又惡魔多くの人より出でて、叫びつつ、汝は神の子なり、と云ひければ、イエズス之を誡めて、言ふ事を許し給はざりき、蓋惡魔は其キリストたる事を知ればなり。
and demons also went out from many, crying out and saying, Thou art the Son of God. And rebuking them, he suffered them not to speak, because they knew him to be the Christ.
42 夜明けて後、イエズス出でて寂しき處に往き給ひしに、群衆尋ねて其許に至り、己等を離れざらしめんとて引止めければ、
And when it was day he went out, and went into a desert place, and the crowds sought after him, and came up to him, and [would have] kept him back that he should not go from them.
43 イエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、我は又他の町にも神の國の福音を宣傳へざるべからず、我は是が為に遣はされたればなり、と。
But he said to them, I must needs announce the glad tidings of the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for for this I have been sent forth.
44 斯てガリレアの諸會堂にて説教しつつ居給へり。
And he was preaching in the synagogues of Galilee.

< ルカの福音書 4 >