< ルカの福音書 22 >

1 第一款 敵等イエズスの死刑を謀る 然て過越と稱する無酵麪の祭日近づきけるに、
And the halidai of therf looues, that is seid pask, neiyede.
2 司祭長、律法學士等、如何にしてかイエズスを殺すべきと相謀りたれど、人民を懼れ居たり。
And the princis of preestis and the scribis souyten, hou thei schulden sle Jhesu, but thei dredden the puple.
3 然るにサタン、十二人の一人にしてイスカリオテとも呼ばれたるユダに入りしかば、
And Sathanas entride in to Judas, that was clepid Scarioth, oon of the twelue.
4 彼往きて、司祭長、官吏等にイエズスを売る方法を語りしかば、
And he wente, and spak with the princis of preestis, and with the magistratis, hou he schulde bitray hym to hem.
5 彼等喜びて之に金を與えんと約せしに、
And thei ioyeden, and maden couenaunt to yyue hym money.
6 ユダ諾して、群衆の居らざる時にイエズスを付さんものと、機を窺ひ居たり。
And he bihiyte, and he souyte oportunyte, to bitraye hym, with outen puple.
7 第二款 最終の晩餐 斯て過越[の恙]を屠るべき無酵麪の日來り、
But the daies of therf looues camen, in whiche it was neede, that the sacrifice of pask were slayn.
8 イエズス、ペトロとヨハネとを遣はさんとして、汝等往きて、我等が食せん為、過越の備を為せ、と曰ひしかば
And he sente Petre and Joon, and seide, Go ye, and make ye redi to vs the pask, that we ete.
9 彼等、何處に備へん事を望み給ふぞ、と云ひしに
And thei seiden, Where wolt thou, that we make redi?
10 イエズス曰ひけるは、汝等市中に入る時、看よ、水瓶を肩にせる人汝等に遇はん、其入る家に随行きて
And he seide to hem, Lo! whanne ye schulen entre in to the citee, a man berynge a vessel of watir schal meete you; sue ye hym in to the hous, in to which he entrith.
11 其家の主に向ひ、師汝に謂ひて、我が弟子と共に過越の食事を為すべき席は何處に在るかと曰ふ、と云へ、
And ye schulen seie to the hosebonde man of the hous, The maister seith to thee, Where is a chaumbre, where Y schal ete the pask with my disciplis?
12 然らば彼既に整へたる大いなる高間を汝等に示さん、汝等其處にで準備せよ、と。
And he schal schewe to you a greet soupyng place strewid, and there make ye redi.
13 彼等往きて見るに、イエズスの曰ひし如くなりしかば、過越の準備を為せり。
And thei yeden, and founden as he seide to hem, and thei maden redi the pask.
14 時至りて、イエズス十二使徒と共に食に就き給ひしが、
And whanne the our was come, he sat to the mete, and the twelue apostlis with hym.
15 彼等に曰ひけるは、我苦を受くる前に此過越の食事を汝等と共にせん事を切に望めり、
And he seide to hem, With desier Y haue desirid to ete with you this pask, bifor that Y suffre;
16 蓋我汝等に告ぐ、其が神の國にて成就するまでは、我今より之を食せざるべし、と。
for Y seie to you, that fro this tyme Y schal not ete it, til it be fulfillid in the rewme of God.
17 軈て杯を執り、謝して曰ひけるは、取りて汝等の中に分て、
And whanne he hadde take the cuppe, he dide gracis, and seide, Take ye, and departe ye among you;
18 蓋我汝等に告ぐ、神の國の來るまでは、我葡萄の液を飲まじ、と。
for Y seie to you, that Y schal not drynke of the kynde of this vyne, til the rewme of God come.
19 又麪を取り、謝して之を擘き、彼等に與へつつ曰ひけるは、是汝等の為に付さるる我體なり、我記念として之を行へ、と。
And whanne he hadde take breed, he dide thankyngis, and brak, and yaf to hem, and seide, This is my bodi, that schal be youun for you; do ye this thing in mynde of me.
20 晩餐了りて後、杯をも亦斯の如くにして曰ひけるは、此杯は、汝等の為に流さるるべき我血に於る新約なり。
He took also the cuppe, aftir that he hadde soupid, and seide, This cuppe is the newe testament in my blood, that schal be sched for you.
21 然りながら看よ、我を付す人の手我と共に食卓に在り。
Netheles lo! the hoond of hym that bitraieth me, is with me at the table.
22 抑人の子は豫定せられし如くにして逝くと雖も、之を付す人は禍なる哉、と。
And mannus sone goith, `aftir that it is determyned; netheles wo to that man, bi whom he schal be bitraied.
23 斯て弟子等己等の中に於て之を為さんとする者は誰なるぞ、と互に僉議し始めたり。
And thei bigunnen to seke among hem, who it was of hem, that was to do this thing.
24 然るに、己等の中大いなりと見ゆべき者は誰ぞ、と争起りしかば、
And strijf was maad among hem, which of hem schulde be seyn to be grettest.
25 イエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、異邦人の帝王は人を司り、又人の上に権を執る者は恩人と稱せらる、
But he seide to hem, Kyngis of hethen men ben lordis of hem, and thei that han power on hem ben clepid good doeris, but ye not so;
26 然れど汝等は然あるべからず、却て汝等の中に大いなる者は小き者の如くに成り、首たる者は給仕の如くに成るべし。
but he that is grettest among you, be maad as yongere, and he that is bifor goere, as a seruaunt.
27 蓋食卓に就ける者と給仕する者とは、孰か大いなるぞ、食卓に就ける者ならずや、然れども我が汝等の中に在るは給仕する者の如し。
For who is gretter, he that sittith at the mete, or he that mynystrith? whether not he that sittith at the mete? And Y am in the myddil of you, as he that mynystrith.
28 汝等は我が患難の中に於て絶えず我に伴ひし者なれば、
And ye ben, that han dwellid with me in my temptaciouns; and Y dispose to you,
29 我父の我に備へ給ひし如く、我も汝等の為に國を備へんとす、
as my fadir hath disposid to me,
30 是汝等をして、我國に於て我食卓に飲食せしめ、又高座に坐してイスラエルの十二族を審判せしめん為なり、と。
a rewme, that ye ete and drynke on my boord in my rewme, and sitte on trones, and deme the twelue kynredis of Israel.
31 主又曰ひけるは、シモンシモン、看よ、麦の如く篩はんとて、サタン汝等を求めたり、
And the Lord seide to Symount, Symount, lo, Satanas hath axid you, that he schulde ridile as whete; but Y haue preyede for thee,
32 然れど我汝の為に、汝が信仰の絶えざらん事を祈れり、汝何時か立歸りて、汝の兄弟等を堅めよ、と。
that thi feith faile not; and thou sum tyme conuertid, conferme thi britheren.
33 彼イエズスに向ひ、主よ、我汝と共に監獄にも、死にも至らん覚悟なり、と云ひしかば、
Which seide to hym, Lord, Y am redi to go in to prisoun and in to deeth with thee.
34 イエズス曰ひけるは、ペトロ、我汝に告ぐ、今日鶏鳴はざる中、汝三度我を知らずと否まん、と。又彼等に曰ひけるは、
And he seide, Y seie to thee, Petir, the cok schal not crowe to dai, til thou thries forsake that thou knowist me.
35 我が汝等を、財布なく、嚢なく、履なくて遣はしし時、汝等に何の不足かありし、と。
And he seide to hem, Whanne Y sente you with outen sachel, and scrippe, and schone, whether ony thing failide to you?
36 彼等、無かりきと云ひしかば、曰ひけるは、然りながら今は、財布ある者は之を携へ、嚢をも亦然せよ、無き者は己が上衣を売りて剣を買へ、
And thei seiden, No thing. Therfor he seide to hem, But now he that hath a sachel, take also and a scrippe; and he that hath noon, selle his coote, and bigge a swerd.
37 蓋我汝等に告ぐ、録して「彼は罪人に列せられたり」とあるも、亦我に於て成就せざるべからず、其は凡我に関する所、将に了らんとすればなり、と。
For Y seie to you, that yit it bihoueth that thing that is writun to be fulfillid in me, And he is arettid with wickid men; for tho thingis that ben of me han ende.
38 弟子等、主よ、見給へ、此處に二口の剣あり、と云ひしかば、イエズス、足れり、と曰へり。
And thei seiden, Lord, lo! twei swerdis here. And he seide to hem, It is ynowy.
39 第三款 ゲッセマニに於るイエズス 然て出でて、例の如く橄欖山へ往き給ふに、弟子等も之に從ひしが、
And he yede out, and wente aftir the custom in to the hille of Olyues; and the disciplis sueden hym.
40 處に至り給ふや、彼等に向ひて、汝等誘惑に入らざらん為に祈れ、と曰ひ、
And whanne he cam to the place, he seide to hem, Preye ye, lest ye entren in to temptacioun.
41 自らは石の投げらるる程を彼等より引離れて跪き、祈りて
And he was taken awei fro hem, so myche as is a stonys cast; and he knelide,
42 曰ひけるは、父よ、思召ならば、此杯を我より取除き給へ、然りながら我心の儘にはあらで、思召成れかし、と。
and preyede, and seide, Fadir, if thou wolt, do awei this cuppe fro me; netheles not my wille be don, but thin.
43 時に一箇の天使天より現れて力を添へしが、イエズス死ぬばかり苦しみて、祈り給ふ事愈切に、
And an aungel apperide to hym fro heuene, and coumfortide hym. And he was maad in agonye, and preyede the lenger;
44 汗は土の上に滴りて、血の雫の如くに成れり。
and his swot was maad as dropis of blood rennynge doun in to the erthe.
45 斯て祈より起上りて、弟子等の許に來給ひしが、彼等が憂の為に眠れるを見て、
And whanne he was rysun fro preier, and was comun to hise disciplis, he foond hem slepynge for heuynesse.
46 曰ひけるは、何ぞ眠れるや、起きよ、誘惑に入らざらん為に祈れ、と。
And he seide to hem, What slepen ye? Rise ye, and preye ye, that ye entre not in to temptacioun.
47 第四款 イエズス捕へられ給ふ 尚語り給へる中に、折しも一団の群衆來りしが、十二人の一人なるユダと云へる者先ち居り、イエズスに接吻せんとて近づきしかば、
Yit while he spak, lo! a company, and he that was clepid Judas, oon of the twelue, wente bifor hem; and he cam to Jhesu, to kisse hym.
48 イエズス之に曰ひけるは、ユダ、接吻を以て人の子を付すか、と。
And Jhesus seide to hym, Judas, `with a coss `thou bytrayest `mannys sone.
49 斯てイエズスの周圍に居たる人々事の成行を見て、主よ、我等剣を以て撃たば如何に、と云ひつつ、
And thei that weren aboute hym, and sayn that that was to come, seiden to hym, Lord, whether we smyten with swerd?
50 其一人、大司祭の僕を撃ちて、其右の耳を切落せり。
And oon of hem smoot the seruaunt of the prince of preestis, and kittide of his riyt eere.
51 イエズス答へて、汝等是迄にて容せ、と曰ひ、彼の耳に触れて之を醫し給へり。
But Jhesus answerde, and seide, Suffre ye til hidir. And whanne he hadde touchid his eere, he heelide hym.
52 然て己に近づける司祭長、神殿の司、長老等に曰ひけるは、汝等は、強盗に向ふ如く、剣と棒とを持ちて出來りしか、
And Jhesus seide to hem, that camen to hym, the princis of preestis, and maiestratis of the temple, and eldre men, As to a theef ye han gon out with swerdis and staues?
53 我日々汝等と共に神殿に在りしに、汝等我に手を掛けざりき。然れども今は汝等の時なり、黒暗の勢力なり、と。
Whanne Y was ech dai with you in the temple, ye streiyten not out hondis in to me; but this is youre our, and the power of derknessis.
54 彼等イエズスを捕へて大司祭の家に引行きしかば、ペトロ遥に從ひたりしが、
And thei token him, and ledden to the hous of the prince of prestis; and Petir suede hym afer.
55 彼等庭の中央に炭火を焚きて其周圍に坐せるに、ペトロも其中に坐し居たりき。
And whanne a fier was kyndelid in the myddil of the greet hous, and thei saten aboute, Petir was in the myddil of hem.
56 一人の下女、彼が火光に坐せるを見て之を熟視め、此人も彼と共に在りき、と云ひければ、
Whom whanne a damysel hadde seyn sittynge `at the liyt, and hadde biholdun hym, sche seide, And this was with hym.
57 ペトロイエズスを否みて、女よ、我彼を知らず、と云へり。
And he denyede hym, and seide, Womman, Y knowe hym not.
58 少頃ありて、又一人の男ペトロを見て、汝も彼等の一人なり、と云ひしに、ペトロ、人よ、我は然らず、と云へり。
And aftir a litil another man siy hym, and seide, And thou art of hem. But Petir seide, A! man, Y am not.
59 約一時間を経て、又一人言張りて、實に此人も彼に伴ひたりき、是もガリレア人なれば、と云ひしに
And whanne a space was maad as of on our, another affermyd, and seide, Treuli this was with hym; for also he is of Galilee.
60 ペトロは、人よ、我汝の云ふ所を知らず、と云ひしが、未だ言終らざるに鶏忽ち鳴へり。
And Petir seide, Man, Y noot what thou seist. And anoon yit while he spak, the cok crewe.
61 此時主回顧りて、ペトロを見給ひしかば、ペトロは、鶏鳴はぬ前に汝三度我を否まん、と曰ひたりし主の御言を思起し、
And the Lord turnede ayen, and bihelde Petre; and Petre hadde mynde on the word of Jhesu, as he hadde seid, For bifor that the cok crowe, thries thou schalt denye me.
62 外に出でて甚く泣出せり。
And Petre yede out, and wepte bittirli.
63 衛れる人々、イエズスを打ちて嘲笑ひ、
And the men that helden hym scorneden hym, and smyten hym.
64 御目を掩ひて御顔を打ち、然て問ひて、預言せよ、汝を打てるは誰なるぞ、と云ひ、
And thei blynfelden hym, and smyten his face, and axiden hym, and seiden, Arede, thou Crist, to vs, who is he that smoot thee?
65 尚之に向ひ冒涜して、様々の事を云ひ居たり。
Also thei blasfemynge seiden ayens hym many other thingis.
66 夜の明くると共に、民間の長老、司祭長、律法學士等相集り、イエズスを其衆議所に引きて、汝はキリストなるか、我等に告げよ、と云ひしかば、
And as the day was come, the eldre men of the puple, and the princis of prestis, and the scribis camen togidir, and ledden hym in to her councel,
67 イエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、我汝等に告ぐとも、汝等我を信ぜじ、
and seiden, If thou art Crist, seie to vs.
68 又我問ふとも我に答へず、又我を放たじ、
And he seide to hem, If Y seie to you, ye schulen not bileue to me; and if Y axe, ye schulen not answere to me, nethir ye schulen delyuere me.
69 然れども今より後、人の子は全能に在す神の右に坐し居らん、と。皆云ひけるは、然らば汝は神の子なるかと。
But aftir this tyme mannys sone schal be sittynge on the riyt half of the vertu of God.
70 イエズス、汝等の云へるが如し、我は其なり、と曰ひしかば、
Therfor alle seiden, Thanne art thou the sone of God? And he seide, Ye seien that Y am.
71 彼等云ひけるは、我等何ぞ尚證據を要せんや、自ら其口より聞けるものを、と。
And thei seiden, What yit desiren we witnessyng? for we vs silf han herd of his mouth.

< ルカの福音書 22 >