< ルカの福音書 21 >

1 イエズス目を翹げて、富める人々の賽銭を賽銭箱に投るるを見、
[Jesus] looked up [from where he was sitting] and saw rich people putting their gifts into the [offering] boxes [in the Temple courtyard].
2 又一人の貧しき寡婦の二厘を投るるを見て、
He also saw a poor widow putting in two [small] copper coins.
3 曰ひけるは、我誠に汝等に告ぐ、彼貧しき寡婦は凡ての人より多く投れたり。
He said [to his disciples], “The truth is that these rich people have a lot of money, [but] they gave [only a small part of it]. But this woman, who is very poor, has put in all the money that she had to pay for the things she needs! So [God considers that] [HYP] this poor widow has put more money into the box than all the others.”
4 其は、彼等は皆其餘れる中より賽銭を投れたるに、彼婦は其乏しき中より有てる活計の料を悉く投れたればなり、と。
5 第三款 種々の預言 或人々、神殿が美き石及び献物にて飾られたる事を語れるに、イエズス曰ひけるは、
Some [of Jesus’ disciples] talked about the Temple. [They commented about] the beautiful stones [used in building the Temple] and the other decorations that [people] had given, decorations [that were on the walls]. But he said,
6 汝等の見る此品々、終には一の石も崩れずして石の上に遺らざる日來らん、と。
“[I want to tell you something about] these things that you are looking at. [They will be destroyed] {[Foreign invaders will] destroy [these buildings]} [completely]. Every stone [in these buildings] will be thrown down {They will throw down every stone in these buildings}. Not one stone will be left {They will not leave one stone} on top of another.”
7 彼等又問ひて、師よ、此等の事は何時あるべきぞ、其起らん時には如何なる兆かあるべき、と云ひしに、
[Later] his disciples asked him, “Teacher, when will that happen? What will happen [to the temple] to indicate that the things [you(sg) just told us] are about to happen?”
8 イエズス曰ひけるは、汝等惑はされじと注意せよ、其は多くの人我名を冒して來り、我なり、時は近し、と云ふべければなり。然れば彼等に從ふこと勿れ、
He said, “[All that I will say is], be sure that you are not deceived {that they do not deceive [you]} [about these things]! Many [people] will come and say (that I [sent them]/that they have my authority) [MTY]. They will say, ‘I am [the Messiah]!’ They will also [say] ‘It is now the time [when God will begin to rule]!’ Do not follow them [to become their disciples]
9 又戰争叛亂ありと聞くとも怖るること勿れ、此事等は先有るべしと雖、終は未だ直に來らざるなり、と。
Also, whenever you hear about wars and riots, do not be terrified. Keep in mind that [God has said that] those things must happen. But [when they happen], it will not mean that [the world] will end right away!”
10 斯て彼等に曰ひけるは、民は民に、國は國に起逆らひ、
Then he said to them, “[Groups in various] countries will fight each other, and [various] governments [will also fight] against each other.
11 又處々に大地震、疫病、飢饉あり、天に凶變あり、大いなる兆あるべし。
There will be [big] earthquakes, and in various places there will be famines and plagues. [People will see] things that will terrify them. There will also be unusual things happening in the sky.
12 然て此一切の事に先ちて、人々我名の為に汝等に手を下して汝等を迫害し、會堂に、監獄に付し、王侯総督の前に引かん、
But before all these things happen, [some of] you will be persecuted and arrested {people will persecute some of you and arrest you} [MTY]. [Some of] you will be put {They will put [some of] you} [on trial] in the places where you gather to worship, and [you will be thrown] into prison. You will be put on trial {[They] will put you on trial} in front of high government authorities because you are my [MTY] [disciples].
13 此事の汝等に起るは證據とならん為なり。
That will be a time for you to tell [them about me].
14 然れば汝等覚悟して、如何に答へんかと豫め慮ること勿れ、
So determine within yourselves not to be worrying before that happens what you will say to defend yourselves,
15 其は我、汝等が凡ての敵の言防ぎ言破ること能はざるべき、口と智恵とを汝等に與ふべければなり。
because I will make you wise [HEN] so that you will [know] what to say. As a result, none of your enemies will be able to oppose what you say or (refute you/show that you are wrong).
16 又汝等は親、兄弟、親族、朋友より売られ、其中或は彼等に殺さるる者もあるべく、
[And there will also be other evil things that will happen]: Even your parents and brothers and [other] relatives and friends [who do not believe in me] will (betray you/help your enemies to seize you). They will kill some of you.
17 又我名の為に凡ての人に憎まれん。
[In general], most people will [HYP] hate you because [you believe in] me [MTY].
18 然れども、汝等の髪毛の一縷だも失せじ。
But your souls will be absolutely safe [IDM].
19 忍耐を以て其魂を保て。
By enduring [all these things people will do to you], you will preserve your [eternal] life [SYN].”
20 然てエルザレムが軍隊に取圍まるるを見ば、其時其滅亡は近づきたりと知れ。
“But when you see that Jerusalem has been surrounded by the armies of [your enemies], you will know that it is time for [this city] to be completely destroyed {[them] to completely destroy [this city]}.
21 其時ユデアに居る人は山に遁るべく、市中に居る人は立退くべく、地方に居る人は市中に入るべからず。
At that time those [of you] who are in Judea [district] must flee to the [higher] hills. Those who are in this city must leave [quickly]. Those who are in the nearby countryside must not go back into the city [to get any of their possessions before they flee].
22 此は是刑罰の日にして、録されたる事総て成就すべければなり。
[You must obey what I tell you] because, in order that all the things that are written [in the Scriptures] will be fulfilled, [God] will very severely punish [the people who stay in this city].
23 然れど其日に當りて孕める人、乳を哺まする人は禍いなる哉、其は地上に大いなる難ありて、怒は此民に臨むべければなり。
[I feel] very sorry for women [in this city] who will be pregnant, and women who will be nursing [their babies] in those days, [because it will be very difficult for them to run away! I] feel sorry [because] the people in this [land] will suffer greatly [MTY] [when God punishes them].
24 斯て人々は剣の刃に倒れ、捕虜となりて諸國に引かれ、エルザレムは異邦人に蹂躙られ、諸國民の時満つるに至らん。
Many of them will be killed {Their enemies will kill many of them} with swords. [Others will be captured] and taken {They will capture [others] and take them} to [HYP] [other] countries. Non-Jewish people will trample over Jerusalem until the time [that God has determined for them to rule the city] is ended.”
25 又日、月、星に兆顕れ、地上には海と波との鳴轟きて、諸の國民之が為に狼狽へ、
“There will also be strange things that will [happen to] the sun, the moon, and the stars. In [many] nations, [people] will be very frightened, and they will be anxious [when they hear] the ocean roaring and [see huge] waves.
26 人々は全世界の上に起らんとする事を豫期して、怖ろしさに憔悴ん、其は天上の能力震動すべければなり。
People will faint because they will be afraid as they wait for what will happen. [They will be afraid] because the powerful [objects] in the sky will be shaken {shake}.
27 時に人の子が、大いなる権力と威光とを以て、雲に乗り來るを見ん。
Then they will see [me], the one who came from heaven, coming in a cloud powerfully and very gloriously.
28 是等の事起らば、仰ぎて首を翹げよ、其は汝等の救贖はるること近ければなり、と。
So when these things that [I have just now described] begin to happen, stand up [straight and] be brave, because it will be close to the time when [God] will free you [from all suffering].”
29 イエズス又彼等に喩を語り給ひけるは、無花果及び一切の樹を見よ、
[Then] Jesus told his disciples this parable: “Think about the fig tree, and all the [other] trees.
30 既に自ら芽せば、汝等夏の近きを知る。
As soon as you see their leaves beginning to sprout, you know that summer is near.
31 斯の如く此事等の起るを見ば、神の國は近しと知れ。
Similarly, when you see these things that [I have just described] happening, you will know that it is almost time for God to [truly] rule as king.
32 我誠に汝等に告ぐ、此事の皆成就するまで、現代は過ぎざらん、
Keep this in mind: All the things that [I have just now described] will happen before all the people who have observed the things that I have done have died.
33 天地は過ぎん、然れど我言は過ぎざるべし。
[You can be certain that these things] that I have told [you] about will happen. That they will happen is more [certain] than that the earth and sky will continue to exist.”
34 自ら慎め、恐らくは汝等の心、放蕩、酩酊、或は今生の心勞の為に鈍りて、彼日は思はず汝等の上に來らん、
“But be on guard. Do not be getting drunk with carousing or let yourselves be distracted by worries [concerning] your lives [SYN] {or let worries [concerning] your lives [SYN] distract you}. [If you do wrong things like those, you may be suddenly surprised by my return] [MTY], like a trap [suddenly catches an animal in it].
35 此は地の全面に住む人間一切の上に、罠の如く來るべければなり。
[You need to know that my return will surprise] everyone all over the earth.
36 然れば汝等、來るべき此凡ての事を迯れ、人の子の前に立つに堪へたる者とせらるる様、警戒して不断に祈れ、と。
So be ready at all times. Pray that you will be able to endure without being afraid of all these [difficult] things that will happen, so that you will then stand [confidently] before me, the one who came from heaven.”
37 イエズス晝は[神]殿にて教へ、夜は出でて橄欖山と云へる山に宿り居給ひしが、
Each day [during that week Jesus] taught the people in the Temple [courtyard in Jerusalem]. But at night he [and his disciples] left [the city] and stayed on Olive [Tree] Hill.
38 人民は、之に聴かんとて、朝早くより[神]殿の内に於て、御許に至り居りき。
Early [each] morning many people came to the Temple [courtyard] to listen to him.

< ルカの福音書 21 >