< ルカの福音書 15 >

1 時に税吏、罪人等、イエズスに聴かんとて近づきければ、
to be then it/s/he to come near all the/this/who tax collector and the/this/who sinful to hear it/s/he
2 ファリザイ人、律法學士等呟きて、此人は罪人を接けて共に食するよ、と云ひ居たりしかば、
and to murmur the/this/who (and/both *no) Pharisee and the/this/who scribe to say that/since: that this/he/she/it sinful to wait for/welcome and to eat with it/s/he
3 イエズス彼等に喩を語りて曰ひけるは、
to say then to/with it/s/he the/this/who parable this/he/she/it to say
4 汝等の中誰か、百頭の羊ありて其一頭を失ひたらんに、九十九頭を野に舍きて其失せたるものを見出すまで尋ねざらんや。
which? a human out from you to have/be hundred sheep and (to destroy *NK+o) out from it/s/he one no to leave behind the/this/who ninety nine in/on/among the/this/who deserted and to travel upon/to/against the/this/who to destroy until to find/meet it/s/he
5 然て之を見出さば、喜びて己が肩に乗せ、
and to find/meet to put/lay on upon/to/against the/this/who shoulder (it/s/he *N+kO) to rejoice
6 家に歸りて朋友隣人を呼集め、我失せたりし羊を見出したれば我と共に喜べ、と云はん、
and to come/go toward the/this/who house: home to call together the/this/who friendly/friend and the/this/who neighbour to say it/s/he to rejoice with me that/since: since to find/meet the/this/who sheep me the/this/who to destroy
7 我汝等に告ぐ、斯の如く、改心する一個の罪人の為には、改心を要せざる九十九の義人の為よりも、天に於て喜あるべし。
to say you that/since: that thus(-ly) joy in/on/among the/this/who heaven to be upon/to/against one sinful to repent or upon/to/against ninety nine just who/which no need to have/be repentance
8 又如何なる女か、ダラクマ十枚ありて其一枚を失ひたらんに、燈を點し、家を掃きて見出すまで能く探さざらんや。
or which? woman drachma to have/be ten if to destroy drachma one not! to touch lamp and to sweep the/this/who home and to seek carefully until (which *N+kO) to find/meet
9 然て見出さば、己の朋友隣人を呼集めて、我が失ひたりしダラクマを見出したれば我と共に喜べ、と云はん。
and to find/meet (to call together *N+kO) the/this/who friendly/friend and (the/this/who *k) neighbour to say to rejoice with me that/since: since to find/meet the/this/who drachma which to destroy
10 我汝等に告ぐ、斯の如く、改心する一個の罪人の為には、神の使等の前に喜びあるべし、と。
thus(-ly) to say you to be joy before the/this/who angel the/this/who God upon/to/against one sinful to repent
11 又曰ひけるは、或人二人の子ありしが、
to say then a human one to have/be two son
12 次男なるもの父に向ひ、父よ、我に充てらるべき分の財産を我に賜へ、と云ひしかば、父は子等に財産を分てり。
and to say the/this/who new it/s/he the/this/who father father to give me the/this/who to put on/seize part the/this/who estate (the/this/who *no) (then *N+kO) to distribute it/s/he the/this/who life
13 然て幾日も経ざるに、次男は一切を掻集めて遠國へ出立し、彼處にて放蕩なる生活に財産を浪費せり。
and with/after no much day to assemble (all *N+kO) the/this/who new son to go abroad toward country long/distant and there to scatter the/this/who estate it/s/he to live wildly
14 既に一切を費して後、彼地方に大飢饉起りしかば、彼も漸く乏しくなり、
to spend then it/s/he all to be hunger (strong *N+kO) according to the/this/who country that and it/s/he be first to lack
15 其地方の或人の許に至りて之に縋りしに、其人之を己が小作場に遣りて豚を牧はせたり。
and to travel to join one the/this/who citizen the/this/who country that and to send it/s/he toward the/this/who field it/s/he to feed pig
16 斯て豚の食ふ豆莢もて己が腹を充たさん事を望み居たりしかど、之を與ふる者なかりき。
and to long for (to feed *N+kO) (the/this/who *ko) (belly/womb/stomach it/s/he *KO) (out from *N+kO) the/this/who husk which to eat the/this/who pig and none to give it/s/he
17 軈て自省みて云ひけるは、我父の家には麪に餍ける傭人幾許かあるに、我は此處にて飢死なんとす。
toward themself then to come/go (to assert *N+kO) how much/many? hired worker the/this/who father me (to exceed *N+kO) bread I/we then hunger (here *NO) to destroy
18 起ちて我父の許に至り、父よ、我は天に對しても汝の前にも罪を犯せり、
to arise to travel to/with the/this/who father me and to say it/s/he father to sin toward the/this/who heaven and before you
19 我は最早汝の子と呼ばるるに足らず、願はくは我を汝の傭人の一人と視做し給へ、と云はん、と。
(and *k) no still to be worthy to call: call son you to do/make: do me as/when one the/this/who hired worker you
20 即ち起ちて父の許を指して行きしが、未だ程遠かりけるに、父は之を見て憫を感じ、趨往きて其頚を抱き、之に接吻せり。
and to arise to come/go to/with the/this/who father (themself *NK+o) still then it/s/he far to have in full to perceive: see it/s/he the/this/who father it/s/he and to pity and to run to fall/press upon upon/to/against the/this/who neck it/s/he and to kiss it/s/he
21 子は、父よ、我は天に對しても汝の前にも罪を犯せり、我は最早汝の子と呼ばるるに足らず、と云ひしかど、
to say then the/this/who son it/s/he father to sin toward the/this/who heaven and before you (and *k) no still to be worthy to call: call son you (to do/make: do me as/when one the/this/who hired worker you *O)
22 父は僕等に向ひ、疾く最上の服を取來りて之に着せ、其手に指輪を嵌め、足に履を穿かせよ、
to say then the/this/who father to/with the/this/who slave it/s/he (quick *NO) to bring/carry out (the/this/who *k) robe the/this/who first: best and to put on it/s/he and to give ring toward the/this/who hand it/s/he and sandal toward the/this/who foot
23 又肥えたる犢を牽來りて屠れ、我等會食して樂しまん、
and (to bear/lead *N+kO) the/this/who calf the/this/who fattened to sacrifice and to eat to celebrate
24 其は此我子死したるに蘇り、失せたるに見出されたればなり、と云ひて宴を開けり。
that/since: since this/he/she/it the/this/who son me dead to be and to revive (and *k) to be to destroy and to find/meet and be first to celebrate
25 然るに長男は畑に居たりしが、歸來りて家に近づく時、奏樂舞踏の物音聞えしかば、
to be then the/this/who son it/s/he the/this/who elder: old in/on/among field and as/when to come/go to come near the/this/who home to hear music and a dance
26 僕の一人を呼びて、是は何事ぞと問ひしに、
and to call to/summon one the/this/who child (it/s/he *k) to inquire which? (if *no) to be this/he/she/it
27 僕云ひけるは、汝の弟來れり、之を恙なく迎へたるにより、汝の父肥えたる犢を屠りたるなり、と。
the/this/who then to say it/s/he that/since: that the/this/who brother you to come/be present and to sacrifice the/this/who father you the/this/who calf the/this/who fattened that/since: since be healthy it/s/he to get back
28 長男憤りて家に入る事を肯ぜざりしかば、父出でて懇に請出でけるに、
to anger then and no to will/desire to enter the/this/who (then *N+KO) father it/s/he to go out to plead/comfort it/s/he
29 彼答へて云ひけるは、看よ、我は多年汝に事へ、未曾て汝の命に背きし事なきに、一疋の小山羊だも、朋友と共に會食せん為に、汝より與へられし事なし、
the/this/who then to answer to say the/this/who father it/s/he look! so great year be a slave you and never commandment you to pass by and I/we never to give a goat in order that/to with/after the/this/who friendly/friend me to celebrate
30 然るを娼妓等と共に財産を食盡したる、彼汝の子來るや、汝は之が為に肥えたる犢を屠れり、と。
when then the/this/who son you this/he/she/it the/this/who to devour you the/this/who life with/after (the/this/who *o) prostitute to come/go to sacrifice it/s/he the/this/who fattened (the/this/who *k) calf
31 父之に謂ひけるは、子よ、汝は恒に我と共に居りて、我物は皆汝の物なり、
the/this/who then to say it/s/he child you always with/after I/we to be and all the/this/who I/we you to be
32 然れども汝の弟は、死したるに蘇り、失せたるに見出されたれば、我等愉快を盡して喜ばざるを得ざりしなり、と。
to celebrate then and to rejoice be necessary that/since: since the/this/who brother you this/he/she/it dead to be and (to live *N+KO) and to destroy (to be *k) and to find/meet

< ルカの福音書 15 >