< ヨハネの福音書 18 >

1 第一款 イエズスの御受難 イエズス斯く曰ひて、弟子等と共にセドロンの渓流の彼方に出で給ひしが、其處に園の在りけるに、弟子等を伴ひて入り給へり。
When Jesus had said this, he went out with his disciples and crossed the brook Kedron to a place where there was a garden, into which he and his disciples went.
2 イエズス屡弟子と共に此處に集り給ひければ、彼を売れるユダも處を知り居たり。
The place was well known to Judas, the betrayer, for Jesus and his disciples had often met there.
3 然ればユダは、一隊の兵卒及び下役等を大司祭ファリザイ人より受けて、提燈と炬火と武器とを持ちて此處に來れり。
So Judas, who had obtained the soldiers of the Roman garrison, and some police-officers from the Chief Priests and the Pharisees, came there with lanterns, torches, and weapons.
4 イエズス我が身に來るべき事を悉く知り給ひて、進出でて彼等に向ひ、誰を尋ぬるぞ、と曰ひしかば彼等、ナザレトのイエズスを、と答へしに、
Jesus, aware of all that was coming upon him, went to meet them, and said to them: “For whom are you looking?”
5 イエズス、其は我なり、と曰ひしが、彼を付せるユダも彼等と共に立ち居たり。
“Jesus of Nazareth,” was their answer. “I am he,” said Jesus. (Judas, the betrayer, was also standing with them.)
6 然てイエズスが我なりと曰ふや、彼等後退して地に倒れたり。
When Jesus said ‘I am he,’ they drew back and fell to the ground.
7 イエズス乃ち復、汝等誰を尋ぬるぞ、と問ひ給ひしに彼等、ナザレトのイエズスを、云ひたれば、
So he again asked for whom they were looking, and they answered: “Jesus of Nazareth.”
8 イエズス答へ給ひけるは、我既に我なりと汝等に告げたり、我を尋ぬるならば、此人々を容して去らしめよ、と。
“I have already told you that I am he,” replied Jesus, “so, if it is for me that you are looking, let these men go.”
9 是曾て、我に賜ひたる人々を我一人も失はざりき、と曰ひし御言の成就せん為なり。
This was in fulfilment of his words — ‘Of those whom thou hast given me I have not lost one.’
10 時にシモン、ペトロ剣を持ちたりしかば、抜きて大司祭の僕を撃ち、其右の耳を切落ししが、其僕の名をマルクスと云へり。
At this, Simon Peter, who had a sword with him, drew it, and struck the High Priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.
11 然てイエズスペトロに曰ひけるは、汝の剣を鞘に収めよ、父の我に賜ひたる杯は我之を飲まざらんや、と。
But Jesus said to Peter: “Sheathe your sword. Shall I not drink the cup which the Father has given me?”
12 斯て兵隊、千夫長、及びユデア人の下役等、イエズスを捕へて之を縛り、
So the soldiers of the garrison, with their Commanding Officer and the Jewish police, arrested Jesus and bound him,
13 先アンナの許に引行けり、是其年の大司祭たるカイファの舅なるが故にして。
and took him first of all to Annas. Annas was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was High Priest that year.
14 カイファは曾てユデア人に向ひて、一人が人民の為に死するは利なり、との忠告を與へたりし人なり。
It was Caiaphas who had counselled the Jews, that it was best that one man should die for the people.
15 然るにシモン、ペトロ及び他の一人の弟子、イエズスの後に從ひたりしが、彼弟子は曾て大司祭に知られたりければ、イエズスと共に大司祭の庭に入りしも、
Meanwhile Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple. That disciple, being well-known to the High Priest, went with Jesus into the High Priest’s court-yard,
16 ペトロは門の外に立ちてありしに、彼大司祭に知られたりし弟子出でて門番の婦に語らいしかば、ペトロを内に入れたり。
while Peter stood outside by the door. Presently the other disciple — the one well-known to the High Priest — went out and spoke to the portress, and brought Peter in.
17 斯て門番の婦ペトロに向ひ、汝も彼人の弟子の一人ならずや、と云ひしに彼、然らずと云へり。
So the maidservant said to Peter: “Are not you also one of this man’s disciples?” “No, I am not,” he said.
18 時しも寒かりければ、僕及び下役等、炭火の傍に立ちて煬り居るに、ペトロも立交りて煬り居れり。
The servants and police-officers were standing round a charcoal fire (which they had made because it was cold), and were warming themselves. Peter, too, was with them, standing and warming himself.
19 然て大司祭は其弟子と教とに就きてイエズスに問ひしかば、
The High Priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and about his teaching.
20 イエズス之に答へ給ひけるは、我は白地に世に語り、何時も凡てのユデア人の相集まる會堂及び[神]殿にて教へ、何事をも密に語りし事なし、
“For my part,” answered Jesus, “I have spoken to all the world openly. I always taught in some Synagogue, or in the Temple Courts, places where all the Jews assemble, and I never spoke of anything in secret.
21 汝何ぞ我に問ふや、我が語りし所を聴聞したる人々に問へ、彼等こそ我が言ひし所を知るなれ、と。
Why question me? Question those who have listened to me as to what I have spoken about to them. They must know what I said.”
22 斯く曰ひしかば、立合へる一人の下役、手にてイエズスの頬を打ち、汝大司祭に答ふるに斯の如きか、と云ひしを、
When Jesus said this, one of the police-officers, who was standing near, gave him a blow with his hand. “Do you answer the High Priest like that?” he exclaimed.
23 イエズス答へ給ひけるは、我が言ひし事惡くば其惡き所以を證せよ、若善くば何為ぞ我を打つや、と。
“If I said anything wrong, give evidence about it,” replied Jesus; “but if not, why do you strike me?”
24 斯てアンナはイエズスを縛りたる儘に、大司祭カイファの許に送りたりき。
Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas the High Priest.
25 然てシモン、ペトロ火に煬りつつ立てるに、人々、汝も彼が弟子の一人ならずや、と云ひしかばペトロ否みて、然らずと云へり。
Meanwhile Simon Peter was standing there, warming himself; so they said to him: “Are not you also one of his disciples?” Peter denied it. “No, I am not,” he said.
26 又一人、大司祭の僕にしてペトロに耳を切落とされし人の親族なる者、我汝が園にて彼に伴へるを見たるに非ずや、と云ふを、
One of the High Priest’s servants, a relation of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, exclaimed: “Did not I myself see you with him in the garden?”
27 ペトロ又否みたるに、鶏忽ち鳴へり。
Peter again denied it; and at that moment a cock crowed.
28 斯て人々、イエズスをカイファの許より官廰に引きしが、時は天明なりき。彼等は汚れずして過越の犠牲を食し得ん為に、其身は官廰に入らざりしかば、
From Caiaphas they took Jesus to the Government House. It was early in the morning. But they did not enter the Government House themselves, lest they should become ‘defiled,’ and so be unable to eat the Passover.
29 ピラト彼等の居る所に出でて、汝等彼人に對して如何なる事を告訴するぞ、と云ひしに、
Therefore Pilate came outside to speak to them. “What charge do you bring against this man?” he asked.
30 彼等答へて、彼若惡人ならずば我等之を汝に付さざりしならん、と云ひければ、
“If he had not been a criminal, we should not have given him up to you,” they answered.
31 ピラト彼等に向ひ、汝等之を引受けて汝等が律法の儘に審け、と云ひしにユデア人、我等は人を殺す事を允されず、と云へり。
“Take him yourselves,” said Pilate, “and try him by your own Law.” “We have no power to put any one to death,” the Jews replied —
32 是イエズスが曾て、如何なる死状を以て死すべきかを、示して曰ひし御言の成就せん為なりき。
In fulfilment of what Jesus had said when indicating the death that he was destined to die.
33 是に於てピラト再び官廰に入り、イエズスを呼出して、汝はユデア人の王なるか、と云ひしに、
After that, Pilate went into the Government House again, and calling Jesus up, asked him: “Are you the King of the Jews?”
34 イエズス答へ給ひけるは、汝之を己より云へるか、又人我に就きて汝に告げたるか。
“Do you ask me that yourself?” replied Jesus, “or did others say it to you about me?”
35 ピラト答へけるは、我豈ユデア人ならんや、汝の國民と大司祭等と汝を我に付したるが、汝何を為したるぞ。
“Do you take me for a Jew?” was Pilate’s answer. “It is your own nation and the Chief Priests who have given you up to me. What have you done?”
36 イエズス答へ給ひけるは、我國は此世のものに非ず、若我國此世のものならば、我をユデア人に付されじとて、我臣僕は必ず戰ふならん、然れど今我國は茲のものならず、と。
“My kingly power,” replied Jesus, “is not due to this world. If it had been so, my servants would be doing their utmost to prevent my being given up to the Jews; but my kingly power is not from the world.”
37 斯てピラトイエズスに向ひ、然らば汝は王なるか、と云ひしにイエズス答へたまいけるは、汝の云へる[が如し、]我は王なり、我之が為に生れ、之が為に世に來れり。即ち眞理に證明を與へん為なり、総て眞理に據れる人は我聲を聴く、と。
“So you are a King after all!” exclaimed Pilate. “Yes, it is true I am a King,” answered Jesus. “I was born for this, I have come into the world for this — to bear testimony to the Truth. Every one who is on the side of Truth listens to my voice.”
38 ピラトイエズスに謂ひけるは、眞理とは何ぞや、と。斯く云ひて再びユデア人の所に出行き、彼等に云ひけるは、我彼人に何の罪をも見出さず、
“What is Truth?” exclaimed Pilate. After saying this, he went out to the Jews again, and said: “For my part, I find nothing with which he can be charged.
39 但し過越祭に當りて、我汝等に一人を赦すは汝等の慣例なるが、然らばユデア人の王を我より赦されん事を欲するか、と。
It is, however, the custom for me to grant you the release of one man at the Passover Festival. Do you wish for the release of the King of the Jews?”
40 是に於て彼等復一同に叫びて、其人ならでバラバを、と云へり、バラバは即ち強盗なりき。
“No, not this man,” they shouted again, “but Barabbas!” This Barabbas was a robber.

< ヨハネの福音書 18 >