< ヤコブの手紙 4 >

1 第四項 惡慾及び種々の缺點に對する意見。 汝等の中に於る軍と争とは何處よりか來れる、汝等が五體の中に戰へる其慾よりに非ずや。
What is the cause of the fighting and quarrelling that goes on among you? Is not it to be found in the desires which are always at war within you?
2 汝等が貪りて得ず、殺し妬みて取る事能はず、争ひ戰ひて得る事なきは願はざるが故なり。
You crave, yet do not obtain. You murder and rage, yet cannot gain your end. You quarrel and fight. You do not obtain, because you do not ask.
3 願ひて受けざるは、慾の為に費さんとして惡く願ふが故なり。
You ask, yet do not receive, because you ask for a wrong purpose — to spend what you get upon your pleasures.
4 姦淫者よ、此世に對する愛情は神の仇となるを知らずや、然れば誰にもあれ、此世の友たらんとする人は皆神の仇となる。
Unfaithful people! Do not you know that to be friends with the world means to be at enmity with God? Therefore whoever chooses to be friends with the world makes himself an enemy to God.
5 汝等聖書の云へる事を徒なりと思ふか、神は汝等に宿らせ給ひし霊を妬むまでに望み給ふ、
Do you suppose there is no meaning in the passage of Scripture which asks — ‘Is envy to result from the longings of the Spirit which God has implanted within you?’
6 尚大いなる恩寵を賜へばこそ、「神は傲慢なる者に逆らひ、謙遜なる者に恩寵を賜ふ」とは云へるなれ。
No; the gift that God gives is for a nobler end; and that is why it is said — ‘God is opposed to the haughty, but gives help to the humble.’
7 此故に汝等神に歸服して惡魔に逆らへ、然らば惡魔は汝等より退くべし。
Therefore submit to God; but resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.
8 神に近づき奉れ、然らば神は汝等に近づき給はん。罪人よ、手を潔めよ、二心の者よ、心を清らかにせよ。
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Make your hands clean, you sinners; and your hearts pure, you vacillating men!
9 痛悔して歎き且泣け、汝等の笑は歎となり、汝等の喜は悲と成れ、
Grieve, mourn, and lament! Let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your happiness to gloom!
10 主の御前に謙れ、然らば主汝等を高め給はん。
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.
11 兄弟等よ、相譏る事勿れ、兄弟を譏る者或は兄弟を是非するものは、律法を譏り律法を是非する者なり。若律法を是非せば、是律法の履行者に非ずして、其審判者たるなり。
Do not disparage one another, Brothers. He who disparages his Brother, or passes judgment on his Brother, disparages the Law and passes judgment on the Law. But, if you pass judgment on the Law, you are not obeying it, but judging it.
12 抑救ひ得べく亡ぼし得べき立法者審判者は唯一にて在す、
There is only one Lawgiver and Judge — he who has the power both to save and to destroy. But who are you that pass judgment on your neighbour?
13 然るに汝誰なれば近き者をば是非するぞ。然て今、我等今日明日何某の町に往き、一年の間其處に留り、商売して利を得んと言ふ者よ、
Listen to me, you who say ‘To-day or to-morrow we will go to such and such a town, spend a year there, and trade, and make money,’
14 汝等は明日何事のあるべきかを知らざるに非ずや。
And yet you do not know what your life will be like to-morrow! For you are but a mist appearing for a little while and then disappearing.
15 蓋汝等の生命は何ぞや、暫く見ゆる靄にして、終には消失するものなり。汝等宜しく之に代へて、我等若主の思召ならば又は生くるならば、此彼を為さんと言ふべし。
You ought, rather, to say ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.’
16 然るに汝等は今驕りて自ら誇れり、斯の如き誇は総て惡事なり。
But, as it is, you are constantly boasting presumptuously! All such boasting is wicked.
17 故に人、善の行ふべきを知りて之を行はざれば罪と成るなり。
He, then, who knows what is right but fails to do it — that is sin in him.

< ヤコブの手紙 4 >