< ヘブル人への手紙 2 >

1 故に我等は漂流する事なき様、承りし所を一層能く守らざるべからず。
Therefore we must give still more heed to what we were taught, for fear we should drift away.
2 其は天使等を以て告げられし言すら固くせられ、犯罪と不從順とは悉く正しき報を受けたれば、
For, if the Message which was delivered by angels had its authority confirmed, so that every offence against it, or neglect of it, met with a fitting requital,
3 若我等にして斯も大いなる救を等閑にせば、争でか迯るることを得ん。此救は原主より示されて始りたるに、承りし人々より我等に言證められ、
how can we, of all people, expect to escape, if we disregard so great a Salvation? It was the Master who at the outset spoke of this Salvation, and its authority was confirmed for us by those who heard him,
4 神も亦思召に從ひて、徴と奇蹟と、能力の様々の業と、聖霊の賜の分配を以て、彼人々と共に之を保證し給ひしなり。
while God himself added his testimony to it by signs, and marvels, and many different miracles, as well as by imparting the Holy Spirit as he saw fit.
5 蓋今言ふ所の将來の世界を天使等に從はせ給ひしには非ず、
God has not given to angels the control of that Future World of which we are speaking!
6 或人何處かに證して曰く、「人は誰なれば主之を記憶し給ひ、人の子は誰なれば之を訪問し給ふぞ、
No; a writer has declared somewhere — ‘What is Man that thou shouldst remember him? Or a Son of Man that thou shouldst regard him?
7 主之をして少しく天使等に劣らしめ、冠らしむるに光榮と名誉とを以てし、御手の業の上に之を立て、
Thou hast made him, for a while, lower than angels; With glory and honour thou hast crowned him; Thou hast set him over all that thy hands have made;
8 萬物を其足の下に服せしめ給ひしなり」と。然て萬物を之に服せしめ給ひし上は、服せざるものを殘し給はざりしならんに、我等は現に未だ萬物の之に服するを見ざるなり。
Thou hast placed all things beneath his feet.’ This ‘placing of everything’ under man means that there was nothing which was not placed under him. As yet, however, we do not see everything placed under man.
9 然れど天使等に少しく劣らせられしもの、即ちイエズスを見奉るに、神の恩寵により一切の人間の為に死を嘗め給はんとて、死の苦の故に、冠らしむるに光榮と名誉とを以てせられ給ひしなり。
What our eyes do see is Jesus, who was made for a while lower than angels, now, because of his sufferings and death, crowned with glory and honour; so that his tasting the bitterness of death should, in God’s loving-kindness, be on behalf of all mankind.
10 蓋萬物は神の為に、又神によりて造られたるものなれば、多くの子を光榮に導き給へるもの、即ち彼等の救霊の原に在せるものをば、宜しく苦を以て全うし給ふべきは、神に於て適當なる事なりき。
It was, indeed, fitting that God, for whom and through whom all things exist, should, when leading many sons to glory, make the author of their Salvation perfect through suffering.
11 然て聖と成らしめ給ふものも、聖と為らるる人々も、共に同一のものより出づ、故に彼、人々を兄弟と呼ぶを耻とせずして曰はく、
For he who purifies, and those whom he purifies, all spring from One; and therefore he is not ashamed to call them ‘Brothers.’
12 「我御名を我兄弟等に告げん、集會の中に汝を賛美し奉らん」と。
He says — ‘I will tell of thy Name to my Brothers, In the midst of the congregation I will sing thy praise.’
13 又「我彼に信頼せん」と、又「我と神の我に賜ひし子等とを見よ」と。
And again — ‘As for me, I will put my trust in God.’ And yet again — ‘See, here am I and the children whom God gave me.’
14 抑子等は血肉を有する者なれば、彼も亦之を有し給へり。是死を司れるもの、即ち惡魔を亡ぼすに死を以てし、
Therefore, since human nature is the common heritage of ‘the Children,’ Jesus also shared it, in order that by death he might render powerless him whose power lies in death — that is, the Devil —
15 且死を懼るるが為に生涯奴隷に属せる人々を救ひ給はん為なり。
and so might deliver all those who, from fear of death, had all their lives been living in slavery.
16 蓋曾て天使等を救ひ給はずして、アブラハムの裔を救ひ給ひしかば、
It was not, surely, to the help of the angels that Jesus came, but ‘to the help of the descendants of Abraham.’
17 萬事兄弟等に似るべき筈なりき、是神の御前に慈悲にして忠信なる大司祭と成り、民の罪を贖ひ給はん為なりき。
And consequently it was necessary that he should in all points be made like ‘his Brothers,’ in order that he might prove a merciful as well as a faithful High Priest in man’s relations with God, for the purpose of expiating the sins of his People.
18 蓋御自ら苦みて試みられ給ひたれば、試みらるる人々をも助くるを得給ふなり。
The fact that he himself suffered under temptation enables him to help those who are tempted.

< ヘブル人への手紙 2 >