< ガラテヤ人への手紙 2 >

1 第二項 パウロの使徒職はペトロ及び使徒等に認められたり 其後十四年を経て、バルナバと共にチトをも携へて、再びエルザレムに上りしが、
Fourteen years afterwards I went up to Jerusalem again with Barnabas, and I took Titus also with me.
2 是神託によりて上りしなり。斯て我が異邦人の中に宣ぶる福音を彼等、殊に著しき人々に告知らせたり、是萬一にも走る事、又曾て走りし事の空しくならざらん為なりき。
It was in obedience to a revelation that I went; and I laid before the Apostles the Good News that I am proclaiming among the Gentiles. I did this privately before those who are thought highly of, for fear that I might possibly be taking, or might have already taken, a course which would prove useless.
3 然るに、我と共に在りしチトすら、原異邦人なるも割禮を受くる事を強ひられず、
Yet even my companion, Titus, though a Greek, was not compelled to be circumcised.
4 唯潜入りたる僞兄弟ありて、我等がキリスト、イエズスに於て有てる自由を探り、我等を奴隷たらしめんとして入來りたれど、
But, on account of the false Brothers who had stolen in, the men who had crept in to spy upon the liberty which we have through union with Christ Jesus, in order to bring us back to slavery —
5 我等は片時も譲らず、彼等に服せざりき、是福音の眞理を汝等の中に存せしめん為なり。
Why, we did not for a moment yield submission to them, that the Truth of the Good News might be yours always!
6 殊更著しき人々に至りては、――其曾て何物たりしかは我関せず、神は人につきて偏り給ふ事なし、――其著しき人々は何事をも我に加へざりき。
Of those who are thought somewhat highly of — what they once were makes no difference to me; God does not recognise human distinctions — those, I say, who are thought highly of added nothing to my Message.
7 却て割禮ある人々に福音を宣ぶる事のペトロに委ねられたる如く、割禮なき人々に宣ぶる事の我に委ねられたるを見しかば、
On the contrary, they saw that I had been entrusted with the Good News for the Gentiles, just as Peter had been for the Jews.
8 ――其はペトロに割禮ある人々の使徒となる力を賜ひし者は、我にも異邦人の中に於て力を賜ひたればなり、――
For he who gave Peter power for his mission to the Jews gave me, also, power to go to the Gentiles.
9 柱とも見えたるヤコボとケファとヨハネとは、我に賜はりたる恩寵を辨へて、一致の印として右の手を我とバルナバとに與へたり。是我等は異邦人に至り、彼等は割禮ある人々に至らん為なり。
Recognising the charge entrusted to me, James, Peter, and John, who were regarded as pillars of the Church, openly acknowledged Barnabas and me as fellow-workers, agreeing that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the Jews.
10 唯彼等の願ふ所は、我等が貧者を顧みん事なりしが、我も心懸けて之を行へり。
Only we were to remember the poor — the very thing I was myself anxious to do.
11 然れどもケファアンチオキアに來りし時、咎むべき事ありしかば、我は面前之に反對せり。
But, when Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face; for he stood self-condemned.
12 其は、或人々のヤコボの許より來る迄は、彼異邦人と共に食し居たれど、彼等來りしかばケファは割禮ある人々に憚り、扣へて異邦人を離れ居たればなり。
Before certain persons came from James, he had been in the habit of eating with the Gentile converts; but, when they came, he began to withdraw and hold aloof, for fear of offending those who still held to circumcision.
13 他のユデア人此匿行に同意せしかば、バルナバも亦彼等より其匿行に誘はるるに至れり。
The rest of the Jewish converts were guilty of the same hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was led away by it.
14 斯て彼等が福音の眞理に從ひて正しく歩まざるを見て、我一同の前にてケファに謂へらく、汝ユデア人にてありながら、ユデア人の如くにせず、異邦人の如く行へるに、何ぞ異邦人を強ひてユデア人の習慣に從はせんとはする。
But, when I saw that they were not dealing straightforwardly with the Truth of the Good News, I said to Peter, before them all, “If you, who were born a Jew, adopt Gentile customs, instead of Jewish, why are you trying to compel the Gentile converts to adopt Jewish customs?”
15 我等は生來ユデア人にして、異邦人より出でし罪人には非ず、
We, though we are Jews by birth and not outcasts of Gentile origin, know that no one is pronounced righteous as the result of obedience to Law, but only through faith in Christ Jesus.
16 然りながら人の義とせらるるは、律法の業に由らずして、唯イエズス、キリストに於る信仰に由るを知るが故に、我等も律法の業に由らず、キリストに於る信仰に由りて義とせられん為に、キリスト、イエズスを信ずるなり、其は何人も律法の業に由りて義とせられざればなり。
So we placed our faith in Christ Jesus, in order that we might be pronounced righteous, as the result of faith in Christ, and not of obedience to Law; for such obedience ‘will not result in even one soul’s being pronounced righteous.’
17 若キリストに於て義とせられん事を力めて、尚罪人とせられなばキリストは罪の役者なるか、否々。
If, while seeking to be pronounced righteous through union with Christ, we were ourselves seen to be outcasts, would that make Christ an agent of sin? Heaven forbid!
18 若我既に毀ちたるものを再び建つれば、自ら僞譎者となるなり。
For, if I rebuild the very things that I pulled down, I prove myself to have done wrong.
19 然れば我は神に活きん為に律法を以て律法に死し、
I, indeed, through Law became dead to Law, in order to live for God.
20 キリストと共に十字架に釘けられたるなり。夫我は活くと雖も、最早我に非ず、キリストこそ我に於て活き給ふなれ。我肉體に活くと雖も、我を愛して我為に己を付し給ひし神の御子の信仰に於て活くるなり。
I have been crucified with Christ. So it is no longer I that live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and, as for my present earthly life, I am living it by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
21 我神の恩寵を棄つるに非ず、若義とせらるる事律法に由らば、キリストは徒に死し給ひしなり。
I do not reject the love of God. If righteousness comes through Law, then there was no need for Christ to die!

< ガラテヤ人への手紙 2 >