< エペソ人への手紙 3 >

1 第三項 教會に於るパウロの聖役 是故に我パウロ、汝等異邦人の為にキリスト、イエズスの囚人たり。
For this cause, I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus in behalf of you the nations: —
2 但汝等の為に我に賜はりたる神の恩寵の分配の役をば、汝等は聞きしならん、
If at least ye have heard of the administration of the favour of God which hath been given unto me for you,
3 即ち曩に簡単に書示したる如く、此奥義は黙示を以て我に示されたるなり。
[How that], by way of revelation, was made known unto me the sacred secret, —even as I before wrote in brief, —
4 汝等は之を読みて、キリストの奥義に関する我が知識を覚るを得べし。
Respecting which ye can, by reading, perceive my discernment in the sacred secret of the Christ, —
5 此奥義は、今聖霊によりて、聖なる使徒等、及び預言者等に示されしが如くには、前代に於て人の子等に知られざりき。
Which, in other generations, had not been made known unto the sons of men, as it hath, now, been revealed by his holy apostles and prophets, in Spirit; —
6 即ち異邦人が福音を以て、キリスト、イエズスに於て、共に世嗣となり、共に一體となり、共に神の約束に與る者となる事是なり。
That they who are of the nations should be joint heirs, and a joint body, and joint partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through means of the glad-message, —
7 我は其福音の役者とせられたり、是全能の勢力によりて我に賜はりたる神の恩寵の賜なり。
Of which I was made a minister, according to the free-gift of the favour of God which was given unto me, according to the energy of his power:
8 凡ての聖徒の中に於て、最も小き者よりも小き我に、キリストの究め難き富の福音を、異邦人に告ぐる恩寵を賜はれり。
Unto me—the less than least of all saints, was given this favour, unto the nations, to announce the glad-message of the untraceable riches of the Christ,
9 是萬物を創造し給ひたる神に於て、世の初より隠れたりし奥義の度の如何を、衆人に説明す恩寵にして、 (aiōn g165)
And to bring to light—what is the administration of the sacred secret which had been hidden away from the ages in God, who did all things create: (aiōn g165)
10 神の多方面なる智恵が、教會を以て、天に於る権勢及び能力[者]等に知られん為、
In order that now, unto the principalities and the authorities in the heavenlies, might be made known, through means of the assembly, the manifold wisdom of God, —
11 我主イエズス、キリストに於て全うし給へる、世々の預定に應ぜん為なり。 (aiōn g165)
According to a plan of the ages which he made in the anointed Jesus our Lord, — (aiōn g165)
12 我等は彼に於る信仰によりて憚らざる事を得、希望を以て神に近づき奉る事を得。
In whom we have our freedom of speech and introduction with assurance, through the faith of him; —
13 然れば希はくは、我が汝等の為に受くる患難に就きて、汝等の落胆せざらん事を。此患難こそ汝等の光榮なれ。
Wherefore I request, that there be no fainting in my tribulations in your behalf, the which is your glory; —
14 我之が為に我主イエズス、キリストの父、
For this cause, I bow my knees unto the Father, —
15 即ち天にも地にも諸属の因て以て名けらるる所の父の御前に跪き、
From whom every fatherhood in [the] heavens and upon the earth is named, —
16 汝等が其光榮の富に從ひ、其霊により、能力を以て内面の人として堅固にせられん事、
In order that he may give unto you—according to his glorious riches, with power, to be strengthened, through his Spirit, in the inner man,
17 又信仰によりてキリストの汝等に宿り給はん事を希ひ奉る。是汝等は、愛に根ざし且基きて、
That the Christ may dwell, through means of your faith, in your hearts, in love, having become rooted and founded,
18 凡ての聖徒と共に、広さ長さ高さ深さの如何を識り、
In order that ye may be mighty enough to grasp firmly, with all the saints, —what is the breadth and length and depth and height,
19 又一切の知識を超絶せるキリストの寵愛を識ることを得て、総て神に充満てるものに汝等の満たされん為なり。
To get to know, also, the knowledge-surpassing, love of the Christ, —in order that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God:
20 願はくは我等の中に働ける能力によりて、我等の願ふ所又知る所を超えて、尚豊に萬事を為し得給へるものに、
Now, unto him who is able to do, above all things, exceeding abundantly above the things which we ask or conceive, —according to the power which doth energise itself within us, —
21 教會及びキリスト、イエズスに於て、永遠の世に至るまで光榮あらん事を、アメン。 (aiōn g165)
Unto him, be the glory, in the assembly, and in Christ Jesus—unto all the generations of the age of ages; Amen: — (aiōn g165)

< エペソ人への手紙 3 >