< テモテへの手紙第一 4 >

1 第一項 聖職者として教ふべき事及び守るべき行状 然るに[聖]霊の明に曰ふ所によれば、末世に至りて或人々、惑の[種々の]例と惡鬼の教とに心を傾けて、信仰に遠ざかる事あらん、
But the Spirit distinctly says that in later times there will be some who will fall away from the Faith, and devote their attention to misleading spirits, and to the teaching of demons,
2 是偽を語る人々の偽善による事にして、彼等は其良心に焼鐡を當てられ、
who will make use of the hypocrisy of lying teachers. These men’s consciences are seared,
3 娶る事を禁じ、信徒及び眞理を知れる人々の感謝を以て食する様神の造り給ひし食物を断つ事を命ぜん。
and they discourage marriage and enjoin abstinence from certain kinds of food; though God created these foods to be enjoyed thankfully by those who hold the Faith and have attained a full knowledge of the Truth.
4 抑神の造り給ひし物は皆善き物にして、感謝を以て食せらるる物に棄つべきはなし、
Everything created by God is good, and there in nothing that need be rejected — provided only that it is received thankfully;
5 其は神の御言と祈祷とを以て潔めらるればなり。
for it is consecrated by God’s blessing and by prayer.
6 是等の事を兄弟等に宣べなば、汝は曾て得たる善き教と信仰の言とを以て修養せられたる、キリストの善き役者たらん。
Put all this before the Brethren, and you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, sustained by the precepts of the Faith and of that Good Teaching by which you have guided your life.
7 然れど世俗談、老婆談を棄てて、自ら敬虔に練習せよ。
As for profane legends and old wives’ tales, leave them alone. Train yourself to lead a religious life;
8 蓋身體の練習は益する所僅なれども、敬虔は今世と來世とに係る約束を有して萬事に益あり。
for while the training of the body is of service in some respects, religion is of service in all, carrying with it, as it does, a promise of Life both here and hereafter.
9 是全く信ずべき眞の談なり、
How true that saying is and worthy of the fullest acceptance!
10 我等が勞して罵らるるはこれが為にして、即ち萬民得に信徒の救主にて在す活き給へる神を希望し奉る故なり。
With that aim we toil and struggle, for we have set our hopes on the Living God, who is the Saviour of all men, and especially of those who hold the Faith.
11 汝是等の事を命じ且教へよ。
Dwell upon these things in your teaching.
12 誰も汝の年若きを軽んずべからず、却て汝は、言語、行状、慈愛、信仰、貞操を以て信徒の模範たれ。
Do not let any one look down on you because you are young, but, by your conversation, your conduct, your love, your faith, and your purity, be an example to those who hold the Faith.
13 我が至るまで読書、教訓、説教に從事せよ。
Till I come, apply yourself to public reading, preaching, and teaching.
14 預言により、長老等の按手を以て賜はりし、汝の衷なる賜を忽にすること勿れ、
Do not neglect the divine gift within you, which was given you, amid many a prediction, when the hands of the Officers of the Church were laid on your head.
15 汝の進歩が衆人に明ならん為に、是等の事を熟考して之に身を委ねよ。
Practice these things, devote yourself to them, so that your progress may be plain to every one.
16 己と説教とに省みて之に耐忍せよ、其は之を行ひて己と汝に聴く人々とを救ふべければなり。
Look to yourself as well as to your teaching. Persevere in this, for your doing so will mean Salvation for yourself as well as for your hearers.

< テモテへの手紙第一 4 >