< テサロニケ人への手紙第一 4 >

1 第一項 道徳に関する勧告 然て兄弟等よ、我等は主イエズスに由りて汝等に求め且希ふ、如何に歩まば神の御意に適ふべきかは、汝等が曾て我等より聞きたる所なれば、其如くに歩みて益進まん事を。
For the rest, brethren, we request and exhort you, in our Lord Jesus, [that], even as ye received from us, how ye must needs walk and please God, —even as ye also do walk, that ye would abound still more.
2 其は主イエズスを以て、如何なる教訓を我が汝等に與へしかは、汝等之を知ればなり。
For ye know what charges we gave you, through the Lord Jesus.
3 蓋神の御旨は汝等の聖たらん事に在り、即ち汝等自ら私通を禁じ、
For, this, is a thing willed of God, your sanctification, —that ye should abstain from unchastity,
4 各神を知らざる異邦人の如く情慾の望に任せずして、
That ye should know, each one of you, how, of his own vessel, to possess himself in sanctification and honour:
5 其器を神聖に且尊く有つ事を知り、
Not with a passion of coveting, —just as even the nations who know not God, —
6 又誰も此事に就きて兄弟を欺かず且害せざるに在り、主は是等一切の事に報い給へばなり、我等が既に豫め汝等に語り且證したるが如し。
Not over-reaching and defrauding, in the matter, his brother; because, an avenger, is the Lord, concerning all these things, —even as we before told you, and solemnly called you to witness.
7 蓋神が我等を召し給ひしは、不潔の為に非ずして、聖たらしめん為なり。
For God did not call us, with a permission of impurity, but, in sanctification.
8 故に是等の事を軽んずる人は、人を軽んずるに非ず、我等の身に其聖霊をも賜ひたる神を軽んじ奉るなり。
Therefore, indeed, he that disregardeth—it is, not a man, he disregardeth, but God, —Who giveth his Holy Spirit unto you.
9 兄弟的愛に就きては、我等が汝等に書遣るを要せず、其は汝等自ら曾て相愛する事を神より學びたればなり。
But, concerning brotherly love—no need, have ye, that we be writing unto you; for, ye yourselves, are, God-taught, to the loving of one another; —
10 蓋マケドニア一般に凡ての兄弟に對して、汝等既に之を為せり。然れど兄弟等よ、我等は汝等が益豊にして、
And, in fact, ye are doing it unto all the brethren [who are] in the whole of Macedonia; but we exhort you, brethren, to abound still more,
11 汝等に命ぜし如く、努めて、沈着きて己が業を営み、手業を為し、又外の人々に對して正しく歩み、人の何物をも望まざらん事を願ふなり。
And to be ambitious to be quiet, and to be attending to your own affairs, and to be working with your hands, —even as, unto you, we gave charge—
12 第二項 キリスト再臨に関する教訓 兄弟等よ、永眠せる人々に就きては、汝等が希望なき他の人々の如く歎かざらん為に、汝等の知らざるを好まず、
That ye should walk reputably toward those without, and, of no one, have, need.
13 蓋我等若イエズスの死し給ひ且復活し給ひしことを信ぜば、又神が永眠せし人々をイエズスに於て之と共に携へ給はん[ことを信ずべきなり]。
But we do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them who are falling asleep, —lest ye be sorrowing, even as the rest also, who are without hope;
14 即ち我等、主の御言に由りて汝等に告ぐ、主の再臨の時に生殘る我等は、永眠せし人々に先つ事なかるべし。
For, if we believe that, Jesus, died, and rose again, so, also will, God, bring forth with him, them who have fallen asleep through Jesus;
15 蓋号令、大天使の聲、神の喇叭を合圖に、主自ら天より降り給ひ、キリストに在る死者先復活すべし、
For, this, unto you, do we say, by a word of the Lord, —that, we, the living who are left unto the Presence of the Lord, shall in nowise get before them who have fallen asleep;
16 次に生殘る我等は、彼等と共に雲に取挙げられて空中にキリストを迎へ、斯て何時も主と共に在るべし。
Because, the Lord himself, with a word of command, with a chief-messenger’s voice, and with a trumpet of God, shall descend from heaven, —and, the dead in Christ, shall rise, first,
17 然れば汝等是等の言を以て相慰めよ。
After that, we, the living who are left, together with them, shall be caught away, in clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: —and, thus, evermore, with the Lord, shall we be!
So then, be consoling one another with these words.

< テサロニケ人への手紙第一 4 >