< テサロニケ人への手紙第一 2 >

1 第一項 テサロニケに於るパウロの布教 兄弟等よ、我が汝等の中に入りし事の空しからざりしは、汝等自ら之を知れり。
Now you yourselves know, brothers, that our entrance to you did not happen without purpose.
2 即ち汝等の知れる如く、我等は曾てフィリッピに於て苦められ、辱を受けたりしも、我神に信頼し奉りて、種々の争の中に、敢て神の福音を汝等に宣べたるなり。
Rather, in spite of having already suffered and been insulted in Philippi, as you know, we made bold in our God to speak to you the Gospel of God, in the face of strong opposition.
3 蓋我等の勧は迷にも穢にも欺にもよる事なく、
Further, our exhortation does not spring from delusion or impurity, nor is it in deception,
4 人の心を迎へんとするが如くにせず、我等の心を認め給ふ神の御旨に適はんとて、神より認められて福音を托せられ奉りし儘に語る。
but we speak precisely as those who have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel, not so as to please men, but to please the God who evaluates our hearts.
5 又我等が諂諛の言を曾て用いし事なきは汝等の知れる所にして、之を口實として貪りし事なきは神の證し給ふ所なり。
Further, you well know that we never used words to flatter, or to disguise greed (God is witness),
6 又我等は人に、即ち汝等にも他人にも、名誉を求めず、
or to seek glory from men (whether from you or from others)—as apostles of Christ we could have been ‘heavy’,
7 キリストの使徒として汝等に重んぜらるるを得たれども、汝等の中にては子兒の如くに成りて、恰も、乳母が其子兒を愛育する如くなりき。
but we were gentle among you, like a nurse cherishing her own children.
8 斯く汝等を戀慕ひて汝等は我至愛の者と成りたれば、我等は神の福音のみならず、生命をも汝等に與へんことを切に望み居れり。
Yearning over you in this way, we were well pleased to share with you not only the Gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become dear to us.
9 蓋兄弟等よ、汝等は我等の勞苦を記憶せり、汝等の一人をも煩はさざらん為に、我等は晝夜勞働して、汝等の中に神の福音を宣傳へたり。
Surely you remember, brothers, our toil and exertion, because working night and day, so as not to burden any of you, we proclaimed the Gospel of God to you.
10 我等が如何に聖にして且正しく且咎なく、信じたる汝等に對したるかは、汝等も之を證し、神も亦之を證し給ふ所、
You are witnesses, and so is God, how devoutly and justly and blamelessly we behaved ourselves among you who believe;
11 又我が如何に父の子等に於る如く、汝等の各に對ひて、
indeed, you know how we treated each one of you as a father does his own children, exhorting and comforting you,
12 其御國と光榮とに汝等を召し給へる神に相應しく歩まんことを勧め、且奨励し、且希ひしかは、汝等の知る所なり。
insisting that you conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.
13 故に又汝等が、神の御言を我等に聞きし時、之を以て人の言と為ず、事實然あるが如く、信じたる汝等の中に働き給ふ神の御言として受けし事を、絶えず神に感謝し奉るなり。
Another reason we give thanks to God continually is that when you received from us the spoken Word of God, you welcomed it not as the word of men but, as it actually is, the Word of God, which is indeed operative in you who believe.
14 蓋兄弟等よ、汝等はユデアに於てキリスト、イエズスに在る神の諸教會の例に從へる者と成れり、其は彼等がユデア人より受けし如き苦を、汝等も同邦人より受けたればなり。
For you, brothers, became imitators of God's congregations in Christ Jesus, the ones in Judea, in that you also suffered the same things from your own countrymen that they did from the Jews
15 ユデア人は主イエズスをも預言者等をも殺し、又我等を迫害したるに、尚神の御意に適はず、衆人に敵對し、
(the ones who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, who have persecuted us, who do not please God and are hostile to everybody,
16 我等が異邦人に救を得させんとて語る事を拒み、斯の如くにして常に己が罪を満たす、然れど神の御怒は彼等の上に及びて其極に至れり。
trying to prevent us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved—so as to fill up the measure of their sins. They have received the full impact of the Wrath).
17 第二項 パウロがテサロニケを離れし以後の事實 兄弟等よ、我等は外見上暫時汝等を離れしも、心は離れず、一層早く汝等の顔を見ん事を切望せり。
Now we, brothers, having been bereaved of you for a short season (in presence, not in heart), made every effort to see your face, from intense longing.
18 即ち我等は汝等に至らんとし、特に我パウロは一度も二度も然したれど、サタンは我等を妨げたり。
(We actually tried to come to you—I, Paul, time and again—but Satan thwarted us.)
19 蓋我等の希望、或は喜、或は誇るべき冠は何ぞ、我主イエズス、キリストの降臨の時、御前に於て汝等も其なるに非ずや、
For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of glorying? Is it not precisely you, in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming?
20 其は汝等は實に我等の光榮にして且喜なればなり。
Indeed, you are our glory and our joy.

< テサロニケ人への手紙第一 2 >