< ゼカリヤ書 14 >

1 視よヱホバの日來る汝の貨財奪はれて汝の中にて分たるべし
Watch out! For the day of the Lord is coming when what has been plundered from you will be divided up right in front of you.
2 我萬國の民を集めてヱルサレムを攻撃しめん邑は取られ家は掠められ婦女は犯され邑の人は半は擄へられてゆかん然どその餘の民は邑より絶れじ
I will bring together all the nations to attack Jerusalem. The city will be captured, the houses looted, and the women raped. Half the population will be taken into exile, but the rest of the people will not be removed from the city.
3 その時ヱホバ出きたりて其等の國人を攻撃たまはん在昔その軍陣の日に戰ひたまひしごとくなるべし
Then the Lord will go out to fight against the nations as he fights in times of war.
4 其日にはヱルサレムの前に當りて東にあるところの橄欖山の上に彼の足立ん而して橄欖山その眞中より西東に裂て甚だ大なる谷を成しその山の半は北に半は南に移るべし
On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which faces Jerusalem to the east. The Mount of Olives will split apart, with half moving north and half moving south, creating a wide valley from east to west.
5 汝らは我山の谷に逃いらん其山の谷はアザルにまで及ぶべし汝らはユダの王ウジヤの世に地震を避て逃しごとくに逃ん我神ヱホバ來りたまはん諸の聖者なんぢとともなるべし
You will run away through this mountain valley for it will reach as far as Azal. You will run away like people did at the time of the earthquake during the reign of Uzzah, king of Judah. Then the Lord will come, accompanied by all his holy ones.
6 その日には光明なかるべく輝く者消うすべし
On that day there will be no longer cold and frost.
7 茲に只一の日あるべしヱホバこれを知たまふ是は晝にもあらず夜にもあらず夕暮の頃に明くなるべし
It will be one continuous day (only the Lord knows how this could happen). It won't be day or night, because in the evening it will still be light.
8 その日に活る水ヱルサレムより出でその半は東の海にその半は西の海に流れん夏も冬も然あるべし
On that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem, half of it going east to the Dead Sea and half going west to the Mediterranean Sea, flowing in summer and winter alike.
9 ヱホバ全地の王となりたまはん其日には只ヱホバのみ只その御名のみにならん
The Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day there will be one true Lord, and his name the only one.
10 全地はアラバのごとくなりてゲバよりヱルサレムの南のリンモンまでの間のごとくなるべし而してヱルサレムは高くなりてその故の處に立ちベニヤミンの門より第一の門の處に及び隅の門にいたりハナニエルの戍樓より王の酒榨倉までに渉るべし
The whole land will be transformed into a plain, from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem. But Jerusalem will be raised up to where it was, and people will live there from the Benjamin Gate to where the old gate was, to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king's winepresses.
11 その中には人住ん重て呪詛あらじヱルサレムは安然に立べし
It will be inhabited and never again condemned to destruction again—people will be able to live in safety in Jerusalem.
12 ヱルサレムを攻撃し諸の民にヱホバ災禍を降してこれを撃なやましたまふこと是のごとくなるべし即ち彼らその足にて立をる中に肉腐れ目その孔の中にて腐れ舌その口の中にて腐れん
This will be the plague that the Lord will use to strike all the nations that attacked Jerusalem. Their flesh shall rot while they are still standing on their feet; their eyes will rot in their sockets; their tongues will rot in their mouths.
13 その日にはヱホバかれらをして大に狼狽しめたまはん彼らは各人の手を執へん此手と彼手撃あふべし
On that day the Lord will strike them with a terrible panic, and they will seize one another, and fight hand-to-hand.
14 ユダもまたヱルサレムに於て戰ふべしその四周の一切の國人の財寳金銀衣服など甚だ多く聚められん
Even Judah will fight in Jerusalem. The wealth of the surrounding nations shall be collected: lots of gold, silver, and clothes.
15 また馬騾駱駝驢馬およびその諸營の一切の家畜の蒙る災禍もこの災禍のごとくなるべし
A similar plague will strike the horses, mules, camels, donkeys, and all other animals that may be in their camps.
16 ヱルサレムに攻きたりし諸の國人の遺れる者はみな歳々に上りきてその王なる萬軍のヱホバを拜み結茅の節を守るにいたるべし
After this every one of the survivors from the nations that attacked Jerusalem will go there to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Shelters.
17 地上の諸族の中その王なる萬軍のヱホバを拜みにヱルサレムに上らざる者の上には凡て雨ふらざるべし
If any of the peoples of the world refuse to go to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, they will have no rain.
18 例ばエジプトの族もし上り來らざる時はその上に雨ふらじヱホバその結茅の節を守りに上らざる一切の國人を撃なやます災禍を之に降したまふべし
If the Egyptian people refuse to go and attend, then the Lord will inflict on them the same plague as on the other nations who will not go celebrate the Festival of Shelters.
19 エジプトの罪凡て結茅の節を守りに上り來らざる國人の罪是のごとくなるべし
This will be the punishment on Egypt and all the nations if they do not go to Jerusalem and celebrate.
20 その日には馬の鈴にまでヱホバに聖としるさん又ヱホバの家の鍋は壇の前の鉢と等しかるべし
On that day the bells worn by horses will be engraved with the words “Holy to the Lord.” The household cooking pots used in the Lord's Temple will be as holy as the bowls used on the altar in the presence of the Lord.
21 ヱルサレムおよびユダの鍋は都て萬軍のヱホバの聖物となるべし凡そ犠牲を獻ぐる者は來りてこれを取り其中にて祭肉を煮ん其日には萬軍のヱホバの室に最早カナン人あらざるべし
Every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be holy to the Lord Almighty, so that everyone who comes to sacrifice can take them and cook their sacrificial meat in them. On that day there will no longer be traders in the Lord's Temple.

< ゼカリヤ書 14 >