< ヨナ書 2 >

1 ヨナ魚の腹の中よりその神ヱホバに祈祷て
Jonah prayed to the Lord his God, out of the belly of the fish,
2 曰けるは われ患難の中よりヱホバを呼びしに彼われこたへたまへり われ陰府の腹の中より呼はりしに汝わが聲を聽たまへり (Sheol h7585)
and said: I cried out of my distress, to the Lord and he answered me; out of the midst of Sheol I cried aloud, and you heard my voice. (Sheol h7585)
3 汝我を淵のうち海の中心に投いれたまひて海の水我を環り汝の波濤と巨浪すべて我上にながる
For you cast me into the deep, into heart of the seas, and the great flood rolled about me; all your breakers and your waves passed over me.
4 われ曰けるは我なんぢの目の前より逐れたれども復汝の聖殿を望まん
Then I said, I am driven out, away from your sight; How will I ever again look towards your holy temple?
5 水われを環りて 魂にも及ばんとし淵我をとりかこみ海草わが頭に纒へり
The waters surrounded me, the great deep engulfed me, the sea weeds were wrapped about my head.
6 われ山の根基にまで下れり 地の關木いつも我うしろにありき しかるに我神ヱホバよ汝はわが命を深き穴より救ひあげたまへり
I went down to the roots of the mountains; the prison of the earth closed over me forever. Yet you brought up my life from destruction, O Lord my God.
7 わが靈魂 衷に弱りしとき我ヱホバをおもへり しかしてわが祈なんぢに至りなんぢの聖殿におよべり
As my life slipped away, I remembered the Lord; and my prayer reached you, in your holy temple.
8 いつはりなる虚き者につかふるものは自己の恩たる者を棄つ
Those who worship worthless idols abandon their own mercy,
9 されど我は感謝の聲をもて汝に獻祭をなし 又わが誓願をなんぢに償さん 救はヱホバより出るなりと
but I will sacrifice to you with loud thanksgiving! I will pay that which I have vowed. Salvation is the Lord’s.
10 ヱホバ其魚に命じたまひければヨナを陸に吐出せり
And the Lord spoke to the fish, and it threw up Jonah upon the dry land.

< ヨナ書 2 >