< ルカの福音書 24 >

1 週の初めの日、夜明け前に、女たちは用意しておいた香料を携えて、墓に行った。
But on the first day of the week, at dawn, they came to the place where his body had been put, taking the spices which they had got ready.
2 ところが、石が墓からころがしてあるので、
And they saw that the stone had been rolled away.
3 中にはいってみると、主イエスのからだが見当らなかった。
And they went in, but the body of the Lord Jesus was not there.
4 そのため途方にくれていると、見よ、輝いた衣を着たふたりの者が、彼らに現れた。
And while they were in doubt about it, they saw two men in shining clothing by them:
5 女たちは驚き恐れて、顔を地に伏せていると、このふたりの者が言った、「あなたがたは、なぜ生きた方を死人の中にたずねているのか。
And while their faces were bent down to the earth in fear, these said to them, Why are you looking for the living among the dead?
6 そのかたは、ここにはおられない。よみがえられたのだ。まだガリラヤにおられたとき、あなたがたにお話しになったことを思い出しなさい。
He is not here, he has come back to life: have in mind what he said to you when he was still in Galilee, saying,
7 すなわち、人の子は必ず罪人らの手に渡され、十字架につけられ、そして三日目によみがえる、と仰せられたではないか」。
The Son of man will be given up into the hands of evil-doers, and be put to death on the cross, and on the third day he will come back to life.
8 そこで女たちはその言葉を思い出し、
And his words came back into their minds,
9 墓から帰って、これらいっさいのことを、十一弟子や、その他みんなの人に報告した。
And they went away from that place and gave an account of all these things to the eleven disciples and all the others.
10 この女たちというのは、マグダラのマリヤ、ヨハンナ、およびヤコブの母マリヤであった。彼女たちと一緒にいたほかの女たちも、このことを使徒たちに話した。
Now they were Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary, the mother of James: and the other women with them said these things to the Apostles.
11 ところが、使徒たちには、それが愚かな話のように思われて、それを信じなかった。〔
But these words seemed foolish to them, and they had no belief in them.
12 ペテロは立って墓へ走って行き、かがんで中を見ると、亜麻布だけがそこにあったので、事の次第を不思議に思いながら帰って行った。〕
But Peter got up and went to the place where the body had been put, and looking in he saw nothing but the linen cloths, and he went to his house full of wonder at what had taken place.
13 この日、ふたりの弟子が、エルサレムから七マイルばかり離れたエマオという村へ行きながら、
And then, two of them, on that very day, were going to a little town named Emmaus, which was about seven miles from Jerusalem.
14 このいっさいの出来事について互に語り合っていた。
And they were talking together about all those things which had taken place.
15 語り合い論じ合っていると、イエスご自身が近づいてきて、彼らと一緒に歩いて行かれた。
And while they were talking and questioning together, Jesus himself came near and went with them.
16 しかし、彼らの目がさえぎられて、イエスを認めることができなかった。
But their eyes were not open that they might have knowledge of him.
17 イエスは彼らに言われた、「歩きながら互に語り合っているその話は、なんのことなのか」。彼らは悲しそうな顔をして立ちどまった。
And he said to them, What are you talking about together while you go?
18 そのひとりのクレオパという者が、答えて言った、「あなたはエルサレムに泊まっていながら、あなただけが、この都でこのごろ起ったことをご存じないのですか」。
Then stopping, and looking sadly at him, one of them, named Cleopas, said to him, Are you the only man living in Jerusalem who has not had news of the things which have taken place there at this time?
19 「それは、どんなことか」と言われると、彼らは言った、「ナザレのイエスのことです。あのかたは、神とすべての民衆との前で、わざにも言葉にも力ある預言者でしたが、
And he said to them, What things? And they said, The things to do with Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet, great in his acts and his words, before God and all the people:
20 祭司長たちや役人たちが、死刑に処するために引き渡し、十字架につけたのです。
And how the chief priests and our rulers gave him up to be put to death on the cross.
21 わたしたちは、イスラエルを救うのはこの人であろうと、望みをかけていました。しかもその上に、この事が起ってから、きょうが三日目なのです。
But we were hoping that he would be the Saviour of Israel. In addition to all this he has now let three days go by from the time when these things took place;
22 ところが、わたしたちの仲間である数人の女が、わたしたちを驚かせました。というのは、彼らが朝早く墓に行きますと、
And certain women among us gave us cause for wonder, for they went early to the place where his body had been put,
23 イエスのからだが見当らないので、帰ってきましたが、そのとき御使が現れて、『イエスは生きておられる』と告げたと申すのです。
And it was not there; then they came saying that they had seen a vision of angels who said that he was living.
24 それで、わたしたちの仲間が数人、墓に行って見ますと、果して女たちが言ったとおりで、イエスは見当りませんでした」。
And some of those who were with us went to the place, and saw that it was as the women had said, but him they did not see.
25 そこでイエスが言われた、「ああ、愚かで心のにぶいため、預言者たちが説いたすべての事を信じられない者たちよ。
And he said, O foolish men! how slow you are to give belief to what the prophets have said.
26 キリストは必ず、これらの苦難を受けて、その栄光に入るはずではなかったのか」。
Was it not necessary for the Christ to go through these things, and to come into his glory?
27 こう言って、モーセやすべての預言者からはじめて、聖書全体にわたり、ご自身についてしるしてある事どもを、説きあかされた。
And he made clear to them all the things in the Writings, from Moses and from all the prophets, which had to do with himself.
28 それから、彼らは行こうとしていた村に近づいたが、イエスがなお先へ進み行かれる様子であった。
And they came near the town to which they were going, and he seemed as if he was going on;
29 そこで、しいて引き止めて言った、「わたしたちと一緒にお泊まり下さい。もう夕暮になっており、日もはや傾いています」。イエスは、彼らと共に泊まるために、家にはいられた。
But they kept him back, saying, Do not go, for evening is near, the day is almost gone. And he went in with them.
30 一緒に食卓につかれたとき、パンを取り、祝福してさき、彼らに渡しておられるうちに、
And when he was seated with them at table, he took the bread, and said words of blessing and, making division of it, he gave it to them.
31 彼らの目が開けて、それがイエスであることがわかった。すると、み姿が見えなくなった。
And then their eyes were open, and they had knowledge of him, but he went from their view.
32 彼らは互に言った、「道々お話しになったとき、また聖書を説き明してくださったとき、お互の心が内に燃えたではないか」。
And they said to one another, Were not our hearts burning in us while he was talking to us on the way, making clear to us the holy Writings?
33 そして、すぐに立ってエルサレムに帰って見ると、十一弟子とその仲間が集まっていて、
And that very hour they got up and went back to Jerusalem, where the eleven and the others had come together.
34 「主は、ほんとうによみがえって、シモンに現れなさった」と言っていた。
And they said to them, The Lord has truly come back to life again, and Simon has seen him.
35 そこでふたりの者は、途中であったことや、パンをおさきになる様子でイエスだとわかったことなどを話した。
And they gave an account of the things which had taken place on the way, and how, when he gave them bread, they had knowledge of him.
36 こう話していると、イエスが彼らの中にお立ちになった。〔そして「やすかれ」と言われた。〕
And while they were saying these things, he himself was among them, and said to them, Peace be with you!
37 彼らは恐れ驚いて、霊を見ているのだと思った。
But they were full of fear, being of the opinion that they were seeing a spirit.
38 そこでイエスが言われた、「なぜおじ惑っているのか。どうして心に疑いを起すのか。
And he said to them, Why are you troubled, and why are your hearts full of doubt?
39 わたしの手や足を見なさい。まさしくわたしなのだ。さわって見なさい。霊には肉や骨はないが、あなたがたが見るとおり、わたしにはあるのだ」。〔
See; my hands and my feet: it is I myself; put your hands on me and make certain; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have.
40 こう言って、手と足とをお見せになった。〕
And when he had said this, he let them see his hands and his feet.
41 彼らは喜びのあまり、まだ信じられないで不思議に思っていると、イエスが「ここに何か食物があるか」と言われた。
And because, for joy and wonder, they were still in doubt, he said to them, Have you any food here?
42 彼らが焼いた魚の一きれをさしあげると、
And they gave him a bit of cooked fish.
43 イエスはそれを取って、みんなの前で食べられた。
And before their eyes he took a meal.
44 それから彼らに対して言われた、「わたしが以前あなたがたと一緒にいた時分に話して聞かせた言葉は、こうであった。すなわち、モーセの律法と預言書と詩篇とに、わたしについて書いてあることは、必ずことごとく成就する」。
And he said to them, These are the words which I said to you when I was still with you, how it was necessary for all the things which are in the writings of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms about me, to be put into effect.
45 そこでイエスは、聖書を悟らせるために彼らの心を開いて
Then he made the holy Writings clear to their minds.
46 言われた、「こう、しるしてある。キリストは苦しみを受けて、三日目に死人の中からよみがえる。
And he said to them, So it is in the Writings that the Christ would undergo death, and come back to life again on the third day;
47 そして、その名によって罪のゆるしを得させる悔改めが、エルサレムからはじまって、もろもろの国民に宣べ伝えられる。
And that teaching about a change of heart and forgiveness of sins is to be given to Jerusalem first and to all nations in his name.
48 あなたがたは、これらの事の証人である。
You are witnesses of these things.
49 見よ、わたしの父が約束されたものを、あなたがたに贈る。だから、上から力を授けられるまでは、あなたがたは都にとどまっていなさい」。
And now I will send to you what my father has undertaken to give you, but do not go from the town, till the power from heaven comes to you.
50 それから、イエスは彼らをベタニヤの近くまで連れて行き、手をあげて彼らを祝福された。
And he took them out till they were near Bethany, and lifting up his hands, he gave them a blessing.
51 祝福しておられるうちに、彼らを離れて、〔天にあげられた。〕
And while he was doing so, he went from them and was taken up into heaven.
52 彼らは〔イエスを拝し、〕非常な喜びをもってエルサレムに帰り、
And they gave him worship and went back to Jerusalem with great joy.
53 絶えず宮にいて、神をほめたたえていた。
And they were in the Temple at all times, giving praise to God.

< ルカの福音書 24 >