< 創世記 34 >

1 レアがヤコブに産んだ娘デナはその地の女たちに会おうと出かけて行ったが、
And Dinah, daughter of Leah, whom she has borne to Jacob, goes out to look on the daughters of the land,
2 その地のつかさ、ヒビびとハモルの子シケムが彼女を見て、引き入れ、これと寝てはずかしめた。
and Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite, a prince of the land, sees her, and takes her, and lies with her, and humbles her;
3 彼は深くヤコブの娘デナを慕い、この娘を愛して、ねんごろに娘に語った。
and his soul cleaves to Dinah, daughter of Jacob, and he loves the young person, and speaks to the heart of the young person.
4 シケムは父ハモルに言った、「この娘をわたしの妻にめとってください」。
And Shechem speaks to his father Hamor, saying, “Take for me this girl for a wife.”
5 さてヤコブはシケムが、娘デナを汚したことを聞いたけれども、その子らが家畜を連れて野にいたので、彼らの帰るまで黙っていた。
And Jacob has heard that he has defiled his daughter Dinah, and his sons were with his livestock in the field, and Jacob kept silent until their coming.
6 シケムの父ハモルはヤコブと話し合おうと、ヤコブの所に出てきた。
And Hamor, father of Shechem, goes out to Jacob to speak with him;
7 ヤコブの子らは野から帰り、この事を聞いて、悲しみ、かつ非常に怒った。シケムがヤコブの娘と寝て、イスラエルに愚かなことをしたためで、こんなことは、してはならぬ事だからである。
and the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard, and the men grieve themselves, and it [is] very displeasing to them, for folly he has done against Israel, to lie with the daughter of Jacob—and so it is not done.
8 ハモルは彼らと語って言った、「わたしの子シケムはあなたがたの娘を心に慕っています。どうか彼女を彼の妻にください。
And Hamor speaks with them, saying, “Shechem, my son, his soul has cleaved to your daughter; please give her to him for a wife,
9 あなたがたはわたしたちと婚姻し、あなたがたの娘をわたしたちに与え、わたしたちの娘をあなたがたにめとってください。
and join in marriage with us; you give your daughters to us, and you take our daughters for yourselves,
10 こうしてあなたがたとわたしたちとは一緒に住みましょう。地はあなたがたの前にあります。ここに住んで取引し、ここで財産を獲なさい」。
and you dwell with us, and the land is before you; dwell and trade [in] it, and have possessions in it.”
11 シケムはまたデナの父と兄弟たちとに言った、「あなたがたの前に恵みを得させてください。あなたがたがわたしに言われるものは、なんでもさしあげましょう。
And Shechem says to her father and to her brothers, “Let me find grace in your eyes, and that which you say to me, I give;
12 たくさんの結納金と贈り物とをお求めになっても、あなたがたの言われるとおりさしあげます。ただこの娘はわたしの妻にください」。
multiply on me dowry and gift exceedingly, and I give as you say to me, and give to me the young person for a wife.”
13 しかし、ヤコブの子らはシケムが彼らの妹デナを汚したので、シケムとその父ハモルに偽って答え、
And the sons of Jacob answer Shechem and his father Hamor deceitfully, and they speak (because he defiled their sister Dinah),
14 彼らに言った、「われわれは割礼を受けない者に妹をやる事はできません。それはわれわれの恥とするところですから。
and say to them, “We are not able to do this thing, to give our sister to one who has a foreskin, for it [is] a reproach to us.
15 ただ、こうなさればわれわれはあなたがたに同意します。もしあなたがたのうち男子がみな割礼を受けて、われわれのようになるなら、
Only for this we consent to you: if you are as we, to have every male of you circumcised,
16 われわれの娘をあなたがたに与え、あなたがたの娘をわれわれにめとりましょう。そしてわれわれはあなたがたと一緒に住んで一つの民となりましょう。
then we have given our daughters to you, and we take your daughters for ourselves, and we have dwelt with you, and have become one people;
17 けれども、もしあなたがたがわれわれに聞かず、割礼を受けないなら、われわれは娘を連れて行きます」。
and if you do not listen to us to be circumcised, then we have taken our daughter, and have gone.”
18 彼らの言葉がハモルとハモルの子シケムとの心にかなったので、
And their words are good in the eyes of Hamor, and in the eyes of Shechem, Hamor’s son;
19 若者は、ためらわずにこの事をした。彼がヤコブの娘を愛したからである。また彼は父の家のうちで一番重んじられた者であった。
and the young man did not delay to do the thing, for he had delight in Jacob’s daughter, and he is honorable above all the house of his father.
20 そこでハモルとその子シケムとは町の門に行き、町の人々に語って言った、
And Hamor comes—his son Shechem also—to the gate of their city, and they speak to the men of their city, saying,
21 「この人々はわれわれと親しいから、この地に住まわせて、ここで取引をさせよう。地は広く、彼らをいれるにじゅうぶんである。そしてわれわれは彼らの娘を妻にめとり、われわれの娘を彼らに与えよう。
“These men are peaceable with us; then let them dwell in the land, and trade [in] it; and the land, behold, [is] wide before them; their daughters let us take to ourselves for wives, and our daughters give to them.
22 彼らが割礼を受けているように、もしわれわれのうちの男子が皆、割礼を受けるなら、ただこの事だけで、この人々はわれわれに同意し、われわれと一緒に住んで一つの民となるのだ。
Only for this do the men consent to us, to dwell with us, to become one people, in every male of us being circumcised, as they are circumcised;
23 そうすれば彼らの家畜と財産とすべての獣とは、われわれのものとなるではないか。ただわれわれが彼らに同意すれば、彼らはわれわれと一緒に住むであろう」。
their livestock, and their substance, and all their beasts—are they not ours? Only let us consent to them, and they dwell with us.”
24 そこで町の門に出入りする者はみなハモルとその子シケムとに聞き従って、町の門に出入りするすべての男子は割礼を受けた。
And to Hamor, and to his son Shechem, do all those going out of the gate of his city listen, and every male is circumcised, all those going out of the gate of his city.
25 三日目になって彼らが痛みを覚えている時、ヤコブのふたりの子、すなわちデナの兄弟シメオンとレビとは、おのおのつるぎを取って、不意に町を襲い、男子をことごとく殺し、
And it comes to pass, on the third day, in their being pained, that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brothers, take each his sword, and come in against the city confidently, and slay every male;
26 またつるぎの刃にかけてハモルとその子シケムとを殺し、シケムの家からデナを連れ出した。
and Hamor, and his son Shechem, they have slain by the mouth of the sword, and they take Dinah out of Shechem’s house, and go out.
27 そしてヤコブの子らは殺された人々をはぎ、町をかすめた。彼らが妹を汚したからである。
Jacob’s sons have come in on the wounded, and they spoil the city, because they had defiled their sister;
28 すなわち羊、牛、ろば及び町にあるものと、野にあるもの、
their flock and their herd, and their donkeys, and that which [is] in the city, and that which [is] in the field, have they taken;
29 並びにすべての貨財を奪い、その子女と妻たちを皆とりこにし、家の中にある物をことごとくかすめた。
and all their wealth, and all their infants, and their wives they have taken captive, and they spoil also all that [is] in the house.
30 そこでヤコブはシメオンとレビとに言った、「あなたがたはわたしをこの地の住民、カナンびととペリジびとに忌みきらわせ、わたしに迷惑をかけた。わたしは、人数が少ないから、彼らが集まってわたしを攻め撃つならば、わたしも家族も滅ぼされるであろう」。
And Jacob says to Simeon and to Levi, “You have troubled me, by causing me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanite, and among the Perizzite: and I [am] few in number, and they have been gathered against me, and have struck me, and I have been destroyed, I and my house.”
31 彼らは言った、「わたしたちの妹を遊女のように彼が扱ってよいのですか」。
And they say, “Does he make our sister as a harlot?”

< 創世記 34 >