< エゼキエル書 46 >

1 主なる神は、こう言われる、内庭にある東向きの門は、働きをする六日の間は閉じ、安息日にはこれを開き、またついたちにはこれを開け。
Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh [the] gate of the courtyard inner which faces east it will be shut [the] six [the] days of work and on [the] day of the sabbath it will be opened and on [the] day of the new moon it will be opened.
2 君たる者は、外から門の廊をとおってはいり、門の柱のかたわらに立て。そのとき祭司たちは、燔祭と酬恩祭とをささげ、彼は門の敷居で、礼拝して出て行くのである。しかし門は夕暮まで閉じてはならない。
And he will go the prince [the] way of [the] porch of the gate from outside and he will stand at [the] doorpost of the gate and they will offer the priests burnt offering his and peace offerings his and he will bow down at [the] threshold of the gate and he will go out and the gate not it will be shut until the evening.
3 国の民は安息日と、ついたちとに、その門の入口で主の前に礼拝をせよ。
And they will bow down [the] people of the land [the] entrance of the gate that on the sabbaths and on the new moons before Yahweh.
4 君たる者が、安息日に主にささげる燔祭は、六頭の無傷の小羊と、一頭の無傷の雄羊とである。
And the burnt offering which he will bring near the prince to Yahweh on [the] day of the sabbath [will be] six lambs unblemished and a ram unblemished.
5 また素祭は雄羊のために麦粉一エパ、小羊のための素祭は、その人のささげうる程度とし、麦粉一エパに油一ヒンを加えよ。
And a grain offering [will be] an ephah for the ram and for the lambs a grain offering [will be] [the] gift of hand his and oil a hin to the ephah.
6 ついたちには無傷の雄牛の子一頭、六頭の小羊および一頭の雄羊をささげよ。これらはすべて無傷のものでなければならない。
And on [the] day of the new moon a young bull a young one of cattle unblemished and six lambs and a ram unblemished they will be.
7 素祭は雄牛のために麦粉一エパ、雄羊のために麦粉一エパ、小羊のためには、その人のささげうる程度のものを供えよ。また麦粉一エパに油一ヒンを加えよ。
And an ephah for the young bull and an ephah for the ram he will provide a grain offering and for the lambs just as it will reach hand his and oil a hin to the ephah.
8 君たる者がはいる時は門の廊の道からはいり、またその道から出よ。
And when comes the prince [the] way of [the] porch of the gate he will come and by way its he will go out.
9 国の民が、祝い日に主の前に出る時、礼拝のため、北の門の道からはいる者は、南の門の道から出て行き、南の門の道からはいる者は、北の門の道から出て行け。そのはいった門の道からは、帰ってはならない。まっすぐに進んで、出て行かなければならない。
And when comes [the] people of the land before Yahweh at the appointed times the [one who] comes [the] way of [the] gate of [the] north to bow down he will go out [the] way of [the] gate of [the] south and the [one who] comes [the] way of [the] gate of [the] south he will go out [the] way of [the] gate north-ward not he will return [the] way of the gate which he came by it for opposite it (he will go out. *Q(K)*)
10 彼らがはいる時、君たる者は、彼らと共にはいり、彼らが出る時、彼も出なければならない。
And the prince [will be] in midst of them when come they he will come and when go out they they will go out.
11 祭日と祝い日には、素祭として、若い雄牛のために麦粉一エパ、雄羊のために麦粉一エパ、小羊のためには、その人のささげうる程度のものを供え、麦粉一エパには油一ヒンを加えよ。
And at the festivals and at the appointed times it will be the grain offering an ephah for the young bull and an ephah for the ram and for the lambs [the] gift of hand his and oil a hin to the ephah.
12 また君たる者が、心からの供え物として、燔祭または酬恩祭を主にささげる時は、彼のために東に面した門を開け。彼は安息日に行うように、その燔祭と酬恩祭を供え、そして退出する。その退出の後、門は閉ざされる。
And if he will provide the prince a freewill offering a burnt offering or peace offerings a freewill offering to Yahweh and someone will open for him the gate which faces east and he will offer burnt offering his and peace offerings his just as he will offer on [the] day of the sabbath and he will go out and someone will shut the gate after has gone out he.
13 彼は日ごとに一歳の無傷の小羊を燔祭として、主にささげなければならない。すなわち朝ごとに、これをささげなければならない。
And a lamb [the] son of year its unblemished you will offer a burnt offering to the day to Yahweh in the morning in the morning you will offer it.
14 彼は朝ごとに、素祭をこれに添えてささげなければならない。すなわち麦粉一エパの六分の一に、これを潤す油一ヒンの三分の一を、素祭として主にささげなければならない。これは常燔祭のおきてである。
And a grain offering you will offer with it in the morning in the morning sixth of ephah and oil third of hin to moisten the fine flour a grain offering to Yahweh statutes of perpetuity continually.
15 すなわち朝ごとに常燔祭として、小羊と素祭と油とをささげなければならない。
(They will offer *Q(K)*) the lamb and the grain offering and the oil in the morning in the morning a burnt offering of continuity.
16 主なる神は、こう言われる、君たる者が、もしその嗣業から、その子のひとりに財産を与える時は、それはその子らの嗣業の所有となる。
Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh if he will give the prince a gift to anyone from sons his [will be] inheritance his it to sons his it will belong [will be] possession their it an inheritance.
17 しかし彼がその奴隷のひとりに、嗣業の一部分を与える時は、それは彼の解放の年まで、その人に属していて、その後は君たる人に帰る。彼の嗣業は、ただその子らにだけ伝わるべきである。
And if he will give a gift from inheritance his to one of servants his and it will belong to him until [the] year of liberty and it will return to the prince surely inheritance his sons his to them it will belong.
18 君たる者はその民の嗣業を取って、その財産を継がせないようにしてはならない。彼はただ、自分の財産のうちから、その子らにその嗣業を、与えなければならない。これはわが民のひとりでも、その財産を失わないためである」。
And not he will take away the prince any of [the] inheritance of the people to oppress them from possession their some of own possession his he will cause to inherit sons his so that that not they will be scattered people my anyone from possession his.
19 こうして彼はわたしを連れて、門のかたわらの入口から、北向きの祭司の聖なる室に、はいらせた。見ると、西の奥の方に一つの場所があった。
And he brought me in the entrance which [was] at [the] side of the gate to the rooms of holiness to the priests which were facing north-ward and there! [was] there a place (in the remotest parts *Q(K)*) west-ward.
20 彼はわたしに言った、「これは祭司たちが愆祭および罪祭のものを煮、素祭のものを焼く所である。これは外庭にそれらを携え出て、聖なるべきことを、民にうつさないためである」。
And he said to me this [is] the place where they will boil there the priests the guilt offering and the sin offering where they will bake the grain offering to not to take [them] out into the courtyard outer to make holy the people.
21 彼はまたわたしを外庭に連れ出し、庭の四すみを通らせた。見よ、庭のこのすみにも庭があり、また庭のかのすみにも庭があった。
And he brought out me into the courtyard outer and he made pass me to [the] four [the] corners of the courtyard and there! a courtyard [was] in [the] corner of the courtyard a courtyard [was] in [the] corner of the courtyard.
22 すなわち庭の四すみに小さい庭があり、長さ四十キュビト、幅三十キュビトで、四つとも同じ大きさである。
[were] in [the] four [the] corners of The courtyard courtyards enclosed [was] forty [cubits] [the] length and [was] thirty [cubits] [the] breadth measurement one [belonged] to [the] four of them set in corners.
23 その四つの小さい庭の内部の四方には、石の壁があり、周囲の壁の下に、物を煮る所が設けてあった。
And a row of stones [was] all around in them around to [the] four of them and boiling places [was] made under the rows of stones all around.
24 彼はわたしに言った、「これらは宮の仕え人たちが、民のささげる犠牲のものを煮る台所である」。
And he said to me these [are] [the] house of those [who] boil where they will boil there [those who] serve the house [the] sacrifice of the people.

< エゼキエル書 46 >